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Dancing With The Devil

chapter 1 COMING HOME


^^^P-Please stop...^^^

...I can't d-do this anymore......

M-Mother I..

...I'm h-hungry!...please l-let me out!......

I b-beg you!....

...I'll be good!.......

^^^I won't bother y-you anymore!...^^^

...... I-I.........

"Ma'am...are you alright? seem pale..."

a flight attendant asked gently, trying to not startle their VIP guest who was riding their first class.

Some flight attendants noticed she was having trouble in her sleep.

"I am fine, it's just a dream, no worries. Also what time is it?" Vivian asked trying to change the subject.

The flight attendant sigh as she noticed the sudden shift of conversation, but she cannot do anything as she's only a flight attendant.

"ma'am, it's five in the morning, by nine am we will arrive at our destination." the flight attendant respond.

"is that so?" Vivian asked as she look to the side, seeing my best friend Jeremy sleeping...

"looks like my friend need some blankets... can you get him some?"

"of course miss." the flight attendant respond to Vivian's request as she left to get the requested blankets, Vivian noticed Jeremy snuggling more to.... '

His teddy bear?.. Where did he get that??...' Vivian thought as she just ignored it and tried to sleep again when the flight attendant came with the blankets.

2 minutes later.....

20 minutes later.....

'i can't sleep...' Vivian thought as she lift the covers up from her body.

"Ringggg!!!!" "Ringgg …ring ringgggggg!!!"

"ok!, I'll answer!" Vivian said as she read the name Of the caller.

it was Adrian...

“Adrian?” Vivian answered the call.

“Vivi” respond the gentle and caring voice as he continues “Vivi let's talk on WeChat”

“But why” ask the curious Vivi, but Adrian just responded with “it’s important” that got Vivian worried.

“Okay wait for a moment” Vivian opens their laptop and login to her account; she started a call with her brother , and he immediately answered.

“What is it? Something happened with dad?” Vivian asks worriedly has something happened?

“I just wanted to see your face" the older brother responded with a handsome smile.

“Why you!” Vivian responded with an annoyed face.

“I thought something bad might have happened to you!” she raised her voice a little and quiet down as you remember the Jeremy was sleeping.

“Easy don't want to wake up sleeping beauty over there” Adrian said with a smirk as he looks at the man over the left side of my first-class seat.

“Quit your flirting, I know you like my friend. And don't eat him up with your gaze!” Vivian said with a deadpan.

“Yes, yes, just excited to meet you” Adrian said with a soft gaze.

“You just want to see my friend, lover boy” Vivian said while scrutinizing her brother suspiciously.

“Hey now don't look at me like that.” Adrian said as he saw the look on his little sister face.

“Also, father…” he seemed hesitant making Vivian worry...

chapter 2 COMING HOME

"Father is very excited to meet you... I'll send old man Wilson to you alright?" he said as Vivian responded back.

"Ok, I'll wait for uncle, also don't call him old man, he's still considered young with his face, you know" Vivian said stating a fact.

Uncle Wilson, the families chauffeur since vivi arrived at the Silia family and has been her uncle all her life.

Uncle Wilson is about in his 50s and has been friends with Vivian's father throughout his teenage years...

...Wilson has been a single old man with no children, but even so, old age betrayed him badly…...

...Wrinkles at the right places, smile like a gentle old man that even a young woman finds it hot…...

"Sigh how handsome uncle is, sad to say his single..." Vivian said while holding her forehead.

Hours passed by, Adrian was happy he was able to distract his little sister from his almost slip up.

"ok now, I'll see you in a few hours little sis." Adrian said as there's only two hour's left for the plane to land.

"Kay, I'll see you then." Vivian noticed the sad smile adrian gave after she ends the call.

'what was that...?' Vivian thought as the image was stuck on her head.

'is he hiding something from me? Oh well' she turned a blind eye as she tried to sleep again after putting her laptop back to her bag.

One hour later.

"Jeremy wake up!" Vivian said as she pulled the teddy bear from his hold.

Jeremy immediately woke up, alarmed.

"let's go lover boy! My chauffeur, uncle Wilson said his already waiting at the airport." Vivian looked at Jeremy as he looked at her with a sleepy deadpan look...

"sweetie pie....there's still an hour!!!! hour for landing....I'm tired let me go back to sleeeeeeppp~"

"Yeah I know! I just wanted to wake you up! I don't have anything to dooooo!!!! Help meee!" Vivian said looking at him with the sky blue eyes...

