NovelToon NovelToon

Love In Hate

Episode One

*Alarm rings*

Lichen: (grossly examining yang xi hair) Get up, sweetie, you are running late for school.

Yang Xi: No, I am not.

Shen Yi: At 9:39?

Yang xi: (opening her eyes) I am late. I am late for my last day as a freshman leader. (Lashing out of bed to use the restroom quickly).

Shen Yi: You will not die from a little reprimand.

Lichen: Yes, you are already tough with your hair, cry up on your head for help.

Shen Yi: haha, a girl acting like a boy (he sits on the bed).

Yang Xi: You guys are dead for not waking me up on time and mocking me.

Lichen: (moving to the door) You will have to catch me at school first.

Yang Xi: What do you mean?(rushing out of the bathroom with a towel on).

Lichen: (looking at her from head to toe) Yang xi, could you please behave like a girl for a second or a minute?

Yang Xi: Why?

Shen Yi: do you see how you come out of the bathroom with just a towel (looking at her)?

Yang Xi: Why? Is it bad?

Shen Yi: Yes, it is. Babe, you are a girl, and we are men.

Yang Xi: And so?

Lichen: It is pointless to talk to her right now; otherwise, you will be late too.

Shen Yi: (nodding) Yeah, let go and leave her to her thoughts here.

Yang Xi: What!? Are you leaving me here?

Shen Yi: No, we are not. We are sleeping here with you.

Yang xi: Damn you (approaches him and hits his head).

Shen Yi: Ouch, why do you have to hit me so hard? If I lose my brain, will you be responsible for doing all of my work?

Lichen: It is not like you have a brain in that stupid skull of yours.

Yang xi, where is Shen Shi?

Shen Yi: she left already, waiting for you to arrive.

Yang Xi: She dumped me.

Shen Yi: Why not, when she is waiting for her campus king to confess her feelings to shit a slip of tongue (cover his mouth with his hand)?

Yang Xi: Hehehe, dummy. You are in for a dipshit!

Shen Yi: she can do nothing to me. Keep laughing even though you are already late.

Yang Xi: Fuck! I am screwed. (rushed back to the restroom)

Lichen: Tomboy (opens the door and walks out)

Shen Yi: Are you trying to leave me here with her?

Lichen: suit yourself (close the door).

Shen Yi: Wait for me. Do not leave me here with this psychotic girl. (He opens the door.)

Yang xi: I can hear you.

Shen Yi: I am dead. (rushed out and closed the door)

*(University of Excellence)*

Shen Shi: What should I do? What should I say to him? How should I say it? I have loved you for a long time, or I have liked you for a long time, and...and... shit!. (Talking to herself)

Shen Yi: hey.

Shen Shi: (jumping out of fear) Shit, you scared me.

Shen Yi: Are you reciting a poem for your king of campus, hmmm?

Shen Shu: nosy.

Shen Yi: I am nosy now, but when you ask me to help you find out about him, I am not nosy then.

Shen Shi: Yes, and now it is none of your business.

Shen Yi: Okay, we will see what happens next.

Shen Shi: stop being nosy and go to your class.

Shen Yi: I have no class this morning.

Shen Shi: Then leave before I hit you.

Shen Yi: You must respect me and speak to me politely; remember that I am older than you.

Shen Shi: older my foot. Five minutes older does not imply that you are older than me.

Shen Yi: whether you like it or not, I am your senior.

Shen Shi: Whatever. Where are Xi and Chen?

Shen Yi: Chen is at the freshman meeting, while Xi is been late.

Shen Shi: she will never change.

Yang Xi: Are you guys talking about me?

Shen Shi: Shit!! Not again, you scared me.

Yang Xi: "Oh."

Shen Yi: We just left you at your condo; why are you here so quickly?

Yang xi: see what time it is.

Shen Yi: (checking his watch) Whoa, it is already half past twelve. Time is flying by.

Yang xi: (grins) Yeah.

Shen Yi: (glancing at her) Why are you grinning so evilly?

Yang xi: watch me(she whispers in Shen Shi's ear)

Shen Shi: You fool (she moves closer to Shen Yi and hits his head).

Shen Yi: Why do you hit me, Shi?

Shen Shin: Why did you tell Chen and Xi about my plan this morning?

Shen Yi: It was just a slip of the tongue.

Shen Shi: Sleep of tongue, my foot! (She was about to hit him again when she saw Lee Wu walking out of the school with his friend.)

