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Reborn As Vice Captain Of Straw Hats

Joining Luffy's Crew

"What the hell? Where am I?" A young man who was washed up to the shore opened his eyes and asked with confusion. At this moment, he suddenly hears a loud noise from the side.

"You are the ugliest old hag ever."

He turned his head and looked at the ship. It was a giant ship with lots of people standing on the deck. They looked like gangsters but my eyes instantly fell on that one individual.

A young man with Straw Hat!


He instantly slapped his cheek and the pain almost made him scream. He slowly moved his head to the side and saw a few more gangsters. At this moment, his mind worked faster than the supercomputer.

'Wait, I got reincarnated into the world of One Piece at the beginning of the story? Wait, wait, wait, let me digest something. First, who am I? I have watched One Piece more than ten times. I should know most of the characters.'

Thinking so, he immediately ran towards the room. It was a wrecked hall with lots of mirrors around. He saw the reflection of himself and it stunned him.

He was wearing a green shirt with grey pants and had light red hair. He had an average height and also looked totally normal and average. If he hadn't watched One Piece ten times, he wouldn't have remembered this guy at all.

'The guy that asked Nami for a dance. Damn it! I got reincarnated into this body. But wait, normally reincarnation only happens when this person's soul dies. Am I injured?'

Only then he noticed there was some blood in his chest.

'It seems I got injured for sure but now, I am healed. Is it some sort of ability that most reincarnations have? But, I don't feel any difference. Anyway, I never thought I would get reincarnated into the world of One Piece.'

'Is this a start of my new legendary journey or what?'


Suddenly, he heard a loud splash of water and his eyes widened. He rushed out of the hall and reached the corner of the ship.

'Damn it! I need to jump even if it breaks my leg.'

Without any hesitation, he jumped from the deck toward the small ship with two.

"Monkey D. Luffy, take me with you."

He shouted from the air. Luffy and Coby raised their heads and saw him jumping toward their boat.

At this moment, one of the members of Alvida pirate shuttered "W-w-w-wait, I was pretty sure I shot him in the chest. Why is he alive?"

"What? You killed him." Another man shouted at him.


"Idiot! If I had killed him, how could he be alive? Something must have blocked the bullets." The pirate replied as he looked at the young man jumping on Luffy's boat.

Luffy tilted his head in confusion for a while until the young man fell over his body.

"W.w.w.who are you?" Coby shuttered as he stared at the young man and asked.

The young man slowly stood up from Luffy's body and said "Me? My name is Zack . Monkey D. Luffy, let me join your crew!"

"Huh!" Luffy slowly got up as he tilted his head in confusion. Then, the next moment, he shook his head and said.


"Wait, why? I might not look strong and I am not strong but I can be pretty resourceful." Zack argued as his expression dropped.


"I can help you find amazing islands for adventures."


"I will help you eat a lot of meats."

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…. No!"

"But why?"


"I will be your vice-captain and help you become the pirate king."



Finally, Zack fell on his butt as he didn't understand what he can do to make Luffy agree.

"Ahhh! Marines are already here." Coby immediately set the sails and the boat drifted away.

During the journey, Zack kept sulking hard until he heard Luffy arguing with Coby about Roronoa Zoro.

"Luffy, he might not agree that easily." Zack looked at him and finally came out with his dreadful expression.

"See Luffy, even Zack doesn't think he will join. Why do you want to invite him but not Zack?" Coby asked.

"Because he doesn't have a dream." Luffy pointed his finger at Zack and spoke.

Zack's chin dropped to the boat as he asked "Wait, you rejected me just because I don't have any dreams. How did you even know that I don't have any dreams?"

"I just can." Luffy answered but his tone was a bit serious at this moment.

Zack sighed. As expected, Luffy isn't someone easy to fool especially when it comes to some serious stuff like joining the crew. He does what he wants. If he wants you to join the crew, then you must but if he doesn't then, you won't get a chance.

But suddenly, Zack's eyes sparkled.

"Wait Luffy, let me ask you something. Pirates are free to anything, right?"

Luffy nodded his head.

"Then, Pirates can choose anything they want to be, right?"

Luffy continued to nod his head.

Zack raised his hand and pointed the thumb at his chest, shouting "Then, I chose to be a dreamless pirate."

