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The One Vol. 1

Welcome to The One Volume!

Hello, I am fantasy gurl my hidden name is Shynix, and this is my first story here in mangatoon. I hope you liked my first book here, my English grammar aren't that great, but I also keep learning. My other books are available in Wattpad, but only one released.

this is My book cover that I made, I took some photos and edit them, same to my first at wattpad. I hope you enjoy the new and my first book here in this app. let me present you, The One Vol. 1!

Chapter 1: You're The One

Althea's new life is about to begin when she chooses to be "The One" at the famous variety show!

           ◦•●◉✿ 𝑆ℎ𝑦𝑛𝑖𝑥 ✿◉●•◦

The day has finally come, I was sitting at the table waiting for my boyfriend. We've been in relationship for 3 years now, And yesterday I found a ring on his pocket that I almost scream for happiness.

But of course I keep it safe by putting it back and pretending not to know. I strengthen up my dress and pull the shirt down to my leg. I look to my wrist "8:30pm, alright, keep calm Althea!" I took a deep breath and exhale.

"Welcome sir" turned my head to see a man walking inside to the restaurant, a smile brightly to see him. There he is, the man I love all of my life, my soon to be fiancee then husband, Jericho.

"Hey babe" I was about to kiss his cheek when he gently pull me away, he gestures me to sit back down. I was confused why until I saw a woman behind him. "Althea, please sit down, we need to talk. This si serious matter" The woman look down as if scared to look at me. I smile at Jericho and nodded.

When the three of us sat to our seats, there was silent, so I decided to speak up first "so, babe, who is this woman?" Jericho put his hand on the woman, and she look up at him and nodded. My smile faded to what I seen, I was bewildered. "Jericho, what... What is the meaning of this?" I was afraid to hear what his saying next.

My heartache, I feel like I'm 

going to pass out but I calm myself down. "Althea, this is Monica... She... " he took a sigh and said "she is pregnant, with my child"

I was speechless to what I just heard "I... you-... You what now...?" I wait for him to finish, but I feel like I just want to ran away and scream to let my rage out of me. My eyes dart at Monica's finger. "That... That ring... Is it, for her...?" My heart hurt really bad, and my breath stuck on my throat.

"Althea, I am here to-" "You want to break up with me... for her isn't?" Silent, there is only silent. Tears stream down at my face, I couldn't believe it. My boyfriend who thought he will be there and always my forever is looking and cheating on me!

"Althea I-" I slam my hand at the table and stand up straight in rage, I grab the glass with wine inside and throw right on his face. "You motherfucker cheater?! How could you do this to me! After everything I've done to you?!!!" I scream at him.

I can see he was panicking that he grab my wrist to make me stop "Let me go! Don't touch me!" "There is no need to make a scene, don't be over dramatic!" I snort and laugh despite the tears made my face mess.

"Wow, dramatic? Why? You feel embarrass yourself in front of everyone that you're a cheater??? Wow, your so awesome, a fucking awesome. You should have a best loyal partner of a year!" Everyone on the restaurant look at us, not expecting a drama "Althea" his voice calling my name, warning me, but I didn't care anymore.

"You know what, fuck off, I don't care if anything happens, I'm out. If you want to end this relationship, then okay, fine by me! We're over, Jericho!" I grab my bag and left the restaurant.

On the way home, I cried out, the pain that Jericho gave me is hurting me. After 3 years? His going to waste it all? What did I do wrong to made him cheat on me?

Unlocking the passcode, I open the door and got inside when suddenly the lights turn on by itself.

"Surprise- woah Althea, what happened to you?!" 3 girls waiting for me at home, my best friend who also my roommates at the apartment waiting for the news when I told them that I thought Jericho would propose to me since I saw the ring on his pocket. But I guess I was celebrating too soon.

"Did something happened?" Mimi was the first one come at me, she gently held my arm, looking at me in worried. "It's Jericho, he... He cheat on me" the girls weren't surprise since this is not the first time of my heart break, This was my third time having a relationship then dumping me out of nowhere. But the girls also saddened for me as well, they come to me.

"It's okay girl, you deserve better. You're amazing woman!" Kira smiles at me, even though she is the youngest among us, her words almost made me feel better.

