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Guerre Des Ténèbres Enchantées (War Of The Enchanted Darkness)

Settle mama pt.1

In france, paris lived an young girl named isabella mia huntington, she lived with her mama and papa isabella had dark curled hair , dark brown eyes , light brown skin, tall and slim revealing beautiful curves " mama mama " I shouted from upstairs to gather my Mama's attention " yes isa what's wrong your shouting in a bad-manner " mama said coming upstairs when she reached my bedroom door and knocked on 'KNOCK KNOCK' I knew it was mama " COME IN MAMA " I shouted through the door hole. Mama opened up the door and saw me with an needle in my foot and it was bleeding " what happened " mama said looking confused with the situation. She went downstairs to get the first aid kit and came back upstairs to clear the wound I had under my foot " mia you are just 16 and you are behaving like an baby shouting for nothing important or you needed my attention " mama asked me with one eyebrow up " mama I did this because papa have been drinking strong whiskey and coming drunk everyday do you think it's stress or something else? " I asked mama with my leg on her lap. Mama shook her head and was done cleaning the wound on my left foot and putted it a cotton bandage , so I cleaned the floor and putted a new paving mat on the floor to keep it comfortable. when I saw papás car , i checked the time and saw it was 3:45pm , on my way going downstairs I heard mama chuckle and I saw her and papa giving each other death glare " mama what's going on " I asked mama looking at her eyes narrow was just giving me the idea why she was giving papa death glare " bellà don't you see me ? why ain't you greeting me " papa asked me looking at me then at mama , so I quickly ran downstairs to stop the staring contest that was happening between my mom and dad " why don't I make nouvelle cuisine, what do you guys think ? " I asked trying to clear the dark aura , both of them who were still doing an staring contest , as a sigh escaped my lips they both went to the dinner room , i prepared lunch and gave mama a glass of grape flavored wine for her to do her toast , so papa interrupted mama and did his own toast " I am going to take you guys as a family to transylvania for an special event " papa spoke as he raised up his glass of wine and sat down softly and took a sip " de quoi tu parles tu n'as pas l'événement pour le loyer de l'événement " mama complained demly as she held her glass of wine and sipped her wine harshly and narrowed her eyes as she did ' should I convince mom so we can go to transylvania before my summer holiday ends or will all my dreams be shuttered in dust ' as I was staring at nouvelle cuisine as random thoughts popped up in my head , so mama called out my name so I can snap back to reality , as my mind was back to reality I was confused and looked at both of my parents and excused myself and went upstairs towards my bedroom. I let out an sigh of relief when I closed the door behind me as my eyes was scanning everything around my room till my eyes caught sight of my journal book that was on my desk , then I took it alone with an pen and walked towards the lounge sofa that was near a window and then I pushed it closer towards the window so I can have a clear imagination of my trip to transylvania. I was fast asleep and had a crunchy sound downstairs before I went downstairs i quickly took my touch and looked at the time it was still 5:55am and I was surprised it was already early as I opened up my bedroom door softly i closed it softly so mama can't hear a thing as I went downstairs with my touch on and a bat in case it's a thief " who is there " i whispered going down the stairs as my touch caught sight of my dad holding his belongings " dad where are you going with your belongings this late? " i spoke demly as I faced the touch towards my papa's face " well it's a long story? but I love you isabella " papa replied as he walked towards me and hugged me and gave me two tickets for our trip and left the house and left me standing there speechless. As I went back upstairs and placed the tickets on my desk and went back to bed still confused of my papa's action , It was morning , my hair was messed up and an unfamiliar delicious smell of food came upstairs to my bedroom as I woke up and went downstairs towards the kitchen , i saw mama preparing breakfast " morning mama what's for breakfast that drove me down here " as I teased mama and pulled out a chair for me to have a sit " it's bacon and french toast your favorite since the day you were born " mama laughed as she served breakfast " so mama what happened between you and...." a unexpected call interrupted our conversation leaving my sentence mid way as mama checked her phone she had an mischief smile on her face and answered on loud speaker as a familiar voice answered up mama was giggling and decline the call as I was curious I asked her " mom who is that " i asked in an curious voice " it's an old friend i found on an dating site app on google yesterday " mama smiled mischievously as she was walking towards the sink as if she was avoiding the conversation as I cleared the table. I went upstairs to take a quick shower as I finish i wore an black and white striped dress with matching averagable heels , As i had mama calling i reached into her room and saw her wearing her perfect maroon dress with matching pumps " wow! mom you look elegant in that outfit " i complainmented mama's stunning dress that made her look twenty again , as we left the house mama was heading towards an sliver mendes benz car that parked opposite our house " bónjour mister " as mama greeted the familiar man through the window , but i could not see anything that was driving mama insane as i looked at mama she was blushing as she was talking to the familiar man.

