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How To Escape Impending Death

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The story begins with the introduction of our protagonist Chin-su a 23 year old baker. She was on her way back home after reading her favorite novel she was complaining on the ending since she didn’t like the way a character died and thought it wasn’t her fault she took the wrong way out as she was about crossing the road on the crosswalk when her phone dropped from her purse in the middle of the road she quickly picked it up but wasn’t so quick to notice a truck who’s breaks had stopped working coming straight towards her the last thing she remembered was a blinding light before she woke up in an unfamiliar room she wondered if she was at the hospital and tried to stand up but she noticed she couldn’t and wasn’t in her body she looked sideways and with all her strength managed to sit up luckily there was a mirror near she was and she confirmed her doubts she wasn’t in her body she wasn’t even in that of an adult but of an infant she looked at her features clearly she had silver hair and crystal blue eyes as clear as the sky but instead of crying she contemplated how this could happen in real life since it only occurred in novels she wondered who’s body she was in when her thoughts were cut shut by the arrival of a maid the maid exclaimed that she was awake and asked if she was hungry the maid then referred to her as Fiona the color on her face drained immediately after she realized who she was she had been reincarnated into her favorite novel Prince’sPrincess and as the secondary Antagonist Fiona Heylen. In the novel Fiona was engaged to the crown prince Calyx but it was broken off due to the arrival of a prophecy that the next emperor should marry the Healer Flora for prosperous years to come. Calyx didn’t even protest against it and went on with it which made Fiona betrayed. She came from a family known for it’s mastery in magic Fiona too was a really great sorcerer herself and worked hard to secure that position she tried countless time to win back her title but failed and at the age of 18 died at the hands of her best friend Theo who became the head guard of the royal knights. Fiona was not pleased at her outcome since she didn’t want to die an early death like in her old life she still had a passion for baking so she planned to escape to a faraway land and start her own bakery one day. She made a mental note of the characters she needed to watch out for and not make her enemies firstly her elder brother Lucas who was 4 years older than her in the novel after their parents death he led their family to victory and honor and even Fiona’s death could not bring it down secondly the second and crown prince her future fiancé Calyx who is 2 years older then his elder brother the first prince Roland who was the same age as her brother thirdly the third prince Adam he was the same age as Fiona and she knew she had to befriend him because he was also involved in her execution she also made a mental note to get Louis who is 3 years older and the main and primary antagonist on her side since he was the one who framed her in the novel after that she contemplated leaving Cory her soon to be personal guard a year older and Theor since she didn’t want to get close to any of those two since they didn’t help in her case at all but before she could think anymore her weak body gave in and she fell asleep.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Three months had passed and Chin-su now Fiona had gotten used to life in her mansion she is now 5 months old and she had gotten love from both her parents and also from the maids but had not gotten a visit from her brother Lucas yet she was wondering if he really despised her that much not to even visit her she knew that in the novel he hated her since she was a jewel in their parents eyes and even if he tried he couldn’t compete with the affection and love she got but one day Lucas came to visit Fiona and ordered all the maids and attendants to leave they didn’t want to since they knew the young master didn’t like Fiona but they couldn’t do anything about it when they all left Lucas started blabbering about how he couldn’t believe that she was the one who was taking all his affection he started to mock her appearance making her mad since they had the same features the same color of hair and eyes yet he still made fun of her for it she had gotten enough and with the memories of the novel she tapped into her powers and ordered a huge amount of water to land on Lucas leaving him drenched she burst into laughter seeing that her magic really worked in the novel she could control water , fire , earth and air she also had ice and creation magic she was the only one in the capital that possessed 6 qualities and the now Fiona thanked the writer for making her the most powerful mage in the empire. Lucas grew angry seeing Fiona laugh at his situation and summoned his familiar a B ranked fire leopard named Archive hoping to scare Fiona but it didn’t work and she continued laughing calling at her brother stupid for thinking a cub could scare her since Lucas himself was still young his familiar wouldn’t be able to take it’s true form yet until his contractor was much stronger but she suddenly stopped when the leopard understood what she had just said she was shocked and asked him if he understood her and he confirmed it she quickly apologized to him thinking that he was offended since she called his master stupid but he surprised her when he said he agreed to her logics they ended up chatting in baby language for a long time leaving Lucas lost and annoyed at the results of his actions he ordered Archive to help him and the familiar used a spell on Lucas making him also understand baby language when Fiona knew he could understand her now she started scolding him for his actions and he was surprised that his sister could talk so maturely while she was still 5 months old he was compelled to apologize to her and this made her stop scolding him she also apologized for drenching him in water she explained to him that she wasn’t taking all their parents love and they loved them both equally even though they don’t show it some times Lucas asked how she knows this and she replied that she just knows eventually the maids and servants entered the room when Count and Countess Heylen arrived they were shocked to find out Lucas was in the room alone with Fiona but were shocked to see them both asleep and Archive keeping watch over them. They woke Lucas up and asked him if anything was wrong Lucas took Fiona’s advice and told his parents about his insecurities and they apologized telling him that they loved them both equally just as Fiona had said.

