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Reincarnating Into Another World As The Main Villain, Just To Fall In Love With 'Him'

What happened, why?

Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Name - Samuel Autumn Age - 22 years Parents - Deceased Siblings - None An orphan, doesn't like people who judge others Golden prodigy in Fencing, has struggled for years, done all kinds of high and low jobs, amazing at playing the violin
Back to story
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I-I can't believe I'm standing here
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I've finally, finally done it
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I won
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I won the championship
And, this is Samuel Autumn, the gold medalist in Fencing
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**happy tears** Thank you everyone who has supported me, this wasn't easy, but thanks to your support I've made it
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**bows** I'll always be grateful
On his way back home
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**in the taxi, talking to the driver** Yes, I am Samuel Autumn
**driver** My son's a fan, and so am I
It's so good to meet you
Suddenly, the car stops and-
*Goon1* Get out of the car
*driver* Sir, we've done-
The goons shoot the driver, and then-
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**scared** What-
*2* Get out, y-
*1* Why bother, just shoot his leg-
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**gets out of the car and pushes them both** Let me go!
*2* **Shoots his leg** Put him in the car and set it on fire
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**screaming** N-No!
*1* Alright, now for the fire
The goons cover the car in petrol, and then set it on fire
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**losing consciousness** H-Huh? Why? Wh-
*2* It's done boss, we've taken care of that idiot
*1* Yes, he's dead, now your son is the best fencer the country
After a while, as Samuel woke up
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Wh-Where am I?
Hello, Little one!
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Who are you?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
I'm Leo
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
I'm your guardian angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
I'm sorry that happened to you, so I asked my boss
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Huh? What guardian angel?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
The person who protects you, you know
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Anyway, I've asked The Big Guy, well, God, to give you another life
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Wait, if you are my guardian angel, then?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Well, I'm sorry, I know that shouldn't have happened
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
But, I've been punished, I'm supposed to guide to another life, of a King
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
But, the person you will be is, he's a villain, you can turn good though
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Alright, I'll try to be calm
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Now, if I am a villain, then I'm going to die anyway
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Why not just go to heaven now?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
If you decide that, I'll be punished and, and banished
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I don't want that to happen to you, everyone makes mistakes
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Yes, so please! Take the deal
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I can't be a villain
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
I'll help you be good, I promise! I'll guide you personally, you'll see me, talk to me
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I don't wanna die like this, I want to live, live with someone else
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I crave love and care, but villains don't get love
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
No, if you can be good, you'll find your soulmate, Samuel
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Is it possible?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Yes, I'll help you as much as I can
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Fine, I'll do it, better than spending time in heaven then
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
**snaps his fingers and a little paper appears** Read it, and tell me if you find something wrong
The paper contained- The mortal will be given a new life, through this contract. Whatever he/she does, they'll be judged on their actions on their last day. They are allowed to talk to their guardian angel and take advice directly. After being given this life, the mortal's life is in their own hands, but their guardian angel can help them. Signature ..............................
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
I'll sign it, what's my name though?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Apollo, Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
A royal name, huh?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Fit for a King and a villain
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
If I'm a villain, I've got to suffer hardships, hmm?
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Well, you'll reincarnate in an adult body
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
So no hardships, just have to survive
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**a bit sarcastic** Sounds great
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
I'm trying my best here, I had to fight with so many people and, and you're being so mean
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
Samuel Autumn
Samuel Autumn
**sighs** Just send me there
Leo/Guardian Angel
Leo/Guardian Angel
**smiles and snaps his fingers** As you wish
Chapter End

The First Meeting

With that, Samuel, well 'Apollo' transmigrated to his new life
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Hmm? Where, why am I in this castle? And why is it that I smell roses?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**looking at the woman standing below** Erm, you
Me? My Lord, have-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Tell me your name
My name? It's
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott, you call me Keith
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Yes, yes, a lot has been on my mind lately Keith, I cannot help it
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
Of Course, My Lord
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
The Prince has been put in the dungeon, what wa-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
Yes, Prince Perseus
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
The Prince of Fairies
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Is he now? I'll meet him then
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**Thinking** Better let him go
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
*Don't wanna be in trouble*
In the dungeon
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
*He's mesmerizing*
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**clears his throat** Leave Keith
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
Yes, My Lord
Keith leaves
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Get away from me! I hate demons
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Your Highness, shouting at me will do you no good
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
You, you wish to take advantage of me, right?
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
You're a disgusting man, Lord Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Ah, you're still acting mighty, eh?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Do not forget, you're the captive, and I, I'm your captor
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
You're a-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
*I should act a little bad first*
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I'm sending you back to your place, you're not interesting
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
***looks at him scornfully** Not interesting? How dare you, you filthy Demon?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**smirks** Oh, you want to stay here then? My pleasure
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
N-No, that's-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**holds his face** If you cross me, I'll..............
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**crying** You're so bad
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
You're ab-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**wipes his tears** I'm sending you back, so just take it
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
I still hate you
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Not like I care
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**yells** Keith
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
**comes** Yes, My Lord
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Send the Prince back, I've lost my interest
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Do not make me repeat myself
Juliet Keith Abbott
Juliet Keith Abbott
**bows** Yes, My Lord
In his Chambers
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**sits on the bed** Seriou-
**knife on his neck** Do not make a sound, or I'll-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**pulls him down and pins him on the bed** Wh-
Chapter End

