NovelToon NovelToon

The Fathers Of My Kids


The fathers of my kids
Full name - Rezel Rose D Magallanes Age - 15 Sex - Female Storyline name - Rezel Surname - Obelia Age - 10/12 Sex - Female
Name - Manjiro Sano Age - 20 Sex - Male Storyline name - Manjiro Surname - Sano Age - 15/17 Sex - Male
Name - Izana Kurokawa Age - 24 Sex - Male Storyline name - Izana Surname - Kurokawa age -18/19 Sex - Male
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Hello guys!!!
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
I hope you like this story
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
So let me have the intro start with a Noval
Rezel pov
Hi my name is Rezel, my full name is Rezel Rose D Magallanes, and people call me Rr, but I prefer to be called Rezel. In this story I have a daughter and son that I love deeply that I treasure the entire world. The daughter name is Aziel and the son is Izekiel, and they are twins. Izekiel the oldest and his father is Izana Kurokawa because he looks like him, a complete mini copy of himself with a mix genes of myself. And Iziel the youngest twin, her father is Manjiro Sano because she looks exactly himself and has his genes of appearance. Let me explain why the twins have different father shall we~? let's start. {{In year 2019 (past 5 years ago)}} "Dad why are we picking mushrooms? I hate mushrooms!" "Now, now, now Rezel, no need to be greedy kid. I know you don't like the taste but it's good for your health when you eat nature provided." My father said with a smile as he kneel on the ground as he pick up some mushrooms, and put it on his baskets as I pout as I sign as I help my dad up. After many hours of picking fruits, vegetables, and some herbs, I saw a mystery book with a dirty cover of dirt on it. "That's strange, hmmm... someone might have throw this away, such a shame that it's still usable. I should take it myself since it's been old." I say to myself as I put the book on my basket, as me and my dad walk back to the village and walk back home. Me and my parents aren't rich but full of love and support of each other. As the oldest of the family, I often have lots of responsibility for my little brother. After I'm done helping my parents of the house chores, I went to my room as I lay down on my bed as I open the book I found. "What a strange book, but I do love surprises." I smile to myself as I clean the book as I read it cover. "Motherhood skipper??? What the hell? Hmmm... Put your name, and your kid gender and what their gender, and what they are (exp- twins, triplets, son, or daughter), and name the father of the kids." I blink dumbfounded when I read the book as I burst out laughing to myself ridiculous of this. But unknowingly to me, that book would completely changed my life. "Let's see... My name, Rezel Rose D Magallanes, the kids is Twins a boy and a girl, and the father? Hmmm..." I lean on my bed in deep though as I got an idea "Oh my god! How about Manjiro Sano and Izana Kurokawa hahaha. Yes that." I smile to myself at the joke, as I write the son father is Izana and the daughter father is Manjiro on the book. When I'm done, I was about to get bored until my mom called out to me. "Rezel!!! Eat time! Tomorrow get ready your stuff because we're moving out!" "Coming mom! Be right there!" I hurriedly put the book away, as I rush to the kitchen, and then... When I left the room, the book slowly glow as it slowly disappear in the mist... Days pass, and then my parents move out to STO Tomas Loreto Agusan delsur. As I live my life as I get to know the neighbors and make friends. When a few days pass and now it's been a week since I move here in this small village but bigger than I was in before that little one, but my parents has been catching up with my behavior that I don't know as well, I started to feel lightheaded, and get morning sickness which is unusual in my age since I'm only 10 years old. My parents got worried for my health they hired a medic for me, as the medics hand me medicine's for my symptoms of sickness, but unluckily it gets worse making my medics worried and wonder what kind of illness or wrong with my body as my parents pray to my health. "Madam and sir, I think I can't give anything else to describe what's wrong with your daughter. I think you all should bring her to the hospital for proper monitor of her problem. That's all I can do." "It's okay. You tried your best for my daughter, come on now dear" My mom say softly as she takes me away with my dad with my little brother John Rey behind me. "Dad my stomach hurts again... I want potato chips with honey on it." "Again? Alright Rezel. We go buy some on our way to the hospital." I nod at my dad as all of us went to the hospital. "Wait here while I go get a doctor at your appointment okay?" "Yes mom." "Good girl. Take care of yourself and your little brother with you." I nod at my mom, and my parents then walk away to get a doctor, I sit down beside my 5 years old brother, as he play on the tablet, as I eat my potato chips with honey as I watch him play, while keeping an eye on him too like a big sister would. "Argh... My stomach feels like there is a knot on it again..." I say it in my conscious in my mind, as I held my stomach in pain a bit from my unknown "sickness." After waiting for many minutes, my parents finally come back as they take me away as the doctor take the lead as he exam my health and anything abnormalities. "Doctor what is wrong with me?" "Well hold still kid, it will be everything okay, just stay still while I turn on the x-ray Okay?" "Yes doc." "So anything doctor?" "Hmmm... Strange... Her body is okay but, I feel a little bump on her belly.. which is unusual, wait.. could it be.... Nurse can you hand me the jell?" "Sure doc." The nurse grab the jell from the drawer, as the doctor lay me down on the bed as I stare at them confused. "What is that sir?" "Oh it's a jell. I'm going to put it on you okay? it will be cold for a moment but endure it." "Okay!