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The GF Of Psycho Killer

murderer of the family

The sound of slapping was echoing repeatedly in a room. After that, the sound of a girl moaning and a man laughing happily was heard.

" Oh holy fuck,,,"

He was hearing similar sounds from the room for about 2 hours. After 2 hours a man came out of the room. He filled a glass with water and took it back to the room where a girl was lying on the bed in an unconscious state.

" Get up my chicken. This is no time to sleep."

Saying this, he threw the water filled in the class on the face of the unconscious girl. The unconscious girl somehow got up and tried to cover her naked body with a blanket.

" It's night and I have to go, so you will also have to wake up. When I work, you, my chicken, also wakes up with me."

The girl nodded her head yes to him.

"  My good chicken."

After saying this the man went to the bathroom.  The girl kept sitting like that, covering herself with a blanket. When the man came out of the bathroom he was wearing black clothes. He opened a cupboard and sprayed the monkey's face so that his entire face was covered.

After that he took out a small bag from the drawer of the table and after taking it he looked once at the girl who was still sitting on the bed.

" I will be back in my chicken in three-four hours and then I will complete the incomplete work. Wait for me till then."

After saying this the man left from there. While going out, he locked it in the house as if no one was living inside it. After being taken out from there, he went some distance away and started waiting for someone.

After about 15 minutes a man came there who was dressed exactly like him i.e. all black clothes with a monkey on top and a bag in his hand.

" You're a full 15 minutes late."

The man said this angrily to the man who came later. The other man said while pretending to hold his ear.

" Hey sorry friend, my wife was not leaving me.It's good for you, you are a bachelor now, so you don't have any problem, but I have a wife and children at home."

The first man didn't say anything and just kept moving forward. The other man started following him and while walking he asked.

" Do you know where we have to go? I told you two-three houses, which house have you chosen?"

The first man was moving at a very fast speed, so the second man had to chase him almost running. It was 2:00 in the night and both of them were moving forward on a deserted road.

The entire road was deserted where at some places the street lights were burning and at some places they were off. The dogs nearby were hungry after seeing them but both of them were not caring about them at all.

" I have chosen house number 32. He has a lot of money in the house and all the people in the house have gone out to attend a wedding and I don't think they will come till morning. When I went there to fix the tap, I saw that he had a lot of money in the house and also very expensive items."

The first man said while walking forward. The man behind said happily.

" This means I will be able to get my wife a gold necklace. She will be very happy."

By then both of them had stopped near a house. That house was very nice, there were many beautiful flowers still blooming in the garden. There was a name written on the gate of his house, The Happy House. The first man took out the board, broke it and threw it away.

When both of them came inside, there was complete darkness in the house. This clearly meant that there was no one in the house at this time. Both of them had already found out that there are a total of six people in the house and the people living in the house are quite rich.

An old couple and their son and daughter-in-law lived in that house and along with them they also had two grandchildren, out of which the son was 10 years old and the daughter was only 4 years old.

The whole family lived happily together. A reception party was going on at one of his relatives' places and the entire family had gone there. Both of them knew this very well, so they had no need for tension.

Both of them cut a window with scissors and came inside. They had made arrangements for this in advance and knew from where they had to enter. There was no one inside so they took away all the valuables they saw.

While both of them were picking up the luggage, they heard the sound of the car stopping. When both of them slowly looked outside, the entire family had returned. The sound of the whole family coming back made them both look at each other because they were not going to come today, so where did they come from.

One by one the whole family went inside the house. When he went inside the house and saw the condition of the house, he was shocked because the thieves had broken many things to take away the goods.

Before anyone could understand anything, someone attacked the son of the family very hard. He was hit so hard that the elder son's penis burst on the spot and he fell on the ground bleeding. The man died as soon as he fell, and when his wife ran to see him, the edge of a knife passed through his throat.

Holding his neck, the woman fell on the ground on top of her husband and died. Seeing their son and daughter-in-law being beaten in this manner, the elderly couple started crying but within a few seconds the same fate happened to them.

Both the children had run away from there by then and someone went into the basement looking for them. Both the children were hiding in the corner in the basement and were attacked in the same manner.

The family that had returned home happy had fallen asleep within seconds. Even the 4 year old innocent girl was not rescued. When everything calmed down, he started looking in fear at the man who had killed six people of the same family within about 10 minutes.

