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Elementary Source

The Return of the Demon Lords.

Enlil: You have finally arrived.

Asha: Oh!

Quetzacóatl: What!?

Levi: What are you talking about?

Enlil: Levi!

Not understanding, Asha, tired of remaining in ignorance, asked:

Asha: Excuse me, but what are you talking about?

Enlil: I understand that you are a little lost.

Asha: Oh!

Enlil: But when I saw you, I immediately knew it was you.

Lévi: You're starting to annoy me, are you finally going to explain to us?

Enlil: You still keep this unpleasant attitude.

Lévi: And you are also annoying.

Phoenix: Levi, could you calm down a little?

Lévi: You keep quiet.

Phoenix: Agreed.

Asha, in the middle of the argument, remained silent.

Asha: (She is mistreated by Levi)

Quetzacóatl: Could you stop beating around the bush and finally tell us what's going on?

Enlil: A long time ago, Chronos came to me.

Asha: Chronos, the guardian of time?

Enlil: Indeed.

Lévi: What is the link between Chronos and this story?

Enlil: He predicted to me that one day, a human woman would cross my lands to restore peace in the world.

Asha: Oh!

Enlil: You surely know that Chronos has the power to travel in time and that he is free to move around, having no source to protect.

Quetzacóatl: I don't see the connection with Asha.

Lévi: It seems that Chronos saw young Asha during his time travel.

Asha: Me!?

Enlil: That’s right.

Levi: But that doesn't justify why.

Enlil: I know you don't trust humanity, but if you took the trouble to get to know them, you would see that they...

Lévi: Spare me your speeches.

Enlil: Truly, your hatred towards humans has not changed.

Asha: I would like to ask a question, please.

Enlil: Oh!

Asha: Why did you choose me in particular?

Enlil: Nobody chose you.

Asha: Oh!

Phoenix: It was your ambition that brought you to us.

Asha: Ah, it's my fault.

Quetzacóatl: I told you to go home.

Asha: I would like to help you, but I have no idea where to start.

Asha: Besides, I have no experience.

Enlil: Come on, no need to be so modest.

Asha: Oh!

Enlil: As a priestess and devotee of Leviathan.

Quetzacóatl: A priestess!?

Levi: Uh!

Asha's secret had just been revealed, during their trip Asha had hidden her true identity as a priestess.

Asha: knew about it.

Phoenix: Of course; My mission was to find you but when I arrived at your village, all that remained was ashes.

Enlil: Your village had been destroyed by demons.

Asha: Uh!

Quetzacóatl then remembered his last conversation with Asha and her question.

Asha: Are these creatures demons?

Quetzacóatl: So that explains his fear.

Asha: Unfortunately, I won't be of any help to you.

Enlil: Huh!

Asha: Don't be surprised, I'm weak and I know it.

Asha: Against the demon lords, I will be no match.

Phoenix wondered: What does she mean by facing the demon lords? She had obviously missed a vital piece of information: the demon lords, superior to all other demons, had returned.

Levi explained: The demon lords have returned.

Enlil, stunned, reacts by exclaiming: What!?

It seems that even Enlil doesn't know everything.

Phoenix suddenly realized: Oh!

Lévi: I even had the honor of facing Méphistophélès.

Enlil: But it's catastrophic, if they have returned, humanity doesn't have much time left.

Asha: But you defeated them during your confrontation.

Lévi: Don't be naive.

Asha: Oh!

Lévi: I'm sure he didn't feel anything during our confrontation.

Meanwhile, at the demon headquarters.

???: After so many years, they came out of hiding again.

Person 1: It's amazing how much these guardians surprise us every day.

Person 2: And this time, Quetzacóatl, the lightning guardian, joins them.

Person 3: That explains why we were asked.

Person 4: I think our father wants to put an end to these elemental guardians.

Méphistophélès: As always, you were right, Vladylasis.

Vladylasis exclaims: Oh!

Mephisto comes out of the shadows.

Vladylasis recognizes him: Mephisto.

An unknown voice intervenes: Big brother.