settle mama pt.2

As the familiar man went out the car as his sliver-ish eyes reflecting from the sunlight torching my eyes too , perfect trimmed maroon hair , fair pearl skin , tall and slim fit body , he slammed the door of his car and walked towards mama and kissed her on her lips as he softly removed his lips off mama , he was left with thirst of desire and looked at me as his face was clear his name quickly popped up in my mind 'JOSHEPH' as i glanced and saw him staring at me with his sliver-ish eyes " bónjour isabella i bet you still remember me from a long time now " he smiled as he pulled up an smile on his face that showed his perfect dimples " yes monsieur duke. j from the Manhattan adventure we did " I replied as I pulled up an sarcasm smile " well nice to meet you again mademoiselle " he said as he smiled. As time passed josheph took us in his car heading straight to Montmartre as we arrived in the area it looked like Hollywood sometimes I could not just believe this was actually happening as we arrived at an enchanted mansion where gnomes were displayed on the fine garden and fine oak trees being gently blown by the wind " welcome to my mansion " he said as the gates of the beautiful mansion was opening up, but something was not right about this guy but I just brushed it away as I was fluttered by the mansion. As he parked his car facing north we enter inside the 'enchanted mansion' as I placed my foot I could not believe my eyes an angels domino art onto the roof, long vases of flowers placed on the door entry " mama look at those vases they look so unique to find " as I whispered into mama's ear as we were walking into the hallway with large eating tables with the Royalty vibes " comme this waye Mademoiselle i have à sûr prise fo ' yo" Joseph spoke as he held mama's hand heading upstairs " Isa please stay down était for Nowy okay " mama said as she was heading upstairs as I was just standing there ' let me just take a tour around ' as I mumbled to myself and started walking around the mansion discovering things that made me so suspicious. As I was going upstairs I head mama and Joseph arguing but I just brushed it off before I opened up spare room I had been given by Joseph I had a car coming in " JOSEPH COMME HÉRE NOWY?!! " an voice of an old shouted from downstairs to upstairs as I saw mama coming out the room with Joseph, I knew something bad had happened " papa you have Àrrive gère early i wanta you to meet oue new m'aider Mademoiselle Becket gère with oue helper Mademoiselle Isabelle " he introduced me and mama to the old man as my jawline slowly dropped down after hearing me addressing me as helper I started turning red " HOWE DARE YO ADRESSE ME ÀS HELPER HAGA ? HOWE DARE YO !!! " i shouted as i stared at Joseph face " Mister i am your sonne friend from kid gâteau primaire wé are notre gère for work i and m'y daughter will bé leaving yo'ur housse thank yo'u j'oseph " mama said as she pulled my arm away from Joseph who was gonna be digging his grave for his funeral today but luckily mama took me away from his side as we went to his car and took our belongs two tickets for a trip for Transylvania fell out as we took out our Suitcases from Joseph's car " mama look wé can still go so'me were wé still have tickets to Transylvanie " I said as I held the two tickets tightly as we were leaving the gates of unexpected kick out mama immediately called a cab for us to head to the airport " so mama arête ups et with j'oseph for not telling yo thé toute à'bout his housse bé longs to his fâcher " I asked as I looked at mama's expression change  "  i m notre ups et dear Isa i m mad o'nly notre sad " mama said as she wiped off tears from her face, as the cab arrived we went in and mama just stared outside the window as the fresh air outside blew her hair that headed  straight to her face as I just looked at her trying to clear her head from all this expression she had inside her ' well mama be okay I think I should just leave her to clear her mind I can't wait to go to Transylvania ' I thought as I pulled up a soft smile and looked outside the window.

