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Death Love : The Ending (Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)

Chapter 1


A girl of slender figure sat outside the airport, distracted. Her pale face was more paler due to travelling in the air for more hours. It was her first time, in air and was badly affected due to jetlag. Her head was spinning yet her thoughts were clear. She was deeply thinking about why she came to Tokyo....

It all began like this.....

"Isabelle, you have to go there! It's a very rare opportunity." A middle-aged lady said to Isabelle. Isabelle was frozen. She didn't want to leave her soil and study at an unknown place. She was reluctant in not leaving India.

The lady before Isabelle is her Principal. Isabelle has known her since kindergarten. Her principal, Ms.Natalie is a kind, tender and wonderful women.

Though leaving India is difficult for Isabelle, but she knew that it won't really be difficult if she adapted in Tokyo. All she fears is about leaving her family, friends and her beloveds. Isabelle is someone, who cherishes her people. She can not afford to leave them just to continue her higher studies.

"But... It's new there. Everything is. I don't know if I will survive there. I--"

"Remember your family condition. It's... Well, I rather not say. Think about them, then you would go. It's something that's gonna help you and your family. Think wisely."

My family, huh?

Isabelle's father died months ago due to pneumonia. Her mother went through and is going through a hard time to support the family. Isabelle has a younger brother and an elder sister. It was indeed difficult for her mother to make a livelihood as her father's medication consumed a lot of money. She wanted to improvise or at least help her mother.

I want to help my mother.... And this opportunity is something only a few lucky ones on this world gets... I shouldn't waste it!

Isabelle got a chance to continue her higher studies at "Peak Emperor High". Peak Emperor High is a prestigious, global school situated in Tokyo. It is a surprise to her on how she got to go there. The School has provided her with more offers, which favours her family.

Isabelle looked up at Ms.Natalie and told her is a serious tone, " I will go there! I will go to peak emperor high!"

Ms.Natalie's lips curled up to a perfect cunning smile. "That's great!"

"All the formalities had been taken care of by me. You would go to Tokyo tomorrow. I have prepared a place of my distinct relative for you to stay. The residents are all high schoolers. Um, don't worry! They speak English!.... I hope you have a good High School life, belle..." Though Ms.Natalie gave off a vibrant smile, deep down she felt guilty for her doings. But she herself couldn't help it.

"That sounds great!" Isabelle let out a sigh. She was too much worried that she has to learn Japanese, but luck's all in her hand, she doesn't have to learn Japanese.

A honk made Isabelle get out of her thoughts. She saw a cab with the same number plate as given by Ms.Natalie.

This car is the one!

She made herself seated inside the car and stretched out her hands which grip on a card. "You may need this card"

The card contained information about the place where she was supposed to live during her three years of high school. Isabelle never bothered to open and see it. She was simply not interested.

"We are going to Peak Emperor High first, miss!" He reminded Her in his matured voice. The driver seemed suspicious as he gave off some different vibes.

"Oh yeah!..." Isabelle forgot about the fact as all she thought about was one question.

Is my decision right?

The driver flashed a dreadful smirk as he saw Isabelle.

Your decision was wrong! But you have no other choice but to go there! The driver is not a simple driver but Isabelle never realized that.

"Are you new to Tokyo, miss?" The driver began a conversation.

"Y-Yeah..." Isabelle felt a bit uneasy.

I not regret it! It's gonna be a new beginning.

He smirked again seeing something and said, "We are here, miss!"

"Um.. Thank you!" Isabelle slowly got off the cab and stood still before the School building.

"It indeed suits its name!" She mumbled in wonder.

"Yes! It does right?" A sweet voice said. Isabelle turned around.

"Who are you?"

Guys, you may feel this chapter boring but it gets interesting later! Please like, share, comment and subscribe! Hoping for continued support! Also read my other novels!

Chapter 2


"Who are you?" Isabelle asked.

A boy of a height more than her with a long pale green hair that falls till his waist smiled warmly at Isabelle. He was paler than Isabelle, his green eyes glimmer, his bangs shined under the dazzling sun.

The boy opened his mouth, '" I am Ukyo!" His teeth shined as he grins.


"Yes. Are you a freshman, too?"

"Yes...". Hearing her reply, Ukyo got a little too much excited. " Can I be your guide?"

"Guide?" Isabelle was clueless. Ukyo smiled softly and continued, "Yes, I can show you around the school."

Around the school? Guide? That would help me.

"Okay, if it is free of cost!" Isabelle flashed a smile. Seeing her smiling, Ukyo was happy. "It is absolutely free! Then let me show you around!"

Peak Emperor High, as the name suggests its a prestigious school. A huge school, divided into three rectangular blocks. Since high school is for three years in Japan, each block contains high schoolers of different years. The middle block is where First-year students study. Another block connected to the left of the middle block is where the second-year students study. And the third block connected to the right of the middle block is where third-year students study.

"This is the Middle block and this is where the classes for 1st-year students ate situated." Ukyo continued as he introduced every place to Isabelle. "Let's go to our classroom"

The classroom was neat and properly arranged. Isabelle was not amused, now as she knew the school herself. Ukyo continued to show around, Isabelle began to feel more tired. She didn't recover from jetlag, yet.

