NovelToon NovelToon

Transmitted Into A Novel As The Lonely Villainess

episode 1

Hello everyone this is your author
I hope everyone is doing fine
So this is my first time writing a story and I'm very nervous
English is not my first language so please ignore any mistake in Grammer or anything thank you
Know enough of the nonsense let's start the story
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*shoot* fuckers you thought you could kill me dream on
*shoot* you bitch you will die today
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*dodge* not this easily you bastard *shoot*
*got shoot * you think you can run it is just your wishful thinking you're going to have a worst dead *dead*
*shot* you bitch you can't go out alive
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Ughhh *got hit my the bullet *
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
You bastard *shoot* how many of you are there
*got hit* ughhhh
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Do you think you can kill me this easily
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*shoot* *shoot* *shoot*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Bastards did you thought I didn't saw you
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
I'm not called agent rose and the human killing machine just like that
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
You bastard you are still alive go to hell *shoot*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
ughhhh finally this trouble is gone
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
know I can take a vacation
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*on earphone * oye Mikhail are you done
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*on earphone* oye bastard where are you
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Where did this bastard go
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Did something happened to him
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
I have to check
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*walk out of there and while finding reached in the basement of that building*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Ughhh what a disgusting smell
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Shitty people can't even clean the place
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Mikhail are you here
*throw a knife *
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
*dodge* who the fuck
It's me lovely agent
You can't even recognize me
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Who are you bastard show me your face
Ohhhh sweetheart can't wait to see my face how lovely
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
You bastard *run to attack suddenly got shot in the shoulder* ughhhhhh
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Who the fuck are you fuckerrrr *notice snipers hiding on the upper floor behind the pillar*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
So you are the bastard behind this all
Right guess *clap* *clap* that's my agent *psycho laugh*
Want to know who I am 😏
I should tell you after all you're going to die here
*take of the mask*
It's me *psycho laugh *
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
You bastard
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
I should not trust you it was my mistake for trusting a bastard like you
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
know I know how did they got my information
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
You joined hand with them why did you do that
Hah nice question why ummmm why do you think I did that 😕
Of course for your position your power they are the dream of people and they were my dream too
You know that those bastard wanted you dead because you were not listening to them anymore
it's was hard to kill you nor did you have any weakness so they needed someone you trusted but you never trust someone easily
So they approach Me and I started getting closer to you I try so hard to be trusted by you but still you didn't trust me that much and today was the perfect opportunity for that so yeah
You win from them but you will lose from me hahaha *laugh*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
you are such a bastard I know something was wrong but i still trusted you , you acted like a harmless kitten but as you said I didn't trusted you enough so your right
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
that's why I came prepared I know it's hard to run from here because this whole place is surrounded by your people so If I'm going to die why not take you all with me *laugh*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
* reveals the jacket filled with bomb she was wearing * see know you all will die with me
You bitch
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Don't even think about running because I have planted bomb in this whole building *show the remote *
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Know die with me *push the remote button and then bhoom💥*
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
Aliana/Agent Rose/Fl
So this is how I die how lonely this is
So that's it for this chapter I hope you liked it ☺️
Don't forget to share your opinion about it
I will try to update fast
Thank you for reading

