NovelToon NovelToon

Claimed By The Dangerous Mafia JK Ff

Episode 1

...Y/N POV...

"Y/n, please. I still love you. Why don't you understand that?? You are the love of my life!"

"Jaekyung! Enough is enough! I don't love you. We are over! Stop following me everywhere!"

"You fucking bitch-" 

Blood. Blood. Bloo-

I was startled awake from the nightmare as the thunder boomed somewhere in the distance. My eyes widened, my lips dry, and sweat trickled down my neck.

I gulped down the glass of water on the nightstand with my shaky hands.

It's been four fucking months. Still, the memories of him haunt me like a bitch.

I stood on my feet and went out of my room to my brother's room. I knocked on his door softly. No reply. I knocked again.

After a minute, my brother opened the door.  He was in his black shorts and a loose white tee.

"What is it, Princess?" He asked with his soft tone.

"Move out of the way," I pushed him and went inside his room and slept on his bed.

Taehyung scoffed.

"Not again, y/n! Let me sleep in peace!" He said dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and sleep, Grandpa," I said. He threw a pillow at me.

"Scaredy cat!" He exclaimed.

"Look who says that," I mocked playfully. He sighed and took the other half of the bed and fell asleep within five minutes. Bruh. Seriously? How could someone sleep in this loud noise?

Another thunder rumbled in the distance. I clutched my quilt. Fuck.


"Wake up! Oye!" I closed my ears as I tried to sleep in peace. "It's time for your Uni! It's 8:16 a.m," My eyes fly open to face Taehyung. I looked sideways to see the time.

7:28. I groaned as I took a pillow and threw it at his face which he tackled effortlessly.

"If you sleep, soon it will be 8:30. Get up and get out of my room first. Get ready and come downstairs. I will prepare breakfast,"

"Fineeeeeee," I got up and mimicked him before going out. "gEt uP aNd geT Out oF mY roOm," and ran away giggling before he could hit me.

Taehyung, my one and only brother. He is my everything. We lost our parents - when I was seven, he was fourteen years old- in an accident.  Kim Enterprises was handled down to my brother legally. But at the age of 14, what does he know about business? Our uncle took care of the company till Taehyung turned 18. Then taught him business.  Taehyung took care of me all the time.

We bicker, but love each other and care for each other.


"You are finally here!" JiHo, my bestie pressed herself to my side. "Where is your hot brother?" She Wiggles her eyebrows.

"He left as soon as he dropped me just so he would avoid seeing your 'annoying face'. Not my words. His." I said playfully.

JiHo always had a crush on my brother. But she has a lot of crushes. She gets laid with different guys in different months. So my brother couldn't take her seriously.

She tsked. "We are going somewhere after classes today."


"Not telling you"

I looked at her suspiciously. Trust me, when she doesn't say where we are going, that means she is up to no good. I sighed.

We were passing the hallway when the people there - especially girls - were all talking about someone called JJK.

"What are they talking about?"

"Gurll, are you serious?? You don't know? The unknown mafia king's name is said to be JJK. Some people say he is the devil, some say he is a goblin who never died, some say that he has no heart literally and he is a ghost. But the truth is no one saw him. Even if they saw they don't know it's him. People also say that he is only 25 years old."

I laughed. " Do people really believe in these things? That he is a ghost, goblin, and a devil?"

She shrugged. "Some believe, some don't,"


"Why did you take me here?"

"This is super fun!!"

I looked around the place. People were cheering for the person they liked. I looked at the rink. One guy's fist collided with the others making blood fly from his mouth and nose.  Underground Fighting Club. That's where we are standing right now. Isn't this shit illegal? This bitch is tryna get me arrested. But nearly 300 people are watching the show.

Are you kidding me?

"Now the fight is between Haesung and Jungkook!! Get ready for the great show!!" The MC shouted using the mic.

The crowd went crazy. Shouting the name "Jungkook" repeatedly.


"What are you doing?" I hissed at her.

"Watch him play gurl! You will get crazy like us!" She didn't say much as she went into her cheerleading mode.

The guys entered the rink. They were wearing only shorts. One guy's right arm was full of tattoos. His defined abs in view. Damn. That's hot. A few strands of hair touches his forehead.

Soon there was a whistle. That guy punched the other guy's face. The crowd went crazy again. By their cheers, he seems like Jungkook.

Soon the guy won the match. Just like that.

We went out of the place after the match ended. We were waiting for a cab. Soon a guy came to us- to Jiho.

"Hi, beautiful. Mind to have drinks with me?" He asked her. Of course, she fell for his charms.

"Hi, handsome. Would love to. But I will take my friend too," she said pointing to me.