"Huh?" Luffy and Coby looked at him with dumbfounded expressions.

"You said this yourself. Pirates can choose to be whatever they want. That means they can also choose to be dreamless. Can't I choose to be a pirate for adventures only? Can't I choose to be a dreamless pirate?" Zack proudly made an argument.

Hearing his words, Luffy smashed his fist on his palm and said "I understand. You can become a dreamless pirate because pirates can be anything."

'Whoa! He really did understand.' Zack was shocked for a moment when he heard Luffy's words. But, he quickly shook his head and said "That's why I have been telling you. Let me join your crew. I will help you become the pirate king."

"But Zack, why are you so much into joining Luffy's crew? Do you know him?" Coby looked at Zack and asked.

Zack nodded his head and replied "Yes, I do know a lot about him. And, I am joining him because unlike most pirates, he isn't evil and wants to go on lots of adventures."

"How do you know me?" Luffy asked with a confused expression.

Zack scratched his head a few times and said "How do I say this? When you were training with mountain bandits, I was in Dawn Island. I came to know about you there but at that time, I wasn't interested in becoming a pirate."

"It was only until when I realized that only by becoming the pirates, you can truly have adventures and do whatever you want. So, when I heard you had left the Dawn Land, I went out in that ship to find you. I didn't expect to find you so soon."

"Really?" Luffy looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yep! That's why let me join your crew." Zack nodded his head as he sighed in his heart. His lie might not come true as Usopp's but they are still good enough.

"Alright! But, you said you will give me lots of meat." Luffy nodded his head with a straightforward expression.

"I don't have meat here. But, I believe we can eat once we reach Shell's Town." Zack answered as he finally sat on the boat with a relaxed expression.

In a world full of pirates, although it is a bit troublesome to follow the main characters, it will still be safer than going alone.

"By the way, Luffy, do you still want to invite Roronoa Zoro?" Zack looked at him and asked.

"Yep! I heard is very strong." Luffy nodded his head with a cheeky smile.

"Luffy-san, he is not a good choice. You already have Zack. You find someone else." Coby looked at Luffy and tried to persuade him.

"But, he is not strong." Luffy bluntly broke Zack's heart.

"Hey, I might not have good strength but I can be resourceful." Zack slapped his hand in the air and rebuked.

"Resourceful? What does that mean? You have been saying that again and again." Luffy tilted his head and asked.

Zack proudly put his hand on his chest as he spoke.

"I know a lot of stuff regarding grand line, marines, world governments, pirates, and even some powerful people. Do you know there is an island in the sky?"

"What? Really?" Luffy grabbed Zack's shoulders and asked while stretching his head in front of Zack.

"Zack-san, you are kidding, right? How could there be an island in the sky?" Coby looked at Zack and refused to accept.

"It can be accessed from Grandline. Not only does it have a bunch of islands but a whole sea made out of clouds. Hehe! Captain, when we reach closer, I will definitely tell you more about that island." Zack gave Luffy a thumbs up and giggled.

"Hurray! I can't wait to enter the Grandline. Let's go and get this pirate hunter to join our crew."

"Aye-aye Captain"

Infiltrating the Marine Base

"So, this Zoro guy, do you know anything about him Zack?" Luffy looked at Zack and asked as they walked on the street of Shells Town.

"Well, he is strong, hunts pirate so that he can earn enough to wander around the East Blue, and wears a green headband when he gets serious." Zack made the expression as if he was thinking.

"By the way, I heard some rumors about this town. I am going to check it out while you two go and ask him to join us." Zack said goodbye to Luffy and left in a hurry.

"I wonder what he wants to do?" Luffy mumbled as they continued their journey in the tree.

"Maybe, he only joined your crew so that he will get a chance to stay on that boat to this place." Coby responded.

"He won't leave." Luffy shook his head and they continued moving toward Marine Base.

At this time, Zack was also heading toward Marine Base but he went from the backdoor. He had some other business with marines.

'Although this marine base is on the East Blue, the people from headquarters do come here. And, Ax Hand Morgan was also a powerful marine, not much powerful but still good enough.'

'My objective here is to find a training method. Although I do remember the training process that Coby and others went through, I still want to check if there is something more here.'

'If I find something better, it would be amazing but if I don't, then it's still okay. I can still do normal training.'

