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Alpha Loves Alpha!

River Smith

(Sigh, they kicked me out. Now what am I supposed to do? Without this job, I'm totally helpless. University fees need to be paid. I have to manage the money before this month ends, or my studies are done for, that's for sure.)
River thought briefly and returned to his old apartment. The room appeared decently clean but still felt shady. However, he wasn't in the mood to dwell on it. Deciding to search for new jobs the next day, he went to sleep on an empty stomach due to lack of funds for food, saving every penny for his future studies.
Name: River Smith Age:22 Parents: Died (Cause unknown) Gender: Rare Dominant Alpha Status:Student (Soon will become a doctor.) (Orphan but hardworking) (Sincerity is the most notable trait he has.)
Early next morning
Suddenly, a loud banging on his door jolted River awake as if he hadn't been sleeping at all. Stress was evident on his face; he frowned, visibly annoyed.
He opened the door without hesitation, and the next moment, someone jumped on him.
Sen! What are you upto? So early?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Ah? Is that so?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
it's 7.30 AM!
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Is this early?
He jumped down. With a naughty grin he than looked up to River.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
I thought you will be studying even now. (Said while looking around and saw no pen and papers on the desk.)
Ofcourse I'm not nerd 🤓!
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Says the person who gets stuck to study.
I'm having another thoughts on this.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
It's fine.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sometimes we stuck but it's just for a moment.
I know better than you do.
Sit down will you, I have to fresh up.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
River, are you alright?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
(Yesterday that old man fired you from work. You must be feeling down.)
(Chuckled) I'm fine. it was just a work. I can search somewhere else today.
I'm sure there must be other place to work for someone like me.
You are worrying over nothing.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Likewise, I know. I'm not trying to comfort you.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
I'll accompany you in your job search today. I don't have anything else to do.
He knows how River is—stubborn, and persistent. River never relies on anyone. He would deny any offer to pay his rent and university fees without a second thought. In this situation, Sen can do nothing but accompany him. It is the least he can do and the most River can accept.
(I can't deny him. He won't listen and will come either way.)
Alright wait here I will go and fresh up then we will go.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Okay go first. I wanted to eat with you, so I have packed food and came here without eating anything. So I'm hungry now hurry up.
Saying this, Sen pushed River into the bathroom. River adjusted, smiled, and didn't say anything. Sen knew that River understood his concern, and they didn't need to express it in words. This was the greatest thing about their friendship—they understood each other very well.
Name: Sen Jacks Age:21 Parent: Sophia Jacks and Milo Jacks Status: Student Gender: Rare Dominant Alpha (Naughty but caring.) (Free sunshine and the most famous young master of Jacks Family.) (Wants to help River in anyway possible.)
River emerged from the bathroom and sat opposite Sen. He couldn't help but pat Sen's head, which annoyed Young Master Sen the next second.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Don't do this. It makes me feel younger than you!!
(Smiled) Because you are younger than me.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
River don't treat me this way. I don't like it.
How did I treat you?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
You know very well!
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
(Sigh) I'm worthy of being your friend. So don't try to make me look like your brother!
Alright, now let's eat. I don't want to be late.
This has happened countless times. For River to have brotherly feelings towards Sen is very natural. From childhood until now, only Sen could come this close to him. Sen is a friend but also like a younger brother to River. River feels blessed to have met Sen during his college days. At that time, the young man before him was very brave and reckless. Now he has changed into a sensible and careful man. River couldn't help but sigh at this realization, while Sen looked at him with his mouth filled with food.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Why aren't you eating?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Just staring at me like I'm a magazine you just flipped through.
I'm eating.
Yeah, you are a magazine. The first thing I saw this morning. Mr. Sen Jacks Magazine.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
I seriously can't do anything about you, can I?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
(Flipped his hairs sarcastically.)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Eat and we will head out.
In this way, he shows his maturity, but River is aware that Sen is still a child—a very protected and cared child—while he himself has no one in this world. However, he doesn't dwell on such thoughts. River is content with whatever he has up to now. He is thankful that he is still alive after enduring so many years of hardship.
After a while, they went out. River began by searching at the bar and other places where singing is a job. Well, he can sing very well. His last job was singing at a bar to entertain the customers, but he was kicked out because he didn't allow others to touch him.
After searching for half a day, he found a place where he was offered a job. It was a restaurant owned by an old man in his nineties.
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
So tell me, what you do?
I'm a student sir. I completed my college just this year and have to join my university. As you can even guess, I'm lacking money to pay fees for further studies. I want to work here to earn some living.
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
alright, come from tomorrow. We don't have much staff and I needed someone for afternoon work. The other workers are very old and can't do work for late hours.
Thank you very much sir. i will join from tomorrow afternoon.
This made both him and Sen happy. From that day on, he didn't have to change jobs anymore.
But soon the university would start. The work he did at the restaurant barely covered his fees. So he started doing late-night shifts and took on additional work, for which the old man naturally paid him more. This allowed him to cover both his fees and living expenses.

