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My Boss Is A Soul Eating Spirit.


The wind whistles blowing the hair off Bella's face, the blinding city lights twinkle as Bella tries to hold back the tears welling up in her Ocean blue eyes. A sweep of wind pushes Bella forward,, and her breath hitches, she's standing at the edge of a tall building on the 31st floor. 2 more steps, and she'll be free, free from her body, unlike her body her soul has already given up and she thinks it'd be better if she sets it free. Not brave enough to cut her nerves or hang herself she decides to jump off a tall building... Contemplating her decision she stares up at the sky, the light pollution makes it difficult to view stars in the sky, but there are 2 stars that are brighter and stronger than the thousands of city lights, twinkling with pride. One more step... Her mobile rings, Bella ignores it at first but decides against it as it'll be the last time she could hear her friend Melli.
What took you so long?
I was in the washroom.
Did they get back to you? Malcolm said he got an acceptance mail… What about you?
Melli, aren't you tired of putting your hopes and trust in me? I keep failing every time and you still…
Bella's voice breaks as tear spills from her eyes, staining her cheeks, the cool wind making her shiver as it passes by her, the tear rolls down her cheeks and down toward the highway… Bella flinches when she looks down taking several steps back in fear. "Coward" She cursed herself in her mind for stepping back when it was the opposite she wanted to do.
Bella, I believe in you and God. Trust me everything will be alright, you will get a mail from them. No matter what happens I'll be here… Failing is not a bad thing Isa, don't feel disheartened. I'm rooting for you.
The stream of tears thickens as Bella feels her heart sinking deeper. This is going to hurt Melli, she's going to take away the trust and faith Melli has in her and god. Melli will hate her for doing this, but it is still not enough to keep her from jumping off this building. She's tired, tired of being the failure, the burden, the pitiful person.
Tell Malcolm that I'm happy for him, and congratulate him for me.. I need to go now... Mellisa, I... I need to go..
Bella hangs up the call, turning her phone off she crouches, placing the mobile a few inches away from her feet. Rising to her full height, her body shudders as she exhales, trembling a bit because of the force and the cold breeze. This is it. My freedom is just a step away.
Bella's ear rings, an unpleasant high-pitched noise ringing in her sound making it unbearable, she clenches her eyes closed and covers her ears with her palms. Her head starts hurting, feels as if something heavy has been placed in her head, piercing every inch of her skull. "What's happening?" Bella wonders, trying to squeeze open her eyes. When she manages to open her eyes she finds her surroundings covered in fog, making it difficult for her to see anything but a blanket of white smoke.
Bella wipes her eyes to look clearly. "Am I dreaming?" She questions herself because of the view. A moment ago the sky was clear, the sound of traffic was lively, the city light sparkled beneath her, and now everything is blank. How is it possible. Her ear rings again and she squeezes her ears trying to muffle the sound.
"You will regret this" A low, gruff voice warns her.
Bella turns her head to look around her, but she doesn't find anyone... Maybe it's just a delusion. She thinks to herself and shrugs.
"you will regret this." It repeats.
Without wasting another second, Bella inhales, filling her lungs with air before lunging forward. Her heart palpitation rises. her eyes get blurry as the tears shed continuously, the lump in her throat grows as the gravitational force pulls her straight to the ground. A few seconds more...
Everything turns black.

At your service, Bella.

