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The Beginning of a New Destiny

Episode 1



I am Diana Prescott, 21 years old, born and raised in Los Angeles, English, educated by teachers and uncles in an orphanage.

I am studying administration online. My hobby is singing, modestly speaking, I have a very beautiful voice. I also have language courses, as we live in a country visited by many tourists and when I graduate, I will need them.

I am 1.68m tall, with dark brown wavy hair, light green eyes, fair skin, slim with prominent curves, I have a birthmark on my belly in the shape of a heart, it is very small, almost imperceptible to the eyes.

I have always been a reserved, dreamy girl, with an extroverted side. With everything that has happened in my life, I was forced to mature and from that girl, only the shadows of who I was remain.

My sister and I grew up in an orphanage. We used to say that we are lucky because in that orphanage, there were only kind, caring people who treated us like their own children.

In addition to my sister, who is my best friend, I now have my beloved children, Luna and Ravi, who are two years old. They are shy children, but very loving, they are the reason for my life and my daily struggle to grow and provide them with a better life. They are the result of a night of love, at least it was love on my part.

I spent two years without my sister in the orphanage, as she had already reached the age of majority, however, she visited me every day. When she was able to stabilize herself, she took custody of me and I started living with her.

Eliza opened a pub downstairs from our old house, and we live upstairs. It has only two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room and kitchen, and a small laundry area. It has always been enough, as we have the most important thing, which is each other and love.

Eliza never let me work at the pub, but I would hide and observe everyone who frequented the place, that's when I saw him. When I met the love of my life, he didn't come often, every two weeks, but he caught everyone's attention every time he entered that establishment.

His striking presence, seductive gaze, perfectly fitting attire that outlined his beautiful athletic body, styled hair, and a smile that left all women breathless in every corner.

After I turned eighteen, my life was never the same, I became a strong and determined woman, fighting every day to achieve my dreams and give a dignified life to my babies.

I am grateful for everything I have and for who I am.

I believe that life still has many good things in store for us.


I am Benjamin Lago, 28 years old, born in Los Angeles, English, but currently residing in the United Kingdom, in Oxford, with my cousin and best friend Bryan.

I am 1.92m tall, with green eyes, light brown hair, and an athletic body. Despite my American accent, I am a polyglot, fluent in several languages, which is one of my strengths in my work.

I am a man who is objective, resilient, visionary, and seductive.

I am the CEO of my own software company. I graduated in the technical area, having worked with programmers, analysts, implementing consultants, among others. I also took some courses to expand my knowledge in all areas of my business, including marketing, sales, finance, product development, human resources, and project management.

I fought and studied hard to get to where I am. I have always been an exemplary son, making my parents proud. In all my life, there is only one thing I regret, but I was still beginning to build my company, I didn't want anything to hinder me from building my dreams. I know I was immature and not a day goes by that I don't think about what happened, but sometimes, it is necessary to let go of certain things to get where we want.

After all, I have always dreamed of building a software company, to be more specific, my company, something that I would achieve through my effort, discipline, and perseverance.

Since I was fourteen, I saved my allowance money to fulfill my future dreams. I helped my uncles with their computer problems and learned even more.

I took numerous courses and made investments, thinking about my future and the realization of my dreams. When I turned eighteen, I moved to the United Kingdom with my cousin, who was also in college pursuing his dreams.

Even though I worked and studied a lot, it never stopped me from being a great conqueror. My friends know me as Don Juan, for always getting the woman I desire. I never get emotionally involved with any of the many women I date; I'm an expert in the art of seduction.

I don't just like having sex; I enjoy the whole process of conquest, emotional courtship, and when they are surrendered, we have a wild night of pleasure and then I never see them again.

We visit our families every other week, we love them a lot, and we learn so much from each one.

Bryan is the only one who knows about what happened a few years ago. He gave me a big lecture, calling me a coward and irresponsible, but it was done and I couldn't go back.

I come from a united family of character who fought hard to get where they are. My father's name is Miguel, and my mother is Juliana. They are wonderful parents, who never let us go without anything, including love. I also have two sisters, Anelive and the youngest, Helena.

If my parents find out what happened... I don't even want to imagine!

Episode 2

Three years ago...

From the first day I saw Don Juan at the pub, I fell in love with him, as his friends call him. I would sit for hours in a place where no one could see me, wishing I could be one of those women he would walk out with.