...Silia family......

...Known for their beautiful Gene's and smart brain......

...All the geniuses came from their lineage, from commoners to royalties of the world......

...The sky blue eyes or gray as silver and the black as night hair or blond as gold hair......

...This is all the trademarks of the Silia family....

"Sigh... I can never disagree with those eyes..." Jeremy knew himself he can't disagree with those eyes….he's weak to the puppy eyes..

"fine...let's play DO?" Vivian ask as she opened her laptop.

"fine, just one round, ok?" Jeremy said defeated.


"why you little!?!" Jeremy yelled as he died...again...

"Yes! I won! Another round as promised, right Jeremy??" Vivian asked as she wins the bet again.

...The bet was that if ever Vivian wins, the game will continue, but if Jeremy wins, he'll go back to sleep....

"and I lost...again..." Jeremy said defeated once again.

"ladies and gentlemen, Draconia airlines welcomes you to the capital city of Austria. City A. Local time 9.a.m, for your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened and keep the aisle clean until we parked at gate 2." the pilot said as they ready to land.

chapter 3 COMING HOME


We were exiting the gate when suddenly, we see people with some banners and light sticks.

“Wow Jeremy, look at that, did you post something to get them here?” Vivian asked glaring daggers at her best friend.

“Hey, hey, I didn’t do anything!” Jeremy defended himself as he himself is clueless.





The fans yelled squealing and fangirling at Jeremy, calling him sweetie.

“Hey… its Vivian!” fan1 said screaming.

“Vivian!” the fans began to cheer Vivian's name.

“I heard Vivian released another book titled princess past lives.” fan5 said talking to fan4.

“I heard she made a new cure for one of the poisonous snake in Africa!” fan4 replied to fan5 as many joined in on the conversation.

Fan7 said “Vivian made the design of the Silia company's building!”

Fan9: “it was said she has her own art gallery!”

As the fans continue to gossip, Jeremy looked at Vivian with a frown.

“Heyyy, you're stealing my fans!” Jeremy said with an annoyed face.

“well what can I say, I’m more popular.” Vivian said a smirk.

Soon guards helped us passed the fans as we made our way to get our suitcase.

As we walk, Vivian felt a fierce gaze that sent shiver throughout her body.

‘What was that…’ Vivian thought as she searches the source of the gaze.

“Jeremy… did you feel it too?” Vivian asked him as she looked around.

Jeremy responded with a “huh, what?”

“Nothing, its just…… Nothing.” Vivian said ignoring the gaze as she felt it disappear.

“Hey sweetie pie, what do you think of passing by some fast-food? I’m craving coffee.” Jeremy said as he pulled his suitcase as we walked to the exit of the airport.

“Yeah… maybe we should…” Vivian said clearly distracted of something.

“Hey… What’s wrong? Is something bothering you? Tell me, and I'll get rid of it.” Jeremy said jokingly but with a dangerous glint on his eyes.

Jeremy may be considered girly, but he and Adrian trained martial arts for three years.

“I’m fine… Just… Something…" Vivian replied with a forced smile. She knew herself that she’s still bothered by the gaze from earlier.

“Alright. Let’s drink coffee, coffee always solves the problems” Jeremy said as he pulled his friend by the arm trying to help her.

“You only said that, coffee addict.” Vivian said as she looked at Jeremy with an eye roll.

“Well, you cant stop me, I love coffee more then my own clothes.” The designer replied with a sass on his voice.

“Hard to believe.” Said Vivian.

“Roxie!” called a man in a butler suit.

“Uncle Wilson!” yelled Vivian as she run to hug the old man.

“Roxie, you’ve grown into a beautiful lady now…. I’m sure your dad is going to be proud of what you’ve become.” Said Wilson as he Pat Vivian's head.

“Uncle! I’m not young anymore! No need Patting” Vivian said annoyed but glad that her uncle is still the same.

“Well Roxie, your father, Arden, made the servants decorate a hall with your certificates, medals and trophies.” Uncle said with a smile as he helped us put our luggage in the car.

“Ah, uncle meet my friend Jeremy Lahuffey, you know, from high school to college?” Vivian introduced her friend of twelve years.

“why yes I remember, he’ the little guy young master Adrian likes.”

Jeremy blushed at the comment.

“A-a-adrian………….” Blushing like a red tomato.

“Sigh, enough lover boy, also can we pass by Starbucks uncle?” asked Vivian.

“of course Roxie.” Confirmed the chauffeur.

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