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Mafia's Unexpected Wife

Episode 1

Cassandra POV
I was laying on my own blood on that dark cold ground of that lonely road and my parents were laying in front of me.
Our car was burning beside the road upside down and flames were covered it.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)*shuddered voice*
I tried my best to reach my parents by stretching out my fingers but rest of my body felt like lifeless.
Tears were flowing continuously down my cheeks but I didn't even have the strength to mourn upon my parents' death right in front of my eyes.
My eyes...they also started to loose visions.
My visions had gone blurred and darkness covered in front of me.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*gets up with a jerk*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*panting hard*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*rubs chest to calm her fear*
That nightmare again.
Or, can be said the painful memories of my past.
Worst fact is that I can even dream without my visions and my dreams are those from my worst past.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*stretched out hand to the right*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*touched her alarm clock*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
It's...8 o'clock!
I felt the time when the fear inside my heart calms down.
My life has changed totally only in 5 years.
I've lost my eyes, my parents and also the hope for anything.
Once I had everything and now I have nothing!
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*get down from bed*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*grabs her stick feeling with fingers*
I can walk inside my house without the stick but still I grabbed it as it's my habbit.
What were once casual for me now it's become challenging in every steps.
After getting freshen up, I went to the kitchen and start making my simple breakfast of omelet and two toasts.
Somehow I learned to live being a blind and that's also alone.
Suddenly I heard the door of my small house opening.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*got alert*
I heard some footsteps echoing.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*smile appears on lips*
And I know who it could be.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
You're not ready yet?*pat her from behind*
Mia, my college friend who invited me to her wedding a day ago.
I didn't expect her to invite me because we were in no touch after my college days.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*moving utensils*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
I just need to have my breakfast.*said softly*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Come on!!
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*grabs the utensils from her hand*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
You can have your breakfast lunch everything in my wedding.
She turned off the gas burner and stopped me from cooking.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*make Cassandra face her*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
I'm the bride and I'm here to pick you up.
She sulked.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*chuckle* You shouldn't have trouble so!
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
I can go by myself.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
And how will you?*dominant voice*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
As usual. Public transport.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
They have good facilities for disabled people!
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*cups her face* Cassie
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
don't bother yourself! Not at least today when I'm getting married.
I can sense the pity in her voice.
God is really incredible!
He made me loose everything and gone blind but also gave me this power of sensetion.
After I've gone blind, my sensation and hearing ability increases that I can even hear the slightest voice of a pin dropping.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*press her arms* Now come one.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
I brought you a pretty dress and as my old friend, you have to accept it.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*about to leave*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*grabs her hand*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Are you happy?
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*smile* Ofc! After all I'm marrying my beloved guy.
[Thank you so much for reading!🥳💕]