episode 2

Hello everyone
Let's start
Let's start
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady wake up please
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
What's wrong with you
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Hey go inform the duke about my lady
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
Outside the study room
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
*knock * *knock *
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Who's there
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
duke it's me
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Come in
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What's wrong
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
Duke that my lady is not waking up
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What happen
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
Duke that when Lara went to wake up princess in the morning she was not walking up so she thought she must be tired that's why she is not waking up but after a while when she again went she wasn't waking up so she told me to inform you
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*stand up * did you call the doctor
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
No duke
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*angry* so what are you waiting for go and call the doctor 🥶
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
Yes duke * left*
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*went towards Athena room *
On the other side
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
* woke up* Ummmm where am i
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
my lady you finally woke up thank god
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Who are you
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady it's me Lara your maid
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
My maid but I don't have any maid
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
And where am i
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
In your room my lady
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
My room *look around* but it does not look like my room
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*look at herself* *shocked* what the fuck I am even wearing
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady you should not use this type of language you're a noble lady and you are wearing your clothes
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
What is this place
Adelia/ maid
Adelia/ maid
This is Galadriel kingdom and your the princess of this kingdom and the daughter of the duke
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
What is my name
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Your name is Athena my lady
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Ok can you leave for a second
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Yes sure my lady *went out *
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
What the fuck is going on
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
where the hell I am
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
And why this name is so familiar
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Galadriel kingdom where the hell I'd this place and this clothes, duke , princess what the hell
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*saw the mirror* *went towards the mirror* wahhh I'm such a beauty
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
the grey eyes grey hair is this the novel character Athena
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
So I am sent to my favorite novel which I read when I was a teenager
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
what was the novel name ughhhh I can't remember
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Of course I read it a long time ago
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*come towards Athena room with worried expressions*
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Duke *bow*
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
how is Athena
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
She has woken up duke up she can't remember anything i don't know what's wrong
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What why can't she remembers anything
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
I don't know
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What are you doing here why are you not with her
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Duke she told me to leave
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
tell her I'm here to meet her
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Yes duke
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
*knock* *knock *
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Who's there
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady it's me the duke want to meet you
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*enter* how are you
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
I'm fine father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Lara told me you can't remember anything what's wrong
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Nothing is wrong father I remember everything
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
ok that's good doctor is coming let him check you
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
No need father I'm fine
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What do you mean by you're fine you got unconscious for no reason your not well
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
let the doctor do check up I don't want to listen anything
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
The doctor went after doing check up
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Take some rest
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
I don't want to see you getting sick again
this sign mean " " a person pov or what a person is thinking
"he is back to his cold behavior"
This is for today
Thank you
I hope you like it

episode 3

Hello everyone
Hope you all are doing fine
Let's start
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"he is back to his behaviors"
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Lara it's your responsibility know I Don't want to see her getting sick again
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Yes duke
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady I will bring your lunch*bow* and *left*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"ughhhh finally I'm alone so I'm the only daughter of duke he has a wife and two son the thing is that I'm not his legitimate daughter nobody knows who my mother and father is and that's why nobles don't like me "
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"my father is cold with me but I understand his behavior but still he care about me after all I'm his daughter legitimate or not he is a good person and the most powerful person of the empire"
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"my stop mom and brothers are also good my step mom never treat me indifferently and never behave bad with me same goes to my step brother my elder brother is cold but he do care and my younger brother is sweet and have fun personality"
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"but there still a distance which I think was created by me I have a very introvert personality we both have same personality so it was hard for us to make friends that's why I liked her in novel because I could relate with her people use to call her illegitimate bastard of the duck even when she was a small child all the children use to bully me for that that's why I didn't have any friends and I don't go to any gathering and start distancing myself from everyone even from my own family "
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"from the mother who love me like her daughter from the brother who love like there sisters and from the father who love me and care about me but don't show I thought she (real Athena ) was stupid to misunderstand them and distance herself from them and misunderstand them that they were like others too "
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
" I agree that she was stupid and that why I'm here to change the plot afterall I'm a smart girl hehehe 😁"*hair flip*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"about my powers I still haven't gotten them or maybe I don't get them ever😕 because in the novel her power wasn't awaken till the end and that was also the reason people looked down on her "
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"the thing I didn't like about her was that she never took stand for her self ughhh what a stupid person "
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
*knock* *knock*
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady may I come in
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
My lady I bought you're lunch
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Thank you
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
No need it's my duty lady do you need anything else
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
No you may leave
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Yes my lady take care of you want something just call me
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
What was your name
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
it's Lara my lady
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Oh ok Lara where is my mother and brothers
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
*shocked* " this is the first time my lady is asking about them "
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Ohh that my lady they are not in dukedom they are out of dukedom for some work they will be back soon
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Oh ok
Lara/ Fl maid
Lara/ Fl maid
Then I may take my leave my lady enjoy your lunch
That's it for this episode
Take care everyone
Bye bye

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