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Reborn To Change My Fate ~~Taekook~~


Hello lovely people or should I say shameless people.
Your shameless author is here to present a new fanfiction.
Hope you like it.
Jeon Taehyung, the husband of Jeon Jungkook was standing in front of a doctor's chamber.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
May I enter, doctor?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
You may enter.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
*Looks at Taehyung*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Tae, how have you been doing? *smiles at Taehyung*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
*tries to smile back*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Not too bad, I guess. *says while trying to smile*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
What brings you here? *stares at Taehyung's thin pale body*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Sorry for staring. But why do you look pale, bloodless and thin like a stick?
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I Don't know, hyung. Lately I have been suffering from itchy skin, nausea, loss of appetite, unwanted bleeding from my gums...
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
What the héck are you saying? *Says while yelping*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
You know what you are saying right now.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I know what exactly is coming out of my mouth. I have those symptoms. Is it something serious?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
*massaging his forehead*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
I can't say anything right now. You have to wait till I check your body....
Then Kim Namjoon took Taehyung to the ECG room, MRI room to check Taehyung's body. He then checked Taehyung's blood.
Taehyung was sitting in Namjoon's chamber and waiting for the result of The test.
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
*comes to his chamber*
Kim Namjoon's face was all gloomy. He was trying to cover up those sadness from his eyes. Taehyung could easily tell something was off.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
What happened, hyung?
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Is there something wrong? *asks in confusion*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Taehyung, I am not ready to tell you about this alone. Call your husband right now.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Hyung. I am not gonna do this. He is not going to pick up my call. He is busy with his work.
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
I have already told you I won't tell you your test result alone. You won’t be able to bear it.*says sternly*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
It doesn't matter...
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Tae, Call Jungkook right now or I will call Yoongi.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
You are really stubborn....
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
*sigh and pick his phone up to call Jungkook*
Taehyung saved Jungkook's number as 'my love'
He tried to call Jk several times. But each time he heard "The number you are calling is busy now. please try again later. Thank you". He tried until he heard "The number you are calling is currently unreachable please try again later. Thank you"
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I have told you he won't pick up my call. He is probably busy with his work.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Now can you please tell me?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
I need to call, Yoongi.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
No, you won't or else I am leaving...m
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
*stands up from the chair to leave*
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Sit, sit, I am telling you.
To Be Continued
Please tell me how it was.
I am waiting for your comment.
Love you.....


Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Taehyung, please prepare your mind.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I am fine. Just tell me.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
*tries to smile *
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
I really can't do anything with your stubbornness.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Just tell me.
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Taehyung I Don't know if you are going to believe me or not. But I have tested your blood for several times.
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
And I came to know that you have....*stops*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I have what...
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
You have....
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I have what, hyung? *says impatiently*
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
You have blood cancer.You are diagnosed with a third stage blood cancer...
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
That's all.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I have blood cancer that's all.Why are you hesitating to say that easy thing...
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Taehyung are you having nuts? You have third stage blood cancer and you are going to die in one month. *says while stretching his hairs*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
What the héck?
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I thought I was going to die tomorrow. But God is really playing with me.*sighs*
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Ok, hyung. I will take the report. I have already paid your payment.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Bye, Have a good stressful day with your patients, hyung.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
*winks and leaves*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
*breaks down into tears*
Namjoon in his life never believed to see a cancer patient this playful and worried free after knowing he had cancer. He was shocked seeing this emotionless, soul-dead Taehyung. He just could not take it. He broke into tears. He was crying thinking about Taehyung.
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Jungkook, how did you manage to kill my joyful Tae like this? **crying while saying**
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
How can you be so cruel to break his heart? How...How....
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Are you even a human?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
God why you make him suffer this much in his early life?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Why? Why?
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Why did you send Jungkook in his life? Why? *wiping his tears harshly*
Kim Namjoon(past)
Kim Namjoon(past)
Jungkook, you have to suffer for this. You have killed Tae before he was dead. I need to inform Yoongi.
Kim Namjoon, the family doctor of the Kim family was crying for Taehtung whereas his husband was not even with him. What a cruel world.
To Be Continued
How was it?
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Love you shameless people.😘😘😘😘


Taehyung left the hospital and started walking towards his and his husband's apartment in Seoul.
Taehyung was exhausted and tired from his daily life. He was neither sad nor happy after knowing he had third stage blood cancer. His husband, his childhood love made his life miserable. Taehyung loved his husband dearly even though he never showed any affection towards Taehyung.
Taehyung had left his family just to be with him but Jungkook never tried to fulfill Taehyung's shattered wishes. Jungkook was never there when he needed him. He was never there.....
But when Taehyung was hurt, he was always there not to heal him but to hurt him even more.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
But, I can't leave this heartless man at all.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I just love him.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I love him for no reason.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I have been loving him since my childhood. But he never knew.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I liked to see him smile, I like to see him reading, I like to see him talking, I like to see him painting, I like to see him happy, I like to see him naked. I don't mind anything.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I just love to be with him
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
It is crazy, isn't it?
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
But what can I do? I have tried to hate him many times. But, I had to surrender to him all the time.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I just could not fight with my inner Self to hate him even though he is the reason for my suffering.
Jeon Taehyung(past)
Jeon Taehyung(past)
I just can't....
That was Jeon Taehyung. A hopeless.....not only hopeless helpless, lifeless, romantic fool.
He could do everything in the world just could not leave his love, his husband Jeon Jungkook. If he had left him, he surely would have survived. But he wanted to suffer while loving his husband.
Love is really ironically beautiful or venomous. It can heal you or destroy you. While Taehyung's heart was waiting to be healed, his heart was being shattered by his love, his life-partner, Jeon Jungkook.
To Be Continued
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Love you...😘😘😘😘

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