"No. I am not going. I have to go home. It's already pretty late," I refused as it was nearly 9 p.m.  Tae will be worried.

"You sure?" She was quite worried about leaving me alone.

"That's fine. You can go," She hugged me and kissed my cheeks before leaving with him. I saw her getting on his bike and disappear. I sighed and waited for the cab there.


I turned to see...him. please tell me it is a nightmare. My face paled as my hands became clammy.

"So it is you. How dare you leave me. Huh? Why did you leave me? Did you get some other guy who fucks you better than me?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"J-Jaekyung, what are you doing here?" I asked hiding my fear.

"You bitch. You got me arrested! I went to the prison because of you! Four fucking months!" He shouted in front of my face as he grabbed me by my neck pushing me against a wall in the street.

I couldn't breathe properly as he had a tight grip on my throat. I scratched his forearm with my nails trying to get free.

"You fucking whore. Who is that? Huh? For whom did you leave me and get me arrested? Who is that asshole?" He was unbothered by my fight against him.

Why no one is here? Help.

"Did he touch you like this?" He grabbed my breast roughly. My eyes watered at the lack of air.

There was a sudden light flashed on him. He got distracted, and I used the chance to knee him in the balls. He fell on his knees in pain. I breathed heavily for a second and ran from there. I run in the direction of the light that flashed seconds ago.

There was a car. Without hesitating I knocked on the door hard. The window rolled down revealing...Jungkook. The same guy who fought in the rink.

He came out of the car towering over me. He is taller than me. He is in the same shorts he was wearing while fighting. In addition, he was wearing a plain black tee.

"Help me, that guy over there is trying to assault me!" I croaked out. My voice definitely changed at the pressure he gave there a few seconds ago.

Jaekyung came and tried to grab my arm. Before he could reach me, Jungkook twisted his arm in a swift move. Jaekyung groaned in pain.

"That slut over there is my girlfriend!! Let me go!" Jungkook twisted his arm even more. He definitely broke his arm. Jaekyung screamed in pain.

Some men in black coat came running to us.  Exactly Three of them.  Two of them held Jaekyung as Jungkook let go of him.

"File an assault, robbery, and drug cases against him," Jungkook ordered one of the men who was holding Jaekyung.  That guy gave a curt nod.

Who is he?

The third man whispered something in Jungkook's ear. He turned towards me. I gulped at his hard glare. What happened?

"Th-ank you for your help- I have to leave now," I barely whispered and tried to leave. Jungkook harshly pulled me by my elbow back to him.

"Where do you think you are going?" He growled. Before I could ask him what he meant by that, everything turned black as something pushed against my nose.


Author Note:

Hola!  Hope you like my new story!

I write ff on YouTube.  @UnholyBeachff is my YouTube channel.

If you like to read some one-shots, you can visit my YT page ;)

Stay tuned to know what happens next!


Lois :)

Episode 2

...Y/N POV ...

My head throbbed.

I tried to move my hands, but couldn't.

I opened my eyes slowly. Everything was blurry. I shook my head to make my vision clearer.

I looked around. This place looks like plane but a little different. A private jet.  I found myself in a seat with safety belts. My hands tied together using a zip tag I looked through the small window, I am in the middle of the sky.

What the fuck?

Memories came flooding back. Going to the Underground fighting club, Jaekyung trying to assault me, Jungkook helped, him glaring at me and a forceful hand pressing a cold cloth against my nose forcefully.

"You are awake," a deep manly voice reached my ears from behind. I stiffened visibly at the recognition. Jungkook stood in front of me.

"W-hy?" I couldn't recognize my own voice anymore. Without bothering my question, he poured a glass of water and pressed the glass against my lips. Without thinking much, I chucked the glass of water he offered.

After regaining some energy, I glared at him. "Who are you? Where am I? Why did you kidnap me, you asshole?!" I shouted trying to get rid of the bindings which seemed impossible.

"You got a pretty mouth, don't you?" That's what he said.

"Fuck you!"

"Wasn't planning on it, yet." He retorted, his Nonchalance hugging him like a second skin.

"What do you want from me?!" I shouted again with a grunt.

He chuckled. "Why? You'll give anything I ask for?"  He touched my chin with the pad of his thumb, moving it to my lips.

"You asshole, what are you up to? Let me go! " I spit out angrily. His eyes visibly darkened. His finger traveled to my throat clutching it in a firm grip enough for him to feel my pulse. 

"Speak in that tone to me again, you will not see the next day in your life," he growled like a madman. I gulped looking straight at his cold, soulless eyes.  His whole aura radiates danger.