He comes to the pub every fifteen days, I believe he must live far away.

I would be like a fool, counting the days and hours to see him walk through those doors, with his seductive manner that takes my breath away.

I wake up to my sister and brother-in-law coming into my room, singing happy birthday. Peter was holding a small cake in his hands. On top of the cake, there were candles.

"Oh, I can’t believe it!" I say, covering my mouth, touched.

They finish singing and my sister hugs me tightly.

"Happy 18th birthday, little sister! I love you so much, my little flower!"

"I love you too, sweetheart!" she says, planting a tender kiss on the top of my head.

Peter also hugs me, congratulating me.

"Make a wish, sis!"

I close my eyes and make a wish, then blow out the candles.

"We’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen to eat this cake, which looks wonderful!"

I nod, grab my clothes, and head to the bathroom.

I attend to my hygiene, take a shower, change, and go to the kitchen.

As soon as I arrive, I cut the cake, we sit at the table, and while we eat, we talk.

"So, sister-in-law, when do classes at college start?" he asks, taking a bite of his cake.

"At the beginning of next month! I still have a few days to enjoy!"

We finish the coffee and I help Eliza clean the pub.

Since we don’t have the luxury of having parties, Eliza's pub will open normally today.

"I’m sorry I can’t give you the party you deserve, sis!"

"You know very well that I never cared about that! Just being together is the most important thing!"

We turn on the music and while we clean everything, we sing and dance, having fun.

We finish, it's already lunchtime.

Eliza orders our lunch from a Japanese restaurant, knowing that I love it. We sit at one of the tables and have our meal.

"I want you to have fun today with your friends, my little flower!"

"No way! I’ll help you with the bar, I know you still can’t afford to hire more waiters, and today is one of those days with a lot of movement! And also, who knows, maybe my Don Juan will show up to fulfill my wish!"

"I can’t believe you still haven’t forgotten about that player!"

"What can I do, he’s drop-dead gorgeous!" I say playfully. "And don’t talk like that about your future brother-in-law!"

She chuckles.

"Does he know that?"

"Not yet, but he will soon!"

"I love your innocence, my little flower! But let’s be realistic, he’s a damn player who just uses women!"

"Because he hasn’t met me yet!"

She shakes her head disapprovingly but smiles at the way I speak.

Peter comes into the pub, worried, talking on the phone with someone. We analyze his expressions and he seems very irritated.

As soon as he ends the call, he sits on one of the chairs and takes a deep breath.

"What’s wrong, Pity?"

"My band was hired to play at a wedding today, but the irresponsible vocalist went away!"

"That sucks! What are you going to do now?"

"I have to find another vocalist, or I’ll have to sing myself, but some of the chosen songs don’t match my voice!"

My sister looks at me.

"What’s up?"

"Diana can help you, she sings really well!"

"Sweetheart, I sing for fun, not to be a singer!"

"Come on, little flower!" he says with his hands in front of his mouth, as if praying. "There’s a very good fee involved! The bride's family is filthy rich!"

I look at him and then at my sister, who has that look of a puppy that just fell off a moving truck. I roll my eyes and end up accepting.

We climb on stage and go over the songs chosen by the bride and groom. Peter can’t hide his surprise in his eyes when I sing for the first time.

The guy was very pleased.

We agree on the time he will come to pick me up and he leaves.

"Liza, I don't even have anything to wear, especially to an elegant wedding!"

"Me neither, but I bought a dress for you to wear to your graduation, how about using that!"

"I told you I didn't want you to buy anything, Liza!"

"You deserve it, sis! Come on!" she says, pulling me by the hand.

When we arrive home, she takes me to her room, takes the dress from her wardrobe off the hanger.

I am speechless.

It's a halter neck, low front chiffon dress in black.

"It's beautiful, sweetheart!"

"Wear it today and then we can buy another one!"

"No way, I'll wear it today and on graduation day! You know I've never been fussy!"

As night falls, I take a shower, finish putting on the dress when Eliza enters the room with a small suitcase. She does a basic make-up, lets my hair down, combs it and leaves it loose. She also lends me one of her sandals. The sandal is golden with a buckle closure, platform with a 12 cm thin heel.

I felt like a lady.

I was impressed, how beautiful I looked.

"You're beautiful! The clothes and makeup just accentuated your beauty!" says Eliza.

I smile and wait for Peter to come pick me up.

