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Dark Reality

Cinderella : Ever After... Unliving.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom nestled between rolling hills and whispering pines, lived Cinderella, a girl with hair the color of spun sunshine and a heart as warm as a summer breeze. However, Cinderella's life was far from  fairytale. Orphaned at a young age, she lived with her widowed stepmother, Lady Tremaine, and her two stepsisters, Drizella and Anastasia. Lady Tremaine was a woman of icy beauty and even colder heart. She saw Cinderella not as a daughter, but as a servant, burdening her with endless chores and treating her with disdain. Drizella and Anastasia, spoiled and self-absorbed, delighted in mocking Cinderella's tattered clothes and gentle spirit.

Years of relentless bullying chipped away at Cinderella's spirit. The warmth in her heart began to curdle, replaced by a chilling emptiness and a thirst for something… more. One stormy night, driven by a desperation that bordered on madness, Cinderella ventured deep into the whispering woods. There, she stumbled upon a ramshackle hut, its windows glowing with an eerie light. Inside, hunched over a bubbling cauldron, resided a wizened crone – a weaver of forbidden magic.

The crone, sensing Cinderella's desperation, offered a twisted bargain. Escape from her torment, in exchange for a hefty price. The price, however, wasn't paid in gold or blood. It was a piece of Cinderella's own soul, replaced with a chilling fascination – an obsession with dolls. The witch cackled, delighting in the darkness that flickered in Cinderella's once-warm eyes. She taught her the dark art of imbuing dolls with stolen life essence.

Cinderella practiced with a fervor that bordered on mania. Her first victims weren't Lady Tremaine or her stepsisters, but her beloved scullery mice, Gus and Jaq. Their tiny, lifeless forms became the first residents of a macabre dollhouse Cinderella meticulously crafted. Each meticulously detailed miniature scene mirrored moments from her life, twisted by her warped perception.

One day, Lady Tremaine vanished without a trace. Chills ran down Drizella and Anastasia's spines when they found a chilling replacement in Cinderella's collection: a porcelain doll with a familiar, spiteful expression. Fear gnawed at them, their taunts replaced by a whimpering silence.

Moonlight streamed through the dusty attic window, illuminating a tableau both beautiful and unsettling. Cinderella knelt amidst a miniature kingdom – castles crafted from seashells and bone, cottages thatched with dried leaves, each one a meticulous replica of a life lived. Her fingers, nimble and precise, adjusted a tiny tapestry on a miniature loom.

A cough shattered the silence. Cinderella whirled around, her heart hammering against her ribs. There, in the doorway, stood Anastasia, her face a mask of pale fury.

"What is this?" Anastasia's voice trembled as she gestured towards the miniature castle that bore an unnerving resemblance to their own. Inside, a miniature Lady Tremaine, frozen in mid-step, stared back with wide, terrified eyes.

Cinderella rose slowly, her face emotionless. "Just a hobby, Anastasia," she replied, her voice calm and even.

"A hobby?" Drizella echoed from behind Anastasia, her brow furrowed. "This... this isn't normal." She pointed to the miniature Lady Tremaine. "Where's Mother?"

Cinderella's lips curved into a thin smile. "Mother has… moved on, I suppose." The vagueness hung heavy in the air.

Anastasia lunged forward, her anger boiling over. "You lying witch! What have you done with her?"

Cinderella sidestepped her with practiced ease. "Witch? How dramatic, Anastasia. Your mother simply… left."

Drizella's sharp eyes darted around the room, landing on a miniature marketplace. There, amidst tiny stalls, stood a miniature woman with hair the color of spun gold – their mother's hair. The woman, frozen in time, appeared to be arguing with a miniature figure that resembled the King. A horrifying realization dawned on Drizella.

"These aren't just houses," she breathed, her voice devoid of its usual sarcasm. "These are… people."

Cinderella's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something dark crossing her eyes. Then, she recovered, her voice gaining a saccharine sweetness. "Dolls, dear Drizella. Just beautiful, intricate dolls."

"Dolls that look suspiciously like everyone who has ever… disagreed with you," Anastasia spat.

Cinderella tilted her head, her gaze unwavering. "Disagreed? Such a harsh word, wouldn't you say? Merely a difference in opinion."

The sisters exchanged a panicked look. The truth, terrifying and undeniable, hung in the air between them.

"We need to get out of here," Drizella whispered, grabbing Anastasia's arm.

Cinderella's smile widened, an edge of cruelty creeping in. "Leaving so soon? The Royal Ball is just around the corner. You wouldn't want to miss a chance to find yourselves a prince, would you?" Her words dripped with a veiled threat.

Anastasia, despite her fear, squared her shoulders. "We won't be your playthings any longer, Cinderella. We're going to tell everyone."