"I could kill you, right now, right here. Or even worse than you could imagine with your little brain. So keep that pretty mouth of yours shut before I could act on those Ideas." He threatened me before leaving me there gasping for air from the pressure he used on my throat.  He disappeared behind me.

For the rest of the journey I stayed quiet thinking about how worried my brother would be. Brother.  My phone, where is my phone?  I don't feel my phone which I kept inside my pocket last night after bidding goodbye to JiHo. They must have confiscated it too.

I wiggled my wrists to get rid of the zip tag. I even used my teeth only to get a cut on my Lips. I hissed as the copper taste hit my tongue. Fuck.

Jungkook came back to me, unclasped my seat belt and dragged me to the entrance. I didn't struggle because of his threat. As soon as we got off the plane, men in black surrounded us. They all look like trained soldiers.

Just who the hell is this guy?

A black SUV came straight to where we were standing. A bulky guy who looked triple the size of me, held my arm. If this bulky mountain puts some more force on my arm, it will definitely break.

Jungkook went to the car and took the back seat as the bulky guy dragged me and put me near Jungkook and nodded at  him.

Many SUVs went front and back of the car we were in, as if protecting our car. Why does this feel like a movie? I took a glance at Jungkook who seems engrossed in his phone.

"Where are you taking me?"


"What place is this?"


"Where is my phone?"


"I am asking you something!"

More fucking silence.

He didn't even bother sparing me a glance.

"My brother is gonna sue you for this!"


I keep on shouting at him.

"Ken, do we have duct tape here?" He asked referring to the driver. Ken seemed about the same age as Jungkook.

"Yes, boss." He passed the duct tape to Jungkook.

"Who the hell are you?!" I asked again speaking in a loud voice. Jungkook didn't reply as he grabbed me by my hair and forcefully plastered the tape on my mouth.

"Now, shut it before I black out you," he glared back at me. I tried removing the tape with my hands which was tied to my front. Jungkook saw that. "Try that, I will tape your wrists to the head of the seat," he said with a glare.

I lowered my hands as I didn't wanna travel in an uncomfortable position. But never stopped glaring at him.


The cars came to what seemed like a mansion. The big iron gate opened as cars went inside the big place. The car halts and Jungkook gets out but I didn't follow him.

Jungkook lowered himself to stare at me. "What? Someone should open the door for you? Get the fuck out." I glared at him as I got out.

After entering the mansion, I looked around to see the elegant white marble floor. This mansion looked so modern. I caught a glimpse of an open swimming pool through the floor to ceiling window.

"Ken, lock her in the guest room." Jungkook ordered without even looking at me.

"Okay, boss." The guy, Ken replied. I removed the duct tape from my mouth using my hands.

"You asshole! Tell them to untie my hands!" I shouted at his back. He halted for a second and turned towards me.

Looking straight through my eyes, "Don't untie her,". He turned and walked away.


Ken got a hold of my elbow and led me to a room. He opened the door and took me in. Before he could leave, "Please, untie me. My wrists hurt." I asked him hoping he would do it if I asked him softly as Ken looked more approachable than that jerk Jungkook.

"Only if the boss approves," is what he said. Okay, take back what I said earlier. All are jerks here.

"I'm hungry, I didn't eat from last night,"

"Only if the boss approves," he said the same fucking words like a machine.

"I need to fucking pee! What, for that too your boss needs to approve?" I shouted losing control.

"If necessary,"

Fucking hell!

"But I'll let the boss know about your needs," he said before shutting the door on my face and locking it from outside.


Author Note:

Hola! I really hope ya'll like my story. Enjoy the story y'all.

I also write ff on YouTube @UnholyBeachff

I have written some one-shots there. You can give it a try if you want <3


Lois :)

Episode 3


I looked around the room that I was locked in. There was a table clock on the nightstand which shows 8 a.m. The bed was arranged neatly with a grey theme. I walked to a door and opened it.

Holy fuck.

A fucking walking closet in the guest room? How rich is this mother fucker? There were only some towels and perfumes in the closet. It makes sense considering it is a guest room. I closed the door using both my hands.

I opened the drawer in the nightstand to find something sharp using which I could cut this zip tag. I couldn't find a sharp thing anywhere in this room. I sat down near the bed on the floor and tried to cut the tag using the sharp edge of the bed.

It did work. I rubbed my wrists after removing the tag. I took the glass vase that was lying on the small round table for the showcase. I threw the pink tulips away and poured the water into the bathroom.

I got a nice hold of the vase and swung it in the air twice preparing myself to beat whoever enters the room.

Exactly 15 minutes passed.

