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Taken To A Different Continent

The telepathy game

"After I'm done with this game, I'll meet my friend Joanne to have a good meal, it will be on me since I've levelled to a pro player." suddenly out of nowhere,"you are coming with me, I don't have time let's go now!" she suddenly snaps out of her frozen self." Wait who are you, where did you come from, didn't I close my door, and you don't look like someone from here! No you are not even from this continent!when did you arrive here, and what do you mean by 'you are coming with me' thing you just said right now?" Reina asked so many questions that she got confused herself

"I only have ten minutes to bring you with me, so if you have questions hurry up and ask step by step don't shoot them like arrows at once, I'll be sure to answer most of them." the stranger retorted with his cold glances. "I ...l...l just want to know what's happening can't I know." she said with confidence after regaining her composure."first who are you?" she asked with a smirk on her face thinking that maybe she's just in a bad dream, and she will tackle it bravely before waking up.

"I'm Mingjue actually from country C , I'm from gaming department of our continent I'm a gaming developer, recently I developed a game which the best players will be awarded teleport to anywhere they dream of, then be brought back to their home . I was testing the game then made a bet with my fellow developers, if I win the best level they will all do whatever I asked of them and if I loose the same applies." I just didn't expect it to be at this extend. He whispered to himself.

"What does that has to do with you being here!" she suddenly got upset. "I didn't have a choice so here I'm. I was sent to pick any person I'll come out through there phones or laptop to go back with regardless of gender or race." he said innocently. "I can never go back unless I go with you, or you want to stay with me? He asked leaning towards her. "In your dreams, go die in hell." She cursed pushing him away.

...She stayed quiet for a while then an idea popped in her mind. 'i will just scare him of and make him go away to find another person for him to trick.He thinks I'm that stupid to believe a stranger who came from nowhere.' she thought to herself smiling suspiciously...

^^^"ahem , so after you go with me what are you going to do to me?" I should ask him first to know his intentions first for me to find the perfect way to scare him. She thought to herself."I will marry you" he said innocently. " She was shocked with no words to say^^^

Hot potato

"Marry me! That's ridiculous, that can never happen, you go back and tell those idiots not to joke with other people's lives, how can a grown man suggest such nonsense!" Reina snared with anger. But then she was quite like she's just realized something. Her mind got chaotic. 'Reina think think think you've been living in this hell of a life for fifteen years, with your so-called relatives. That life is miserable, your great dream was to run far away where their power was never felt. This is a one chance in a million. You have to take advantage of it. No no no no even though I have such a life I can never take advantage of innocent people. Besides, I'm never such a person this is bad my head is exploding I can't think anymore should I accept or reject it's really a hot potato. ' All this time Mingjue was looking at her strangely wondering what was going on in her mind." I only have five minutes left, or I'll regret it. " Mingjue called out. Reina recollected her mind back to the reality which was staring at her.

"Why didn't you refuse such a bet were there no alternatives, you shouldn't accept things as serious as this? You know better than I do that this choice you are going to make will affect your life in every possible way. I'm different from you with everything, the gap is big, I don't know if your country accept such marriages nor do they accept people from a different continent. This will only bring disaster to both of us. We have an age gap, I'm still in high school while you are a CEO. My age is half your age, I'm just a kid, are ready to live with a kid as a wife and the worst is that we don't love each other, what kind of life are we going to lead?" Reina said painfully.

"I've already thought it through and made some plans. I can't go against my word even death can't compensate this. All my life I can do anything but not going against my words. Now you understand. I swear to you that I will never interfere with you or your life. I will also pay your fees for the school you will be joining. I will make sure you live comfortably. Please do me the favor." Mingjue said. Suddenly Reina who had just refused and was about to leave the room suddenly smiled thinking to herself. Maybe I should accept it. I'm tired of this life anyway. He wants my favour while I need his protection, it's a mutual benefit I shouldn't blame myself so much.

Suddenly. "I accept but how will I know you are not tricking me to something bad I want to have a grantee form that will show my life was not going to be tortured. And we have to sign the contract here first, I have to talk to one of your friends via video call then I will be free to leave with you." She said happily imagining a new different world with new places to visit, and she could only smile to her self. She even imagines herself being the new queen and the way she would live a heaven life.

I think I'm fooled

..."Done I've already packed all the things I need, let's go now." Reina says as she comes from her room with a suitcase and two handbags hanging on the suitcase. She looks happier than she's always been since her parents died." Wait where are you going with all that?" Mingjue said his mind blank. He came through Reina's laptop even couldn't bring his phone with him nor any money. All the signing of the contract happened digitally. He logged in his account through Reina's laptop and sign up everything Reina had pleaded him. They still have to go through the same laptop. ...

"You know my situation right, or you didn't get any of the explanations I've been saying to you since I arrived here. For heaven's sake, you saw clearly I came through your laptop right? Mingjue was becoming angry now. " You are going with nothing. I just have to log in my account again the link has been sent,,, and it will close in twenty seconds time. I we miss it we will have to wait for a month again,,, or You want to stay with me here?" Mingjue said his face darkened like he's about to pounce on a traitor. Meanwhile in Reina's mind. ' I can't think about it, it's not possible I've worked hard behind my family's back to buy all this stuff I have. They never gave me anything despite being the great figures in my hometown *great figures* highly people with the highest occupation. Reina's instead they could throw at her their used stuffs and never expected her to present herself like them,. To them, she's just a poor thing unlucky enough to be left by her parents at a Young age, to be a burden on them. She is a bright student and clever, she knows how to pull tricks for herself to survive these monsters. She would wear those worn out clothes in front of them, but good clothes when she's alone in fact she carries her good clothes in a bag and uniforms every day and as soon as she leaves her compound she changes to better clothes or a better set of uniforms from her bag. Her friend Joanne is the only person who knows her family well and her tricks. She works from every part-time jobs she can handle to support herself. So imagining leaving all the stuff she's made for herself, she's a bit reluctant.

..."I... I...I can't leave my things that I've worked hard for. I'm not... " Before she could finish, whoosh a big sound followed by a bright light appeared vibrating the laptop and shaking the walls. He took her hand and hold it firmly. Swish, they were gone. I couldn't tell if the walls broke, because I went with them so don't ask. Ha ha ha just kidding. Early in the morning the following day when Reina walk up she thought maybe it was just a dream, and now it's over since she has waken up. But alas she was shocked beyond words how could this be true, this person might be one of the bad guys she has heard about since she was a kid. Now meeting one is scary. If he's not that kind of a person, his parents won't allow him to bring someone from unknown backgrounds to be their son's wife that's impossible. " I've been fooled!" she said cold sweat running down her whole body....

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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