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Whispers Of The Cursed (JiKook/TaeJin/NamSeok)


Author Kitty
Author Kitty
Hello friends, welcome to this new story. I hope you will enjoy this second story as well and give it lots of love.
Author Kitty
Author Kitty
So, let's embark on this new journey of the story.
Whispers Of The Cursed~ 🖋️
"KIM MANSION," where the wealthiest family in South Korea resides. In this grand mansion, there is family and fortune, but no place for God, Ritual, and among relatives, there is no sense of belonging.
Kim Namjoon and Kim Seo are twin siblings, and Kim Jungkook is their younger brother.
After the passing of Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seo, and Kim Jungkook became the directors of KIM Corporation.
All three siblings are equal directors of the company. Together, they manage the company collaboratively.
Alpha Namjoon is married to Omega Min Hoseok from the Min family, who comes from a political background.
Kim Seo is Omega married to Min Hoseok's elder brother, Alpha Min Yoongi.
Alpha Kim Jungkook is an eligible bachelor.
Min Jin is the younger brother of Hoseok and Yoongi. He is still an unmarried Omega.
It has been 8 years since Mr. and Mrs. Kim passed away. Today is their death anniversary, but all three siblings are busy with their own work and preparing for this evening's business party, where a deal with a foreign multinational company is set to take place.
The preparations for the party were in full swing, and the three siblings didn't let anything be lacking. From expensive liquor to delicious food and beautiful decorations, they ensured everything was perfect.
As Seo was giving instructions to all the maids for the evening party, she received a call from her Grandma.
Upon seeing her grandmother's call, Seo becomes irritate and doesn't answer, but after repeated calls, she picks up.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
📱Listen, Grandma, whatever you have to say, say it quickly. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense right now. I'm very busy.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
📱 Seo, I know you all are very busy, but today is your parents' death anniversary. Today, you should perform rituals and offerings in their name.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
📱 Grandma, are you calling me for these useless things? Do you still believe in all this?
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
📱 This isn't useless, Seo. All of this is for your parents.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
📱 Okay, Grandma, if I'm ready to perform these rituals, but do you think Namjoon and Jungkook will be willing to do this? They wouldn't even want to hear about it.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
📱 Yes, I know, that's why I called you. Maybe you can convince them.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
📱 Before something unpleasant happens, all of you should talk to each other.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
📱 Alright Grandma.
After talking to Grandma, Seo goes to meet Namjoon at his study room.
Namjoon and Jungkook were both in the study room, discussing the evening party.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
You're here too?
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Yeah, I came home early from the office today to help out, hyung.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
Hmm... Namjoon, Grandma called. She said today is Mom and Dad's death anniversary and we should hold an offering ceremony for them.
Namjoon, looking at Seo, starts to mock her.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
When did you start believing in all this? These things only increase superstition, not build such a big empire.
Hearing Namjoon's response, Seo sighs as well and says nothing further.
Evenings Grand Party
Everyone was present at the evening party, and the combined efforts of the Kim and Min families made the event even more spectacular.
While everything seemed perfect, an ominous presence began to be felt in a corner of the Kim Mansion.
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
*Wiping the blood from her private parts, she whispered, trembling with fear* What is happening to me? I'm scared.
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
I should call the Alpha Namjoon... Ahhh... It hurts so much... What if something happens to my unborn baby... Ahhh... (Crying in pain)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Aaahhh... (screaming in pain)
Author Kitty
Author Kitty
I Hope you all like this Story.
Author Kitty
Author Kitty
Thank You So Much 🙏


The evening's grand party went off splendidly, and all the family members were in the living room having drinks: Namjoon, Seo and his husband Yoongi, and Jungkook and Jin. After a while Seeing Jin heading towards the bar counter to get another drink, Jungkook starts following him.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
(Sitting next to Jin, drinking) You know our families want us to get married.