Zack sneaked inside the marine base from the backdoor. Just when he was passing through a door, he saw a girl with orange hair running around.

'That's Nami. Should I go talk?'

Zack thought for a moment and shook his head. Currently, Nami doesn't trust anyone. Only Luffy can get into her head right now.

Zack also sneaked further without letting any marines see him. As he went through different rooms, he saw Zoro's swords. This room belonged to Helmeppo.

He gave those swords a deep look and searched the room.

'Found it!' He cheered with a smile when he finally found a gun. For protection, a gun is still better than having anything. That being said, while holding it, his hand shook a little.

Before coming to this world, he had never held a gun. And, this was a real gun. He took a deep breath and went out. He searched several rooms and eventually reached Morgan's room.

But, he didn't go in. Instead, he waited in another room. He looked outside the window and found that Luffy wasn't there anymore. That means Luffy has already returned and he will soon arrive.

Most of the marines were still on the top of the building. They were working on the statue of Morgan. When he was in this room, his eyes fell on a strange paper.

'That doesn't look like a normal paper. Why is it thrown in the bin?' Zack approached the bin and took out the paper. He unfolded the paper and his eyes widened.


'Damn! It's just empty paper. I really need to keep my expectations low.'

Zack threw the paper back into the bin and walked away with an angry expression. He was hoping that it would record some sort of training method but he was wrong.

He sighed and finally heard the door opening in the room next to him. He didn't move but rather waited till he couldn't hear the footstep. Finally, he opened the door and suddenly, a stick hit his head.


Zack shouted in pain but immediately closed his mouth as he ran away from the stick. He turned around and saw Nami standing next to the door while holding the stick.

"Why did you hit me?" Zack felt a bump on his head and angrily shouted.

"You are not a marine?" Nami suspiciously looked at him and asked.

"Of course not! What the hell is your problem? Damn, it hurts!" Zack touched the bump as it felt really painful.

"Who are you? Don't tell me you came to raid marine base?" Nami asked but suddenly she shook her head and muttered "You can't even bear the pain. How can you have the guts to come here to raid them? Anyway, if marine finds out that you aren't one of them, they will kill you. So leave!"

Saying so, she turned around and ran away.

Zack didn't even get to ask anything. He heard footsteps coming toward him. He hurriedly rushed inside one room.

"Ahhhh! Don't shoot!"

After a minute, he heard the scream of Helmeppo which widened his eyes. He immediately rushed out of the room and saw Luffy holding Helmeppo hostage.

"Ahh, Zack!"

Luffy's eyes widened when he saw Zack. Before the soldiers could turn around, Zack dashed toward them and punched the back of their heads with all of his strength. The soldiers had just turned their heads when the fist landed on their faces.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Zack screamed in pain as he rushed toward Luffy.

"Don't tell me you got hurt by punching someone! Hahaha, you are funny." Luffy's reaction made Zack punch him but knowing that it would only hurt him, he restrained his feelings.

"If you are searching for Roronoa's swords, I saw them in his room."

Saying so, Zack took Luffy to Helmeppos' room.

"There are three swords here. Which should I take?" Luffy asked. He dropped Helmeppo since he had lost his consciousness.

"All of them belong to him." Zack said while moving toward the windows. His eyes widened as he shouted "Luffy, marines are going to shoot Coby and Zoro. You need to fly out from here."

"What?" Luffy rushed toward the window while holding three swords. When he saw the marines raising their weapons at Zoro and Coby, he simply jumped out of the building with his Gomu-Gomu- Rocket.

Zack sighed and walked out of the room. He left the helmeppo as he is since he doesn't plan to get involved with this. He saw a few marines here and there but eventually got out of the marine base.

When he came out, he saw Helmeppo running out of the building while holding the gun. He laughed and shook his head. He didn't need to be there. He looked up into the sky and thought.

'Maybe I don't need to follow this route. I am a straw hat now. I can change many things. The only thing I don't know is if those changes are going to affect the future or not.'

Zack heavily sighed and looked at his skinny body.

'Anyway, I need to start training. After getting Going Merry, I should start training with Zoro. Anyway, I know a little bit about Observation Haki. I can learn it while being on the ship and also teach them.'

'I also need to find a devil fruit. Hmm…. Maybe if I am lucky enough, I will find a devil fruit. Anyway, I know what devil fruits look like. So, it shouldn't be much of a problem.'

