NovelToon NovelToon

Love Me Like You Do

a beautiful day

zu mei
zu mei
my life was an extraordinary..I dont mean it in a good way ..
zu mei
zu mei
there was simply nothing good to hope in this life
zu mei
zu mei
my dad left us when I was a kid and mom is my one and only asset in this life
zu mei
zu mei
in school everyone hated me ..including teachers since I was a poor student both financially and in terms of knowledge..
zu mei
zu mei
but still I was living
zu mei
zu mei
until this moment
zu mei
zu mei
I am often absent minded ..I never thought it could be a problem..
zu mei
zu mei
i was crossing the road absent mindedly and that's when this truck hit me ..
zu mei
zu mei
I can see people rushing towards me ..poor driver ..I feel sorry for him ..I can see his panick but it was not his fault ..
zu mei
zu mei
I have always wanted to die ..but now , when I am facing death , all I wish is ..
zu mei
zu mei
I wanna live ..I wanna live in a better way ..
zu mei
zu mei
my head is severely wounded and so is my body ..I cant move a muscle but none of these are affecting me right now
zu mei
zu mei
what's killing me is my regret ..
zu mei
zu mei
did I ever try to live in a better ?? did I ever enjoyed whatever I had in my life ?? did I ever love mom the way she did?? did I cherish her ??
zu mei
zu mei
unfortunately the answer is no ..I was always sad ..sad for being called as a bastard..sad for being a poor student ..I always considered my life was not worth it ...I never tried to live in a better ..never enjoyed what I had in my life ..
zu mei
zu mei
but right now it's too late ..too late ..
zu mei
zu mei
I closed my eyes ..and welcomed death ..
** end of prologue **
zu lie
zu lie
brother brother..
zu lie
zu lie
please wake up
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
I can hear some voices..
zu mei
zu mei
no there is a just one voice ..
zu mei
zu mei
I wanted to open my eyes but couldnt ..
zu mei
zu mei
I struggled a bit and finally opened..
zu mei
zu mei
I saw the owner of the voice
zu mei
zu mei
it's a girl and the girl is very beautiful
zu lie
zu lie
brother brother
zu lie
zu lie
you woke up
zu lie
zu lie
you finally woke up
zu lie
zu lie
I knew it I knew it ..
zu mei
zu mei
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
who is this girl ..and where am I..
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
look at those walls .and those paintings
zu mei
zu mei
this room is pretty big and luxurious..this girl is beautiful..the bed is soft ..the sheets are silky ..
zu mei
zu mei
wait a minute ..
zu mei
zu mei
where the hell am I
zu mei
zu mei
and am I not dead..
zu mei began to touch his body to confirm that he was alive ..he can feel his heart breathe ..
zu mei
zu mei
I am alive ..
zu mei
zu mei
or is this a dream ..
zu lie
zu lie
brother..are you feeling uncomfortable..
zu lie
zu lie
shall I call uncle butler ..
zu mei
zu mei
who ..who ..are you
zu lie
zu lie
what .
zu mei
zu mei
I dont know ..
zu mei
zu mei
could you tell me where is this place and why I am here
zu mei
zu mei
I was actually hit by a ..
zu lie
zu lie
the girl began to scream
zu lie
zu lie
mom , dad ..
zu lie
zu lie
mom ..
and she began to cry
zu mei
zu mei
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
ahh ..this girl..
zu mei
zu mei
why would she scream so much ..was my question that..
zu mei
zu mei
wait wait
zu mei
zu mei
why are my fingers so small
zu mei
zu mei
no no ..not just my fingers but entire body is small..and very small
zu mei
zu mei
how can this happen..
zu mei
zu mei
god what's happening ..
zu mei
zu mei
have I gone insane
zu lie
zu lie
mom look look 😭😭
zu lie ..your brother just woke up shouslnt scream so much..
zu mei
zu mei
this lady ..who is she ..
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
is she even a human ..she looks like a fairy wonder this girl is so beautiful but she still cannot surpass her mother..
mei mei ..
mrs.zu sat beside zu mei's bed ..
and began to pat his head
how are you feeling mei mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
I dont know ..
its is here
just then a tall man came ..and as soon as zu lie saw him she ran to him
zu lie
zu lie
dada ..dada ...
mr .zu
mr .zu
why why ...why are you crying
mr .zu
mr .zu
oh.. he woke up ..
mr zu walked towards zu mei by holding zu lie with one hand ..
mr .zu
mr .zu
son ..
mr .zu
mr .zu
are you feeling uncomfortable
zu mei nodded his head
zu lie
zu lie
dada ..he wouldn't recognize me ..I think brother hates me
mr .zu
mr .zu
how is that possible
mr .zu
mr .zu
wait ..
zu mei
zu mei
I am sorry ..
zu mei
zu mei
and thank you I guess you all have been taking care of me but may I know who you are all
everyone was stunned
mr .zu
mr .zu
I think I should call the doctor
after a while a doctor came
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
I think I am able to understand..mrs.zu zu ..zu lie ..all these names i think i have heard of them somewhere..
zu mei
zu mei
it was in a novel ..
zu mei
zu mei
and I am now inside a novel..
zu mei
zu mei
I did die but I guess I was born again and that too in a novel that I read ..
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
should I be happy that I am not dead and that I am reborn..and that too in a wealthy family..
zu mei
zu mei
but if this happened to me ..what happened to my mom ..can I ever go back to her ..😔😔
mrs.zu noticed zu mei's sad face
mei mei domt worry ..mama is here..okay I will always be with you ..dont fear ..
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
this lady doesnt look a bit like my mom but the way she looks ,talks are all exactly like my mom..somehow I am feeling relieved ..
mei mei
zu mei
zu mei
ahh ..I ..I
zu lie
zu lie
dada brother alright
mr .zu
mr .zu
the doctor has said that may be because of the shock or fall..he might have lost memories..but he will get back his memories soon
mei mei ..there is nothing to worry ..we are all here..
zu lie
zu lie
yes is not alone
thoughts of zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
these people are all so nice to me ..but it's all too sudden ..I need some time to adapt ..
zu mei
zu mei
mr .zu
mr .zu
yes son ..say whatever you want ..are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere
zu mei
zu mei
no I..I just want to be alone
everyone became silent
mr .zu
mr .zu
okay ..take rest
mama is always me as soon as you need something
zu lie
zu lie
can I be with brother
mr .zu
mr .zu
no ..didnt you hear ..he wants to be alone ..let him rest
zu lie
zu lie
but brother just woke up
mr .zu
mr .zu
zu lie
zu lie
zu lie
ummm okay ..I understand 😔😔
everyone left and zu mie was alone in this new room ...
***end of episode 1***