Shen Yi: Oh babe, your prince is here.

Yang Xi: your face is turning red, you are blushing hehehehe. (giggling)

Shen Shi: No, I am not; my face turned red from too much sun (smiled)

Shen Yi: Does the sun also cause you to feel shy?

Shen Shi: whatever, give up being so inquisitive.

Shen Yi: I am not nosy; it is just too obvious, and I believe he noticed but does not care because he sees you as a fangirl. Well, as long as I am more attractive than him, I do not care who you date.

Yang Xi: You are so stupid. How could you say such a stupid thing?

Shen Yi: What did I say wrong? I am just stating the facts.

Shen Shi: you have a foul mouth. (she kicked his leg hard with tears in her eyes)

Shen Yi: Ouch, why do you kick me so hard? Are you trying to make me disabled?

Yang Xi: Do not worry, babe; you know he is stupid and his mouth is full of gibberish.

Shen Shi: If you were not my brother, I would have cut off your tongue.

Shen Yi: You mean older brother? Okay, I am sorry I do not know if you will feel bad about me being more attractive than your prince charming.

Yang Xi: Are you that stupid?

Shen Yi: Okay, you do not need to insult me anymore, sis. I am so sorry for saying that and calling you a fangirl. It is just that...

Yang xi: Quit talking.

Shen Yi: Okay, I am sorry, babe. Are we good now?

Yang Xi: Hey, Lichen! (waves her hands).

(They all look in the direction she is waving and notice lichen coming over.)

Lichen: Why did you not come to the meeting? You know today is the last meeting for the freshman year.

Yang xi: I know, but I am already late, so I do not want to come in like that. I will make it up to them, I promise.

Lichen: How are you going to do that?

Yang xi: Well, since today is our last meeting, I will take them out to celebrate.

Shen Yi: Where?

Yang Xi: Guys, I did not tell you guys before, but now I will. It is.....

Shen Yi: The secret you have been keeping from us!

Yang Xi: Could you please let me land before you end it?

(They all look at him angrily)

Shen Yi: Okay, go on.

Yang Xi: Okay, as I was saying before the ant interrupted.

Shen Yi: Ah, that is not fair.

They all shouted, "Again!"

Shen Yi: She called me an ant.

Shen Shi: So what! Are you not an ant who never stops talking?

Shen Yi: Okay, I am sorry, you can continue.

Yang xi: I own a club that I have been managing for two years, as well as a small business.

Lichen: And what type of business do you manage?

Yang xi: Mechanic shops.

Shen Yi: Whoa! That is why they ask you what you intend to do in the future, and you write that you are already working on it.

Shen Shi: Babe, you are awesome. When you tell the professor that you are working on it, we assume you are unsure of what to do.

Yang Xi: As you all know, I worked part-time in high school. But I did not spend any of my salary; instead, I saved it until my third year of university, and as you are all aware, I have stopped working part-time for nearly six months. Which means I do not use my parents' money to start my business.

Shen Yi: Well, but you are also consuming their money for food and study.

Yang Xi: (smacking his head) Of course they are accountable; after all, they are my parents.

Shen Shin: What business have you started with your money, or our parent's money, lazy bone? Stupid, are you feeding yourself and sending yourself to school?

Shen Yi: Look who is talking; yeah, I do not have a business yet, but I do have savings that I can use to launch any venture I choose.

Shen Shi: Savings?

Shen Yi: Yes, savings. I have enough money to start my business, and I plan to buy shares in my mother's company...shit. I spit it out. (He covered his mouth with his hand)

Shen Shi: What!? What did you just say about your plans?

Shen Yi: What do you hear?

Shen Shi: Thank goodness I did not tell you about my business; you will want to be my partner or buy shares in my boutique business.

Lichen: You run a boutique as well, right?

Shen Yi: Whoa, these women sure know how to keep things under wraps.

Lichen: (He hits Shen Yi's head) What about you? Are you not the same?

Yang Xi: I intended to tell you last year, but due to the incident involving your mother, I was unable to.

Episode Two

Lichen: Well, I also run my own business.

Yang Xi: What is kind of business? (smiling)

Lichen: it is both a coffee shop and a restaurant.

Shen Yi: Wow, Chen, can I come to your restaurant?

Lichen: Sure, why not? But...

Shen Yi: But what?

Lichen: No more secrets, okay (facing Yang Xi).

Yang Xi: Okay, no more secrets.