Bella squirms, trying to turn, something warm, and heavy wrapped around her waist stops her from moving, she exerts more force but fails to move. "Is this hell? My body burns." Bella sighs in turmoil. Her neck hurts and she struggles to open her eyes. Her body feels hot and throat is dry.
She repeatedly mumbles under her breath.
"Here, open your mouth." Someone whispers in her ear, and she opens her eyes wide. The room is bright, stinging her eyes making her blink twice.
The glass tumbles on the floor when Bella jerks her head back hitting the person behind her. Crawling forward she rubs her eyes, trying to see clearly.
Who... Who are you?
You don't remember me?
Bella raises a perfect brow, emphasizing her earlier question. "is he playing with me? Or is he dumb?" She judges.
Bella shakes her head in a no.
I saved you… You must remember falling off from casa de reale?
Bella looks around her once again, a moment ago she thought it was hell... But now that she came to know that someone has saved her from dying she's at their place. Still alive, breathing and suffering.
You saved me?
Bella lunges at the guy grabbing him by his collars she shakes him with all the force of her body. He doesn't budge, standing in his place he looks down at Bella.
Did i ask you to save me? What's wrong with you?
Bella yells, hitting his chest, demanding answers from him.
She falls silent when the guy grabs her wrists, glaring down at her. His deep brown eyes are glowing red, fear sinks deeper in Bella, blinking back her tears, she stands tall, glaring at him.
Yes, your soul was desperate, desperate enough to beg me to save you. As for what's wrong with me? I don't know... we will have enough time to figure it out.
Lies... My soul... It is tired, it wants to be set free...
Is it?
The guy pulls Bella staring deep into her clear blue eyes, provoking something deep within her. Bella twists her wrists to set herself free from him, his grip on her wrist tightens and She winces in pain. Intimidated by his gaze she lowered her eyes. she had been sobbing all night, her eyes are sore and swollen.
His voice softens, stepping back he loosens his dead grip from her wrist. Bella stumbles back, trying to put a distance between her and the guy. Her ankle hits the base of the bed and next moment she's seated on the edge of the bed.
The room falls eerily silent, Bella looking at the floor as if her eyes are stuck to the tile. The guy standing at a distance, contemplating, deciding what his next move should be. Bella is already scared, it was not his intention to scare her, but things turned out that way.
high pitched voice 1
high pitched voice 1
When will you tell her about us?
high pitched voice 2
high pitched voice 2
Look at her, she has so much potential.
Beet, Rel, please shut up. Now is not the time.
The guy strides across the room, picking up the glass he places it on the night stand to pour some water in it. he kneels in front of Bella lifting his the glass of water near her lips. She hesitates, her throat stings reminding of how dry it has been. Taking a sip from the glass she closes her eyes in relief. After quenching her thirst Bella feels much better and stable than she has been a few moments ago.
I'm sorry... And thank you...for the water...
Are you still mad at me for saving you?
I am.
Bella's eyes flutter before she raises them to meet his gaze. His ruby eyes now turned into a soft sea of chocolate brown. Loads of questions crash in her mind. "Was it a delusion? Did his eyes really turn into two glowing red rubies? What happened yesterday? How did he save me? Am i on my deathbed? Am i hallucinating?" Bella opens her mouth... But her tongue feels heavier than before. Gathering all her courage Bella finally asks...
Who... Who are you?
The guy blinks at her, as if it was a difficult question to answer.
I asked, WHO ARE YOU?
high pitched voice 2
high pitched voice 2
Show her, show her.
The weird high pitched voice repeats.
I am...
Bella flinches hearing a loud crack beneath her. Darkness envelopes both of them, smoke erupts from the ground rising up covering the guy entirely, fireflies swirl across him glowing brighter in the pitch dark room, Bella's ears buzz as two weird looking creatures land on her each shoulders, she covers her mouth with both her palms, refraining herself from shrieking. Both the creatures on her shoulders stop buzzing their wings and wait in anticipation, Bella's heart races as she diverts her eyes to other direction. The smoke clears out and Bella's eye darts to the guy standing in front of her. Two rugged horns protruding from the side of his head, silky brown hair snaking all the way down till his waist, Glowing red eyes, pointy nose, pure porcelain skin and a wide smug grin splayed across his face. A chain around his neck, the locket dangling on his bare chest shines as the fireflies swirl around him, his lower half covered with sparkly golden silk cloth wrapped around him and neatly pleated in the middle. A slender wooden rod in his left hand, the top end has a huge globe shaped coal attached to it.
"what a beautiful man," Bella watches him in awe.
Leon, The soul eating spirit.
He announces, his raspy voice flowing across the room and echoing multiple times.
Bella springs from her seat, her body trembling in fear, she swallows, but the saliva doesn't flow down her throat and it feels as if someone has jabbed a dagger in her throat. Opening her mouth she tries to breathe but falls to her knees when the air refuses to go in her lungs. Her eyes frozen on the figure in front of her, the creatures on her shoulders start buzzing again and she swings her hands to remove them off her shoulders. The guy... Leon kneels, bowing in front of Bella extending his arms toward her, the wooden rod on his palms. As if he's offering it to her.
high pitched voice 2
high pitched voice 2
Accept it.
The creature on her Left advises. The creature on her right agrees, vigorously nodding its head in burning excitement.
Bella's mind is numb, she feels like a mush mess, with trembling hands she accepts the wooden trunk from Leon's hand.
The stick buzzes, spritzing spark under Bella's touch, scared by this Bella decides to drop the stick, but Leon holds her hands, gently pressing it around the stick, the stick glows brighter, turning into A huge 7-foot-long iridescent pole wrapped between both Bella and Leon's hands around it. The glow grows as the shine starts spreading up toward the top portion of the pole, the huge coal globe erupts with an ear deafening tone, Bella squeezes her eyes shut yelling incoherently.
high pitched voice 1
high pitched voice 1
Curiosity gnaws and Bella opens her eyes just enough to scan her surroundings, the Room looks a hundred times brighter, she eyes slither up, stopping at Leon's rubies, but she's soon distracted by the bright light falling over her eyes from beside Leon. The coal globe has turned into a glowing crystal, sparks of pastels lunging around in it. A moment ago it was just a 7-foot tall wooden branch topped with coal. But now it has turned into an iridescent, crystal globe crowned scepter. Mesmerized by the sight, Belle's eyes widened, twinkling at the view.
Bella gasps
high pitched voice 1
high pitched voice 1
This is it.
Leon grabs Bella's shoulders and helps her straighten her back, she didn't realise she was slouching until now. Bella feels as if her heart would jump out of her chest, it's beating rapidly and uncomfortably.
Guys, we don't have time she's going to pass out soon, go ahead and introduce yourselves.
I'm Beet.
The creature on Bella's right squeaks.
I'm Rel.
Rel ends with a wild howl.
And we're...
Tell her, tell her.
At your service, Bella.
Bella blankly stares at Leon, his face smearing into a blurry blob and her eyes roll back as dizziness pulls her down. Leon snaps Shifting the whole room into what it was before, Bella's head hits the pillow. Beet and Rel turns into plush toys plopping down on each side of her head.