a new me

***episode 2 ***
***from now onwards ***
a day passed
and zu mei was loitering in their big garden
zu mei
zu mei
so I am inside a novel and I guess there is no way for me to return to my real world..intact even if I did , I dont know whether I will be alive or dead ..
zu mei
zu mei
ahhh this is so confusing
zu mei
zu mei
but then its really good too ..according to the novel..the zu family is one of the richest an overnight I became rich ..
hello zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
who ..who ..
let me introduce myself
I am your system
zu mei
zu mei
you are my what ??
zu mei
zu mei
wait ..why cant I see you ..where are you hiding..I am warning you come out this instant
I am sorry but i cant do that ..zu mei please listen to my explanation..I am was me who enabled you to be reborn and I am a voice inside your head and I will be guiding you until you return back to your real world
zu mei
zu mei
are you god ..
zu mei didnt trust the system's words so he began to search the place where she was hiding
zu mei ..I am not lying to you ..I really am a system..a voice ..a guide ..
zu mei
zu mei
why me
zu mei
zu mei
why did you select me
oh that's because you died with lots of regret so our head decided to give you a chance
zu mei
zu mei
chance for what
to rectify all your regrets
zu mei
zu mei
but if you are really a system and if you know everything..then you must know that ..according to this novel I am a villain and I will be killed by the protagonist when I am 26
you are right ..but you can change your destiny ..because currenlty you are just 14 year old ..
zu mei
zu mei
hmm ..that's true ..
the plot of the novel in which zu mie is living is like this..
zu mei is born to rich parents mr and mrs.zu and has a sister zu lie
zu mei has been dotted by his whole family and has never struggled for anything in life so he was very stubborn..
the male lead of this novel is bu wei .. be wei is highly talent and also a rich boy ..
the female lead is jaze any other novel story has poor financial background but is very kind and not at all materialistic....
zu mei falls in love with jaze was love at first sight but due to various circumstances jaze and bu wei fall in love with each other
zu mei couldn't accept this and he tried to separate jaze and bu wei by creating scandles on both bu wei and jaze ...
bu wei tried to forgive zu mie since their parents were best freinds but day by day zu mie was becoming more and more cruel ..his means for getting back jaze was becoming more and more evil ..atlast zu mei decided to kill bu Wei
seeing this haze tried to save bu wei and got stabbed ..bu wei couldnt control his anger..and stabbed zu mie .. zu mei died and bu wei didnt get punishment because according to law he did it out of self defense
after zu mei's death ..jaze and bu wei got married and live happily ever after
so that's the plot
as you see zu mie ..all you need to do is ..dont go near the female lead and dont provoke the male lead
in short , you should just mind your own business
zu mei
zu mei
well ..i get it
I have read some novel..where there is systems like you ..they can also be golden finger are you one
golden finger means lucky charm..they will tell the way to succeed and get benefits..
unfortunately no ..
I can guide you but I dont have any so called " charms " or "luck"
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
zu mei
that's okay actually
zu mei
zu mei
well ..
zu mei
zu mei
its good to have you..
zu mei
zu mei
I have someone with whom I can share my real situations
zu mei
zu mei
it's a pity that I can't see or touch you
I am also glad to meet you zu mei
make good use of this opportunity..not everyone gets this chance
zu mei
zu mei
yes ..I will
remember zu mei are here to change your own destiny and not others..when you change yourself there might be some butterfly effect but as long as they are little and not big enough to change the plot, it will be okay
zu mei
zu mei
nor I am interested in changing anything else
zu mei
zu mei
you said you will be with me until I return back to my world , can I go back
yes you can
zu mei
zu mei
but wasnt I dead ..
well..currently your body is in a vegetative state or coma when your score is 100 you will wake up from coma and will leave this world
zu mei
zu mei
how do I score 100
through competing your task ..that is by rectifying all your regrets ..
zu mei
zu mei
oh ..suppose if I take years to complete the task and when in return back to my world will I be very old
dont worry..time is very slow inside this novel when compared to to real world..your 365 days in this novel is equal to one day in your real world
to be precise even though you have spend more than a day in this novel, in your real world only minutes has passed ..
zu mei
zu mei
oh cool ..
zu mei
zu mei
do you know how my mom is
yes she is beside you in real world waiting for you to wake up
zu mei
zu mei
cool ..can you take care of my mom until I return back
no worried ..our head is taking care of it ..
zu mei
zu mei
oh who is your head
I dont know ..I get instructions from my head and I follow
zu mei
zu mei
oh ..
anything else
zu mei
zu mei
no nothing
then I shall take my leave
zu mei
zu mei
wait where are you going
I will be back when you call me or need me
zu mei
zu mei
I see
zu mei
zu mei
well then see ya and take care dear system
you too zu mie

