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Uncle I Love You....

ep 1

kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Please no ....don't take it ....don't take it away from me ...please It's my grandfathers last thing please...
MR jeon
MR jeon
You good for nothing leave it...
MR jeon
MR jeon
You don't deserve it ...
MR jeon
MR jeon
This is way too expensive, and it should be with me not with you just know how to keep it safe but I ...
MR jeon
MR jeon
I will sell it and get lots of money leave
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* holding the painting tightly with blooded hands * Please don't we are're my best friend don't do this please
MR jeon
MR jeon
friend ...huh
MR jeon
MR jeon
a rich person and a poor person can never be friends ...
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
mrs jeon
mrs jeon
* put her heel on TAE hand *...leave it
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* due to pain he leaves the painting *
MR jeon
MR jeon
* take away the painting *...yes now we will become rich...
mrs jeon
mrs jeon
Yes honey....let's go
MR jeon
MR jeon
but what about him,
mrs jeon
mrs jeon
he will die here
MR jeon
MR jeon
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
no please...
Taehyung begs ....he beg them a lot, but they don't listen and leave....
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Am I going to die....
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Sorry grandfather I could not protect your last thing I am sorry
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
I should have listened to brother... I sis wrong. …I am sorry
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* crying *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* close his eyes *
tae close his eyes thinking It's his end but suddenly he heard a baby crying....
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
who is this...
by by
see you soon
tell me how is this
have a nice day 💜💜💜

ep 2

kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* trying to get up but fail start to crawl towards the crying voice *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* saw a baby under the bed *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
HY....who are you
the baby crawl back while trembling
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Don't be scared I will not do anything to you come here...
The baby look at TAE with his big eyes ....
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* extend his hand *...come here
the baby crawl towards TAE and hold his hand
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* take the baby on his lap *...who are you...why are you here
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
I am jungkook
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
oh Jungkook
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
why ...* about to ask something but stop when he saw the baby head is bleeding *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
oh my god your hurt...
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
* touch his head and start to cry *..hurt...
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
oh baby * hug jungkook and try to cover his head *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
don't worry I am here
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
* hide in tae chest *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
💭 shit I have to do something this baby is bleeding ....
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
I am feeling dizzy
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
I ...I am ....* faint while holding Jungkook.*
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
* crying more seeing tae faint *
by by
see you soon
have a nice day 💜💜💜

ep 3

Previous EP
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* TAE open his eyes when he feels something heavy on his chest he looks down only to find a cute bunny sleepy ...*
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
*sleeping on TAE chest without caring about Anything *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* look around and find he is in hospital *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
who take me here
TAE was puzzled when
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* enter * TAE you are awaken
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* sit beside TAE *...yes baby
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
how I came here you find me
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
this little baby help you
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
* enter and hug tae *
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* hug back *...hyung
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
how he
flash back
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* driving car *
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
I told you not to scold him ....but no you never listen to me
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
if anything happen to my baby I will kill you
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
nothing will happen him ....
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* driving suddenly stop the car when a kid come in front of the car *
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* come out *...are you ok.....
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
* come out *...oh my good are you hurt anywhere
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
* crying *...please help kookie ...
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
* lift Jungkook * ....we will but what happen
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
come with me
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
* jump from Jin lap and drag them with himself *
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* faint *
flash back end
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
This is how we find you
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* look at Jungkook *
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
by THE way who is this kid and what happen
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* tell them Everything *
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
so he is jeon
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
* angry *.... I will kill them
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
TAE if he is there kid why you...
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Hyung don't worry he is not like them
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
how you know that
kim seok jin( omega )
kim seok jin( omega )
don't you saw joon how he came infront of the car without caring about his life just to help tae
kim namjoon(enigma)
kim namjoon(enigma)
I know darling but maybe not now but in future he will become like them after all he has there blood
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
Hyung don't worry he might have there blood, but I will take care of him and I Believe I can make him a good person
Everyone became silent
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
kim taehyung. ( alpha)
* touch jungkook head *
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
jeon Jungkook ( 7 )
*move his eyes while closing them *
by by
see you soon
have a nice day 💜💜💜....
drink water...

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