Comfort her

What the fuck was that?
Bella laughs hysterically.
Beet? Rel? Seriously? And a soul eating spirit?
what a stupid dream!
She continues laughing until her eyes fill up, dripping from the side of her face. Realizing her eyes are closed she blinks them open. She takes a moment to examine her surroundings.
No... I'm still dreaming, i have to wake up, i have to...
Look, look she's awake.
Shhh... She thinks she's dreaming, you know she gets all spiky, let Master return.... don't...
Rel jumps over Bella and she shrieks jumping off the bed and running toward the door. It's locked. Aware of Bella's personality Leon locked the door with his magic. Bella's eyes widen, Frozen in front of the door she stares at Rel who's jumping all over the bed.
What's that? Interactive plushy? But the voice? It's the same as i heard in the dream, it's... What was its name... Re-
Reldetrus behave she's watching you.
Woah you scared me, why would you say my full name? Can't you see she likes me already. Stop ruining my chance of being her favorite.
While Rel and Beet get into a trance of argument, Bella spirals down, bringing her knees near her chest she buries her face between her knees, hugging herself.
So it was not a dream.
I... I don't know where i am...
Beet and Rel they're... They're real.
Her bloodshot eyes fill up again, her mind a buzzing mess.
Leon... That guy... No he's not a person, he's a soul eating spirit.
Bella was not brave enough to cut her nerves, or hang herself. It was difficult to buy any kind of chemical/poison which will end her life immediately without causing any kind of pain. Therefore, she decided to jump off the tallest building accessible to her. She wanted to die without experiencing pain and it all comes down to this. Caught by a soul eating spirit, waiting for him to rip your soul out of your body and make you feel the pain that makes you more miserable than having to endure the pain of your physical form.
According to legends A soul eating spirit is a vengeful spirit that targets people with weak souls that are people who are depressed, people who look down on others, bullies, and criminals. They're usually found in schools, hospitals, prisons, graves and hotels. But there's no exception to where they might appear, basically wherever there's a group of humans there will be a soul eating spirit among them. In earlier days people used to perform a ritual every month to exorcise and ward off the soul eating spirits. As civilization took place the exorcists remained in the rural parts of the country while the soul eating spirits migrated along with the humans. Just like the human population the population of soul eating spirits grew. But unlike ancient days They're not so rational about their taste in souls. the cases of them eating good soul took a spike, the reason remains unknown, but there's a speculation that a group of soul eaters has involved themselves with the universe's most cunning creature. That's human. No one knows how many of them exist. But one thing is for sure, if this goes on then they'll be the end of us.
The door thuds pushing Bella forward.
Oops, i didn't know u were sitting in front of the door.
The sudden appearance of Leon frightens Bella and she gasps pushing herself back.
Come on now you were the one who wanted to know who i am, right?
Bella is still in a haze, zoned out. She's probably not listening to a word spoken by Leon, but he continues.
Look i made pancakes for you, but don't fill yourself up with it because...
He brings forward his other hand which has a plate full of...
I have cheesecake for you!
Bella screams. Beet and Rel plop down from the bed and run toward Leon who's standing in front of Bella. She looks distressed as if she has faced the horror of her life. As if she has witnessed something terrible.
What no? You are lactose intoler-
Are you dumb?
Hey, that's mean, how can you ask something like that to master?
Shut up Rel...
Master, look at her, she's terrified...
And What do you want me to do? I've already prepared human food for her.
Comfort her
In confusion Leon raises an eyebrow tilting his head to a side.
Sit beside her, assure her that you will not harm her... and make her feel at home.
Leon proceeds keeping the plates on the night stand beside the bed and crouches to sit beside Bella who flinches at his movement.
How do you know all of this?
Are... Oh you are dumb!

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