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
(Shocked) What? Marriage with you? What nonsense.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Hmm... Your brothers were the ones saying that. (Approaching Jin closely)
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
Have you had too much to drink?? (Stepping back)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
(Touching while Jin's lips) Nope! Well, marrying you isn't a bad deal, except I can't turn my room into a pink. (smirkingly saying)
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
Huh! Shut u fuk#@.. Stay away from me. I have no interest in a toxic alpha like you. I'm perfectly fine being single and a virgin omega.
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Suddenly, they hear Hoseok screaming from the upper floor, and everyone rushes towards the room upstairs.
As everyone reaches the room, they look around for Hoseok. Namjoon then goes to the bathroom and his eyes widen in shock.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Hoseok was lying unconscious on the floor. Namjoon immediately picks him up and lays him on the bed. Meanwhile, Yoongi goes to call the hospital to send an ambulance, and Jin and Seo take care of Hoseok.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
The ambulance is about to arrive. Namjoon and Jin will go with Hoseok. I'm coming with Jungkook. Seo, you ensure thorough cleaning here, and this matter should not go outside.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
Hmm.. Okay Don't worry you go.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
(Nodded) Hmm..
As they were all taking Hoseok to the hospital, Aunt Min arrives with Grandma.
Seeing Hoseok in such a condition, Aunt Min and Grandma become very anxious and run to be by their side.
Aunt Min
Aunt Min
What happened to Hoseok?
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
(Comforting Grandma and Aunt Min) We suddenly heard screams from the room. We rushed there and found Hyung unconscious on the floor.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
What?? No, no, no, this can't be happening.(scared in trembling)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Grandma, let's talk later. The ambulance is about to arrive, and we need to take Hoseok to the hospital. If you have any compassion, come to the hospital, or else, let it be.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Namjoon, don't do that. You don't need to take him to the hospital; you need to take him to the temple. Otherwise, he won't be okay.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
What nonsense are you talking, Grandma? My brother needs medical treatment, not some priest's rituals.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Grandma!! please leave from here.(Angrily Saying)
Aunt Min
Aunt Min
What's this way of talking to Grandma? She's speaking for the well-being of your omega and the child she's carrying. If we don't take them to the temple, they won't see the light of tomorrow. They are cursed.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Aunt Min
Aunt Min
It's not nonsense, it's the truth. Hoseok called me and told me about the things happening to him. When I asked at the temple, I found out that he and your unborn child have been cursed by ancestors.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Aunt Min seemed worried talking to you, so I tried to talk to Seo.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
So why didn't you tell me about this?
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
If I had told you, would you have believed it?"believed it?
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
So what do we do now?
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Let's take him to the hospital; this temple curse is all nonsense. It's a waste of time and money.
Just then, the ambulance arrives, and Namjoon and Jin take Hoseok to the hospital.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
(Grandma holding Jungkook's hand) Jungkook, please listen to me once. Not for me, but for Hoseok and the little one on the way, please agree.
Grand Mother Kim Soo
Grand Mother Kim Soo
(Folding her hands in front of Yoongi) Son-in-law, please listen to me once for the sake of your brother. (She says while crying)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
(Yoongi also starts pondering, and then, holding Grandma's hand, he says) Okay, Grandma, as you say, it will be done. Where do we need to go?
Upon hearing Yoongi's words, Jungkook and Seo are surprised.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
What are you saying? Namjoon hyung will never agree to this.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
I am his brother; I have the right to look after him. Come on, quickly get into the car. We'll leave now. Seo, you stay at home; we'll leave.
Then they all leave in a car driven by Jungkook, speeding to catch up with the ambulance.
Just then, they spot the ambulance, and Yoongi gets out of the car and threatens the driver with a gun, making him move aside, and then he sits next to him, warning him.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Follow that car to wherever it's going. Keep close behind.
Yes.. Sir.. (Trembling in fear)
Watching all this, Namjoon fills with anger and starts shouting.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Ignoring Namjoon's words, Yoongi instructs the driver to follow the car. Jungkook speeds up, and they reach a nearby temple in a short time.