"Stop right there! Who are you and what are you doing here?" Suddenly, a marine soldier raised his gun at Zack and shouted from the back.

"Gomu-Gomu- Bullet"


When Zack heard those words, he raised both of his hands and turned around.

"Your Captain has lost against my captain. Do you still want to fight?"

Hearing Zack's words, the soldier didn't believe but when he heard the marines cheering loudly, he dropped his weapon and jumped up in the air.


"Sigh! Marines getting help from pirates. No wonder Oda had to make this story so light-hearted. There are too many dark themes that I don't even like to explore." Zack muttered as he walked away.

"Hey Zack, we got a new crew member." Luffy raised both of his hands and shouted as Zack walked toward him.

Zoro also turned around and saw him. When he saw Zack coming from Marine Base, he narrowed his eyes.

"What was he doing in their base?"

"Oh, Zack was there even before I went to find your swords. But, he is very weak and didn't come to fight earlier." Luffy laughed as he explained it to Zoro.

"Captain, I am only weak because I haven't trained. You are not allowed to make fun of my strength." Zack pouted and looked at Zoro while extending his arm.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Zack. I am a resourceful guy."

"Oh! Nice to meet ….."


Zoro also extended his hand but before even they could shake their hands, he fell to the ground.


His stomach grumbled. Zack crouched down and tried to lift Zoro on his shoulder.

"I can walk." Zoro pushed him away as he barely stood up.

"Well, that's your choice. Anyway, Luffy, let's go and eat something. He is hungry, I am hungry and you are always hungry." Zack said as they finally went to Rika's restaurant.

At Rika's restaurant

"How the hell can you eat so much?" Zoro looked at Luffy and asked.

"Well, his stomach is made out of rubber. He can even fit ration of the entire town if he wants to." Zack replied as he picked a piece of meat with his fork and put it in his mouth.

"And, why the hell are you trying to eat so much?" Zoro turned his head at Zack and asked.

"Well, after we find a better boat, I plan to train. So, I am building up more energy to burn." Zack answered.

"So, where is your boat?" Zoro asked.

Zack pointed at the window. Zoro looked outside the window and turned around. He looked at them putting his hand on the forehead and asked "How are we going to travel in that small boat?"

"Don't worry, we will soon have a bigger ship." Luffy replied before even Zack could open his mouth.

"Hah! Anyway, it's just three of us then?" Zoro asked.

Zack and Luffy nodded their heads.

"Alright! I should leave now. Join me in the boat." Zack stood up and walked out of the restaurant. He saw a few marines walking toward the restaurant and went sideways.

'I wonder if there is a good forger around.' Zack thought as he walked around aimlessly. The people on the street kept talking about him since he was one of them who freed the town from Captain Morgan.

Though he literally did nothing but avoided the entire situation.

'Oh! There it is.' Zack finally spotted the shop only a few houses after the restaurant and immediately rushed in front of the shop.

"Hello, sir! Do you have heavy iron?"

"Ahh! You are one of them. Welcome, welcome!" The shopkeeper immediately welcomed him.

"What kind of heavy iron do you need?"

"I wonder if you have something heavy that I can wrap around my leg and arms while walking." Zack asked.

The shopkeeper looked at him with surprise and nodded his head.

"Marines normally use heavy iron bands for training. I do have some in stock. How much weight do you need?"

Zack thought for a moment and said "For now, give me four pairs. Two for arms and hands weighing 20 kilos and another two weighing 40 kilos. I might also need 10 kilos one's. So, how much does this cost?"

"Please don't talk about cost. You people freed our town from the oppression of that Captain. Please wait here!" The shopkeeper shook his head as he refused to take the money just like the restaurant.

He had some money in his pocket. It seemed like he wasn't poor. But then again, he was on a cruise ship of One Piece.

Zack kept looking at the restaurant as he finally saw Luffy and Zoro coming out.

"Oi, guys, come here!"

Zack raised his hands and shouted from the shop. Zoro and Luffy heard his voice and walked toward him. It wasn't that far. The marines also saw them and curiously followed them.

"Help me take these irons to the ship!" Zack pointed at 20 kilos and 40 kilos arm and leg training iron sets. He picked up 10 kilos sets.