Mephistopheles remarks ironically: It's been a long time, Thebesus, Vladylasis and the Beast.

The Beast: Hm

Méphistophélès: Welcome among us, my dear brothers...

Mephistopheles: The lords of demons.

The birth of Chronos

The meeting of the elemental guardians had ended and everyone was going their way.

Asha: Now what do we do?

Quetzacóatl: The best solution would be to take you home, then we'll see.

Asha: I absolutely refuse to go home.

Quetzacóatl: Don't be stubborn, the danger is much greater this time.

Asha: So what?

Quetzacóatl: Hmm?

Asha: Asha has made her decision, she has chosen to accompany you since day one and does not want to flee in the face of adversity.

Quetzacóatl: Why are you taking so many risks?

Asha: I don't know.

Quetzacóatl: Oh!

Asha: Perhaps because of the affection and love I have for those who entrusted me with their hope. I don't want to disappoint them.

Phoenix: This is a very determined human.

Asha: Oh!

Phoenix approached them.

Phoenix: It is very rare to find people who sincerely care about humanity.

Asha: Hello Phoenix.

Phoenix: No need for so many formalities, you can speak to me informally.

Asha: Okay, Phoenix.

Phoenix: Perfect, it's much better.

Levi: What are you doing here?

Phoenix: Don't worry, Levi, I'm not here to cause trouble.

Quetzacóatl: What do you want, Phoenix?

Phoenix: Nothing in particular, I just thought I would accompany you on your journey.

Quetzacóatl: Would you like to accompany us?

Phoenix: Yes, the demon lords represent too great a threat to ignore.

Quetzacóatl: Would you be willing to abandon your source to join us in the fight?

Phoenix: Oh!

Asha: I thought elemental guardians couldn't abandon their source.

Phoenix: Normally, it is true that I would not leave my source, but these are hidden from the eyes of men. So there is no harm in me accompanying you.

Asha: Would you be interested in joining us?

Following this somewhat surprising request, they set off on the back of Quetzacóatl. During the trip, Asha was deep in thought when Phoenix approached her and asked:

Phoenix: You seem worried, is there something bothering you?

Asha: Not exactly.

Phoenix: So what's worrying you?

Asha: There are so many questions I'm looking for answers to and so many topics I still don't know.

Phoenix: You can ask me the question, I am ready to answer all your questions.

Asha: Oh!

Phoenix: Go ahead, I'll listen to you.

Asha: Alright, my question is: who really are the demon lords? And who is Chronos really?

Phoenix: You really have a lot of questions.

Asha: Oh!

Phoenix: I will answer your curiosity.

Phoenix: Let's start with the demon lords. I am sure they have already informed you of their objective and their number.

Asha: Yes, I am aware that there are three of them and that their objectives are rather obscure.

Phoenix: Indeed, as you already know, there are three demon lords, Thebesus, Vladylasis and the Beast. The horde falls like a steamroller on the deprived populations, reinforcing the general climate of insecurity.

Vladylasis corrupts men from within, pushing them toward evil, and fuels conflict between kingdoms.

The Beast feeds their fears and paranoia, destroying all hope. Humanity is infected by internal conflicts, preventing it from uniting against demons.

Asha: They seem to be very powerful.

Phoenix: Of course they are. Their power is equivalent to that of elemental guardians, that's no small thing. Next, I'm going to tell you about Chronos. But before we get into that, let me tell you the story of Archidias.

Asha: Archidias! But why?

Phoenix: Be patient, you will quickly understand.

Asha: Oh!

Phoenix: Archidias is a fire archmage from the Age of Renewal who possesses the fire elemental stone. Considered the most powerful mage of his time, he is believed to have been a member of the Arcane Brotherhood before pursuing his own research into reincarnation techniques.

Asha: I don't understand, what connection does Archidias have with Chronos?

Phoenix: Let me finish.

Asha: Hm

Phoenix: These discoveries result in Chronos' incarnation in a Krigrian body.

Asha: You mean...

Phoenix: Indeed, you understand correctly.

Asha: It seems impossible.

Phoenix: Yet it's the reality.