"Kira is right, don't cry for a man who only dump you and cheating on you, stand up girl! Be independent!" Clarissa, who is independent woman always courage me for something I feel down or bad. Her courageous made me feel better.

"Don't worry, you will find a better one soon, maybe not this year. you just have to wait and hope. But if you don't want to find love again, it's your choice" Mimi, who is a goth woman, Mimi was always there to support me with the girls as well.

"Thanks girls, but right now, I am tired and I want to sleep" the girls nodded in understanding and smile at me "if you need us, we're here for you" Kira said, and I smile to them before heading to my room.

Finally reaching my room, I locked the door and immediately ran to my bed to lay down. I sobbed under the pillow hard, my heart break so much.

Why is this keep happening to me? Why I'm always hopeless when it comes to love, why? I cried and sniffed.

My phone keeps ringing and vibrate, I look to the lock screen to see Jericho's message and the picture of us together in the lock screen.

Only madness and pain inside me, I sit on my bed and open my phone. I didn't bother to open the chat message of Jericho and delete his contact number. I also delete all the photos we share together and change my lock screen to new ones.

After that, I go back laying down to my bed and sigh. Looking up at the ceiling, my tears already dried out and my eyelid was about to closed when another vibrant sound from my phone.

I groan and sigh irritated "I swear I will burst out if it's him again!" I took my phone and open the message, instead of angry it replaced to confusion. "What is this?"

Are you tired to wait for your The One? Are you in heartbreaking from the break up of your relationship? Why not giving yourself another try? If you're already single, why don't you choose to be The One?

Join the spotlight, be our guest, and find love of your dreams! Just click here and fill up the information and answer some few following questions.

"What is this? Message from... The One app?" I sit straight staring at the screen in interest. "Isn't this the name of Kira's favorite variety show?" with no idea what I'm doing, I click the button and start to fill up the information.

Next it was question Time "let's see, how many relationship did you try?" I scoffed and write three then following question was "are you calm and keep your secret to yourself?" Ahh of course I am, all secrets especially mines are safe with me. I answer the question and proceeds to the last one.

"Have you ever experience to be The One with the person you love the most?" I stop and read the word "love" I sigh and look at the screen sadly and laugh a little "yeah right, if there was really true love for me. I'm hopeless romantic after all" I answer the question to No and click done.

Thank you for your cooperation! The results will come out tomorrow! Good luck! And hoping that you will be one of The One we're looking for!

I smiled at the screen "I hope I will be the chosen one." I put back my phone at the desk and went to sleep.

It's early in the morning when someone knocked loudly at the door "Althea!" it's from Kira's voice, I opened my eyes and stretch my arms. Damn it Kira, it's still so early in the morning. Kira keep knocking and call, with no choice, I got up from the bed, and lazily opened the door.

"What are you-" before I can even finish my words, Kira pull me and drag me along with her. "Kira?!" Clarissa and Mimi looked at me "I guess someone here to see you" "wow Althea, we're going to see you in TV now" "what are you talking about?" the girls just smiled at me and Mimi nod her head "Miss Guardian?" I turned around to see a man and a woman.

"Yes? It's me, and who are you?" Kira nudge me "Althea! It's The Host of "The One" show, how could you not recognize her?" small gasp escape from my lip and sharply turn my head back on them. "Oh my god, it is them"

"Hello Ms. Guardian. As you know I'm The host of the variety show "The One" and this is Daniel, the producer"

"Hello Ms. Guardian, we come here to let you know that you're The One we've looking for, congratulations. You're The One of the candidates on the show"

Daniel's words made me shocked that my jaw dropped, I looked to the girls, and they don't seem to be surprise. They must've known already before me. "But how exactly? The results haven't revealed yet!" The host and producer share a glance and Their eyes focus back on me "Oh dear, don't you know? the result is already out" The host said.

I went back to my room and take my phone to check the notification. Oh my god, the results come out 2 hours ago! "Miss Guardian, we have to hurry by the way"

The two guests are already standing outside from my room, I looked at them again "Hurry? Why?" "The shooting will be in few days since the next season of The One will soon to be released this June" The Host confidently said, my eyes widened in surprise.

"In few days?! Are you guys expecting me to go there and start, right now?!"