After the tour, Isabelle went to the headmaster's office and handed over the transfer paper. She just had to hand over some papers as all other formalities were already done by Ms.Natalie. Coming to know Ukyo, Isabelle felt a bit calm. He was the first friend she made and is happy to be his friend.

"You will receive your uniform by the next day." The lady at the headmaster's office informed Isabelle.

"Thank you." She said and made her way to her class.

"Um... " Isabelle murmured. Ukyo caught her words and spoke, "What happened?" He asked out of concern.

"It's... Should I call you Ukyo-kun? Or just Ukyo?". Ukyo was surprised by her question. " You know Japanese honorific's?"

"Y-yes... I have watched a few animes and I know them."

"That's cool! Oh yeah, Ukyo will do! What about you? Do you have any pet name?"

Pet name...?

"Belle? Maybe it can be my pet name."

"Belle... It means beautiful women." Ukyo flashed an energetic grin. "It suits you."

Does it really?

"..." Isabelle fell into deep thought. Her green eyes glimmered when she looked up at the sky. "Yes, it's beautiful!". Something made Isabelle change her mind, now she was happy here.

Maybe this opportunity is a turning point in my life. I do not regret coming here.

As Ukyo and Isabelle walked down the stairs, they witnessed a great chaos.

"What's happening?"

Chapter 3


Isabelle and Ukyo stood at the ground floor staircase, witnessing a great chaos before them.

"What is happening?" Isabelle asked, confused. A group of girls surrounded someone. It reminds me of those dramas, where girls surround handsome guys. In fact, that exactly is what happening.

"There they go again." Ukyo sighed. "Can you see them, Belle?"


"Amidst the group of girls are six handsome boys. Six brothers... The Sakamaki brothers."

Six handsome brothers? What the heck is this! It is similar to those fancy dramas. Can't believe these do happen in real life.

Isabelle's eyes met with a boy's eyes amidst the chaos. The boy was beautiful. "Beautiful" fits him perfectly than handsome. His scarlet red eyes, pierced through her's. He shifted his gaze from her as the uproar continued. Girls were shouting their names. There were even a few boys present in that chaos.

"Belle, can you see the one with earphones in his ears, he has an Mp3 player in his neck." Ukyo pointed a pale guy with earphones. He had a slightly curled blonde hair, with a pair of ocean blue eyes. "He is Shu Sakamaki, the first brother."

Earphones? Is it not restricted to have electronic gadgets?

"Then the one with rectangular glasses, He is Reiji Sakamaki." Reiji Sakamaki was tall, pale, with dark purple hair that faded gradually towards the end, he had a pair of pale magenta eyes.

"The one with his hair spiked at ends, he is Ayato Sakamaki, the third one." Ayato Sakamaki had a reddish hair, which was spiked, with a pair of narrow green eyes.

"Then the one who has a teddy in his arms, he is Kanato, the fourth one." Kanato Sakamaki was rather short, and had light purple hair, with a pair of large light purple eyes coordinating his hair, and a teddy locked safely in his hands, and had visible undertones which may be caused due to lack of sleep.

Teddy? Is he here to play?

"The one wearing a hat, he is Laito Sakamaki, the fifth one." Laito Sakamaki had a reddish brown hair with a blondish finish at the tips, he had a pair of dark green eyes similar to those of Ayato, and he wore a black hat.

Hat? What kind of school is this. It feels more like a fashion show.

"Then...Then he is Subaru Sakamaki...the sixth one... the loneliest one..." Ukyo muttered below his voice, which was audible to Isabelle. Loneliest?

Subaru Sakamaki had a light lavender whitish hair, with a pair of scarlet red eyes with slight pinkish hue.

Is this a reverse harem?

Isabelle's eyes met his. Suddenly, Isabelle felt a throbbing pain in her heart. Her heart began to race faster, and was about to burst out of her chest.

Ugh. This... pain...

She looked at Subaru and suddenly the pain increased, her heart is beating a hundred thousand times faster. The throbbing pain was followed by a sharp tiredness which arouse from her legs. She was losing her energy slowly. Ukyo, whose eyes were fixed on Subaru was deep in his thoughts.

The Sakamaki's made their way to the staircase. Unstable, Isabelle caught the handrail, the tiredness just like water being pulled upwards throughout the plants, spread through her body upwards. She felt giddy but hoped to maintain her composure until the Sakamaki brother's passed the stairs. As a freshman, she didn't want to cause a scene by falling on any of those popular guys. But her hope remained as hope, luck was not with her, she lost herself, she was falling down the stairs.

If she fell from the height at least her bones would break into pieces and has to stay up in the hospital for a month. She was falling gracefully not until a pair of hands caught her. Huh? not dead...?

***Let's learn some Japanese Honorific!

☆ San - it is added to the end of any person's name who is older than you.

☆ Kun - it is added to the end of any person's name who is younger or almost at the same age of you.

Note- I know only these , as I took some interest in learning them when I first saw animes. There are some more like chan, sensei and stuffs but to your kind notice, I would not use any other honorifics except these two in this story***.

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