Hoseok is quickly taken inside the temple.
He is cleaned up, changed into fresh clothes, and then taken to the prayer area.
Everyone is asked to stay outside because they had consumed alcohol. Only Grandma and Aunt Min are allowed to go inside.
Outside, an angry Namjoon paces back and forth.
Yoongi approaches him to talk.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
What you did was absolutely wrong. (Angrily saying)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
I'll do whatever I think is right for my brother. I don't need your approval for that.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Whatever condition Hoseok is in today, it's because of you. If you had trusted him and listened to him even once, we wouldn't be facing this situation now.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Hyung, please, can you both stop fighting? We need to focus on how Hoseok hyung will get better.
At that moment, a priest from the temple comes out and invites them to sit in the courtyard. Grandma and Aunt Min are also seated there with them.
Right now, they are out of danger, and the baby growing in their womb is healthy. But the curse that has befallen them cannot be cured by us.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
I told you, treatment won't happen here. He needs to be in the hospital. All this is just a pretense.
When did I say that he can't be treated? I said he won't be treated here. There's a shaman in a small village nestled in the western mountains who can treat him. (Calmly said)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Alright, then we'll leave for the Western Mountains by tomorrow morning's flight.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
I haven't agreed yet.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
No one is asking you.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
What the fu*
*Cough Cough..*
There, you can go halfway by car, but the rest of the way you'll have to walk, and there's no signal for miles. Also, there won't be any amenities as per your standards.
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
No way...
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
In 2024, are there any such places in South Korea as well?
Yes, there is. It's called Daedunsan, a village located in a very remote area.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
The families associated with them will have to go there, such as their husband, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and siblings.
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
If we all go to such a remote area, when will we be able to return, and what about our security?
Don't worry about that, arrangements for your security will be made there. You just focus on preparing to leave.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
When do we need to leave?
Tomorrow morning.
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
And how far is this place? I can't walk any further. (said in a weary voice)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
*Grabbing Jin's shirt* If you want, I can carry you in my strong arms. (Smirkingly saying)
Min Jin (Omega)
Min Jin (Omega)
(Rolling her eyes with attitude) No thank you, I don't need your help.
We're almost there.
Kim Seo (Omega)
Kim Seo (Omega)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Hmm.. (Nodded)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Kim Namjoon (Alpha)
Are Okay Honey.(Holding Hoseok's hand)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
Kim Hoseok (Omega)
(Nodded) Just feeling a bit tired.
We've finally arrived; you can rest there.
After walking for a while, everyone reached the village. There was no road to the village; they had to walk all the way. Everyone was very tired.
Everyone arrived at a small house, which belonged to a shaman.
The old priest leads everyone inside, and the villagers are astonished to see such wealthy people. Seeing their attire and belongings, along with two or three servants accompanying them, the villagers begin to talk amongst themselves.
Then, an elderly woman arrives there.
The old woman is surprised to see all those wealthy people and nervously approaches them.
Then the priest explains to the old woman about himself and everyone else and asks for her assistance.
The elderly woman, being very kind-hearted, welcomes them warmly.
Grandma Park Soo
Grandma Park Soo
My daughter will definitely assist all of you. I hope you won't leave here empty-handed. Please, make yourselves comfortable inside. My daughter will be here shortly.
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Min Yoongi (Alpha)
Okay Grandmother.
Grandma Park Soo
Grandma Park Soo
Come inside, all of you.
The people accustomed to living in lavish homes suddenly felt a bit awkward in such a small house, but everyone was mentally prepared to adjust for Hoseok's sake.
Jungkook was gazing at the view outside from the balcony of the house.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
His gaze falls upon a beautiful lake, and he was enjoying the sight...
Then he notices someone in the water.
Upon closer inspection, Jungkook's eyes fixate on the beautiful omega.
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Kim Jungkook (Alpha)
Jungkook's heart starts to beat rapidly, unable to contain himself in front of her ethrealbeauty.

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