( Writer’s note)

Hi Gus I’m back again with a new work. It another one of my past completed novels and I hope u enjoy this and if you haven’t seen my other works yet you can check them out

- vampire mafia

- love is trouble

Thanks for all your love ❤️

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The next day Lucas came to see Fiona again and this time brought with him a teddy bear giving it to her as a peace offering and Fiona accepted it warmly. Lucas’s visits to Fiona’s room were now a norm and the servants wouldn’t give a fret about his presence any longer. On one of his visits they decided to go out to the garden outside her bedroom window Fiona recalled that in the original storyline Lucas would fall into the pond and meet a water spirit named Wave she knew wave was a B ranked spirit and she wanted it to be her familiar she knew Lucas couldn’t contract with it since he didn’t posses water qualities and the spirit would die if he contracted with it so when she got the chance she threw her 5 months old body into the pond and as planned Wave approached her in the water and Fiona became her contractor. Meanwhile back on the surface the maids and Lucas were panicking since they didn’t spot Fiona they tried entering the pond but it repelled them back confusing them Lucas was already in tears when suddenly Fiona was propelled out by a body of water and she landed safely on a water bed that her new familiar made for her. Everyone was surprised she had made a familiar at such a young age and she was called a prodigy. Later on that day Fiona’s and Lucas’s parents came to visit Fiona as soon as they heared of the incident that happened Lucas had thought he was going to be scolded and punished but was surprised when his parents apologized to him “ you must have been so scared “ his mother said hugging him “ we are so sorry we should have made more arrangements for guards we put you two in danger we are really sorry “ his father added Lucas then burst into tears he had thought his parents didn’t love him anymore even after they had assured him that they did but now he knew their words were genuine “ I’m sorry too it was my suggestion to go to the pond and I was also careless for jumping in it I should have told you my plan please stop crying big brother “ Fiona said in baby language that Lucas could now understand and he finally stopped crying when his parents left due to attending to urgent business Lucas scolded Fiona for her actions and she made fun of him for crying as revenge “ I myself a child doesn’t cry like you “ “ hey that’s not fair it’s not my fault you are cold hearted “ “ I’m not you just jealous cause I can hold in tears and you can’t “ “ that’s not fair stop saying unfair things if you were in that situation you would cry too “ “ um come to think of it I would but I wasn’t in that situation so that’s my point I want to rest so you can leave my room now thank you “ “ you are so mean for a 5 months old child everyone thinks you are so innocent and kind they should just hear what you say I’m sure they’ll think other wise “ “ hey why’d you say that I’m certainly not mean I’m an angel “ Lucas just gave her an unsure nod and walked out of the room. The next day Fiona planned her revenge she wanted to hang Lucas upside down for a while but it went wrong since she forgot he also had ice qualities which he used to freeze the water and then used his fire to melt it down and she ended getting an earful of scolding from him but was saved when their parents came in “ what’s going on Lucas why are you scolding your sister “ his mom said coming closer to their direction after entering through the door “ it’s her fault “ “ she’s still young “ “ and I’m old ? “ “ I didn’t mean it like that ok what did she do “ Lucas explained everything that happened to his parents leaving out the fact he could understand her baby language due to Archive’s magic “ oh my FiFi did you do all that to your brother “ “ FiFi ? What type of nickname is that “ Fiona said out loud in baby language making Lucas laugh “ hey stop laughing or I’ll make mom scold you “ “ how “ then Fiona started fake crying surprising everyone since she only cried when she was born and never since then their mom Elena then picked her up and started petting her back trying to get her to stop Fiona eventually did when she realized her plan had backfired again. After that the family spent a lot of time as the children progressed in age and now it is time for Lucas to enroll in the Imperial Academy since he was already of age 8. Fiona now 4 can speak more fluently and not as a baby anymore “ bye bye big brother wouldn’t miss you “ “ ok fine won’t miss you too “ “ hey that’s not what you are meant to say you are meant to say ‘don’t be like that I’ll miss you “ “ that only works on me if you say you’ll miss me “ Fiona then walked over to her brother and gave him a hug “ do you really have to go ?you’ll be a border since there is a rule restricting you from staying home “ “ of course I have too the school is located at the center of the capital city and it’s a little far from here but I promise I’ll be here for any special occasion “ “ I’ll miss you big brother “ “ I’ll miss you too “ Lucas then gave a smile and boarded the carriage off to his new school.

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