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The Broken Billionaire's Son

Meet the main characters

Meet Kylian Jonah, a 23-year-old white guy with piercing blue eyes that seem to pierce right through you. His hair is a throwback to the 90s with a black mullet that adds an edge to his otherwise clean-cut appearance.

But what really sets Kylian apart are his tattoos that cover his left arm, each one telling a story of his past. From a faded anchor to a skull with a rose in its teeth, each tattoo represents a different chapter of his life.

And then there's the scar that runs through his right eyebrow, a reminder of a past altercation that he's not quick to talk about. Despite his tough exterior, Kylian has a soft side that emerges when he's with his closest friends, showing a vulnerability that few get to see.

Overall, Kylian is a complex character with a mix of nostalgia, edge, and mystery that keeps those around him intrigued and wanting to learn more about him.

Meet Jaden Donna 20- year-old a light-skinned guy with curly hair that frames his innocent and cute-looking face perfectly. His light green eyes sparkle with curiosity and kindness, adding to his charm. Despite his good looks, Jaden is humble and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He has a gentle demeanor and a warm smile that can brighten anyone's day. With his easy-going personality and playful sense of humor, Jaden is someone you can't help but adore.


As the sun begin to rise over the bustling city of Bay to very different mornings are unfolding For Jaden and Kylian.

In the heart of Western side of the Bay city, Kylian awake to the loud thud coming from his apartment. Curious he quietly made his way to his girlfriend Laura 's room only to find her fast asleep with his Best friend Ryan tangled in her sheets. Shock and betrayal washed over him as he stand frozen in the doorway, unable to tear his eyes away from the scene before him.

Meanwhile, On the other side of the city in Southern side, Jaden frantically scrambles to get dressed and rush out of the door for the job interview but despite his best efforts he found himself stuck in the morning rush hour traffic cursing at every red light that seemed to delay his progress even further. As the minutes ticked by, he knew he was already late and his chances of landing the job dwindled with each passing second.

Few hours later,As the sun began to set over the city. Jaden and Kylian found themselves on opposite ends of town both feeling the weight of burdens crushing down on them.

On one side of Western side, Kylian sat in his office, staring blankly at his computer screen. His heartfelt heavy as he replayed the scenes from earlier on the morning -the sight of his girlfriend in the arm of his best friend. The hurt and betrayal written all over her face as she tried to explain herself. He couldn't bring himself to open her messages.

He felt like a fool, like a puppet whose strings had been cut, lost in adrift in a world that suddenly seemed hostile and cold.

On the other side of the Southern side, Jaden walked aimlessly down the street, his shirt disheveled and his hair unkempt. He had just left unsuccessful job interview and the rejection letters seemed to be pilling up faster than he could count. His dreams of a better life slipping through his fingers like grains of stand.

As he trudged along, lost in his thoughts, something caught his eye. A display window of a nearby shop showcased a stunning tuxedo, the fabric shimmering under the harsh fluorescent lights. It was his favorite tuxedo -he had always dreamed of owning one just like it.

He stopped in his tracks and stared at it longingly, his heart aching with desire. The sight of the tuxedo reminded him of all the things he couldn't afford. Tears welled up in his eyes and began to roll down his cheeks unchecked and unashamed,he reached out a trembling hand to touch the glass, feeling a cool smoothness under his fingertips.

He feels like a failure, like a disappointment to everyone who had ever believed in him. With a heavy heart,he tore his gaze away from the tuxedo and continued with his way, tears continued to stream down his cheeks leaving trail of sadness as he walked away.


The luxurious mansion of a billionaire Mr James Jonah stood proudly at the end of a long winding driveway.

Inside the marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers and the air was filled with the scent of expensive perfume and fresh flowers. But there was a palpable tension in the atmosphere as the matriarch of the Jonah's family Mrs Kate Jonah paced back and forth of her son closed bedroom door.

"Kylian." she called out,her voice tinged with worry.

It had been three days since Kylian had last emerged from his room,, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease had settled in her chest.

Meanwhile, The maid of the Jonah family Miss Donna had been diligently cleaning the already spotless foyer. She couldn't help but notice the worry etching on Mrs Jonah as she passed by. Miss Donna had been working for the Jonah's family for years and had grown fond of Kylian who was always polite and friendly to her.

"Is everything alright, Mrs Jonah?" Miss Donna asked tentatively, sensing her concern. Mrs Jonah sighed a troubled look in her eyes. "I'm starting to get worried about Kylian. He hasn't come out of his room in days, and he's not responding to any of my calls or messages. I don't know what's gotten into him.

...Bay City, Southern side....

It was Friday night and Jaden found himself in a gay club that his friend Musa had dragged him to.

Jaden had insisted that a night out on the town would help Jaden forget about the hardships he had been facing lately but as Jaden drowned drink after drink, he started to feel more and more disconnected from reality.

The music was pounding,, and the room was filled with colorful lights and sweaty bodies. Jaden stumbles to the bar for another shot, nott noticing a man eyeing him from across the room, hiss friend had disappeared into the crowd, leaving Jaden alone and vulnerable.

As the night wore on Jaden felt someone grabbing his arm and leading him to a dark corner of the club. He tried to protest but his words slurred and his actions sluggish. Before he knew it,he was pushed down onto a dingy couch,the man from the bar hovering over him. Confusion and fear flooded through Jaden's drunken mind as the man begin to undress him,all the while whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Jaden tries to push him away but his strength was fading fast and then in a haze of alcohol and, thet,the man took what he wanted from Jaden leaving him feeling used and violated.

As the realization of what had happened begin to sinking Jaden stumbles out of the club, tears streaming down his face. He had been sold out by his so-called friend Musa the second person in his life that he trusted and taken advantage of by a stranger.


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