two steps to Transylvania pt.1

As the cab left us at the airport I was so excited as we entered inside I saw a huge lounge mover moving people's suitcases , I was so surprised and excited at the same time I went on sit 0078 which was my ticket number ' I wonder if I gonna meet friends in Transylvania ' I wondered as I glared at the boy next to me who was oh my gosh cute, he had pink curly hair which covered his left eye , brown round eyes, pink Rossy lips which were fine as hell, tall and slim body ' GOSH he looks like a real life anime ' I smiled and looked up at him and looked at mama who was on phone ' Am I dreaming gosh ' I kept blushing on my on which no one noticed " number 0077 please head forward " the reception lady spoke through the intersection, the young boy next to me thought it was him being called so he looked at the reception lady as his pink hair bounced and headed straight to his other eye, which made me froze and his blinking looks like those Korean drama boys who know they are damn cute and hot at the same time " 0078,0079,0080 please head forward " the reception lady spoke through the intersection so everyone could hear " sweetie let's go thats us " mama said as she pushed the suitcase she held as I looked back I saw the same boy heading in our way ' oh gosh he is the same flight as us ' I blushed as I didn't realize I dropped my ticket , as I was already forward I head a tap on my shoulder as I looked up I saw pinky behind me holding my ticket with his nut brown rounded eyes staring at me holding my ticket " " as I stutter out my words as my heart was pounding up fast as like I was from a long exhausting race " next time don't drop your tickets because one might loss they sit to an stranger " he said smiling cutely and headed me in my ticket and walked forward us as I looked at his height and my height I could tell he was older than me " mama ain't you excited to travel to another foreign country " I whispered into mama's ear and walked with her as I held her hand tightly seeing pinky ahead of us. I wouldn't mind asking an stranger about who he is and what's his favorite color and silly things girls asks but wouldn't you ask a cute guy about his wellbeings. back to the story as we went into the plane I couldn't believe papa had payed for us first class it felt like I was in those expensive party lamborghini cars hosts in hollywood as we took our sit pinky was at the first sit with his headsets on and as I try to ignore butterflies that were heating up in my stomach I just sat down and mama was so lucky she had the sit at the window and I was stuck in the middle with pinky on my right and mama on my left

As I started to shiver with my eyes closed I just felt a soft blanket being putted on me and as I woke up I saw pinky putting his greenish silk cotton blanket onto me " thank you pinky " I said as I rubbed my eyes up " well if you are that cold don't hesitate to ask by the way my name is Jacob and you are ? " he asked as he looked into my eyes directly " I'm isabella " as I stutter up my words out of embarrassment. We started to get to know each other pretty well and became friends in just a fast chitty-chat. I was fast asleep and I would feel Jacobs hand on waist inside the blanket.

                            ~ Jacobs pov ~

As I would feel a strange connection between me and isabella was getting strong I was starting to feel like she was the lost key to the underworld , I thought as I placed my huge bare hands around her soft waist staring at her sleep was the only solution that made me fall asleep too.

as I woke up and saw Jacobs hand on my waist I could feel goosebumps coming up my neck to up my brain, I slowly removed his hand so I could get my way to the bathroom as I was about to leave I felt my wrist being held by manly hands as I looked back I saw Jacob holding my wrist tightly and just gave me a soft glace and left my wrist, I was surprised but just brushed it away as I made my way to the bathroom and saw a young boy standing at the door with dry tears on his skin he looked more jewish or coloured I couldn't tell what race he was heading to and as I saw the bathroom shaking hard like they were two people inside fighting or having sexual intercourse and I was super confused and pressed with my urine wanting to come out so badly as the young woman went out and was shocked to see me standing there instead of apologizing to me for taking her time she just rolled her eyes and grabbed the young boy by the wrist as I just shooked my head and wanted to make my way into the bathroom I saw a elderly man getting out the bathroom as he zipped up his jeans and just smiled at me awkwardly and went to the passenger sit as I enter the bathroom and did my business and went out I saw the same boy staring at me and I could see him releasing out soft sobs but I just ignored it because bunching in people's businesses could only lead me into trouble. I finally reached to my sit and saw mama still asleep and Jacob back in his headsets and me back in the blanket with him i tapped him on the shoulder and looked at me with an smile " yeah what is wrong isabella. " he asked as he looked at my cheeks become red " um...I....wanted to ask if you use group chat " I stutter up my words out shyness and embarrassment which I felt that was growing up my throat " yeah I do want my tenz or something else " he asked as he pulled out a dirty smirk up.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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