😊" After the doctor put the jell, he look at the screen as he rub a little roller on my belly making me tickles about it but I tried my best to stay still, as the doctors froze and so is the nurse. "I knew it... Oh god..." "What is it doctor?" I ask the doctor as the doctor look at me in concern. "How old are you kid?" "I'm 10 sir!!😊" "Are you involved in sexually activity...?" "No...???" The doctor ask as I stare at him in confusion, until the nurse froze as the doctor and the nurse look at each other in disbelief. "You don't?" "Yeah doctor, whatever it was." "Then you wouldn't mind I let the other doctors check your dignity?" "Huh? Sure...? What's a dignity?🙂" "Uh it's nothing dear." The doctor look at the nurse, as the nurse went out to bring some female doctors for my check up. After some checking, they come to the doctor from their report. "Sir... The kid is still innocent..." "Impossible...! How...? I never heard this before in history.. no.. it never happened in history before.." "What should we do sir?" "We tell the parents of the child." "Yes sir..." After a few hours, my parents hold me behind them, as I lick my lollipop along with my little brother as we hold hands being innocent as usual. "My daughter is what!?" My dad ask in shock at the doctor and so is my mom. "Sir there is no error right...?" "Sadly it's all positive madam. From the symptoms you give me, it's clearly a pregnancy symptoms on its early stage. It is impossible from what I explained earlier that she can have kids this early with no losing her innocent..." "Mom... Dad... what kids?" My little brother ask and me at the same time as my parents look at me with concern. "Don't worry honey.. it's nothing." My mom says, as I got suspicious about their body language but I just play along to avoid trouble. "Sir I don't believe this too but this is reality so..." My father sign as he stare at the doctor. "Can you give me the x-ray picture of my daughter proof of life growing inside her?" "Sure sir." The doctor left the hallway, as a few minutes pass, the doctor hand the picture to my parents as they stare at it in concern and shock. "No way..." "Twins... It's twins.. now I'm worried dear... We don't know if our little girl can handle when the time comes of her labor..." "Mom!! Dad! Can I see!?" My little brother say with excitement, as I stare at my parents. "Mom dad.... What do you mean..." My parents turn to me, as my mother kneel to my level as she pat my head, as my dad held John on his arms as he show the pictures to him as he stares at it with curiosity. "What do you mean by.." "Honey... Your pregnant... You are carrying little angels in you baby." "Angels?" "I know your confused, it means you are carrying little ones like you inside your womb. That's explain your sickness. It means you're going to have a baby." "I'm going to be a baby??? 🥺 I thought I'm a big girl!🥺" "No, no, not that. I meant that your going to be a mom honey..." "Wait what...? I have little baby in me!?" My eyes burst out of excitement as my mom smile at me but a hint of concern of my health. "Yes honey you do... Be strong okay when the time your little babies come out of you okay?" "Okay mom!!😊" Months then pass and during the days that pass, I started to know my parents concerned and words they said to me, even so, they say I should stop going to school because of my situation, but I decline it. Despite during the consequences, I still remains strong for my childs inside me, despite I'm known to be lazy, but knowing my situation, I know I can't just be lazy all the time so I started to learn with my mom guidance how to be a good mother taking care of childrens because it's my responsibility now this young. {{Time skip 9 months}} "Dad calm down, big sis will be fine." My little brother say with concern as he tried to calm down my dad who is pacing back and forth outside of the room, while my mom is praying with her hands together. "I know son, but I can't help but hope your sister is okay in there." "I know dad, but believe in sister, she is strong after all." "Yes dear, let's believe on our daughter." "Sign... Alright, I pray that she goes in a success birth." Hours pass, and finally the room was filled with babies cries, as my parents immediately rush inside to find me with a tired smile of a proud look, as I look down at my little babies on my arms. "Finally... I'm a Grandpa!😭" "I'm so proud of you dear..😭" "Thanks mom and dad..." "Can I see my Nephew's!?😍" "Sure little bro." I smile as my parents stand beside me, as my little brother smile happily to see my little ones finally come out of the world. "I know your going to be a good mother." I smile at my parents words as I tear up as I look down at my babies. "I will treasure them.."