The door clicked, and I quickly hid myself in the side so that I could hit the back of the person's head as I practiced. A large figure walked in with heavy steps inside. As soon as he was on my radar, I swung the glass vase on him.

My hit missed and landed on his shoulder, the glass shattered into pieces. One of the pieces is still in my hand. Jungkook turned to me with his dark eyes looking so ready to kill me. He wasn't affected by my attempt to hurt him.

I took my step back, he stepped forward. "Do-don't come near me, I- I will stab you!" I exclaimed as I took a few more steps back. He smirked.

"You sure have a blood kink." He moved forward unbothered by my threat.

"Why did you kidnap me? What did I do to you? Who are you?" I asked moving backward. "And don't think I am lying about stabbing you! I'll stab you for real!"

He lunged forward and twisted my wrist making me drop the piece of glass in a swift movement. I hissed in pain. He pushed me against the wall pressing his knees between my legs and keeping them apart so that I couldn't kick him. He is so close, so close that I could smell his musk scent.

"Nice one, Sweetheart" He mocked. I wiggled to get free but obviously, he is stronger than me. "You seem to have a lot of energy, don't you?"

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me?". I asked for the hundredth time.

"You wanna know? Fine. I have some scores to settle with your brother."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Your brother is a killer,"

My eyes widened. Is he crazy? How could my brother kill someone?

"There is no way he is a killer!"

"Truth is always unbelievable, Sweetheart. And I am not planning on letting you go before I settle some scores with your brother," he said. "Be good and stay here without doing some funny business like you did earlier. Is that clear?"

I stayed silent trying to process the information he said. I trust my brother. No way in the fucking hell he would kill someone.

"Is. That. Fucking. Clear?" He growled against my lips almost brushing against mine. His grip tightened on my wrists. That's gonna leave a mark.

I nodded mindlessly. "Words," he demanded in a deep tone.

"Yes," I barely whispered. He let go of me.

"You can take a shower, I will let the maid get you some clothes and food," He informed and went out of the room locking it. I was too stunned to move from the place he left me.

What was it all about? What did he mean by settling scores with my brother? What the fuck he meant by my brother is a killer?

I slumped down holding my head as everything spinned around me.

A few minutes passed, and the door opened again revealing an old lady with some clothes and food in her hand. She placed them on the table and turned to me concerned looking at my state.

She bent down, "Hey, are you good dear? Do you want some water? You look pale," She offered me some water which I gladly accepted and chucked it down.

"Do you want me to call a doctor, dear? You really don't look good at all,"

"No, I am fine. I- I am gonna take a shower," I dashed to the bathroom.


When I came out after showering, the place was neat. No more glass pieces on the floor. There was a plate of food placed on the table for me. I started eating it as I was hungry.

I have to escape from this place. The door unlocked as the same old lady came in.

"Hi, how are you feeling now dear?"

"I'm good," I was anything but good.

"Are you one of his other girls? But you don't seem like it," I frowned.

"What do you mean by 'other girls'?"

"I knew it! I am Mrs. Han, what is your name?" She asked sweetly.

"Y/n," is all I said.

"Why did Jungkook take you here?"

"I don't know. He is a fucking crazy asshole," Mrs. Han looked amused by my outburst.

"Don't ever talk to him like that, he won't stand it-"

"Who is that asshole Jungkook? Why everyone is calling him a 'boss'?" She genuinely looked surprised.

"You don't know who Jungkook is?"

"I don't know! I hate the way how he acts like he owns the whole world. Like seriously? He literally threatened me of taking my life!" I rolled my eyes.

"He is Jeon Jungkook, JJK, never heard of him? He is a mafia king. He has the whole control over Seoul," my jaw dropped at the mention of JJK. The bread I ate earlier churned in my stomach. Did I seriously hit a Mafia King and curse him?

"You are paling, you good?"

"You said Seoul? Are we in Seoul?"


"Mrs. Han," a strict cold voice reached us. Jungkook entered the room rolling his white shirt's sleeves showing off his tattoos.

His eyes landed on me. The bread toast churned more wanting to reappear disfigured.

He raised an eyebrow as if assessing what was going on in my mind.

A blonde barged into the room. His eyes shifted to her.

Uff. Damn. I didn't realize I was holding my breath all this time.

"Baby, what are you doing here? Let's go to bed," the blonde slurred in a flirtious tone. Mrs. Han visibly rolled her eyes. Anyone could say she doesn't like that blonde woman.


Author Note:

Hola! I really hope ya'll like my story. Enjoy the story y'all.

I also write ff on YouTube @UnholyBeachff

I have written some one-shots there. You can give it a try if you want <3


Lois :)

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