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The Billionaire's Unauthentic Daughter


"Miss James." My Bio cluster/Genetics professor, Mrs. Brown said calmly in surprise. I looked at her with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry, professor." I said, clutching the strap of my bag on my shoulder nervously as I became aware of several eyes on me.

She gave me a look through her thick red rimmed glasses, pushing them further up her nose. "Do you realize that you are almost twenty five minutes late to the class?"

"I know, but someone-"

"I don't want excuses. You must not be late to class. Either be on time or don't come at all."

I dropped my gaze from her to the floor. Mrs. Brown was a bit hot headed lady. She was kind and good but she could be scary if she wanted to. And no one dared to be late to her class. But I was. It just so happened that a girl accidentally spilled her drink all over me before class and I had gone to clean up. And I didn't even hear the bell signaling that Mrs. Brown's class had started.

"If you were a mere five minutes late, it would have been okay, Ms. James but do you realize that you are twenty five minutes late? Twenty five is a lot."

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered, a result of being the center of attention of so many people.

"Well I'm sorry too for I'll have to take one point from your academic performance."

"No!" I burst out. "I mean, Mrs. Brown please no, don't do this. It won't happen again. Please."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't, Ms. James. Do you realize how bad you performed in the last test?" She asked.

I remained silent. I had done pretty bad   on that test. The concepts weren't easy and I rarely had time to study because of my part-time job.

"Do you even remember what is Centimorgan, Aneuploidy, Monosomy and Trisomy? I'm pretty sure you learned it in your AP Biology class in your high school."

I looked at her with a sheepish smile plastered on my face. "Uh, Centimorgan is a...genetic disorder in which a person has four-no, um three copies of a chromosome instead of two," I said unsurely, looking at her hopefully.

"That is Trisomy. Not Centimorgan."

"Oh, um...sorry." I said quickly. Her stare intimidated me and I looked down again at the suddenly interesting patterns on the tiles, hoping she would disappear into thin air.

"You don't know what that is? Two points will be taken away." She said calmly. "I don't want you in my class today."

I didn't budge. "Please."

"No," she almost raised her voice. I sighed quietly. I had no wish to further embarrass myself.

I left before she told me to one more time. I spent the rest of the time in the library studying.

For the next class, I made sure I was early. The professor was not there yet when I entered the class. I walked up to my seat which was at a far corner, away from the lecturer's sight.

There were a lot of students in the class. They were all chatting with their friends. I looked away from their happy faces and took out my book. I was not exactly smart but I got fairly good marks in all the subjects except for Bio cluster/Genetics.

I opened my book and stared at the pages. I was not reading but I didn't want to look at the people around me who were with their friends.

I had a best friend, Olivia who worked at a café with me. She was like family to me. And then there was Mrs. Odin. She was a kind lady who owned the café I worked at. She treated me like her own daughter and I really loved her. She lost her daughter in a car accident a few years ago. It was something horrible that she recounted to me when I started working at her café a little less than a year ago. She was understanding and I was sure she wouldn't be mad at me for being late today. I considered Olivia and Mrs. Odin my family.

Soon enough the professor entered the class. I paid attention to what she was teaching and took notes.

I watched as she scolded a guy in the class. He talked rudely to her. I hated my classmates. They were all filthy rich unlike me. But that's not why I hated them. It was the way they talked to the others, the way they behaved that angered me. Most of the people didn't talk with me because my status was not as high as their and I was not rich. But it's not like I was poor and starving. Mrs. Odin paid me well. Some of the people were nice enough to be my friends but I could see that they behaved friendly with me because they pitied me. And I didn't want their sympathy, I wanted real friends. I wasn't good at reading people so I couldn't be sure. Maybe my inferiority complex was to be blamed.

The teacher resumed her teaching and after an hour, the class was over.

I made my way out of the class and that was when someone shoved me away from their path. The books in my hand fell down and I turned around to glare at the person who pushed me.

Ashley Johnson walked past me. She didn't notice my glare.

"Can't you walk properly?" I spit out. She turned around.

"You were in my way," She sneered at me. "And oh my God! Did you just touch me?!" She made a horrified face at me.

"I don't touch shitty things. I'm pretty sure you pushed me." I was not like them, but that didn't mean I'll keep my mouth shut when such things happened to me.

"What did you call me?" She took a step closer and grasped my arm. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into my skin.

"You are a piece of crap. Get your claws off of me." I said and wriggled my hand out of her tight grasp.

"Shut up, bitch!" She released my hand and glared at me. "You deserve what you got."

"What do you mean?"

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"I said you deserved what you got. Your parents are dead, you work at a café. I bet my purse costs more than your last paycheck. So keep a distance from me, you little bitch."

I didn't understand what her problem was. She never acted this way with others, even the people who were close to my level in terms of wealth. She was always sweet to everyone else but me. It was like she intentionally wanted to rile me up.