To be continued

Transfer to another life beyond

Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Hey guys!
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
now let's start.
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
You already know the intro, so let's begin the story
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
When I'm doing narating, i go like this
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
I use that to do the narating.
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Now let's start!!!☺️
Continue from the intro
6 months later...
Rezel pov
During the days of months, I continue my studies on, and being a good mother too. Of course my school accepted my situation being a mother this young, but I must follow the rules that I shouldn't get a single absence on my school activity attendance, making this challenging since I have sometimes to attend my twins of their life, and being a mother too, but I also ensure my studies since I have to give myself a better life, so my kids don't have to suffer anything.
My mom insisted to make me take a break but I only dismissed it, as I only spent my break with my little ones, because seeing my babies smile makes all the stress and worries goes away.
When my relatives from other countries heard of my young motherhood, they began to ask me lots of questions of who is the father of the kids, but they immediately put it aside when they see the kids in their own eyes.
we're not rich, but a happy family
When during that time, I happily cry when I hear Izekiel and Aziel first words is mommy making me feel proud to hear my little ones called me mommy.
I mean all moms could relate. UvU
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
*smack her head* don't ruin the intro bruh, your later not now.
your mean creator... 🥹
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"Hmm... I wonder what food I'm going to cook tonight..."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"But I have to hurry since it's getting dark."
I thought for a moment as I walk down the road heading home until I froze as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
H-huh...? Who are you- hhhmmmm!!!
Just go to sleep kid.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Hmm...!! helphjmmm!!! Hmmm!
Before I knew it, I pass out into unconsciousness.
I immediately tried to scream when I felt a cloth on my mouth, but unfortunately before I can scream for help, I got knocked out as I fall down the cold floor cold as I got drag away.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"Is this a kidnapping….? No... No... I can't be like this... I have two little ones waiting for me at home.. No… I can't let my little babies be an orphan when they lost me..."
I say into my mind and I fight to back to conscious to know my situation.
It maybe takes a while, but I won't give it up
Slowly close my eyes as I fall deeply into conscious. The next time I open my eyes, I find myself in a dark worn warehouse as I got tied up in a pillar with the fellow captives like me.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"what the... This is creepy.. This place is so dark.."
While I look around, I see the other captives being sent to another rooms. Making me nervous more
{The environment}
While I ponder in my thoughts, the other kid beside me talk
Oh your awake... I'm mark, and this is Lisa my sister.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Huh? Oh, hi... I'm Rezel. Nice to meet you mark and Lisa.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
You too, where am I..?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
I think...
Your also capture..?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Is there something you have sharp to cut the rope?
Unfortunately no...
We tried to escape but it's no use..
we're all gonna die
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Huh? What do you mean..?
This is not any normal kidnapping that do for ransom..
It's more then that..
This place kidnap kids like us that below 13 and take our kidneys and sell it to the black market.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Hearing the situation, my face turn pale as I look down in shock
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"no.. I can't die like this soon. My babies are only 6 months old...!"
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Is there really no out?
*shake his head as a no.*
If you try to escape, they could beat you up or take your organs first...
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"haha... This quick to die...?"
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"what should I do..."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"wait this sounds.. Someone is coming."
I look up on the ground in tears as one of the kidnapper's took a random kid beside as the kids in despair to be saved, as the kidnapper forcefully drag the kid away as we all close our eyes in fear when we heard the screams and tears from the other side of the room until silence.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"oh god...!!! I don't want this.. No!!"
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"what should I do...!?"
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"I can't just give up this quick...!!"
