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Elementary Source

The beginnings of genesis

In the beginning, the Supreme Being created the earth. He then created Bahamut to watch over his creation and entrusted him with the crystal of life.

He also created the source of magic to endow men with this power. Unfortunately, this first mistake bred greed and corruption among them.

To remedy this situation, the Supreme Being sent a savior to guide humanity on the right path. But this second error resulted in the division of the soul, thus opening the way to the arrival of evil and demons.

The creator gave birth to the elemental guardians responsible for keeping demons away from the source.

They were revered by all.

Praised be the creator, praised be the savior, praised be the guardians.

However, one day, demons reappeared and plunged humanity into despair.

In the heart of a forest isolated from any human presence, a man spoke with his companion.

Levi, otherwise known as Leviathan, watched over the water source in this place.

He promised his companion Gaia to return to his normal form in the near future.

Gaia, guardian of the earth source, had become a stone colossus ready to devastate everything in its path.

In the midst of these worlds in chaos, a single elemental guardian tirelessly continued the fight against the demons.

It was Quetzacóatl, who fought alone against the demons without the help of the elemental guardians. Among these, Enlil seemed to retain some hope.

Enlil declared: The demons have resurfaced, if we do not intervene quickly, humanity is condemned to disappear.

Enlil was the guardian of the air source.

Phoenix wondered: How are we going to proceed, we have lost all contact with the other guardians?

The person he was chatting with was none other than Phoenix, the guardian of the fire source.

Enlil said: They will come back, the time is very serious. If we do not intervene, humanity will disappear.

In a small village, a young girl named Asha listened attentively to a story about the elemental guardian. An old lady tells them this story taking place in ancient times.

The legend of the old lady tells of the existence of a creature named Bahamut, also known as Apsu, the original dragon, the diamond dragon or the platinum dragon. He would not be the guardian of an elemental source, but of the earth itself. According to the story, he was the very first dragon created by the founder to watch over the earth and its evolution.

The old lady: By her breath, through the crystal of life, gives birth to the first seven pairs of dragons, one for each element. However, Asha asked him a question.

Asha: If these dragons were created, why don't they protect us today from the threat of demons?

The Old Lady: No one knows why, at the time, the dragons formed a network spanning the planet, helping Bahamut, who is not omniscient, in his mission.

The old lady: You know, Bahamut is worshiped by dragons, but also by some humans who have chosen to serve him.

Asha: I already know this part of the story, but it doesn't explain why the earth is about to enter a dark period.

The old lady: Only the elemental Guardians can quench your thirst for knowledge, but you already know that the Guardians are reclusive in their source and have cut off all contact with humans.

Asha: But there must be a way to find them?

The old lady: Yes, there is one.

Asha: Which one?

The old lady explained to Asha: To find the other elemental guardians, you will need to call on Quetzacóatl, the elemental guardian of lightning. He's been fighting demons for centuries!

Asha, intrigued, asked: Why do you say that?

The old lady replied: This is all just legend, because these guardians have disappeared for a long time now.

Asha was surprised by this revelation.

Old Lady: Although they are still there, I doubt they will come to our rescue. Even after living this long, I still don't understand why they abandoned us.

Asha then replied:

Asha: I am convinced that they have not abandoned us. Deep down, I'm sure they're watching us somewhere.

So, Asha made a decision.

Asha has made a decision: she will go in search of Quetzacóatl, who will guide her towards the other elemental guardians.

The old lady, surprised, said to him: Uh!

After this discussion, Asha returned home, took some things and set out to find the elemental guardians. She found herself in a large forest, where she felt lost.

Asha then said to herself: This forest is huge, I hope I can find Quetzacóatl.

Suddenly, she was attacked. Taken by surprise, she looked up into the sky and saw demons.

Asha exclaimed: Demons!

She immediately fled, pursued by demons through the forest. The girl was in panic.

She ran, but ended up getting hit by one of their attacks.

Pinned to the ground, she was overcome with pain.

Asha moans: It hurts.

When the demons were about to finish him off, a young man fell from the sky and managed to eliminate them with his power of light.

Asha, amazed, could not believe her eyes: the elemental guardian of lightning was standing before her.

She exclaimed, surprised: Quetzacóatl.

The primitive lightning guardian Quetzacóatl.