That was enough to crush my self control. My hands balled up into a fist and before I knew, my hand was deposited on her artificially pink and soft cheek. She stumbled back and her minions caught her.

"Don't you dare say anything about my life. You are no one to comment on it." I snapped at her as I saw her struggle to get up without flashing anything. I dashed out of the class without waiting for her reply.

I didn't care what anyone said about me. But things like that hurt. I lost my parents when I was thirteen and then I was adopted by my uncle and aunt. They were really sweet to me and raised me well. But I knew that I was a burden to them. They were poor but they never made me feel like I was short of anything. So once I turned eighteen, I rented a small room for myself a bit far away from them and got a job as a waitress at a café. That was where I met Olivia and Mrs. Odin. That was almost an year and ten months ago when I was a freshman in college and had just recently turned eighteen. My uncle and aunt moved back to countryside house.

And how could Ashley talk to me like that? What did I ever do to her? She didn't know how it felt to be without one's parents and I hoped she wouldn't have to experience that. It was the most painful thing for me, losing my parents. But I wouldn't let her get to me. I was strong, I knew I was.

Once I was done with the classes, I reached the café at around 4:16 in the afternoon. I saw Olivia behind the counter, taking a customer's order. I opened the door of the cafe, hearing the bell chime above it and walked towards her.

"Hey, took you quite some time," Olivia said, smiling at me as I came and stood next to her.

"Not everyone has that gorgeous car of yours. Some of peasants have to walk or take the bus," I replied.

She chuckled and shook her head. "You've forgotten the part where I've basically stolen it from my parents."

"And what luck. They don't report it."

"Parting gift for disowning me, I suppose." She cleared her throat. "Anyways I'll do the cleaning today. You do the registers. Don't make any mistakes."

I nodded at her and got to work. There weren't many customers. By the end of the day, I was done with the records and even got some time to study.

That was the good part of having this​ part time job, I got loads of free time even when I was at work. And also I was paid quite well. But the timings were so long. I worked at the café from four in the afternoon to nine in the night.

"Julie," Olivia called from behind me.

I turned around. She was done with her work too and was leaning against the counter, a coffee cup in her hand. She took a sip, her tongue sliding over her lips as she wiped the coffee off of her lips.


"You know my friend, Wilma. Her birthday is this Saturday. She is throwing a big party for it and she invited me. You should come too."

Olivia was a party animal. She loved parties. However, I didn't. I hated parties because it made me feel uncomfortable and out of place, and all that I saw at parties was loud music, people dancing like there was no tomorrow and alcohol. It was really not my choice of fun.

"I can't, Liv. I don't like parties. You know that. But don't worry, you can go with your other friends," I said and saw her face fall.

"No one else is free for the night. Don't worry, its not a high school type party. Please, come on. We won't be there for long, just a couple of hours. Please, for me." She gave me the puppy eyes.

"No. I have to study. Why don't you go alone?"

"It would be very awkward for me. I don't know anyone but her in her entire family! I won't leave your side ever. I'll stick with you all the time. You'll be completely okay. Don't worry. Please." She pleaded.

Why was she so desperate to go to that party? Didn't she ever go to one?

I knew how Olivia was. She didn't give up unless she got what she wanted. She was a headache for me sometimes.

"Please. Just for a few hours. We'll be back before eleven. You won't regret going. Please!"

I sighed. No matter how much I hated parties, no matter how much I would say no to her, I knew she'd get her way around me eventually.

"Fine. But like you promised, just for a few hours, we should be back before eleven. You'll stick by my side all the time. Got it?"

She nodded her head excitedly. "Yes, yes!"

"Good," I said and she turned back to leave when I suddenly remembered the most important thing that I should tell her.

"Liv!" I called out. She turned around with curious eyes.


"And no, I mean absolutely no drinking."

"What? No way. I'm gonna drink a bit. Who says no to free drinks?" She whined after me as I turned to leave. No way in hell would I allow her to drink.

"Nope." I said.

She kept on whining but I ignored her and walked towards my apartment.

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I reached home at around nine thirty at night. It was not exactly home to me. I lived in a small two room rented apartment which was enough for me. The owner was a grumpy widowed douche who was too impatient with the rent.

I inserted the key in the hole and opened the door. I flicked the lights on and closed the door behind me. I was tired. I didn't know why but I was damn tired.

I already had my dinner at a restaurant and I was full. And so I just needed a warm bath now.

Summer break was right around the corner and I was very excited. Tomorrow would be the last day of college until after the break which was for about three weeks. Many of my classmates were to going to go home to meet their family. And some of them were going on family trips to different countries. Thank God, it would be a nice break from seeing the arrogant faces of my classmates everyday.

I went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After putting on my comfortable pajamas which I loved so much, I walked out of the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror, drying my damp hair with a towel. I ran a hand through my dark brown wet long and straight hair and patted it back into place. I had brown eyes and Olivia thought I was skinny, maybe it was  because I forgot to eat often.

