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Novel's Villainess Transmitted Into The Modern Era!

Villainess not deserve Ml

My beautiful and handsome readers. 😺
Hope you are doing well.
I am writing a new story, hope you all like this.
Ok, so let's start without wasting time.
* * 👉 Action () 👉 Thinking " " 👉 showing forcing words ❄️ 👉 cold 🥶 👉 freezing 💨 👉 whispering
Nl Villainess : Why didn't you understand my love for you, Brian.
Nl villainess : For you, i leave my parents, Kingdom everything. So why are you not understanding that I am perfect for you. *crying*
Nl Ml : Ria you don't love me, you're just obsessed with me. If you love me you didn't try to hurt my loved ones. Because when you are in love, you don't hurt your lover in fact you cherish them. But what did you do. You force me to stay with you. Let's go Lily(Nl FL) *he left from there with fl*
Nl villainess : Please don't leave me like this Brian. Brian! Please come back Brian!! *crying*
After, that Riara(Nl villainess) dies because she is not able to endure the pain of separation from the Brian(Nl Ml). And Brian(Nl Ml) and lily(Nl FL) got married and lived there happily.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
*closes the novel* I didn't think, the novel has this type of ending.
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Bohoo!! 😭 How can Brian(Nl Ml) do this with Riara (Nl villainess). I am feeling so sad for her. for him she does so much but he chooses the Lily(Nl FL) at last.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
*ignore them and do his work*
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
You are right, son. Brian really did wrong with our Riara. 🤧
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
(Seriously!! Dad you too.)
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Our Riara!! 🤨
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
👈 His No 1 Jealous wife.
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
I mean Novel's Riara , he should not do this to Riara.
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yeah, whatever I don't have any interest in these novels. *while reading the magazine*
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
💨 Both son and mother are the same. Emotionless. 😒
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
💨 true.
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Honey, Let's pray, that Riara got her true love in her next life. 🤧
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Yes, you are right. Let's pray.
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Yes, children i will also pray with you guys. 🤧
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
*irritate* Could you all please stop this nonsense. 🥶
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Behave, Seb 🥶.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
I am sorry for my rudeness. *to everyone*
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
And you all stop this drama, and do your work.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
But, mom at least first let us, wish for our Riara.
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Yes, mother-in-law please. 🤧
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Yes, wifey. 🤧
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
I am getting, why you all are sympathized towards the character.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
You don't understand.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
What didn't try to let me understand.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Don't you feel, bad for her. That she never gets love that she wants from her parents. And when she tries to find that love on others at that time the person to whom she loves also leaves her.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
She was stuck in this situation because of herself. because she loves that person who didn't deserve her. Maybe she can be perfect for that Brian, but that Brian(Nl Ml) is not perfect for her. So she, herself was the reason for her situation.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
If Male lead is not perfect for her, what do you think, who is perfect for her. You!! 😒
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
It's meaningless to talk to you.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
💢 You..
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Naomi go to the company and Seb, you go to the base now.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Ok, mom. *leave*
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Ok, mom. *leave*
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
*standing there silently*
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
*standing there silently*
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Did I also have to give you both invitations, to go to work. 😒
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
Edward Kingston/Ml brother-in-law
No, mother-in-law. I am also leaving. *left hurriedly*
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
Abraham Steve/Ml Dad
I am also leaving. Bye wifey. *kiss on Yumi's and left from there*
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
*sigh* They all give me a headache.
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
*eyes goes on the novel, stand and took the novel from the table*
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
*open the last page of the novel.* (Seb, was right. That Man(Nl Ml) did not deserve her.)
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
*close the novel and put it inside the drawer.*
Hope you all like this story.
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Sent her in the modern era