First meeting

River joined the university,, and along with it he also worked at the restaurant. The pay is good, and the owner treats him very well. It's the first day of the uni and he has to shift to the dorm room.
At last, I will have to leave this place. (Murmured.)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
What happened?
Oh no nothing.
(Just don't feel like leaving this place. No matter how shady it is this place gave him the shelter to sleep and stay for so many years.)
Let's go.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen is super happy for him and he insisted on dropping him to the university.
The university is top class. The people coming inside and going outside are all from elite family. They are wearing so expensive cloths. But this didn't make him shy or anything.
River has lived in all kinds of situation for so long that feeling shame in circumstances like this is sincerely not in his mind and blood. He didn't look at anyone and went to his dorm room. There he met his dorm partner.
Oh hello.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Huh? Oh, yeah?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Raised his eyebrows in confusion.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
What do you need?
Hah! Wait!
River looked out of the room again and saw the sign showing his dorm number, confirming before saying anything.
I'm the new student and this is my dorm number. So,
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Froze a while before replying)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
How suddenly?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Did they made a mistake? But the paper has clearly mentioned our room number.)
Is there a problem?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Whatever let's deal with this later.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Okay, I got it. Please come in. We three people are sharing the room. Other one hasn't come yet.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
And nice to meet you. I'm Chris Davis.
Nice to meet you too, I'm River.
Saying this. He started to unpacked his belongings when there came another knock at the door. Chris opened the door, and we met our last roommate.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Hey, good morning bro.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Good morning ❄️
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Here this is the new roommate of ours. He is River and River this is my cousin and also friend Ore Davis.
(Wow 😲, he is handsome.)
Hello. Nice to meet you.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Damn he is hot.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Nice to meet you too. ❄️
After this River started to organize his things. And the other two started to do their own unpacking. He saw there is a kitchen too. A small one.
River has no idea that the two person with him are the rich kids who have control over almost everything. But even if he were to be aware River won't have any extreme reaction to it either. He is born with limited emotions.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Hey, River where are you from?
I'm from, hmm where should I say am from now?
(Tilted his head)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Huh? (In my entire life I never saw someone this casual and interesting.)
I'm from nowhere, I'm an orphan. So I don't have a place to tell you.
If you like to know, than I'm from the Healing Hearts orphanage.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Squinted at River but saw him emotionless.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Sorry to ask.
it's fine. I don't mind.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(You really don't.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(sigh, where did this person come from? Does he have any ulterior motive to stay close to us or is he being ordered by others?)🤔
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Restless and looked at Ore.)
(He seems to be thinking too much about my identity. The look at his face is so evident that I want to facepalm.)
(This is awkward.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Chris! An idiot.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Looking at River who is so much more relaxed than Chris who is evidently more experienced.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(So embarrassing!)
And you are?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Where are you two from?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
We are from Capital.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Should we?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Yes ❄️ (He don't seem harmful anyway.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
As you must have heard of Davis family? We both are the youngest of our family.
(But why so secretive about this? Huh wait!!)
(These two are...)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(This news is spread like fire. Why is this person don't even know this. He is seriously clueless.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(He looks very perplexed. He don't even know who we are? Seriously)
Alright, I got it now.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
I did heard of your family. it's ancient and powerful one.
He spoke with an unusual calmness.
I'm just here to study and have no other intentions. You can rest assured. And if you feel discomfort than transfer me somewhere else. I know you are capable of.
I can understand your worries.
I will go to the library now. See you two later if you two want.
Saying this he went away leaving the two shocked souls.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
He is very straightforward. Is he acting or what?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Message popped up!)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
He is not.
Said while looking at the information he received from his agents about River.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
When did you asked this for?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
While unpacking.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
that's fast.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
I forced to.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(And I don't think he is simple,.)
He scrolled through the phone and returned it with sigh of relief.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
That's good he isn't one of these people. I kind of like his behavior.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(Smiled and nodded.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
What are you thinking about?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
I want a brother like him. He is two years younger than us. I want to adopt him.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Wake up. We have a lot of work and have to go to the library too.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
At the library River has picked almost everything and with his hands full he returned to the dorm and saw no one. With a sigh of relief he put the books at the desk and started his study right away.
It was only at the dinner time he went out to have his dinner and return to study again.
This went on for five days continuously!
And shocked the two people. They have seen various people hardworking to the extreme, but they never came across someone like River.
He is calm, and collected. Simple but attractive behavior.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
You won't sleep? Its already 1 AM.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
(He can't help but say.)
I will later you guys can rest.
Said without looking up from his notes.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Cris, did you saw my book that I left here?
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Which one? (And they got busy with themselves.)
At 3 AM
After three years I will be able to get internship and if I were to pass than I will become a doctor. River nodded his head subconsciously. Looking outside at the moon. When he did this, Ore was looking at him.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Smiles and closed his eyes.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Surprisingly I'm very comfortable with him.)
Name:Ore Davis Age: 24 Parents: Gabriel Davis and Rina Davis Status: medical student. Gender:Rare Dominant Alpha Personality: Extremely cold
Name: Chris Davis Age:24 Parents: Lavy Davis and Sabrina Davis. Status: Medical Student Gender: Elite Beta Personality: Soft and simple.
They are the heart of Davis family.
Rivers abnormal calmness made Ore became close with him.