Lichen: You two. (facing Shen Yi and Shi)

Shen Yi: Okay (nod).

Shen Shi: Sure, bro.

Yang Xi: Meet you all tonight; I will send you the address.

Lichen: What about the freshmen?

Yang Xi: I already sent it to the group chat.

Lichen: Okay. No getting drunk.

Yang Xi: Yeah, a little tipsy does not mean drunk (evil smile).

Lichen: that is what they call being drunk. (looks at her)

Yang Xi: Fine. I will try not to get us drunk.

Shen Yi: Why not get drunk when the drinks are free?

Shen Shi: (hit his head) Stupid, we are driving.

Shen Yi: Ouch, do you want to make me dumb?

Shen Shi: No, I am trying to make you smart so you can stop being stupid.

Yang Xi: Okay, you two should stop fighting. Just because I am their boss does not mean I will not pay them for the drinks I purchased from them; they must account for me.

Shen Yi: Alright.

Yang Xi: Wait a minute, when did I say you were going with us? (turning to face Shen Yi)

Shen Yi: Why not? Am I not your babe, darling...

Yang Xi: Umm... let me think about it. No, you are not my babe, but rather my baby.

Shen Yi: Let me give you a kiss (attempting to kiss Xi).

Yang Xi: Okay, yi, you are leaving, and we are not going anywhere without you. Ahh, you are such a baby.

Shen Shi: Guys, I need to go now.

Yang Xi: Where are you heading?

Shen Shi: I need to go to the library and study with my friends.

Shen Yi: What about the girl I asked you about? I would like to find out if she has a boyfriend and ask her for her phone number.

Shen Shi: I do not think you two can be a thing.

Shen Yi: Why not?

Shen Shi: She will travel to the United States after the exam.

Shen Yi: Why?

Shen Shi: I am not sure that is what she said to us.

Shen Yi: I do not care; I still want her. (looking enraged)

Shen Shi: I will keep asking her for you, do not worry.

Shen Yi: Okay (nods).

Shen Shi: Okay, I need to leave now, bye bye (waving her hands).

Yang Xi: See you all at seven (shouting)

Shen Shi: Okay, bye.

Yang Xi: Let us go back to class.

We have a class this afternoon.

(They all attended classes.)

In a race field*

(Lee Liam is Lee Wu's older brother. He is on the field with his friends Kris Chan and Jeff Kin, working on a racing car.

Kris: Boss, we have been working on this bike since morning, and I am already tired.

Jeff: And I am starving, like a zombie about to suck blood.

Lee Liam: Come suck on my blood, then.

Jeff: (moving closer to Liam, who is walking like a zombie) Ahh ahh ahh...

Lee Liam: (picks up a hammer) Try sucking on me.

Jeff: (turning back to Kris) I do not want to suck on a devil, I do not want to be evil; I would rather suck on Kris' blood.

Kris: Or you are afraid of being hit with a hammer.

Jeff: Who would not be scared? He is a devil himself, what if he hits me with that?

Kris: No, he won't.

Lee Liam: Yes, I will. (Looking at the hammer in his hand, smiling evilly)

Kris: (glancing at him) He is evil.

Jeff: Your lovely brother is coming. (pointing to the direction)

Lee Wu: Hello brother Liam, brother Kris, brother Jeff.

Lee Liam: (stopping what he is doing) What is wrong, why are you here?

Lee Wu: I did not see you this morning before leaving for school, which is why I am here now.

Lee Liam: I thought I would pick you up from school today, so I came here early to finish up my work before coming to see you, birthday boy.

Lee Wu: I thought you forgot about my birthday.

Lee Liam: Why would I forget?

Kris: Why would he forget his beloved brother's birthday?

Hyeon: He is been so moody today cause he thinks you forgot his birthday.

Jeff: Why would your father forget about his lovely son's birthday?

Lee Liam: Okay, I am sorry for not greeting you this morning, but I promise to make it up to you.

Jeff: How?

Lee Liam: I am taking you out today, and you can invite whomever you want.

Lee Wu: Thank you, Brother.

Jeff: What time is it?

Lee Liam: Six, you all should be here. I will be waiting for you.

Jeff: sorry, he meant to say we will be waiting for you here.

Lee Wu: Okay, brother Liam, see you at six.

Lee Liam: Okay (nods).

Lee Wu: bye bye brother Liam.

(They all said goodbye to him, and he left.)