Episode 2

Cassandra POV
Mia herself took me to her wedding where I'm just a guest, and she's the bride.
I don't know where she took me to but I could tell she took me to the bridal dressing room as the noises of wedding songs were decreasing as she was taking me carefully through a corridor.
I can tell it was an corridor by our echoed footsteps.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*hold her arm* Here.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Sit and wait for me here. I'll go and get changed into my bridal costume.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*sit down slowly*
I folded my stick and put it inside my vanity bag.
I could tell she went inside the changing section when I heard the sound of curtain knocks eloping through steel bar.
And again after sometimes the same sound raises in the empty dressing room which made me aware thathe's ready.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Mia... Isn't your groom dissatisfied that you went to pick me up?*said softly*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*putting ornaments*Definitely not.
I heard the tiny clanks of those hair brushes and cosmetic boxes.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
In fact he himself prepared the car for me to get you.*happy*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
That's impressive!*smile*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
I'm happy that you've got the perfect man you desired.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*goes to her*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Come on, tell me how am I looking.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*stood in front of her*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*wry smile*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Mia...I can't see!*said in low voice*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*hold her arms*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
But you can feel me. Come on, tell me by feeling and touching me.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*make her stand up*
I slowly and gradually traveled my fingers on her figure from top to bottom...feeling her face, hairs and the dress as a whole.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Beautiful!*said softly*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Your groom will faint to see you such as.*smile*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Oh Cassie! I knew I won't regret inviting you to my wedding.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*hugs her tight*
I know it's just a pity that she's showing to me.
I don't need anyone's pity since the fact hurt me most but I'm just used to live now with people's pity towards me.
After she got ready completely, she and I both went towards the wedding hall as it's the time for her ceremony.
By the sound of bell ringing I can tell that it was a church where the wedding ceremony is going to be held.
I'm not Mia's bridesmaid.
It's her cousin sister.
But I entered the ceremony hall along with her because she was escorting me even though I could manage it myself.
I heard the huge door opening and then I heard the people's hustle-bustle.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Mia...can you explain to me how am I looking?*said softly*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Beautiful just like a bride.*said softly*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
I knew this baby pink dress would suits you.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*cares her hand*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
Only baby pink?*curious*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Mixture of baby pink and white. Just like the dress an angel could wear.
She explained to me with a slight giggle.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*wraps hand with her* Come!!
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*hesitate* Uhm...
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
I think you should go alone from here on!*wry smile*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
No. If I left you here how will you find a seat for yourself?*dominant*
I can find a seat for myself because people always gives me away a sit as soon as they sees me.
But still I didn't reject her seeing her gesture.
[Thank you so much for reading!😘💕]

Episode 3

Cassandra POV
She took me towards the aisle with her.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*walking forward slowly*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
That's my groom.*whisper to her*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Right in front of you.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*alert to her*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
His name? If you don't mind.*holding her hand*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*walking along*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Aiden Francis. He's a businessman.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
He's the combination of both rich and goodness. A rare species.*chuckle*
She was happy.
But her happiness reminded me to my sad past.
I also had someone who was the combination of both rich and goodness.
But I lost him.
And along with that...I lost everything along with my eyesight.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Cassie, why don't you take off your blindfold? It's doesn't suit with your dress.
I was wearing a white piece of clothe as my blindfold.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
There's no need, Mia! It makes me aware to be cautious or else what if I strip over into something!*chuckle*
I tried to make a little joke but I guess it's no use in front of her.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Don't make joke of yourself. There's no one here who can compete with the way you feel sensations.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
*pat her hand*
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
You're a gifted one.*said softly*
"Am I?" my inner self questioned to me in a twisted way.
I know my eyes are not so ugly but I wear a blindfold to remind myself that I'm blind or else there would've no hope left for me to continue my this pitiful life.
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
Here's your seat. To the right.*help her*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*felt with her stick*
Mia made me sit down comfortably and herself goes to the aisle with her bridesmaid...where her groom was waiting for her.
At the rhythm of the wedding Carol, I suppose that they are going to start the ceremony now.
I heard the priest begins the ceremony and they exchanged rings.
The church was filled with claps and wishes for the newly wedded bride groom.
PRIEST: Mr. Aiden you accept Ms. Mia Colonsky as your wife?
Aiden Francis
Aiden Francis
I do.*happily said*
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
She's really lucky one.
PRIEST: Ms. Mia Colonsky, do you accept Mr. Aiden Francis as your husband?
Mia Colonsky
Mia Colonsky
I do.*happily*
The ceremony hall echoed with another phase of clappings.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*claps along with others*
The priest commanded to exchange the bride and groom to change rings.
Everything was going just fine.
But suddenly the church door opened with a loud bang and there's a noise of bullet fire echoed the hall.
Cassandra D
Cassandra D'Cruz(FL)
*got alert*
A loud growl of a man can be heard.
And along with him, I heard some other heavy footsteps with the clanking of weapons matels.
I suppose now the hall is surrounded with armed men.
[Thank you so much for reading!😘💕]

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