River has taken few days off from his work. But now he has to go every day since his admission and other things are done. So at the afternoon time he got ready to go to work. When Chris and Ore came back from their classes. They are in second-year while River is first. So they have different classes at different time.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Where are you going?
Oh, I have to go to work.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Yeah, I had taken few days leave, but now I have to go since I know the class routine.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Where do you work? Is it far? (someone who didn't read the report properly.)
No, it's just after few blocks from here. At the main market.
(Looked at his watch and said.)
If I run now, then I will be there within 30.minutes.
Alright, see you later.
He left
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Main market? Isn't that place few kilometers from here?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Came out of the washroom.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
He works at Old Peters restaurant.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Our uncle?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Yeah, I had a talk with him.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
He said that River has denied few more days off offer. (Too naive.)
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
This child! Why is he so stubborn?
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Don't stressed around unnecessary things.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
He knows what we don't. Because he may have faced something we never did.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Right, I'm too naive. I will take a rest. The day was exhausting.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Go ahead. I will be studying. (When will he return?)
At the old peter's restaurant.
(Diligently cleaning the whole. Table and windows.)
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
River, you may go now. Its already past 6. I know your dormitory will close at 7.
Yeah, alright. Wait let me wash these dishes. Afterwards I will go.
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
Okay. (I can't deny him. He is so persistent man.)
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
(Ore will surely inquire about him again.)
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
(Surprisingly that boy is interested in River and this is very good.)
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
(But this makes me very sad to know my nephew's husband is working here for payments.)
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
(Can't this university have scholarships for outside students? Why such unfairness? River is studying and working like a machine. This pains all of them.)
After a few minutes.
I will go now and will come tomorrow.
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson
Since he did additional work River arrived at the dormitory quite late. Almost when the gate was about to close.
Hearing the door opening sound Ore looked back.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
You returned so late.❄️
Yeah, got to do other work. Old man can't do it by himself.
(Walked towards the washroom for shower.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(He looks exhausted.)
After coming out he saw Ore and Chris having some personal talk maybe because they were at the balcony.
He didn't go there and silently sat at the study table. He started his night journey. But later Ore gave him something.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
Here, the notes I had made during my first year here. I think the syllabus has not changed much. Use it.❄️
(Wow! The notes are so clean and on point.)
Thank you very much.
(Flipped through the pages.)
They are very good.
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
As long as you can make use of it. ❄️
(😊) Very thanks.
And without words Ore returned to his own study table. River is quite shock and perplexed with his behavior. Why did he give this notes to him? There must be so many people out there who wants these notes.
However, reality is most of the time contrasting. No one wants these notes from Ore, instead, they want him in bed. Everyone knows the darling of Davis family Ore Davis. The famous young master who is at the top where everyone wants to label up.
River didn't ask any questions regarding the notes. He did what he has to. Studied. Almost never stepping out of his room until afternoon and for food. This is the reason people didn't saw him much at the university. His presence is invisible. Like he never existed.
Soon midterm examination came and he passed them. Still going to the restaurant for work and studying for the future. Life is going very well and summer vocation came.
Ore and Chris are packing their stuffs to go back home. River is still making notes. Looking at his calmness Ore and Chris felt extremely uneasy.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Hey why not go back with us? You have to at least take few days rest.
I'm fine here.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
This is too much.
Nah, I will stay here and won't waste my time. I will have time for enjoyment after getting what I need.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
It's just for a month. We have the best tutor at home. Come with us.
No, I'm very comfortable with my routine here. And won't trouble others.
You don't have to worry about me. My younger brother or you can say a friend will come here to accompany me from time to time.
Have a happy vocation.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Stubborn (said silently)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(I knew it, he won't go with us.)
They didn't force him and left the place. Leaving River alone.
River is quite unbothered. He has lived all his life alone at his shady room. He is extremely happy that he got to stay at the dormitory with everything fresh and clean environment. His days went by and nothing was unusual.
It was when the vocation was about to end and Sen said
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Wow bro, I'm afraid if you don't go out now you will start having fungus on your butt!!!
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Who stays at the same place and repeating everything again and again? This won't do! Let's go I will treat you some delicious meal.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
And you don't have any say in this matter.
Thus was dragged by Sen and even so he brought his book with him. This made Sen almost insane.
They were at the five-star restaurant since Sen is rich and River don't have any time to argue with him. But
(Looked at the expensive foods and at Sen who is looking at him like he is dead.)
let's eat.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
River, don't overlook your health while studying.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
I will worry.
No need. Stop being emotional. I have lived my whole life living like this. Nothing will happen to me.
Eat first. You look hideous when you do that frown.
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
River, why are you like this?
How am I like?
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
He was about to say but was interrupted by someone.
Chris Davis
Chris Davis
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(Noticed too.)
Ore Davis
Ore Davis
(He is with someone.)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Who are you?
Ahem, Sen they are my dorm mates. This is Chris and
This is Ore. (He didn't say their surname.)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Sen Jacks (Best friend of River)
Hello nice to meet you.
But just after saying this he started to blabber.

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