*At Seven p.m.*

(Shen Yi, Shen Shi, lichen, and the freshman students arrived at the club, all looking surprised.)

Shen Yi: Whoa, whoa! This club is for Yang Xi. I just can not believe it.

Shen Shi: This club is well-known on social media. It offers several VIP rooms, including one specifically for wealthy people. Someone even posted a picture of the place online. If you are feeling peckish, you can order whatever food and drink you like.

(The students are all taken aback by the topics of conversation among themselves.)

Jang Soo: Do you mean the club is owned by Senior Yang Xi?

Shen Yi: Whoops, we forgot there were freshman students here. Where is Yang Xi? (looking around).

Yang Xi: Here I am. (Coming from one of the rooms).

Shen Yi: what room is that?

Yang xi: there is no room there it is just a way to my office.

Shen Shi: Do you have an office in here?

Yang Xi: Yes, my office and my manager's office.

Lichen: Do you mean you only use your savings here?

Yang Xi: No, not just that. When I first started my mechanic shop three years ago, before starting this club, I made a lot of money and got a loan from a bank, which was all paid off last year, which is why I was able to stop working as a part-time worker six months ago.

Shen Shi: Whoa, babe, you are so tough.

Yang Xi: I am just trying my best. None of my parents should be aware of this.

Shen Yi: Sure thing.

Shen Shi: I gave you my word.

Lichen: I promise.

Yang Xi: Juniors, you are not left out.

(They all said "promise")

Yang Xi: Please proceed to the room I have reserved for you.

Shen Yi: Have you reserved a room for us?

Yang xi: Why not? This is the first time I have invited you here; some of you have been here before, but this is my treat.

(They all stand up and follow her into the ViP room.)

Lichen: I think this is too much of a treat, babe. This room is too much for us.

We might be a wealthy child, but that does not mean you should waste your money on us.

Yang xi: Do not worry, you are all my guests and the most important people in my life, so I do not mind spending money on you, and I have always reserved this for myself, not for my customers.

Lichen: Okay, if you say so.

Yang xi: laid-back and chill. (She took out her phone, dialed the manager's number, hung up before he could answer, and then texted him to send one of the waiters to serve them.)

Shen Yi: Okay, let us order. (He stretches his hand to press the blue button beside the sofa to order.)

Yang Xi: You do not need to press that button; one of the employees will come and serve us.

Lichen: What button are these? (pointing to the blue and red buttons beside the couch)

(One of the waiters walks in)

Jin Sin: Hello, Boss.

Yang Xi: Hi, Sin. These are my friends, and you can take their orders.

Shin Yi: Hello, handsome Please serve our orders and take good care of us.

Jin Sin: Sure, sir, tick this. (give him the menu so they can select what they want to order)

Shen Shi: Oh, we are ticking...

Jin Sin: Yes, Ma'am.

(The manager rushes in)

Manager Kim: Boss, one of our customers has arrived and asked to meet with you.

Yang Xi: Why is that?

Manager Kim: It is for the same reason, boss: they want to get to know you and do business.

Yang xi: I already told them I do not need a partner or a wine shipper. I can ship through my father's company. Let go. (She stands up.)

Manager Kim: Okay, boss. (He walks out of the room).

Shen Yi: Be careful, xi.

Lichen: Make sure you call me if there is a problem.

Yang xi: Do not worry, it is nothing, and it is not the first time. (She faces Jim Sin) Give them whatever they want.

Jin Sin: Okay, boss.

Episode Three

(She walks out of the room and follows manager Kim. Along the way, she meets Lee Liam, and Kris who are coming down the stairs beside them. His face appears cold as he looks at her, but she is shy and looks away from him.

Yang Xi: Who are those guys? (looking back at them)

Manager Kim: They are one of the customers here.

Yang Xi: I know I am just asking if they are regulars or new here.

Manage Kim: They are not regulars here; this is only their second visit.

Yang Xi: Okay. You can lead the way, sir.

Manager Kim: Okay, ma'am.

Yang Xi: I have told you several times already. stop the ma'am thing and call me xi.

Manager Kim: All right, xi. Pointing toward the room, we are here (opposite where they are standing)

Yang Xi: (opening the door and entering) Good morning, sir.

(The men chatting in the chair turn to her to see who is greeting them. To their surprise, Yang Xi)

Mr. Yang: Xi, what are you doing here? How do you know I am here?

Yang Xi: I... I... (She is shocked and does not know what to say)

Manager Kim: Sir, do you know my boss already?