Episode 3


Bryan and I arrived in Oxford last night for our beloved cousin Mike's wedding. We're taking the opportunity to spend the holidays here in Los Angeles with our family.

We had a lovely dinner with all the family at our grandparents' house, Francisco and Helena. This was the bachelor party chosen by the couple.

We woke up very early and went to Uncle Tiago's mansion.

We spent the day at a barbecue with all the men in the family, including Mike's father-in-law and brother-in-law. My cousin was visibly nervous, counting the hours and seconds until the big moment arrived.

In the evening, we went to get ready.

Hours passed and finally the big moment arrived.

I went downstairs to fix my tie and met my parents in the living room.

"It's beautiful, son!" says Mom, coming closer.

"Thanks, Mom!"

"I can't wait to walk into church with you one day!" fix my tie.

"Benjamin will only get married in the next incarnation! If there is such a thing..." says Anelive, going downstairs.

I narrow my gaze and stick my tongue out at the girl, who laughs.

"Anelive's right, Mom! This marriage thing wasn't meant for me! I was born to be alone!"

"It's all about the party, isn't it!" says my dear little sister, putting her hand on my shoulder.

Our father places a kiss on her forehead, they praise her.

"Aren't you going to say anything, bro?" he asks, with one hand on his waist.

"We're late!" I say and she slaps me lightly on the shoulder. "Just kidding! You look beautiful, but I'm sure my sweet sister Helena will look even more beautiful, because she's my face!"

She laughs.

"Poor thing, don't offend our sister's beauty! She's beautiful because she took after our father! And I'm beautiful because I inherited my mother's beauty!"

"No beauty in the world can match Mom's!"

"They haven't even met and they're already at each other's throats!" says Heleninha, coming down the stairs with her sweet and delicate way.

"They've been like that since they were kids! I'm not saying anything else!" says our mother.

"Because you know that we both love each other and picking on each other is part of our love!" I say, pulling Anelive into a side hug.

Helena approaches us and we give each other a triple hug: with them I am a caring, loving, playful and true man. Our parents join in the emotional hug.

"Do you remember when a boy pushed Anelive at school and the next day he went to the school, lifted the boy by the collar and threatened him?" says Helena.

"How can we forget that we were called to school that day!" says Mom.

We laughed.

"Nobody messes with my little sisters!"

"Let's go at once, otherwise we'll be late!" says Dad.

We headed to our grandparents' mansion, as the ceremony would take place in their immense garden.

I was Ivy's date, Bryan's sister.

As we entered, my eyes fell on the beautiful girl who was singing.

......"What a wonderful woman!"......

I was breathless with her beauty, her penetrating gaze, her plump mouth, her slim body with beautiful curves and her voice that sounded like an angel, leaving me spellbound.

Throughout the ceremony, I watched the girl's every move. I like to analyze my flirts of the night, so I know the best way to approach them and get what I want.

I'm not going to deny it, the ceremony was very beautiful and moved many of the guests.

We went to the reception and I stayed with my cousins at one of the tables, chatting and drinking whisky.

I notice when the singer goes to the bar.

I excuse myself from the table and disguisedly go to the bar.

The girl just asks for a water.

"Please, two glasses of champagne!" I say to the waiter, staring at the girl. "One for me and one for the beautiful lady!"

I notice that my presence leaves her a little bewildered.

"D... I'm sorry, but I don't drink, especially during working hours!"

"Just one glass won't hurt!"

One of the boys from the band signals to her.

"Thanks for the drink, but duty calls!" she says with a shy smile.

..."I love shy girls!"...

Clumsily, she heads towards the stage, but looks back at me a few times.

"You really don't get it, do you?" says Bryan, coming up to me.

Shrugging, taking a sip of my champagne, watching the girl take her place on the stage.

"Well, looks like she didn't give you the time of day!" he teases.

"Care to bet that she'll end up in my bed by the end of the night?"

"You know I'm not the type to make silly bets, especially when it comes to people! Women deserve to be loved, respected, and what you do is not to my liking!"

"I don't do anything wrong! I'm a perfect man, I say what they want to hear, I drive them crazy in a wild night of pleasure and..."

"And then you discard them, as if they were disposable cups! Man, that's not my style!"

I shrug and turn my gaze back to the girl who is now singing. Every now and then, our eyes meet.

Bryan and I are pulled onto the dance floor by the girls and we have a great time.

I love my family and the moments we spend together.

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