NovelToon NovelToon

The Sunset

Episode 1: Klein

Klein P. O. V

A hand touched my waist and suddenly pulled me. A beautiful muscular arms wrapped on my waist. This person's head rests on my shoulder and I could smell his morning body scent. It is the smell of a brave man, strong but gentle. I raise my hand to touch this man's hair. This person's hair is smooth and it smells so good even though he just woke up. I pushed him gently and faced him with a smile on my face. I hugged him and greeted him with a "good morning".

I look at him intensely and get him closer for a kiss but when I was just about to kiss him.

My alarm rang, suggesting that I need to wake up to prefer my things or everything I need for my work. It's also a sign that I need to prefer myself again to another stressful day.

I reluctantly stood up from my bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. My disappointment from waking up from my beautiful dream can be seen in my face. I was so close to kissing that handsome and a body like a Greek god guy in my dream but this shitty alarm interrupted it. I washed my face in the bathroom sink and I went to the kitchen to prefer my breakfast. After cooking and preferring my food I dig in. I return to my bed and prefer my belongings. I put all the things that I'll be needing for my work. I went back to the bathroom and cleaned myself, after bathing I dried myself with the towel and wrapped it in the waist after. I went back to the sink and brushed my teeth after all of that I opened the cabinet and dressed up.

If you are curious about my work then I am honored to tell you that I am a president in the company, just kidding cause I am actually a Manager.

Excuse me Sir, how much is this? The customer asked.

Oh! let me see. I said. Oh, no tag price. I muttered.

Yeah, there is no tag price on it that's why I ask. The customer said.

Hmm. You can punch it there to check its price. I said while pointing the tablet for price checking.

Ok thank you. The customer said.

Well, Being a Manager is just a joke also. The truth is I am a Merchandiser and I am not kidding. I'm a Diser in a small grocery store. My name is Klein John Castillo and I am 25 years old. I didn't finish my college degree for many reasons but financially is the real cause. I have told my parents that I will find a job to support my older sister in her study so she would be able to finish her degree and find a good job after she graduated. And to support my parents also, they don't want it but I choose to find a job and I end up in this small but filled of loving and kind people.

A lot of companies did not hire me because of being undergrad but this small store named Alfonso Mini-Mart hired me.

Good morning KJ. My boss greeted me.

Good morning too Boss. I greeted him back.

I have told you not to call me boss. He said.

Oh. Sorry Alfonso. I said.

Yeah that's great. He said. He walks toward his office, I put my items again and put everything in place but the customers are rummaging it. I want to complain but the customers are always right so, i did not. The time passes by and it's time for lunch.

KJ! My boss called me.

Yes? I asked.

Let's go, let's eat together. He said.

But I am going with them. I said.

No BHE, it's ok, just go with the boss. They said.

Are you sure? I asked.

Of course we are. They said.

Ok. I said.

I come with the boss but I feel dizzy all of a sudden. I grabbed my boss's arm suddenly, and he was startled.

Why? Are you ok? He asked.

Yeah, just a little dizzy. I replied.

Are you sure? He asked again.

Yup. I'm ok. I answered.

I think you need a day off. My boss said.

Why? I asked.

You have been feeling unwell lately, you're always dizzy and look at your arms, you have bruises. He said.

No, I'm really ok. I said.

No, you need too. Here is my doctor's number, just contact him and I will inform him also so, just go there tomorrow and have your check-up. He said and handed me the calling card.

But?! I said.

No more buts and just go there. He said.

I just nodded and followed him to the restaurant. Our lunch is just like the other days, we talk, laugh and just enjoy the food. After that, the day continued and now I am already at the door of my boarding house.

To be continued. 🥰

Episode 2: Marlon.

When I was just about to open the door my board mate suddenly opened the door. His name is Marlon De Guzman. He works in a company as Assistant Manager. He is 26 years old and we have been board mates for almost 4 years till now.

Klein!! He screamed.

What the? You startled me. I said.

Oh sorry about that. Come inside now. He said.

Ok. I said and got inside.

I put my bag on the chair and get a glass of water.

I cooked fried chicken, you can eat it with me. He said.

I walked toward him holding a glass of water and saw the fried chicken he said he cooked.

It's not a fried chicken it is more like a burned chicken. I said.

You're hurting my feelings my friend. It is slightly burnt but trust me, it's edible. He said.

Yeah.. I will eat it later, I'll just change my clothes. I said and walked toward the cabinet. I took off my clothes and grabbed the t-shirt.

Oh no!! Marlon screamed.

Hey!! Stop scaring me. I said.

No, what happened to your back? He asked.

Nothing, why? I said and asked back.

He stood up and came closer to me.

Oh.. You have a lot of bruises on your back and all over your body. He said with a worry in his voice.

Hey.. It's ok. It is just a bruise. You don't have to worry about it. I said.

No. It's bruises, a lot of bruises you should have your check-up tomorrow, I will accompany you. He said.

No, you don't have too, and I will have my check-up tom so don't worry. I said.

No, I will go with you, I'll have my day-off tomorrow and go with you to the hospital. He said.

Ok, thank you. I said and hugged him.

Ok let's eat now, my delicious chickens are waiting. He said.

Delicious your ass. I said.

We sat down and ate, I really wanted to tell him that his food really tasted like ash, but I just kept my mouth shut and finished my food. I washed the dishes after we ate and set my alarm for my check-up tomorrow. I change into pajamas and lay down. My cellphone suddenly rang so I picked it up. I saw my sister's ID on my cellphone, I stood up and answered the call.

Hello Sis. I said.

Klein.. I have good news. She said.

And what is it. I asked.