Cinderella's eyes narrowed. "And who would believe you? Two jealous stepsisters, accusing the darling of the court of… what? Witchcraft? They'd laugh you out of the kingdom."

Drizella knew she was right. They were trapped. Stepping back towards the door, a desperate plan forming in her mind, she said, "Fine. We'll play your game. But don't think this is over, Cinderella. We'll find a way to expose


Cinderella's smile returned to its usual enigmatic facade. "Looking forward to it, dears."

The sisters fled the room, leaving Cinderella alone amidst her chilling collection. A single tear rolled down her cheek, the only sign of the turmoil raging within. Was it grief for her lost mother, or fear of her secret being exposed? The answer remained locked away in the depths of her dollmaker's heart.

An invitation from the Royal Ball arrived, offering a potential escape from her drudgery. Drizella and Anastasia saw it as a chance to abandon Cinderella and their crumbling lives. As the day wore on, a plan hatched in Drizella's cunning mind. the sisters snuck up to Cinderella's room. With a devious glint in their eyes, they shoved Cinderella inside and slammed the heavy oak door shut. They piled furniture against the door, muffling Cinderella's desperate pleas for help as an act. After her sister foot steps sound faded she didn't resort to screaming or tears. Instead, a chilling calm settled over her. This wasn't a setback; it was merely a hurdle in her meticulously crafted plan.

Suddenly, a gentle familiar twinkle filled the doorway. It was a fairy godmother, offering a shimmering gown and a pumpkin carriage to attend a grand ball. But the kindness fell on deaf ears.

A chill emanated from Cinderella as she approached the fairy godmother, her eyes glinting with an unnatural light. "Your magic is fascinating," she purred, her voice devoid of warmth. "Perhaps it could be… repurposed."

Before the fairy godmother could react, Cinderella snatched the magic wand and pointed it at the crone, a cruel smile twisting her lips. "Dolls are lonely," she hissed. "Turn her into one!"

With a bewildered gasp, the fairy godmother was encased in a delicate porcelain shell, her magic now at Cinderella's disposal. Her grip on the wand felt surprisingly natural, a dark extension of her warped reality.

 At the ball, they were both captivated by the Prince, but their hopes were dashed when Cinderella appeared.

Cinderella, cloaked in an aura of dark magic, captivated the Prince with a carefully crafted persona and with a flick of her wrist, she subtly enchanted the Prince's heart, ensuring his unwavering devotion. She spun tales of her suffering at the hands of her cruel stepmother and stepsisters, painting herself as a victim. The Prince, disgusted, banished them from the palace.

Drizella and Anastasia, ostracized and alone, succumbed to a madness born of fear and regret. Cinderella, however, felt a thrill course through her – a warped sense of justice.

The fleeing clock chimed midnight, shattering the dreamlike atmosphere of the ball. Our heroine, with a mischievous glint in her eye, slipped off a glass slipper, leaving it behind on a marble staircase as she made her escape. The echoing sound of the slipper hitting the ground was almost intentional, a beacon for the persistent Prince who would surely come searching. A marriage proposal followed, but love was a foreign

concept to Cinderella. She accepted, her true motivation being the potential

influx of new "dolls" into her collection.

On the eve of the wedding, Cinderella turned her stepsisters into exquisitely crafted dolls. Their lifeless eyes stared vacantly, forever trapped in a miniature replica of the mansion they once tormented her in.

On their wedding night, surrounded by her ever-growing collection of miniature worlds and their frozen inhabitants, Cinderella turned to the Prince. A chilling smile played on her lips. "My Prince," she purred, her voice laced with a hidden darkness, "it's time to begin a new chapter in our story, wouldn't you agree?" The Prince, sensing a coldness that had nothing to do with the night air, couldn't help but take a hesitant step back. Cinderella remained a mystery, a beautiful enigma with a terrifying secret locked away in her attic room. Whether the Prince would ever uncover the truth, or become another addition to her collection, remained to be seen.






Dear Reader,

The carriage has reached its final stop, and the curtain falls on Cinderella's story. Whether her journey unfolded in a grand ballroom or amidst the shadows of the whispering woods, it was a testament to the power that lies within us all.

This tale, like Cinderella's slipper, was never meant to fit perfectly. The missing details, the unanswered questions – they were left for you, the reader, to fill with your own imagination. Did Cinderella find redemption, or did she succumb to the darkness? Did true love conquer all, or was a different kind of power at play?

Perhaps the ending you envisioned surprised you, challenged you, or left you yearning for more. Your interpretation, your emotional response – that is the true magic of storytelling.

If you enjoyed this glimpse into Cinderella's world, I would be honored to hear your thoughts. Please consider leaving a review, sharing your unique take on the story, and letting me know what resonated most with you.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Until next time, may your imagination continue to flourish.


The J.R

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