Yang Xi: Of course, she is my daughter...wait, what did you say she is? Your boss?

Manager Kim: My boss, sir.

(Mr Yang, Mr Li, and Mr Shen are all surprised.)

Mr Yang: What is going on here, Xi?

Mr Li: Tell us, Xi, why you are here and how you became the boss.

Mr Shen: Explain it to us, Xi.

Yang Xi: Manager Kim, you can leave. Dad, uncles I can explain.

Manager Kim: Okay. (He left).

Mr Li: Then explain it. Your father is furious.

Yang xi: May I sit beside you?

Mr Yang: Do not dare to sit, knee down.

Yang Xi: Pa, it is unfair. (Looking at her uncles, besides her father)

Mr. Li: Do not uncle me knee down, as your father said.

Mr. Shen: Do not look at me. I am proud of you, but you should apologize to your father for not telling him about this.

Yang Xi: okay...(she kneels, takes out her phone, shares her location, and sends a message to her friends to come over and leave their juniors there).

Mr Yang: Why are you playing with your phone when I ask you to kneel, uhh?

Yang Xi: I am not playing with it.

Mr Yang: Put it down (pointing to the table).

Mr li: Are your friends here with you?

Mr Yang: Of course they will be here. They are always together...(Before he could finish his word, the door opened, and they all barged into the room, seeing Yang Xi kneeling and rushing to her.)

Lichen, are you hurt?

Shen Shi: Why are you kneeling?

Shen Yi: who dared to ask you to kneel?

Mr. Yang: I did.

(They are all shocked when they look up and see their father looking at them. (And they all kneel beside her.)

Mr Shen: Do you all know that Xi is the boss here?

Lichen: Yes, we did. And we also have our business that we are running, Dad.

Mr. Li: spill it out!!

Mr Yang: spill it out and explain the reason, because as far as I know, this place has been around for two years.

Yang Xi: Yes, Pa. You are correct.

Mr Yang: Now explain everything without any lies attached.

Yang Xi: Okay, Pa. Do you remember when I was in high school and you said I was useless because of my poor grades?

Mr Yang: Yes, I remember, and I have already apologized.

Yang Xi: Later, I noticed you in your office with a woman and a baby. So I decided to work a part-time job, which I stopped six months ago after repaying my loan.

Mr Yang: What!? A loan?

Yang Xi: Yes, a loan, Dad. So, if you send me and my mother out of the house, we will not be homeless. I used all of the money I made without spending a dime to start a mechanic shop three years ago, which was a success for me, and then I combined the money I made there with a bank loan to start the club after a year, which was two years ago, and I finished paying the money this year, so I stopped working part-time. A month later, I plan to launch a small suit and wedding gown company.

Mr Yang: I am sorry, Xi, for saying that to you years ago, but you have proven to me that you are not useless, my Princess. And the woman you saw with me is your aunt, your mother's junior sister. Your mother asked me to help her, which is why you saw me with her on that day. If you do not believe me, ask your mother about it.

Yang Xi: Okay, Dad.

Mr Li: And you three, we are listening.

Lichen: Dad, I am sorry I kept it from you. I run a coffee shop and a restaurant, and...

Mr. Li: Whoa, look at these children. Tell me, and what is it?

Lichen: five percent of your company's shares.

Mr Li: What!? How come I was not aware of this?

Lichen: Because I asked Mr. Jun to keep it a secret until your sixty-fifth birthday, Dad.

Mr. Li: (sigh) These kids

Shen Yi: Dad, you can hit me any way you want, but please do not tell Mom or you will be held responsible for her heart attack...

Mr. Shen: Stop being dramatic and threatening me, or I will hit you right here.

Shen Yi: with your shoes, you will take off your shoes and start chasing me in here, big papa.

Shen Shi: Talk and stop teasing Dad, or I will smack your useless brain.

Shen Yi: OK, little devil. Dad, I purchased stock in mom's company.

Mr Shen: How many percent?

Shen Yi: Forty percent, Dad.

Mr Shen: What!? forty percent are you trying to murder your mother?

Shen Yi: No, I just want her to know that I am better than this little devil here, and she should stop hitting me because I am older than her. They are playing girls for girls' sake.

Mr Shen: So you are taking revenge on your mother.

Shen Shi: Fool, whether you like it or not, I am Mom's favorite. (She smacks his head.)

Shen Yi: That hurts, why do you do that?

Shen Shi: for being so foolish.