so it begins ..

***third day***
good morning zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
good morning system
so what are you gone do today
zu mei
zu mei
the first thing to do is ..find mom ..
zu mie flind his mom in kitchen
ahh mei mie ..I was coming to your room
I was preparing your ..
even before mrs.zu could complete her sentence..zu mei wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her cheek..
zu mei
zu mei
good morning mom
good morning...what happened..
zu mei
zu mei
nothing mom ...I just wanted to begin my day in a pleasant way is said that when you hug and kiss the ones you love , can give you immense positive energy..that's all
when did you become so matured and philosophical
zu mei
zu mei
it's nothing mom ..where is dad..and did zu lie wake up
no she didnt ..
and your dad will be in his studies
zu mei
zu mei
no problem mom ..I will wake her up
so you are going to hug and kiss your dad too
zu mei
zu mei
ofcourse ..
zu mei
zu mei
it's like this dear system..I have regretted a lot that I didnt love the people who loved this time I will do everything to express my love ..these are small small ways ..but I cant Express how happy I am
I can see that
zu mei
zu mei
oh dada
mr .zu
mr .zu
ha woke up
zu mei
zu mei
he went and kissed his dad's cheek
mr .zu
mr .zu
hei what are you doing ..
zu mei
zu mei
good morning dada
mr .zu
mr .zu
morning morning 😊😊
mr .zu
mr .zu
what's with the kiss ..grown up men refrain themselves from kissing and all
zu mei
zu mei
then I will never grow up ..because I want to kiss and hug my family always ...
mr .zu
mr .zu
ha ha 😊😊
mr .zu
mr .zu
how do I feel like you have become very cute..
zu mei
zu mei
because you love me a lot dada
mr .zu
mr .zu
hmmm ..that's true ..
zu mei
zu mei
dada I am going to wake up zu lie
mr .zu
mr .zu
okay ...
zu mei
zu mei
system ...
zu mei
zu mei
did dada feel irritated because I kissed him
no I dont think so ..I saw him smiling happily
zu mei
zu mei
really..then that's a relief..
zu mei
zu mei
zu lie ..zu lie
zu lie
zu lie
hmm brother
zu lie
zu lie
zu mei
zu mei
wake up ..
zu lie
zu lie
what..what you ..
zu mei
zu mei
good morning zu lie
zu lie
zu lie
why did you wake up early
zu mei
zu mei
I not just woke up ..i even brushed and dressed ..
zu lie couldnt believe her brother
zu lie
zu lie
brother are you okay..
zu lie
zu lie
why are you so different
zu mei
zu mei
come on come on ..get up..let's not be late to school
zu lie
zu lie
when did you become so enthusiastic about school
your brother is right lie
lie get ready
zu lie
zu lie
ahhh ..okay
after a while
zu mei
zu mei
dada mom bye ...
zu lie
zu lie
bye mom ..
zu lie
zu lie
bye dada
mei mei are you sure ..will you be really okay
zu mei
zu mei
dont worry mom ..zu lie is with me ..there is nothing to worry
mr .zu
mr .zu
well mei I am also worried havent recovered your memory completely plus you have just recovered from the fall ..
zu lie
zu lie
it's me ..I am superb reliable
zu lie
zu lie
right brother
zu mei
zu mei
yes ..zu lie is with me there is nothing to worry
mr .zu
mr .zu
then okay
mr .zu
mr .zu
take care both of you
all the best zu mie
zu mei
zu mei
thank you dear system
zu lie
zu lie
brother there is really nothing to worry ..I will be always with you ...we are even in the same class don't worry
zu mei
zu mei
I know
zu lie
zu lie
but you must promise me .even if you feel slightest discomfort, you must not hide and should immediately tell me ..
zu mei
zu mei
I promise..
zu lie
zu lie
then shall we go ..
zu mei
zu mei
yes ..

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