After drying my hair off, I turned off the lights and went to bed. I fixed my alarm time of five in the morning. I was an early riser.

The next day, as I said I would, I woke up at five. Everyday I went for a jog. Really, that was the only time I get to exercise. College starts at eight and I go jogging for a good one hour or so.

Olivia joined me sometimes as she didn't live far away from my house so I jogged to hers. As I reached her apartment, I knocked on her door. I didn't hear any sounds from the other side which could tell me she was awake, so I tapped the door again.

I got the same response and finally I gave up and pressed the doorbell. It rang loudly, so loudly that I was sure all the people in the building heard it. I winced as the entire building was dead silent.

I touched the bell again but before I could press it, a sleepy Olivia opened the door. I immediately noticed her red eyes and bags under her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Her hoarse morning voice asked me.

" want to go jogging with me?" I asked. I didn't think she would. I meant, she looked horrible. She was probably up all night doing god knows what.

"Um...okay. Wait for a minute," She said and disappeared into her dark room.

"Are you sure? You should sleep, you look horrible," I said as I entered her living room. She was not there so probably she was in the bathroom.

After five minutes or so, she reappeared looking fresh and slightly less horrible.

Olivia was beautiful. She had dark wavy hair which looked pretty on her and deep brown eyes. She was a senior in State University.

"Let's go," She said as she finished lacing up her shoes. I headed out and she followed behind me, locking the door and keeping the key in her jacket pocket.

"You know I had gone on a date the other night?" She said as we walked.

"Yeah. What happened about that? I completely forgot," I said. She had told me that she was going on a date with a cute guy a couple of days ago. She had ditched our movie night for it.

"It was the most horrible date I ever had with anyone," She admitted, shaking her head. "The guy was a total jerk."

"What happened on the date?"

"We had a movie date. And I didn't even get to choose the movie. And do you know what film it was? The Human Centipede! I mean who in the heck takes a girl to watch that on a date?!" She shuddered.

"Yeah right, a total jerk." I agreed with her.

"I have not even finished yet. He next took me to dinner. And he was the grossest eater ever. He ordered his food, told me to order mine- that's fine but after that he started cracking his neck, winking at a random girl and asking me about my past boyfriends and if I had sex with them or not. He was also hinting that I should hook up with him later that night. And you should have seen how he ate." She made a disgusted expression.

"Like a pig?" I asked, biting down on my lip to keep myself from laughing.

"Yes. He ate like a pig! And he burped loudly. And after dinner, he didn't even order dessert! You know how I love dessert?!"

"I know." I said, glancing at her with amused eyes.

"And when it came to paying, he said that he forgot his wallet at home and so I had to pay for our food. I mean in any other case I would've been fine with paying but he didn't have to lie to me if he didn't want to pay. He literally paid for the movie tickets in front of me, that dumb guy."

"That was one horrible date no girl should deserve."

"Yep. And after that he didn't even bother to drop me home. And it was nearly one in the morning."

"Really? God, he's such an asshole."

"Yeah," She said and a comfortable silence settled between us as we jogged down the streets.

"Julie, what about you?" She blew out air through her mouth.


"You never went on a date, did you?" She asked, slowing down.



"Nobody asked me out."

"And you would have turned them down anyways." She said, trying to calm down her breathing. I slowed my pace to match hers.


"Why?" She asked me again.

"Well, for one, nobody even knows a girl who went by the name Julie James exists. And two, each and every guy in my college is an arrogant jerk."

She chuckled. "That way you won't find anyone. Not everyone is like that. You judge too quickly."

I huffed. "Well, I don't need anyone."

We continued the rest of our walk silently. And after about half an hour or so, I returned to my apartment to get dressed and ready for my last day of school. Today was Friday and the party was on Saturday. Screw the party, I didn't give a crap about it.

I put on a cream colored top with skinny jeans and pulled back my hair into a high ponytail.

College life was boring. Unlike other students who had an awesome college life, or so I heard, I hated it. I dreaded getting up so early for it, though I was not complaining and I was willingly waking up at five in the morning. College or not.

And having zero friends there was another reason why I hated college. I had tried to make friends earlier but it was of no use. The girls in my school weren't exactly what I could call a friend. All they did was gossip or talk about boyfriends and that thing about them was very irritating. Not all of the girls were like that though, but I guess I preferred to keep to myself most of the time. The boys weren't any good either.

Life didn't revolve only over these things. There were so many other things important than that. But oh well, nobody here matched my level of opinion. So I gave up on making friends. I wished Olivia was in my college with me. Some of the better lot are just friendly to me because they pitied me, as I was an orphan and had to work to pay the bills. I didn't even know how almost half of the college knew about my situation.

I walked to my first class and as always and as everyday, the day flew by slowly.

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