Asha, a young girl, decided to leave her village to search for the elemental guardians. Along the way, she was attacked by demons, almost losing her life. However, she was unexpectedly saved from death by Quetzacóatl, the elemental guardian of lightning.

Asha was stunned.

Asha: I can't believe it.

Quetzacóatl stood right in front of her.

Asha: Asha, the elemental guardian of lightning, Quetzacóatl himself.

Quetzacóatl saw a young girl, covered in wounds on the ground, and asked her:

Quetzacóatl: Why are you alone in this forest? Don't you know it's dangerous to venture into the woods alone?

Asha smiled broadly and said:

Asha: I'm so happy.

Asha: I finally found you.

Quetzacóatl: What!?

Quetzacóatl did not understand.

Asha: Asha, the elemental guardian of lightning, the fearsome enemy of all demons.

Quetzacóatl then asked him a question

Quetzacóatl: Where do you come from, foreigner?

Asha: I come from the north, I left my village to look for the elemental guardians.

Quetzacóatl: I understand, now that you have met me, go home, I have a lot to do.

Quetzacóatl was about to leave, but Asha stopped him.

Asha: Excuse me, you misinterpreted my words.

He stopped and turned towards her.

Asha: I've been looking for you for a long time.

Quetzacóatl: I'm sure you left your village just a few hours ago.

Asha: Yes, it's possible, but I was looking for you to make a request, if you want.

Quetzacóatl asked him:

Quetzacóatl: What is this request?

Asha: I would like you to accompany me to the elemental guardians.

Quetzacóatl was surprised by Asha's request.

Quetzacóatl: Excuse me.

Asha: I would also like to present my request, but in particular, I would like to meet the most powerful guardian, Levi the Leviathan.

Quetzacóatl was completely distraught, but above all surprised by the girl's request. With a serious look, he replied:

Quetzacóatl: You do not understand the seriousness of your actions.

Asha: Oh!

Quetzacóatl: You are simply reckless. Meeting the Elemental Guardians is a mission impossible, and I advise you to abandon any thoughts of meeting the Leviathan. He despises humans more than demons, and getting close to him could be fatal.

Asha: I'm sure he won't harm me, but why does he have so much hatred towards humans?

Asha asked Quetzacóatl.

Quetzalcoatl: This legend dates back to ancient times, and I cannot tell you about it. Now go home before night falls.

Asha: But...

Quetzalcoatl: There is no room for hesitation, if you stay here after sunset you risk never leaving this living forest again.

Quetzalcoatl then used his power to trace a path of light.

Quetzalcoatl: Follow this path of light, it will lead you to your village. Now get on your way.

Then he took his leave.

Asha refused to surrender, with a determined look, she declared:

Asha: I won't give up this close to the goal.

She saw the path of light left by Quetzacóatl, but decided to ignore it.

Night fell.

Asha continued her search in the forest despite the darkness of the night, but found herself disoriented.

Asha observed: It's so dark, I'm afraid I won't be able to continue in such conditions.

However, she was once again surprised by the appearance of demons, more ferocious than ever.

Asha exclaimed: You again!.

The demons launched the attack, but despite a few scratches, she managed to avoid them.

Asha: You never stop bothering me.

As she moved deeper into the forest, chased by demons, Asha was once again saved by Quetzacóatl, who was visibly angry.

Quetzacóatl: What are you still doing here?

Asha: Mr. Quetzacóatl!

At the sight of him, the demons fled, daring to glance at Asha.

Quetzacóatl: I ordered you to return to your village, why are you still here?

In a bold tone, she replied.

Asha apologized for disobeying, explaining that she had no other choice. Quetzacóatl simply reminded her that she was supposed to return home before nightfall. However, Asha claimed that she would not return until she met the elemental guardian Levi. Faced with her determination, Quetzacóatl asked her why she was so keen to meet him, and Asha answered without hesitation.

Asha: He is renowned as the most powerful elemental guardian, his strength equivalent to that of a god.

Quetzacóatl: Are you looking to meet him to tell him about your request?

Asha: Indeed, we need its power to put an end to the massacres perpetrated by the demons.

Quetzacóatl sighed and said to him:

Quetzacóatl: You're wasting your time, he could never accept a request from...

Suddenly, an extremely powerful magical presence was felt. Before he could even react, they were startled by the sudden appearance of a huge stone colossus.

Quetzacóatl: Be careful!

Asha was caught off guard by the stone colossus, but a very powerful water barrier appeared to protect him.