"Are you planning on training with these?" Zoro held the 40 kilos sets in his hand and easily lifted them. He looked at Zack and said, "They are very lightweight."


Suddenly, everyone except Luffy fell to the ground hearing that. Zack stood up and shouted "These are not lightweight. You are just too strong. Now, help me with these. I will tell you everything on the ship."

Zack barely held 10 kilos and only then Zoro noticed just how weak he was and understood everything.

After they reached the boat, the marines and Coby came to salute them as they finally left Shell's town.

The night passed easily and the next morning, Luffy started grumbling about hunger.

"You can wait till we reach Orange Town. But, I heard that the town is captured by Buggy Pirates." Zack said as he started wearing 10 kilos sets.

"Hmm… how far is that town?" Luffy looked at Zack and asked.

"It's not that far." Zack replied and his eyes turned to Zoro.

"Hey, didn't you say they are lightweight? Why are you wearing them?"

Zoro took them off and said "They are indeed lightweight. Why didn't you get something heavier?"

"Are you an idiot?" Zack asked.


"Do you think this boat can handle 100 or 500 kilos weight? And, these are for me. Once we get a bigger boat, you can get some for yourself? And, I think you should also get these kinds since you would be practically training at every step of your daily work." Zack explained as he finally wore the entire set.

It weighs a total of twenty kilos. 10 kilos on the arms, and 10 kilos on the legs.


As soon as he wore them, his leg trembled as he fell on his butt.

"Ow! That hurts. Damn it, I still can't get used to pain." Zack screamed but he quickly noticed Luffy's arms stretching to the mast.

"Oi Luffy, what are you doing? Hey…"

"Gumo-Gumo no- Rocket!"


Luffy flew toward the sky in order to capture the bird but gets stuck on its mouth. Zoo's expression twitched as he looked at Zack and asked "Is he an idiot?"

"100%" Zack nodded his head.

"Idiot, why the hell did you do that?" Zoro shouted as he started rowing the boat faster.

"Zoro, if you wear those and then paddle at a fast speed, it would be good training," Zack suggested as he slowly got up. He was gritting his teeth just standing with 20 kilos of weight on his body.

"Why don't you help me paddle….. oh, that would work. Thanks!" Zoro immediately wore those heaviest sets and started paddling at an extreme speed.


It went so fast that Zack lost his control and fell into his butt once again but this time, he didn't scream. He gritted his teeth and slowly stood up.

"Stop the boat! Stop!" Suddenly, he heard three clowns shouting from the sea and thought for a moment.

'Although we are in a boat and Orange Town is just in front of us, we could still get lost with Zoro Paddling the boat.' Zack thought for a moment and asked Zoro to stop.

But a few seconds later, he also asked Zoro to beat them up. After getting punched a few times, those clowns started rowing the boat. Zoro took off those weights and put them on the boat while Zack continued to stand with those weights.

After fifteen minutes, he finally turned around and asked "Zoro, can you give me your sword?"

"Huh! Why do you need a sword?" Zoro looked extremely unwilling when Zack asked for his sword.

"Come on, just give me one for training." Zack rolled his eyes and asked. Finally, Zoro gave him one of his swords. He didn't give him wado ichimonji.

Zack held the sword with both of his hands and raised his hands.


He slashed with the sword with a powerful force, creating a soft wave of wind.

"Don't slash the sword like that! Straightened your back, put your right foot forward, and try to slash down the sword as straight as you can." Zack looked at his slash and commented.

Zack looked at him with an exhausted expression and asked "Can't you see me trying as hard as possible just to swing the sword with these weights? How am I supposed to maintain my posture when I can't even swing it properly?"

"That's the problem you need to fix. No matter how much you can lift or no matter how strong you are, if you train with a sword, you can't miss your posture."

"Either do it with a correct posture and don't." At this moment, Zoro's expression was deadly serious.

Zack sighed heavily and nodded his head "Alright! I will follow your advice."

Zack straightened his back but due to the weight in his arms, he couldn't keep that posture. Whenever he holds his sword, his posture changed to a curved one.

"What the hell are you idiots staring at? We have already missed our captain because of you. Hurry up and row!" Zack shouted when he saw the clowns looking at him and giggling.