"Ms. Guardian, we understand it's too sudden for you to hear the news, but you are not the only one, the others are already at the Paradise Island, and the only person missing, is you"

"So? What're you waiting for? Pack your things and get change, we will wait outside"

"Hey - Wait-!"

the guests left our room, I watch them leave. The girls looked at me, Kira sequel "Oh my gosh girl! Congrats! You're one of the candidates in the show." Kira held my hand tightly and smile widely. Mimi put her hand on my shoulder "we can't wait to see you on TV, good luck" Clarissa chuckles with her folded to her chest "remember girl, be confident and also independent" she winks at me.

Even packing my things, the girls were there to support me and gave me advice, so I can use it in the show. And finally, time comes to say goodbye, I already change my clothes. The host and Daniel already wait for me outside.

"So, this is it?" I smiled and my eyes blurry a bit from few tears, the girls give me a warmly smiled, and we made a ground hug, a very tightly hug. "Good luck Althea, we're cheering for you out there" we pulled away from each other and give them one last look "Thank you" was my final word for them before I take my leave with The Host and Daniel.

Paradise Island

The long flight is making me tired that I want to just find a hotel and sleep, but the Island makes my energy go back up again. "Welcome to the Paradise Island, Ms. Guardian" I heard Daniel despite the loud noise from the speed boat.

When we got to the land, one of the staff ran up to us "Mr. Robertson!" while getting my things, Daniel went to the staff "The shooting will be starting a few minutes, Ms. Lea's order" I stop as soon I heard the staff. I gave my suitcase to one of the members and went to them. "Are you kidding me? did you expecting me to show up in the shooting?" Daniel sighs.

"Ms. Guardian, I understand you're tired from the long trip. But we really need to do this. The upcoming season of "The One" will be soon release this month" hint of regret behind his words, my face softened and took a deep sigh "well, I don't have a choice." Daniel smile and nodded "Good, then let's get you ready"

At the Paradise dressing room....

Staff hurriedly doing their job as they get me ready for the shooting that will start a few minutes. While they do my hair and make up, I read the contact that Daniel gave to me, so I could sign it.

Rule #1: No phones allowed, Your cellphone will be confiscated by the staff members, reasons is for the privacy on the show. your phone will be given back only for emergency and necessary.

Rule#2: No hook-ups with the other candidates, while the show is still running and not yet match as a lover.

Rule#3: follow the schedule and the rules, as the candidates, you are under care of The One member's staff, anything happened to you or the other candidates will lead to our responsibility.

Rule#4: don't go out to your rooms at the middle of the night, stay in your rooms and get enough sleep to have energy for shooting.

As soon you sign this contract, you're not allowed to back away or leave the show behind, unless you pay 200,000,000.

I scoff reading the last part "are they kidding me right now?" the door behind us opened, and my eyes look up to the mirror to see a reflection of Daniel behind me.

My makeup and hair is almost done, I wave the contact on my hand "What the hell?" Daniel looked to the paper on my hand, and he can see the confused and mad on my face "Are you guys seriously charging me with this huge amount money?" Daniel just curl a smug face "it's business, dear. If you don't want to get charge then don't leave the show behind" I roll my eyes and sign the paper before I have the contract back to Daniel.

The door opens and The Host walk in "Is she ready? Why is she not changing yet? Hurry! We don't have time, Ms. Lea is here to watch!" she warned and give Daniel a look of hurry. Without looking back at me, he left the dressing room. The Host took some dresses from the staff member's hand. "Here, wear this one" she said and shove the dress on my chest.

I change my clothes from traveling to a dress like a princess. The dress was gorgeous, and I couldn't stop staring myself on the mirror. "Your hair is not bad, the stylish making sure that you looked fresh"

"And the makeup?" The Host gently took my chin to made me looked at her, she moves my head to side and side "it looks good, you're ready"

The host clapped her hand "alright everyone, we're going to start shooting now. Althea, you're the last one that I will call, so make sure to stay alert." "Wait why-" before I can even ask, she hurriedly left the room leaving me confused.

I decided not to wait and stood up, I went outside from my dressing room leaving my makeup artist and hairstyle to have their chattering and gossips around.

I saw the host standing at the mansion behind her "alright, we're rolling, in 3, 2, 1" "Hello Everyone and welcome to the new season of The One!" watching the host from distance, I felt like I'm going to back away!

Is there time to ran away? No, I can't! I'm already here. I should face it!

To be Continued...

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