" We are thieves, not murderers. What have you done?"

In response the other man looked at him and said laughing.

" I am Yama, I have come here with the message of death. I am the messenger of death."

A simple girl and a psycho killer

Timir Biswas,

age 26 years,

Wilson hill, gujrat.

Timir was born here but his parents were unknown and he grew up in this orphanage. When he was 18 years old, he came out of the orphanage and he learned the work of pipe fitting in the orphanage itself and he used to do the same work outside it.

Was it not so that today was the first time he had killed someone? He had learned to kill at the age of 15. He got a strange pleasure in doing something. He felt that if he killed someone, he would sleep well.

" Timir, what will you do now, you have killed all of them."

Timir's companion Rehan asked worriedly. Both of them came out of the orphanage together and later went their separate ways. Last year they met and thought of working together.

Rehan was good at pipe fitting but apart from that he could also open locked locks and together they took advantage of this skill and started committing small thefts.

Two months ago, both of them had gone to a house to steal. He came to know that the people living in his house had left from there and they had to go to a wedding.

Taking advantage of this, for the first time when both of them came here to steal, they heard someone's voice. He came to know that in the presence of his family members, his daughter was having sex with her boyfriend at home.

When both of them came into the house to steal, they saw both of them naked and clinging to each other. At that time, Timir brutally killed the girl's boyfriend in front of Rehan.

Timir then raped the girl. Rehaan also supported him and raped the girl and then brutally killed the girl.

That was the first time that Timir had killed someone in front of Rehan. Rehan was very scared at that time but after that when all the money and gold was taken out, cash and jewelery worth about Rs 8 lakhs were found in it.

Rehaan had no regrets after seeing so many forms. Even after that, they had gone to many places to steal but no one was ever murdered because there was no one at home at that time and the day after that, Temir had killed six people simultaneously.

After doing all that, when the money and coins were taken out from there, they were worth around Rs 12 lakh. Seeing all this, both of them were very happy and quietly left from there.

Rehaan lived in Wilson Hills but his house was quite a distance from Timir's house. He lived in a human settlement whereas Timir preferred to live in the forest. There were many such vacant places here so no one had any problem.

Both of them went to their respective homes. Rehan had a wife and a small daughter but he did not know anything about Timir. Timir never came to Rehaan's house nor did he ever invite him to his house. For him, Temir's house was nothing more than a secret house.

When Temir reached home, the first thing he did was open the lock and go inside and switch on the light. The girl was still waiting for him at home and still did not have a single piece of clothing on.

Temir's entire body was covered in blood, seeing which the girl first got scared and then she became normal.

" I have prepared food, should I give it to you?"

" No, I will take a bath first."

After saying this, Temir went to the bathroom and came out after about half an hour. He was not wearing even a single piece of clothing on his body. By then the girl had put the food on the table.

Temir sat on the chair and signaled the girl to sit on him. The girl was a little nervous at first but then she followed Timir's order and sat on Timir's lap on top of his penis.

" aaahhhhaaa."

" feed me."

The girl started feeding Temir with her hands. Temir was pushing the girl from below and the girl was in pain, but following Temir's order, she was also feeding him.

" aaahhhh dddoooo you wanttt somethinggg?"

" you."

Temir picked up the girl, made her lie down on the table and started having sex with her externally. Timir was beating the girl, cutting her body and with the help of a knife, he was making cuts in the girl's body and licking the blood coming out of her.

He could see countless wounds on the girl's body which were as if they looked fresh. Timir always used to have rough sex with the girl and also used to beat and bite her.

"Master, I am tired. Let me sleep."

Timir slapped her hard and said.

" You're not allowed to tell me anything. You are my slave and your job is only to satisfy me. Then do your work and satisfy me."

After saying this, he forcefully continued having sex with her. The girl kept screaming in pain but no one showed any mercy to Her. After about 3 hours, Temir fell asleep and the girl got up and started crying while sitting.

Rashi Patel,

age 17 years,

Resident Mumbai.

2 years ago Rashi had come to visit Wilson Hills with her parents and elder brother. Little did he know that this would be the biggest mistake of his life. She was staying in a hotel with her family and some work was going on there.

She was unwell so she did not go to hang out with her parents and brother and to freshen up she went to the bathroom to take a bath. Her parents were told in the hotel that they all were going for a walk but Rashi did not go till later, hence no one knew that Rashi was taking bath in the bathroom of the hotel room and she fell asleep while taking bath.