"Humph! Boy, you can't even lift some weights and you dare to be a pirate. You will be killed even before you can spend a week in a boat." Buggy in the middle snorted at him still his eyes narrowed at Luffy's straw hat.

"Hey, did I tell you to stop?" Suddenly, Zoro looked at them with deadly eyes and spoke. His voice horrified them and forced them to speed up. He looked at Zack and said.

"Although what they said is true, you can still live if you keep training."

"I never thought you had such a soft spot." Zack giggled and Zoro angrily looked at him. Zack immediately shook his head and responded.

"Don't worry, I took the risk of adventure fully knowing that I might die but I will try my best not to die that easily."

Hearing his reply, Zoro slowly formed a smile on his face.

Against Buggy

"Are you sure the Luffy landed here?" Zoro looked at Zack as they walked out of the boat. He was a bit confused.

"Come on! Luffy isn't someone that would get defeated by a bird. I just hope that he decided to fall on the land rather than the sea since he can't swim in the sea." Zack answered.

He wasn't wearing those iron sets since he was sure he would need to help them. He doesn't want Zoro to get hurt if the injuries can be avoided. So, he planned to step up and be a man even if he can't fight properly.

The only thing that worries him is that if he does something, there might be some changes in the emotion of future straw hats. That's what worries him but after thinking for a long time, he realized that Luffy will get the Straw Hats together no matter what.

That's his charm.

"He can't swim?" Zoro looked at him with confusion and asked.

"Nope! Those who eat devil fruits can't swim. Luffy is 100% reckless, so it's going to be a pain in the ass." Zack sighed but at the same time, a cannonball struck the long line of houses.


The houses crumbled as his and Zoro's attention shifted toward it. Zack looked at Zoro and said, "Follow me!"

After that, he started running toward Buggy's camp.

Five minutes later,

"Haa… haa…. Haaa.. haaaa….."

Zack put his hands on the knees and started panting before even they reached Buggy's camp. Zack looked at Zoro and spoke "Go…go on…. Without me… I will join you later…."


Zack fell to the ground as Zoro sighed and dashed away. Zack slapped his forehead and mumbled.

"Damn! Just how strong is this guy? It might take me forever to catch up to the monster trio."

Zack turned around and looked toward the sea.

"Then again, I did run a long-distance so fast. Alright—— haaaa! I feeling better now. Oh shit! I forgot to tell Zoro about Buggy's devil fruit."

Without hesitation, Zack rushed toward the Buggy's camp. By the time he reached there, he saw Buggy trying to stab Zoro with his knife. At this moment, everyone from Buggy's crew was laughing and Zoro was confused.


Zack dashed between Zoro and Buggy and tried to catch his arm. He did succeed to catch the knife but he underestimated the power of Buggy-sama. The knife stabbed his stomach as he shouted.

"Argh… Zoro, you can't fight him….. Use the cannon now!"


Zack fell to the ground with the blood flowing through his guts. Zoro's eyes widened when he saw that. His eyes released bloodthirsty energy but he remembered Zack's words and dashed toward the cannon.


He lifted the cannon and turned it around.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop, stop, don't do it!" Buggy screamed while Zoro looked at Nami and shouted "Fire it!"

Nami woke up from everything that just happened and immediately lit up the cannon.


The cannon shot toward Buggy and exploded. Zoro rushed toward Zack and immediately turned him around. The knife was still stuck on his stomach. He held the knife and pulled it out.

"Argh! Damn, it hurts! Argh!"

"Hey, you are not going to die, right?" Zoro's eyes enlarged when he saw Zack bleeding. Unlike others, Zoro understood just how weak Zack was when he trained in the boat. Thus, he also understood the risk he took.

"I…. I will be fine…. It didn't go deep!"


Zack tore his clothes and wrapped them around the wound. He slowly stood up and looked at Luffy.

"Oi Captain, aren't you being too reckless flying with a bird and getting yourself locked inside a cage?" Zack tried to laugh but the pain was still screaming in his head.

"Stupid, you should look at yourself. You are even more reckless than Luffy. I could've taken that knife without a problem." Zoro looked at Zack and snorted.

"And, who is going to take this idiot captain away from here? You are a swordsman. You can't fight Buggy. Let the Captain handle it but first, let's leave and figure out how to get him out of here." Zack didn't ask for keys from Nami directly.