My Lover?

Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Your Highness?
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**looks away** I hate you, get off me!
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**smiles to himself and thinks** This kid is so cute, I'll have a bit of fun with him
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**throws the knife away** Planning to assassinate me is quite stupid, Your Highness
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**caressing his face** Let's do something else
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**pushing him away** Y-You! You're deranged
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**laughs** You're so shy, have you never done it with anyone?
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
How could you just ask me that? You're shameless
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**comes to his face** Did you not leave because you want me?
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**angry** Who would want the Demon Lord? You're a horrible man
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
If that is so, then why is your face so red, Your Highness?
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**red because he's flustered** You've done something
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I've not
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I don't waste my abilities on something like that
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
I hate you, I'll kill you one day
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I'd love to see you try, Your Highness
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**gets off** Now, leave and do not come back, ever
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I'm not in the mood for-
**knock** My Lord, I'm here
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**puts his finger on his mouth** Shh
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
No, My Lord, it's me, Zachary
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I see. A minute, Zachary
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**whispers** Go, right now or at least hide
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**frees himself** You don't need to tell me that
Percy hides in the cupboard as soon as the door opens
My Lord, It's me
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary, do I look pretty?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
*Is he my lover?*
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I suppose
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**comes to him and sits on the floor**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
He's not actually wearing a skirt, just think they're pants
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
My Lord, you never let me pleasure you, I want to
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
*So it's like that, huh?*
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Do not sit on the floor Zachary
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**gets up on his lap** I want you
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**clears his throat** Get up, Zachary
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**sadly gets up** My Lord?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair your coat
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**takes his coat off, hopeful** Yes?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**sits on his lap again**
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**pats his head** I'm not interested in you, and you know that Zachary
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
But, I love you
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**kisses his cheek** So much
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
All these years you let me sleep next to you, but we've never
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**smiles** Make me fall for you the right way then, not like this
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**happy that he smiled** As you wish, My Lord
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**hugs him** You're so warm
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**sitting straight**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**sadly but still smiles**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
My Lord, I heard the Prince of Fairies is beautiful, is he? More than me?
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**wanted to make Percy angry** No, of course not, he's not more pretty than you, not in my eyes
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
He can not compare to your beauty, Zachary
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
Perseus Alette Aerwyna
**burnt with jealousy and anger**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**smiling bright** My Lord! I'm so happy
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**wants to make him more unhappy** Do not call me that
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Call me Apollo, Zachary
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
No-No, I can't! It's wrong, you're our Lord, our-
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Call me
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**looks at him and then in his sincere eyes**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**holds his chin** It's pretty from your mouth
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**smiles** Apollo can I stay like this? Please
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Of course, I do not mind
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**kissing his neck** You're so good, Apollo
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**holds his face gently** You're the one whose good, Zachary
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**picks him up**
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**hands on his mouth** My Lord!
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Let's go to sleep in the other room, I.......... do not like this one any more
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**shy** But, the servants
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
I'm the Lord, correct?
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**snuggles into him** Yes, you are
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**looks at Percy who was in the cupboard and gives him a signal** Go
Outside, in the hall, the servants were looking at them like Apollo had been possessed
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**smiles** Tell me, which one?
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**shyly points a suitable room** That one
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**kisses his cheek** Let's go and sleep in that one, My Lord
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**lovingly** Not that, Apollo
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
**buries himself in his neck** Apollo, please don't just stand here, I feel shy
The servants were stunned to see Zachary in Apollo's arms and him calling their Lord by his name
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**to a worker** Do not disturb us till the morning
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
Yes, My Lord
In the room
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**lays him down on the bed** Tell me, why do you like me
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
You're the reason I'm alive, M-, Apollo
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
You saved me from those werewolves a few years ago, I was really weak that day, but
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
You came and saved me, that's how I fell in love with you
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
Apollo Chrysalis Auclair
**holds his face gently** Tell me, what are you?
Zachary Silva Avery
Zachary Silva Avery
I-I'm a fairy
Chapter End

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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