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
I continue to tried to calm myself down, but my entire nightmare come true when we saw the brutal sight of dispose bodies, as we all scream in fear, as the kidnappers put the organs on the box and shift it away from illegal businesses.
*look away in fear*
*hug his little brother mark to comfort him*
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"God...this is so wrong..."
I mumbles underneath my breath, as I tear up as I see the kidnapper's slowly take one and another to the room, until I left alone.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"I'm I.."
Alright this is next boys. Take her away boys.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
No..! Let me go...!!!
No Rezel!!
Let her go bastards!
One of the kidnapper then pull out a knife and stab mark in the head, making him fall as my eyes widened in shock
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Lisa hold her little brother in tears, not believing what just happened
Take those two kids.
Their annoying. I handle this one
Alright, be careful with her
Yeah yeah whatever
With that I tried reaching out to the two but we all got separated instead
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"no, no, no! This can't just happened!!!"
Stop struggling brat!
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
no let me go!!!
I scream in tears, as I got shove down the table as the men's grab their knifes as they walk towards me.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
N-no... Stay back...
"(Is this really how I'm going to die...? I don't believe...! God... Please be so mercyful... Saved me... Anyone.. please....I don't wanna die.. I don't wanna die...)
*take a knife and approachable her.*
Now don't move or else this will be a slow painful death.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
I don't want to die....
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!!!!!!"
I scream in fear until lights surrounded me until I got suck in the light as I fall down the abyss
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
What the...!?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"Ahhh!!! What in the world!?!"
I continue to scream that felt like an entire enternity until I finally woke up, as I look at my surroundings when my vision got clearly.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"where am I...?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
I stand up and see the view Infront of me. And then I froze when I see what's Infront of me.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Huh...?I don't recognize this environment...
I sit up as I stare at the wide vice greenland of nature, as I feel at peace as I slowly stand up, as I set down my first step into this unknown place.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Where am I...?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
This is not the reality.. More like a fantasy in anime but 3d realistic...?
I mumbles to myself until I stop when I spotted a city below the mountain.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Is that a city...?
I walk towards the destination, and the sun begin to set
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Whatever I am... This is... Definitely not my place...
To be continued


Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
We meet again,
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
Remember, I only posted once when I'm busy everyone
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
But since the third episode is now here, let's now begin-
Rezel pov
Hey everybody, as you can read not see since there is nothing to see but if you read the last episode then this is the 3rd day since I was transferred into this place
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"it's been 3 days since I was here..."
I look up at the sky as I rest underneath the tree. During the past days when I got here, I wonder around endlessly to find a way out, but it all went in vain.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
*sign* "No what should I do...? I'm getting hungry here."
I think to myself as I rub my belly, until a blue orb appear Infront of me.
{{Notification notified}} |Task-| |•Reader must find some allies, make a unique bond, and form a strong contract of someone influenced to accomplish this goal, when completed, the reader can gain multiple benefits, and drawbacks in the incoming future when reader wanted a helping hand. In other words, you just need to make a strong Allie or a connection with someone in a high position.•|
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
What the heck is this!?
I stare at the scream dumbfounded at such thing happened in my eyes
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Is this a freaking novel or something?
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
I seen this stuff a lot in animes, and manhwa and anime recaps and novals..
I lean on the tree with a devil smile on my face as I look at the sky in deep thoughts.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"I don't mind this if it help me send me back, and besides..." *I stare at the screen again as I smile* "I do love surprises and adventures.."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Yosh!!! Now I have a goal in mind!
I stand up as I begin to walk down the hill as I step into the bustling streets of the city as I wonder around.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"My only goal is to do everything I can to find my way back."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"Despite I don't know how yet, but if this helps I wouldn't mind."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
*Stomach growls*
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"I'm hungry here.. hmm. I should find some food to eat since I haven't eaten in days."
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
"But I don't have any money with me...😭"
I groan at the sight of myself here being hungry, so without a further to a do, I do what I know. Steel.😃
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Alright don't judge. I just needed to live. U.U
Rezel in IRL
Rezel in IRL
And I don't remember making you speak.
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Rezel {past - 10 years old}
Creator... Please- *He drag her away*
So I find a hood which I "definitely" didn't stole from someone else, as I find some food store nearby and then immediately snap the food when the owner didn't notice, of unfortunate he did and start to run after me
For now to be continued
I'm sleepy already here

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