He knew Nami would eventually give them the key and even if not he can still force Zoro to use his hands to beat up Buggy.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect you to be so courageous, Zack." Luffy looked at him and laughed as if he didn't see the wound.

"Shut up, captain!" Zoro and Zack shouted at him at the same time. Zoro lifted him up and three of them left. Zack was having a hard time walking but they eventually reached somewhere.

"Hey, you guys, don't you need this?" Nami ran toward them while showing them the key and asked.

"It's the key." Zack shouted widening his eyes but suddenly fell to the ground, exhausted.


Zoro also put Luffy on the ground and turned at Nami.

"Hey, our navigator!" Luffy's eyes shone when he saw the key in her hand and cheered.

"Who is your navigator? I am not going to join you, evil pirates. I am only here to repay my debt." Nami shouted and dropped the key next to the cage.

"Evil…. Righteous..... Miss navigator, if you depict pirates as evil then what would you say about Marine Captain of Shell's Town, Ax Hands Morgan?" Zack slowly opened his eyes and spoke.

Hearing his words, Nami froze for a moment as she couldn't reply.

"Pirates are not evil. Marines aren't righteous. We, as humans can be either good or bad. Pirates represent freedom while marines represent restriction. Pirates represent open sea while marines represent closed fortress."

"Miss Navigator, everyone has their own life so I can't judge the reason behind your hatred for pirates but all I can say is that Pirates are free to do whatever they want. Isn't that right, captain?"

"Hahaha! You are right. Pirates are free to do anything."

"And, captain, if you want to be free, move your hand to grab that key. Oops! You are late."

Zack saw the dog gulping down the key and his face turned green. He was trying his best to get his captain out of the cage but due to Nami, he forgot about the dog for a moment.

While Luffy and Dog battle, Zack looked at the sky and thought.

'I never thought of myself as a brave person. But when I saw that I could avoid Zoro getting hurt, my body moved on its own. No….. it moved because of my decision but this decision was made by my unconscious mind.'

'Anyway, I should be healed within a few hours if I just get something to eat but I won't be able to move like Zoro. Haaa… this is so crazy.'

Zack heavily sighed as he noticed a shadow falling over him. Suddenly, he noticed pink underwear and spoke "Miss Navigator, you do realize that you are wearing a mini skirt, right?"

"Ahhh!" Nami screamed and moved back. She was always daring enough to show off her body but she still felt ashamed when someone made her realize that she was showing off too much.

"Shouldn't you get some medicine to heal? That wound won't heal itself." Nami's shyness faded away instantly as she asked.

Zack nodded his head and said, "Do you have some medicine?"

"I have some medicines. Young one, come with me!" The mayor walked near him and spoke. While Zack was thinking, Mayor had already arrived and was talking with Luffy and Zoro.

"Oi Zoro, help me out!" Zack looked at Zoro and asked. Zoro nodded his head and lifted Zack. As they followed Mayor, Zack asked "Do you have meat?"

"Why are you hungry all of sudden?" Zoro looked at Zack and shouted.

"Idiot, we haven't eaten since yesterday. Of course, I am hungry. You are too much of a monster to realize that you are hungry but I am just a regular human." Zack rolled his eyes and answered.

Zoro opened his mouth to rebuke but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Pufff!" On the side, Nami laughed as she looked at them. While they went to a house for treating Zack's wounds, a man riding the lion came to find Luffy.


The loud collision shocked them for a moment.

"Oi Zoro, you can't leave me alone here. What if the Buggy Pirates arrive here and kill me?" Zack looked at Zoro and spoke helplessly. It's not that he doesn't want Zoro to go rather he wants Luffy and Nami to properly interact.

"You! Can't you see that's where your Captain is? What if Buggy Pirates found him and blasted them while he is still stuck in the cage? He could die" Nami grabbed Zack's collars and shouted at him.

Zack raised his eyebrows and stared at her.

"Miss Navigator, do you really think we would've followed him if he was that weak? Our captain won't die that easily. But…."

Zack turned his head at Zoro and continued "But, I might die any moment."

"Yeah! Yeah!" Zoro patted Zack's head and took him inside a house. Mayor looked at them and followed but Nami didn't.

She turned around and went to find Luffy. After a minute or two, Mayor also rushed out to find Luffy.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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