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Those Who See The Ones That Arent There

Hearing Things

Laughs, Laughing was currently the only thing Huiruko could currently hear.

Hiruko wanted to leave but had to finish his job in one of the houses he was currently in.

The house hes currently in belongs to a 75 year old women and a 79 year old man.

They have some electricity problems so they called for help and it was now Hirukos job to fix it.

So Hiruko got right to his Job and started to fix it, some of their cabels were broken so nothing to big.

But right after he was halfway done, he started to laughters again, not just from one person, but it sounded like it was from multiaple people at once.

That was weird since as far as he knew, he was currently the only Person in the house.

Maybe someone broke in to steal things? Or mabe the old couple forgot to tellHiruko that people were still in the house?

Hiruko sighed thinking that hed just go talk to them thinking if he would tell them to quiet down thathey would.

He then started to walk towards the living room from where the laughters were comming from, but the moment he walked in there was... no one, not even a  single Person.

And that made Hiruko even more confused, he then thought to himself "Maybe someones playing aorank? maybe someone hid Walkie Talkies to trick me and that wouldnt atleast be the first time that this happend to me. Its ususally the teenagers that like to prank that way, some times the parents also help."

He then started to go through the wardrobe that was standing besides the TV, he open it and there were so far only basic things in.

Hiruko continued to hear laughters he then sighed not finding this funny anymore and a few minutes later he found the walkie talkie.

There was no sound comming from the Walkie Talkie so Hiruko thought that the teenagers finnaly ended their prank and talked into the Walkie Talkie.

"Listen here guys, the prank was funny and everything but you really have to stop since i have to continue to do my job, so cut the Prank."

Sielence, nothing else.

Then someone on the other side of the Walkie Talkie started to talk "Those who can see the ones when others cant,for some its a curse but for others its a blessing. What is it for you?"

Hiruko was so confused that he couldnt even answer, what does that even mean?

He just wanted to get the job done, but then this happend.

"Then let the game begin, Hiruko Kimana."

"What? how does this person even know my name? This is acually crepping me out."

The Person then just stopped talking and it seemed like that their little smal talk ended.

He then just let the walkie Talkie drop onto the floor while being super confused, but the moment he turned around he saw a... a child?

But nor just a happy little kid, it was a kid with no face, completly white body, wearing a white dress and having white hair.

Hiruko just made a confused face, acually not knowing what to do this time, the child then held out their hands with a letter.

But the second Hiruko bend down and took the letter from the child, it immedeatly dissapeard like it was never there before.

Hiruko then opend the letter.

-End of 1st Chapter-

Authors Note:

My English isnt perfect since it isnt my first language  so i am sorry for any mistakes.

Not knowing if this Story is even good enough, id appritiate any recommendation on what i could do better.

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