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The Alphas I Used To Babysit

ep 1

me (your author)
me (your author)
me (your author)
me (your author)
so first things first
me (your author)
me (your author)
this book is a threesome
me (your author)
me (your author)
me (your author)
me (your author)
has 🔞
(...) = action *..* = thought ❄ = talking coldly 👀 = talking with eyes 📱 = talking on phone 💬 = texting
Lillian green
Lillian green
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Lillian green
Lillian green
you're finally here
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
yeah yeah
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
so what did you have to tell me
Lillian green
Lillian green
right right
Lillian green
Lillian green
(hands him paper)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
what's this
Lillian green
Lillian green
I know you've been looking for a job
Lillian green
Lillian green
so I found this
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
A job for babysitting
Lillian green
Lillian green
Lillian green
Lillian green
and the parents are really rich. so you get paid a lot
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
I'm bit sure...
Lillian green
Lillian green
come on, you're great with kids
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel i?
Lillian green
Lillian green
Lillian green
Lillian green
kids love you
Lillian green
Lillian green
everything you visit the hospital for your grandpa, you are so kind to those kids there. they all love you
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
...I'll think about it
Lillian green
Lillian green
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
now let's go get something to eat
Lillian green
Lillian green
yay, I'm starvin
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
but you're paying for yourself
Lillian green
Lillian green
please pay, I'll repay you
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
why would I do that
Lillian green
Lillian green
🥺because you love me
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
but you owe me
Lillian green
Lillian green
thanks, you're the best
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
yeah yeah
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(sitting on couch looking at flyer)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
guess I do need a job
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(calls number on flyer)
Danny called and got a meeting tomorrow afternoon
. . .
to be continued
. . .

ep 2

The next day after noon
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
......(walks up to floor and knocks)
A butler opened the door
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hello, I'm Danny Nathaniel
butler: oh, follow me
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
They went inside.
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
you must be Danny
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
yes hello
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
you're so adorable, oh my god
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
babe, don't flirt with the staff
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
but he's adorable
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
um thank you ma'am
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
so, how are you with kids
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
I think I'm good with them
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
kids seem to really love me
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
that's great
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
so if you do get this job, you will have a room here
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
and of course you'll have days off
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
thank you ma'am
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
me and my husband are busy and are away a lot
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
that's why we're looking for a babysitter
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
so, wanna meet them before we decide
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
yes sure
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
I'll go get em
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
here they are
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
boys, come meet Danny
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(smiles) hi there boys
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
you two are adorable
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
they are well behaved kids most of the time
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
sometimes they can be a handful, but they are lovely
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
well I would love to look after them
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
great, we'll give you a call to let you know
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
ok, thank you
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
have a great day
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
you too
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hopefully I'll see you two kids around
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
. . .
to be continued
. . .

ep 3

later Danny was at home doing sme cleaning when he got a call
he was hired as the new babysitter
he starts work the next day
the next day he went to the mansion
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
oh good, you're here
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
me and Zander have to leave, so sorryto leave you hanging
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
no, no
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
it's ok
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
the kids are sleeping
Linda Kingston
Linda Kingston
the schedule is on the kitchen counter, if you need help the head butler arlo will help
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
don't worry you two
Zander Kingston
Zander Kingston
you're a good guy Danny
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
they left
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
ok (went inside)
Danny went to the kitchen and looks at the schedule
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
oh, time to wake them up
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(goes up to their room)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(enters Axle's room)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey kidd, time to wake up
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
(slowly blinks eyes open)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey kiddo
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
(sits up) you're that Danny guy
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
(smiles) good morning
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
go ahead and get ready, ok? I'll go get your brother up
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(pats his head)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey, it's morning
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
rise and shine
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(wakes up)
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
oh!! it's you!
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey kiddo
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(stands up on bed)
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
you're so pretty
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
haha thanks
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
how about you go get ready then go downstairs for breakfast
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(lifts him of the bed and onto the floor)
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(goes into the bathroom)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(leaves room and walking through hall)
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey kiddo
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
you ready
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
(nods) yep
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
let's go downstairs
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
they went downstairs
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(looks at schedule)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
ok, so you eat
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
I'll get your bag ready
Axle Kingston
Axle Kingston
thank you Danny
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(runs downstairs)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
hey hey, carful
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
you might fall
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
hehe sorry
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(lifts him up)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
did you brush your teeth?
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
go eat your breakfast
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
I'll get your bag ready for school too
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(goes to table)
they got all ready
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
ok, let's take you two to school
they started leaving
Alex Kingston
Alex Kingston
(takes his hand)
Danny Nathaniel
Danny Nathaniel
(looks at him and smiles)
. . .
to be continued
. . .

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