I passed the board exam. She happily said, and I can feel that she is jumping over joy.

Oh no! Really! Congrats. I said.

Thank you. Thank you for supporting me. She said.

It's nothing. I said.

No, it's everything. I don't know how to thank you but..Klein can you still wait until I find a job? and you can finish your dream degree. She said.

I can still work so, don't worry. I replied.

No, it's my time to pay back what I owe you. Thank you brother. She said and I know that she is crying. I just smile and tears of happiness fall from my cheeks.

Ok. I said.

We talked for almost one hour and I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and preferred myself for my check-up. Marlon also woke up early to accompany me.

Are you ready? I asked Marlon.

Oh wait my friend, I just need to put lip tint. Muah. Oh, yes. This is good. He said while looking in a mirror.

Let's go. He said.

Ok. I replied.

We walked and reached the road and took a cab. We've reached the Hospital.

Montero's Hospital. I muttered.

Wow. This hospital is kinda big. Marlon said.

Let's go and get inside. I said.

Ok. He said, and we walked together and asked the nurse.

Excuse me Miss. I said.

Yes? Sir. The nurse asked.

Where is Dr. Montero's office? I asked.

Do you have an appointment with him, Sir? She asked.

Yes. I replied.

Your name Sir? She asked.

Klein Castillo. I answered.

Oh. Yeah. This. She muttered and gave us the direction.

We followed her instructions and went up to the third floor and found Dr. Montero's office. I knocked on the door.

You can open it. A voice said from the inside.

I opened the door and I saw a handsome man sitting on the chair. He is kinda older than me, I think he is in his forties but his look is really deceiving.

You can sit here. He said.

Marlon, let's get inside. I said.

No I'll wait here. He said.

Ok. I said and entered then I sat down.

Your name? He asked.

I'm Klein Castillo. I replied.

Oh. Alfonso told me that you are coming. He said and stood up.

Follow me and let's proceed to your check-up. He said.

I walk outside crying.

To be continued🥰

Episode 3: Diagnosed

I followed the doctor in his clinic. He instructed me what to do and I just followed his order. After undergoing a different checkup I waited for the result. After some time Dr Montero came back, and he is holding my result. He exhaled a heavy breath and looked at me. He sat down on his chair And he kept giving me an odd look that made me feel nervous.

Hmm. I.. Well, Don't be shocked On whatever I will tell you, this is your result. He said.

He handed me the paper where my result is written.

You have leukemia Dr. Montero said.

What? I felt like My ears were not working any more. The room became silent, and my mind was getting blank upon hearing my result I froze, and my tears started falling.

Leukemia? No! No! I muttered.

I'm sorry But you are in stage three, and I'm afraid that it's getting worse. Dr. Montero said.

I felt like my body is getting weak. I felt like the world betrayed me. My dream, My family And everything flash in my mind, and it's suddenly shattered. My hands are trembling, My tears keep falling I hope this is just a dream. So please Wake me up I am in a nightmare, Please!

Klein are you okay? Dr. Montero asked.

I just stood up and walked out.

Mr. Klein I need you to stay I need to tell you everything and how we can prolong your life. He said and I just stared at him.

Please, Don't give up we will find ways to cure you. So just stay and listen to me. He said.

I stayed In the room And he kept talking, but I couldn't Hear him anymore He finished all the things he needed to tell me and I just walked out while my tears were falling.

Klein..Friend..sorry I just went to the bathroom and.. He noticed that I'm crying.

Hey What happened? He asked.

What do I do? What do I do now? I asked heartbrokenly

What do you mean? He asked.

What do I do? I asked again.

I can't stop crying and repeatedly ask him what I am going to do because I really don't know what to do now. My mind is blank I felt empty And I can't Think anymore All I can think of Is to cry.

Klein, Why are you crying? He asked worriedly.

He doesn't know what to do. So, he just suddenly hugged me to comfort me. He pats my back and slides his hands and I know that he is confused, but he is sympathizing with me without knowing why.

Hush. Stop crying. Please calm down. He said while sobbing.

We stay hugging each other for a long time. The time just goes by without us noticing. When I calm down after crying my heart out. We got out of the hospital and sat on the bench.

Now, tell me what the doctor told you that made you cry? He asked. I started crying again, and my tears started falling again.

Friend. Stop this and tell me why? He asked worriedly.

I have leukemia, A bone cancer. Stage 3. I said and cried again.

He froze hearing the news. What? No. He said.

I really have it. I said while looking at him.

No I don't believe it, Let's go maybe they just got a wrong diagnosis. Let's go back and we will do the test again. He said and grabbed my hand.

Let's go back to the hospital, actually no! Let's find another hospital. He said He pulled me, and we walked, but I stopped.

Why? He asked and looked back at me.

Marlon, I'm sick, and I don't want to do the test again and hear the same thing. I told him.

No,, you are not sick. Let's go, Let's go to the other Hospital, Let's have another check up. This Hospital might be the best in town. But I don't believe that you are sick, Let's go. He said and pulled me.

We went to another hospital, and they said the same thing after that we went to the other hospital again, but the result is still the same.

Marlon, Enough stop wasting your time and your money on me because the result will remain the same, I'm sick, and I need to accept it. I said heartbreakingly and while crying.

No this can't be happening, You're a good person, A good friend. So this can't be happening. He said while crying.

Thank you But Let's stop, I'm sick, and I need to accept it. I said and held his hand.

No, Klein Let's go to another Hospital. He said.

Please Let's stop. I said.

No I'll call Sheena And ask her about the hospital where his brother is working. He said and called Sheena.

To be continued. 🥰

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