* * 👉 Action () 👉 Thinking " " 👉 showing forcing words ❄️ 👉 cold 🥶 👉 freezing 💨 👉 whispering
I think this girl already endured so much pain in her life. *while looking at magical crystal*
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
It's time to end her sufferings.
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
*comes there* It's like, a miracle is going to happen to someone's life. *grins*
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Yes, and this miracle is going to be different from other miracles. *smile*
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Because this time, a princess is going to come in the Modern Era to find her true lover.
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
Now, I am excited to know how a princess from the past will find her true love in the modern era. Because this journey will not be easy for her.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Yes, her journey will not be easy. but once she passes this journey she will get everything that is dreamt in her life.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
After all to get the Rose, first you have to face the thornes of that. *calm smile*
At some dark place of universe
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
I loved you so much, then why did you still choose her. Why Brian? Just why? Why didn't you understand I was perfect for you. *tears flowing from eyes*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
For you, I leave my family, Kingdom, my everything. For you i become a normal girl from the princess. Then why choose her. Why Brian!! *crying*
Suddenly a voice comes.
Why are you wasting your tears on that person, who didn't even deserve you.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*stop crying* Who's there?
You did so much for him, but he never cared about this. He never understands your importance. He always takes your existence granted for free. Now, do you think, the person like him deserves you.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Who are you, show yourself. And how did you know about my life.
I am your guardian Angel, who comes there to help you to meet your soulmate. *smile*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
I don't want any guardian angel. Just leave me alone. I don't want any soulmate. I don't need anyone. So please go. *eyes become teary*
*Sigh* Maybe you don't want your soulmate, but your soulmate wants you. And he is waiting for you on his world.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
His World?
Oh Yeah, I forgot to tell you, your soulmate is from Modern Era.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Modern era?? what are you saying. World? Modern era?
You will understand everything, when I send you in the modern era.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
What sent me?? Who are you?
And he will help you in the modern era. *snap her finger*
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
*suddenly appears in front of Riara*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*scared because he suddenly appeared* What is this creature??
I don't have much time now to tell you these things. but don't worry, I am your well-wisher so I will not hurt you.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
But, who are you? And why you want to help me.
Is it important, to help anyone we should have a reason for. I am helping you because I want to.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
But, I don't want anyone's help or sympathy.
Why are you so stubborn! 😫
Whatever but I already decided, so let's meet in the modern era. 😌
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Huh? What??
*suddenly a black hole opens in front of her and starts pulling her towards it.*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*getting pull* Aaa... What is happening.
All the best for your new life. And Don't worry sisi will help you there.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Yes yes, i will help you. 😁*nodding happily*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*pulled by the black hole fully*
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
*also jumps into the black hole.* Wait pretty lady, i am also coming.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
*opens her eyes*
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
here! *gives her juice*
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
*take it* Thanks Noah.
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
So, you transmitted her.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
By the way, into whose body have you transmitted her soul?
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
I didn't transfer soul. I transferred her whole body with the soul to our world.
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
But don't think, it will be harder to live her original body in this world. Because no one knows her there.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Yes, it will be. But don't worry, I directly transferred her to her soulmate.
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
I hope, She will adapt herself according to this era, without facing difficulties.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
I also hope so.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
What happened!!
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
I forgot to change her clothes. 🥲
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
You mean she comes here in her princess costume.
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
🙂 👍
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
I hope you all remembered me. 🤧
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
Also me. 🤧
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Aurora Salvatore/Fortune teller
Please support our this story too. ❤️
Noah Salvatore/Aurora
Noah Salvatore/Aurora's husband
And don't forget to comments.


* * 👉 Action () 👉 Thinking " " 👉 showing forcing words ❄️ 👉 cold 🥶 👉 freezing 💨 👉 whispering
At night time
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
*driving the car*
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Seb, did you sign the contract with Mr Edgar. *while looking at her phone*
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Yes, mom.
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
And Naomi, how was the meeting. *scrolling her phone*
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Mom, the Meeting has gone well. They give us the contract.
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Yumi Steve/Ml mom
Good, You both are handling your business Well.
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Naomi Kingston/Ml big sister
Thank you, Mom.
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Thank you, Mom.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*get pulled from the black hole in the middle of the road.*
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
*also jumps out*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*looks her surroundings and eyes get wide*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
What place is this.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, This is the modern era.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Modern Era!!
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Yes, pretty lady. 😌
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
What are those long things.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, those are Buildings.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Yes, in our world. People live in this building.
*she notices something is coming towards her with the fast speed*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*hurriedly moved aside*
While the car, passed from there.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*scares a little* Creature, what was that thing.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
That was the car. In this world people use this to go from one place to another.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
You mean carriage.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Yes, you can say that this is like a carriage. But it is an advanced version of carriage.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
And I am not a creature. I am Sisi.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Ok, ok.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
But, what will I do there. I mean this world is so much different from mine. I don't think i am able to live in this world. Sisi can you please send me to the place from where I belong.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, you belong to this world. because In this world, you will get your happiness that you deserve. 😊
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
So, it means you will not send me back.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Sorry, pretty lady. But you have to live in this world.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*sigh and look at the sky* God, it's like you really hate me so much. That's the reason first you didn't let me get my love and now you send me to this world.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*a tear flow from her eyes*
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, don't cry. Because God loves you, that's the reason he sent you there. *wipes her tears with his mini hands*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*realized he tries to console her and a smile appears on her lips thinking that at least she meets someone who wipes her tears*
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
I think, I can give it a chance.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Now, help me explore this new world. 😊
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
With pleasure, pretty lady. 😌
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
By the way, where everyone is looking at us like we are aliens.
Person 1 : hey, see her clothes. *while walking* Person 2 : Is she an actress of any historical drama. Person 3 : look at that girl. She is so beautiful. Person 4 : Yes, but why is she wearing this type of clothes. Child : Mom, see an angel come from heaven to marry me. Mother : *pinch her child ears* You don't know how to wash your underwear, and you have to marry. Walk fast, you also have to do your school homework.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, they are not looking at you not me because they can't see me.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
looking at me? But why? And why they wear those weird clothes.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
*notice her clothes and make up
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, They are not wearing weird clothes, you are wearing weird clothes that's why everyone is looking at you.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Let's go and find some clothes for you.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Don't you know magic, so change my clothes with your magic.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Sorry pretty lady, But I don't know this type of magic.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
🙂 So let's find some clothes or else these people will going to be looking at me like i am Alien.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Yes 🤧
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
But, pretty lady before that you beside from the road, because you are standing in the middle of the road. Or else some vehicle will hurt you.
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
You mean those advanced carriages.
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
That was the car, pretty lady not advanced carriages. 🥲
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Yeah, I get it. *going beside the road*
Sisi/Magical creature
Sisi/Magical creature
Pretty lady, careful!!
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
Riara Rogers/Fl/Nl villainess
*got hit by the car*
Sebastian Steve/Ml
Sebastian Steve/Ml
*suddenly stop the car*
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