How did a straight married 15 year old girl get trapped in the clutches of a psycho killer? Like me and subscribe to know more.

How did she become a slave?

Timir Biswas, He had imprisoned a 17 year old girl named Rashi patel in his house and treated her like a slave. Timir had kept her imprisoned there for the last two years.

Rashi remembered very well that it was Friday and her parents were pressurizing her to go out. Rashi had come here to visit for a week and for the last three days he was continuously roaming around, so today she did not want to go anywhere.

" Mummy please let me rest in the room today. I promise I will come for a walk with you tomorrow, let me rest today."

Her parents and brother tried to convince her but when she did not agree, everyone went out leaving her there. After everyone left, Rashi kept watching TV for a long time and then went to the bathroom to take bath.

In the morning she had said yes to going out but then he changed his mind. No one in the hotel knew that Rashi was in his room, they only knew that all four people had left from there.

Rashi then wanted to lie down in warm water and take some rest and she didn't realize when she fell asleep. She was feeling something on her body, it seemed as if something was touching her.

When she opened her eyes in panic, there was a man's son in front of her who was touching her body sexually. Rashi was so scared after seeing him and was not about to scream that the man pressed one of his hands on her mouth and with the other hand showed her the hammer he was holding in his hand.

" If you try to shout, I will break your head with this. No one here knows you are in this room. That's why I shouldn't make a single sound out Of you. I am removing my hand, if you even make a sound, I will harm you with it."

Rashi got very scared and indicated with her eyes that she would not say anything. The man removed his hand and started removing his clothes. Rashi could not understand what the man was doing to her and was just a 15 year old girl.

The man removed his clothes and came inside till then and again pressed Rashi's mouth with his hands. Then Rashi would feel severe pain in her body and then she realized that the man had inserted his penis inside her.

Tears started coming out of her eyes due to the pain, but she felt that the man had no mercy on her and he continued to pressurize her body. Rashi had never felt so much pain till date and in this condition she was not even able to scream.

She looked down and saw that the water had also turned red and it looked as if blood was coming Out of her body. She didn't know for how long she had to endure this pain, darkness came before her eyes.

When she opened his eyes, she was kept locked in a dark room. Her hands were tied to the bed and before she could understand anything, the man appeared in front of her again.

" Look, whatever your name is, from today you are my slave and I am your master. From today onwards your job is only to satisfy me. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, and you have to satisfy me."

" Sir please let me go from here, my mother, father and my brother will be waiting for me. They don't know where I am."

When Rashi said this while crying, the man laughed loudly.

" From today onwards you have no family, from today onwards whatever you have is only me. Due to the blood that came out from Bathukham, people would think that you have been murdered and your body has been taken somewhere else. Your family will consider you beaten and here you will satisfy me."

After saying, the man again got on top of her and started raping her. It had been 2 years since then that man used to rape her every day and that too several times a day.

Many times the man would come with blood stained clothes and a lot of money with him. Rashi did not even know whether it was day or night outside, she would just lie in this room and do household chores.

She also came to know about the date from the fact that the man used to mark something in the calendar. Whenever he came back after stealing, he used to mark it and Rashi understood that the day he marked it with red paint was the day he also murdered someone.

"What are you doing? Come here quickly."

In the morning, Rashi was trying to peek out of the window when she heard a man's voice. Obeying his words, Rashi immediately came to him.

" I'm having breakfast and you know what you have to do, right?"

Rashi nodded her head. As usual, the man was sitting naked in a chair and eating breakfast. Rashi went near her seat and sat down.

She took Timir's penis in her mouth and started sucking it. Rashi continued doing this until her breakfast was over. When he finished his breakfast, he asked Rashi to sit on his knees.

" Aaahhhaa."

Rashi had a loud moan come out of her mouth as Timir started having sex with her. The pain continued to burn for about 2 hours and then she fainted and fell on the sofa.

Leaving her like this, Temir got ready and went away. He worked in a company there. When he went there, his boss called him and said.

" Timir, I am giving you the news address, I have to go there and fix some leakage."

His boss gave him the address and he immediately left for there. When he saw the house, it was a very big bungalow. From inside the bungalow, the sound of a 3-year-old child and his mother laughing loudly was heard.

" I don't like people being happy at all. I kill those who are happy."

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