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Hello dear readers How are you all??
I hope you all are doing good
I'm new here at this platform and it's my first story on mangatoon
Let me introduce myself to you all
I'm Ansh Sambriya your author
Here I'm with a brand new story of mine "LOVE STAYS IN EYES"
I hope you all gonna love this story
So now let's start with the Introduction of our characters of the story
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
NAME : Saksham Shrivastav AGE : 26 years NATURE : Cold, Aggressive, Rude , Workaholic, Hard from outside but soft from inside, Short tempered, Kind WORK : CEO at Shrivastav Empire (basically a diamond jewellery company) LOVES : family, friends and his work
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
NAME : Saanchi Sharma AGE : 25 years NATURE : Workaholic, Sweet, Kind but sometimes very rude WORK : A Criminal lawyer and a CEO at Sharma's Law Firm LOVES : family, friends and her work and poetry
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
NAME : Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF) AGE : 25 years NATURE : Kind, Soft, Rude sometimes, Workaholic WORK : Managing Director of Shrivastav's Empire LOVES : friends, his work and his car collection
Katha Sharma (FL BSF)
Katha Sharma (FL BSF)
Katha Sharma (FL BSF)
Katha Sharma (FL BSF)
NAME : Katha Sharma (FL BSF) AGE : 25 years NATURE : Sweet, Soft, Kind WORK : lawyer at Sharma's Law Firm LOVES : family, friends and her work and novels
Mayank Joshi (ML BSF)
Mayank Joshi (ML BSF)
Mayank Joshi (ML BSF)
Mayank Joshi (ML BSF)
NAME : Mayank Joshi (ML BSF) AGE : 24 years NATURE : Funny, Sweet, Soft, Kind, Party Animal WORK : Owner of a chain of bars LOVES : friends and party
Vaani Upadhyay (FL BSF)
Vaani Upadhyay (FL BSF)
Vaani Upadhyay (FL BSF)
Vaani Upadhyay (FL BSF)
NAME : Vaani Upadhyay (FL BSF) AGE : 23 years NATURE : Sweet, Childish, Cutest, Funny, Kind, Soft hearted, Lovely WORK : Law student, Intern in Sharma's Law Firm LOVES : family, friends, cats, anime, gaming
So that's all for Introduction of characters right now but be ready for the twist and turns😉


* * means action ( ) means thinking ❄️ means talking coldly ❄️❄️ means super cold CAPITAL LETTERS means shouting 📱 means talking on phone
It's late in night , time exactly 12:45 am . Saanchi is working late in office alone.
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Woah! Here's the clue, I found you! You think you're really smart huh! But you can't escape from the law of India. * said excitedly *
Saanchi is literally happy, cause she found the solution for the case which she was working on like from past 2 years
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
OMG , I'm so late, I have to go back to home quickly * her phone rings *
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
📱 hey dad! Yes yes , I'm going back to home . Relax, btw I have a good news for us. Let it be for now. You should sleep ok, I'm going back to my apartment now, we'll talk in the morning. Ok dad take care of yourself and mom bye , love you , good night..
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
*she locks the door while her phone rings again*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
📱 yes katha, am sorry I'm late, but it's worth it, katha I did it. I have found the mole. Yeah yeah I'm coming back. I'm just locking the office right now, I'm just leaving from here. Now cut the call na , then I'll come back. you relax, go to sleep. I have the keys of apartment with me. You don't worry. Btw , vaani had slept na ? Good . Ok bye , I'm coming....
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* while hanging up the call , she goes in parking where her car is parked, she sat in car & try to start it*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
DAMN ! What happened to this car now , why it's not working? OMG , it's too late now, I should book a cab I guess. yeah it's right, I'm too tired to check this car now.
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* she booked the cab & start waiting for it *
Suddenly she heard the voice of a gun fire
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* she hide behind her car & then she heard some people were cursing each other & firing was going on as well as*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Is it a gang war ???
Suddenly a stranger man came, who is on call & talking with someone aggressively, he stood infront of the car of saanchi in the opposite direction with saanchi.
She can clearly hear him & see him by the help of mirror
stranger man
stranger man
📱 I'm really sorry boss, our boys tried their best I don't know how the heck did he escaped, but trust me next time I'm definitely gonna kill him, it's our first attack on Saksham Shrivastav, so it's fine if we couldn't make it, our next attack will surely gonna be super strong, I don't think, it will gonna waste, we'll definitely gonna kill him!
stranger man
stranger man
*he takes a deep breath*
stranger man
stranger man
📱I hate him, I just hate him, I'll give him the real pain, I'll give him that much pain that he'll not be capable of surviving it, I promise .
stranger man
stranger man
*he hangs up the call aggressively*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
*mumbling under her breath* seems like he is a gangster, but who is he? Why he wants to kill ... Kill .... What was the name he was talking, yeah Saksham Shrivastav. Wait, I guess I have heard this name before, but where did I? Where did I ? * thinking so deeply*
stranger man
stranger man
* walks away *
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
seems like the war is over, I should go home quickly, where is my ride ? * she checks her phone*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Great, thank god the ride is here
Her cab is outside the parking
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* she goes toward her ride*
When she reached outside the parking, a man grab her hand and pull her towards him, just after 2 seconds a bomb blasts outside the parking
Saanchi got panicked cause she have a phobia of loud noises
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* she was trembling & got fainted in the arms of that man*
After some time, she regained consciousness and found herself in an unknown office while lying down on a couch in the office
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* she woke up & saw the logo of the Shrivastav Empire in the office*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Where am I??
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* then she remembered the bomb blast incident & then suddenly she remembered the intense Eye contact with that man who saved her life*
Suddenly she heard some footsteps which were coming towards the office & then the office door opened & the same man is standing in front of the door who saved her life
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
* while entering the office* hey ! Are you alright ? You fainted after bomb blast, so I took you here in my office. * said gently *
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Yeah I'm ok , thankyou very much for saving my life. Mr .....
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav CEO of Shrivastav Empire. * said gently*
A man came inside the office
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
And he is Gaurav Singhania , MD of the Shrivastav Empire *while pointing towards that man*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Hii * said politely *
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
* while having a beautiful smile on his face* hello miss ....
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Oh ok , so , miss Saanchi are you alright ? * Asked softly *
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Yeah I'm alright * said politely*
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Btw , when you were unconscious, we called the doctor who had checked you, and she said you're totally fine. * said gently*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
* shocked* ( how this bitter gourd is talking sweetly with miss Saanchi?? He don't even talk normally with his family. How is it possible??? Is he really The Saksham Shrivastav I know or not ? how can this bitter gourd changed into gulab jamun... )
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Oh thank you very much. * said politely*
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Saksham Shrivastav (ML)
Gaurav, go and drop her home safely. ❄️
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
( finally back to being bitter gourd) * sigh of relief* ( i thought something happened to my bestfriend) okay bro ...
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* mumbling under her breath* he is a CEO but looks like a YAKUZA.....


Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
* while opening the front door of the car for saanchi * get in the car miss sharma. * said gently*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
*sits in the car* thankyou *said sweetly*
gaurav sats on driver seat of the car & starts the car
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Miss Saanchi Sharma, oh yes , now I remember you're the celebrity lawyer right? No. 1 lawyer of Delhi . I have read so many articles on you . I actually admire your intellectuality. *said excitedly*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Thank you very much. *while having a sweet smile*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
I never thought, I'll meet you in person. You'll not believe this but this is an honour. *said excitedly*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Oh my God, this is seriously unbelievable. *said while getting overwhelmed*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
I didn't want to get you in trouble cause of me , but I couldn't find any means this early in morning, and I am worried about my friends, they'll be upset because of me so I want to go home as soon as possible.
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Oh, there's nothing trouble with that, i can understand, there is no means available at such morning, no problem, i will drop you at your place safely. *said sweetly*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
And most important thing is, it's my brother's order, so I have to follow it properly. * said gently*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Thank you very much, that so sweet & kind of you .
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
well , I'll tell you a secret, please huh don't tell this to anyone. Okay ?
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Yeah sure , I'll keep it secret
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
You're the first lady who is sitting in my car *getting shy*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
I always thought my my first love will sit on the front seat of my car but see the fate , it's my brother's first love who is sitting in my car still it's amazing, cause I'll give my bhabhi ( sister in law) first priority over my first love . * laughing slowly & getting shy*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Oh my god ! I f#cked up ! *mumbling*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
No, no , I was just kidding!
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
No , this is not a joke , please explain this. What were you saying & you even called me bhabhi ( sister in law)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Uhmm, i thought my bro loves you cause you're the only woman he cares for, so I thought that! i mean he don't even talk with any woman.
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
I don't think he LOVES me. It just he was kind to me, i mean of course after the blast i fainted & he was helping me right! *said softly*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Yeah right , I guess I'm overthinking. I'm really sorry, please don't get upset or mad at me . I mean please let this slide please don't take it seriously whatever I said earlier
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Yeah I mean let it be. * said while still feeling strange*
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
* while stopping the car * We reached at the destination miss.sharma
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* while getting out of the car *. thank you very much Mr Singhania.
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Oh please don't say thankyou & please let it slide. What I was saying before please don't mind it .
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
yeah sure .
gaurav waits in the car until saanchi unlocked the door & goes in her home while waving at him
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
Gaurav Singhania (ML BSF)
* gaurav goes from there while waving at her back*
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* sitting on the couch in living room* what a relief! I'm home . Now where is katha & vaani ?
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* looked around whole home & couldn't find them *
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
I should call them ! Where is my phone? Oh yeah when that yakuza pulled me in parking i dropped my phone & i forgot it there, oh no .
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
Saanchi Sharma (FL)
* calling Katha from landline*. 📱Hello, katha , where are you both ? Yeah I'm at home, yes yes I'm alright. OHH you just come home na I'll tell you everything. ok , yeah I'm okay you don't worry. Just come home ...
In meantime when saanchi is waiting for katha & vaani she fall asleep.

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