Quetzacóatl: What is it!?

The stone colossus was thrown into a cave from which he could not escape.

Lévi: Could I know the reason for your presence in these places?

A young man appears in the shadows.

Lévi: What are you doing in this part of the forest, Quetzacóatl?

Quetzacóatl was surprised by his presence, while Asha was impressed by his build.

Asha: (Ice hair, calm and cold)

Asha: You are...

Quetzacóatl: Levi!!

Asha: The elemental guardian of water. Levi the Leviathan.

Identification of the gigantic stone colossus

After a long journey in the forest, Asha takes the road to Quetzacóatl. However, the latter, very furious that she disobeyed his orders, explains to her the consequences of her actions.

During this discussion, they are taken by surprise by a stone colossus. Fortunately, they are rescued by the guard Lévi.

Asha recognizes him as Leviathan, elemental guardian of water.

With an icy look, Levi asks: What is a human doing here?

Asha was frozen by Quetzacóatl's gaze.

Asha: (Her gaze is filled with hatred)

Quetzacóatl said to him:

Quetzacóatl: We are sorry, we did not intend to disturb you.

Levi: Hmm

Quetzacóatl: We will leave immediately.

But Asha objected.

Asha: No, not at all.

Then Quetzacóatl challenged him severely.

Quetzacóatl: Could you stop bothering me? If we stay here, we risk suffering the consequences.

Asha: So, I'm ready to face the consequences.

She approached Levi and said to him:

Asha: Great Elemental Guardian Levi, I don't understand why you despise humans so much. To be honest, I don't understand why you are so hostile towards humanity.

She tilted her head and continued:

Asha: Please, just this once, one last time...

Levi: ...

Asha: Can you lend us your strength?

Lévi: I don't see the point.

Quetzacóatl: (I warned you)

Lévi: The disappearance of humans is indifferent to me.

Asha was frozen by his gaze.

Lévi: Listen, take this human and disappear from the forest.

Quetzacóatl: (He hasn't changed)

Asha: I don't understand.

Levi: Oh!

Asha: The creator designed the elemental guardians to help humanity rid themselves of demons, so why does one of these guardians harbor so much hatred towards human beings?

Levi: Leave.

Asha: I want answers. A long time ago, you were seized by a black anger that could have destroyed everything. Despite this, humans have forgiven you. So why...

Levi: Shut up.

Asha: Oh!

Lévi: Individuals have not evolved, only power interests them.

Asha: But...

Lévi: Look, I'm in a good mood today so don't push it too far. It's clear that I won't surprise you near this forest again.

Quetzacóatl, sighing, declared:

Quetzacóatl: Let's go.

Asha: No, out of the question.

She positioned herself in front of Levi, looking him straight in the eyes.

Asha: I wish you understood that not all humans are the same. I'm not particularly interested in your powers, but humanity needs you...

Suddenly, the stone colossus returned to the charge; Asha screamed in fear.

Quetzacóatl: There he is again.

He was out of control, Quetzacóatl tried to stop him, but Lévi intervened.

Levi: Gaia, stop.

Under the sound of her voice, he calmed down and collapsed to the ground.

Quetzacóatl stopped easily.

Asha: It's incredible.

Levi approached Gaia and spoke comforting words to her.

Levi: Don't worry. I won't allow anyone to hurt you.

Asha was surprised to hear what Levi had called the stone colossus.

Asha: Gaia!

So this stone colossus is Gaia.

Quetzacóatl: Yes, that’s right.

Asha: However, Gaia is known as the elemental guardian of the earth, she is described as a young woman with dark skin and ebony hair. It is even said that she is at the origin of all the cults of the mother goddess embodying the earth and fertility. She is also said to have taught humanity about agriculture.

Quetzacóatl: Everything you say is true, but Gaia lost her humanity a long time ago.

Asha: It's impossible.

Lévi: However, it is very true.

Asha: Oh!

Levi: This stone colossus is indeed the elemental guardian of the earth Gaia, this is what humans are capable of.

Asha: It's impossible, humans couldn't have done that.

Levi: Do you really think humans are blameless? Do you really believe that they are faithful to the cults of the mother goddess?

Asha: Indeed, we express our gratitude to the elemental guardians for driving demons from our lands.

Levi: If that's the case, why did you let this insane mage destroy Gaia's personality forever?

Asha: Oh!

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