Asha: Chronos is nothing more than a Krigrian.

Asha's initiation

Asha: That's not possible.

Phoenix: The hypothesis of the existence of an elemental guardian of time has long divided magicians. Time is an essential component of every spell, but in the absence of a time source, the existence of a time guardian seemed pointless.

Asha: But how did Archidias manage to create Chronos? And why did his existence seem pointless?

Phoenix: Regarding its existence, I am uncertain, however it was not until the end of the sixth age of the Age of Demons that the doubt was dispelled. When Archmage Archidias created the reincarnation spell and cast it on himself, it became apparent that an entity was protesting this blatant violation of the rules.

Asha: A violation!

Phoenix: Indeed, a lifeless body of Krigrian, murdered near Archidias' residence, mysteriously came to life and presented itself to the mage as Chronos, the guardian of time, before killing him.

Asha: Did the Time Keeper already exist in an incorporeal form before?

Phoenix: The fact remains that following this event, temporal manipulators, sorcerers specializing in magic linked to time, began to multiply.

Asha: Why not try talking to him?

Phoenix: Chronos maintains no connection with the other guardians and does not manifest himself to his worshipers who have never seen him and are unaware that he has the body of a demon. Those privy to this information question his intentions, but Chronos being the keeper of time, his plan is long term. Very long term.

Asha: This revelation scares me, I didn't know any of this about Chronos.

Phoenix: Now informed, it is time for you to strengthen yourself.

Asha: Strengthen myself!?

Phoenix: Indeed, Quetzacóatl, could we stop in this forest?

Quetzacóatl: What do you intend to do there?

Phoenix: I'm going to introduce Asha to magic.

Asha: What!?

They then stopped in a forest near a river. Lévi and Quetzacóatl sat on the ground, watching them.

Phoenix: Do you know elemental magic?

Asha: I've vaguely heard about it.

Phoenix: So let's get started

Phoenix: A mage uses the energy of the 5 elemental sources present on the planet; a source of light, a source of air, a source of water, a source of fire and a source of earth. By modulating the proportions of each element in their spell, a practitioner of magic can potentially produce different effects. Each element is associated with symbols, values ​​and physical and mental properties.

Asha: I know this subject well, I have read a lot about it.

Asha: The earth is the symbol of the body, of strength, of physical resistance, of power, of the unshakable, of fertility; fire is the symbol of personality, magnetism, creativity, bravery, emotions.

Light represents spirit, intelligence, knowledge, spirituality, the divine, life, healing; air symbolizes the senses, mobility, agility, reflexes, coordination, travel, curiosity.

Finally, water is the symbol of will, mental resistance, wisdom, introspection, the ability to step back and change.

Phoenix: Correct, but do you know how to manipulate them?

Asha: Hmm

Phoenix: According to magical theory, each element is closer to two other elements and more in opposition to the other two.

Asha: But how to do it?

Phoenix: By connecting the elements close to each other, the five elements form a circle. We talk about the circle of elements.

Asha: How can we identify the opposing elements?

Phoenix: Be patient, we will get there.

Phoenix: Water is close to earth and air, but is in opposition to fire and light on the circle. Air is in opposition to earth and fire, but is close to water and light. Light is close to air and fire, but is in opposition to water and earth. Fire is close to light and earth, but in opposition to air and water.

And finally we have earth which is close to fire and water, but in opposition to light and air.

Asha: That's a lot of information to take in.

Phoenix: Magic is a very complex field where the slightest mistake can lead to disaster. It is also important to know that time is located at the center of the circle, a sixth element inherent in the creation of the universe and necessary for each spell, in small, variable quantities.

Asha: Time!

Quetzacóatl, who was observing them, asked Lévi a question.

Quetzacóatl: Tell me.

Levi: Hmm.

Quetzacóatl: Do you think she will succeed?

Lévi: I don't know and I don't care.

Quetzacóatl: She is still one of your followers.

Levi: I already told you that I don't care, I don't have any disciples.

Quetzacóatl: Oh!

Levi: (All I want is to return Gaia to human form, the rest doesn't matter to me.)

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