Shen Yi: Do not try to hide yours; speak up too.

Shen Shi: Stupid. I also manage a men's boutique called Shi Beauty Mall.

Shen Yi: You are the owner!? I spent all of my money shopping at the mall. If I had known, I would have come there to park clothes for myself.

Shen Shi: As what?

Shen Yi: As your older brother. All of the clothes are too expensive, and you are even scamming the restaurant. It is not like you hired Chef Min or Chef Benadryl. (Smirk)

Shen Shi: True, I do not have Chef Min, but I do have Chef Benadryl working for me.

Shen Yi: What do you have, Chef Benadryl? Oh, my God.

Lichen: Chef Min is working for me.

Shen Shi: What?! So you are the mighty one who stole him from me. (pouting)

Lichen: He worked for me before you called.

Mr Chen: Yang, Li, let them go back; we will sort it out when we get home.

Mr. Yang: Okay, you can all leave.

(Yang Xi stands up from where she is kneeling and rushes to her father. She hugged and kissed his cheek before rushing out, and they all followed her out, returning to the room to enjoy themselves.

*Three months later*

*(Alarm ringing)*

Yang Xi: (phone rings) Hello.

Dave: Hello, boss. Please wake up.

Yang Xi: (checking her phone's ID) Oh, it is Dave; why are you calling me so early in the morning?

Dave: Boss, there is a problem.

Yang Xi: What do you mean, Dave? What problem? (She rubs her face and sits on the bed.)

Dave: Someone got into an accident with your van.

Yang Xi: How, who? My van is still in the garage being repaired.

Dave: That is true, boss, but we worked late last night, and a guy and a girl came to the garage and stole the van.

Yang Xi: What! I am on my way there right now. (She hung up the phone, rushed into the bathroom, washed her face, changed her clothes, and dashed down the stairs.)

Mrs Yang: Why are you rushing?

Yang Xi: Mom, I need to leave (she rushed out of the house).

Mr Yang: Wait, Xi, where are you going?

Yang Xi: I will text you, Dad. (she starts her bike and drives out of the compound).

*At the garage*

Dave: Officer. My boss will be here shortly.

Officer Byron: Okay, I will wait then. (he heard an engine sound coming towards them)

Dave: She is coming. (Looking in the direction)

Officer Byron: She!? Are you referring to your boss?

Dave: Yes, sir.

(She arrived at her destination. She parked her bike and rushed to where Dave and Officer Byron were standing.

Yang xi: Dave, what happened?

Dave: Boss, your van was robbed last night, and they got into an accident with it.

Yang Xi: An accident!?

Officer Byron: Yes, an accident, madam.

Yang xi: (looking at the officer) I got carried away, morning sir.

Officer Byron: Good morning, miss.

Yang xi: There is nothing good about this morning.

Officer Byron: Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Officer Byron, and I am in charge of this case. (he stretches his hand out from his pocket to shake Yang Xi)

Yang Xi: (shaking him) Hi, my name is Yang Xi. How may I help you, officer?

Officer Byron: as I said Miss Yang I am in charge of this case and I'm here for any information I might get from you.

Yang Xi: Okay, sure. Feel free. (She turns to face Dave.) Do you report what happened here to the police regarding the stolen vehicle?

Dave: Yes, boss, I did as soon as the robbers left. One of the robbers died this morning, which is why the officer is here.

Yang Xi, what did you just say happened? You mean one of the robbers dies.

Dave: Let me explain it to you: they are two, but the girl kidnapped the guy and forced him to drive the van while pointing a gun at his head.

Officer Byron: Maybe they got into an accident because the driver was shocked that a gun was pointed at his head.

Yang Xi: No, the van is still under repair.

Dave: Yes, that is true, officer.

Officer Byron: Oh, that is what happened. (Checking the security camera outside the garage).

Yang Xi: Do you want to check our security cameras?

Officer Byron: (smile) That will do. Lead the way.

Yang Xi: Sure.

(She led the way into the security room. They check the security footage.)

Officer Byron: I will need this footage as evidence. And you will have to follow me to the location of the accident to claim the owner of the van.

Yang Xi: Okay, sure.

(She hands him the U.S.B. footage and follows him out.)

Yang Xi: Dave, wait here until the others arrive. Officer Byron, we have no problem, right? We can continue working here today.

Officer Byron: The case is clear, and you have nothing to be concerned about.

Yang xi: I will be back soon, so you can start working on the customer's car.

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