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My Forced Marriage (18+)

1 Episode

Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Baby wake up
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
It's almost 1pm
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO) 5 min..utes mom (tired voice)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
I guess I will eat all the chocolate pancakes
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
OKAY… I'm up (he jumped up )
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Haha... I'm just kidding
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
OK now go brush your teeth and come down for breakfast!
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Okay I will be there soon
Casper went downstairs and saw his dad with someone else, he looked scary, and then he was spaced out thinking about who he was
He snapped out of it when he heard his dad call his name, to come over
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Casper come over here why are you just standing there?
He walked over there and sat next to his dad
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
This is my son Casper
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Hello, nice to meet you ❄️
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
I need to go I'm running late to work ❄️
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
We can meet later, this week ❄️
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
(Walked away staring at Casper)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Honey food is ready (yelled it)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Ok coming
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Honey, I'm running late for a meeting.
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
I love you ( kissed her on the cheek)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
okay have a good day at work
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
I love you
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
I'm going to bring Casper with me
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Wait why am I going ?
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
You said you wanted to yesterday 😑
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
ohh right
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
let's go!
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
your gonna wear that.
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
(looked at his outfit)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
I will go get ready
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Hello, This is my first chat story
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2 Episode Introduction

Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Name - Casper Asher, Age- 20 MC Gender - Male Second Gender - Dominant Omega Family - Nora his mom Gabriel his dad. Friends-Lucas, Noah Likes - Drawing, Skateboarding, The color Red, purple, black, Loves - His parents and his friends he mostly loves chocolate He is single (for now) DiSLike- sl*ts, bitches, gold diggers, blueberries
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Name - Nora Asher MC mom Age- 40 Gender - Female Second Gender - Omega Family - Casper, her husband Friends - Mila Grey Likes - cooking, yelling at her husband, seeing Casper happy Loves - Casper, her husband She is taken Dislike - same as Casper besides blueberries
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Name- Gabriel Asher MC dad Age- 42 Gender - male Second Gender - Dominant Alpha Family - Casper, His wife (Nora) Friends - Aiden Grey Likes - working, taking care of his family, Milkshake Owns the Number 2 top company in the world, And the number 2 Mafia in the world. Dislike - who hurts his family, anyone who drinks his Milkshake, SL*ts, gold diggers, bitches
Clyde Grey (DA)
Clyde Grey (DA)
Clyde Grey (DA)
Clyde Grey (DA)
Name - Clyde Grey ML Age- 24 Gender - male Second Gender - Dominant Alpha Family - Aiden, Mila, Friends - William Likes - Working out, Spicy foods, math, working in the company Has OCD, He took his dad's company, which I number 1 in the world, and the number 1 Mafia. Single (for now) DiSLike- sl*ts, bitches, gold diggers, anyone who tries to sleep with him. Omegas Very cold don't like people
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Aiden Grey (ML dad)
Name - Aiden Grey ML Dad Age- 44 Gender - male second gender - Dominant Alpha Family - Clyde, and his wife Mila Friends - Gabriel Asher Likes, his wife, his wife, The Mafia, his son Taken has a wife DiSLike- sl*ts, bitches, gold diggers, anyone who hurts his family. Very cold,
Mila Grey (ML mom)
Mila Grey (ML mom)
Mila Grey (ML mom)
Mila Grey (ML mom)
Name- Mila Grey ML mom Age- 41 Gender- Female Second Gender- Omega Family- Cylde, her husband( Aiden) Friends- Nora Asher Likes- Baking, Her husband, her son. Taken has a husband dislikes- sl*ts, bitches, gold diggers, who tries to take her man. Coffee

3 Episode

Back to the story
Casper comes downstairs after getting ready, he didn't know what to wear to his dad's company
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Okay I'm ready to go
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
his outfit
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
You look so cute 😍 (pinching his cheeks)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Ahh mom that hurts I'm not cute I'm handsome 😙😌
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
haha okay your handsome! 😆
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Can you let go of my face
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
Nora Asher (Mc mom)
But your so cu… I mean handsome I can't let you go out
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Mom I'll be fine I'm going with dad
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Hey it's okay I will make sure no one looks at him
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
you too dad 🙃
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
Gabriel Asher (Mc dad)
sorry let's go ( whispers)
Casper Asher(DO)
Casper Asher(DO)
Ok we will be back later love you Bye bye
later when they got to the company
Gabriel had a meeting with Clyde and Aiden, so He brought Casper to get some experience
One day Casper is going to get the company
They all meet his Office
Casper was sitting on the Right side, Gabriel was sitting In the middle
10 minutes later Clyde and Aiden show up
Aiden sits next to Gabriel, And Aiden tells Clyde to sit next to Casper
Casper Pov
Me and my dad were talking about the company and how to do work and also how hard it is, about 10 minutes go by, and my dad's PA tells them that they are here
I didn't know who was coming, all my dad told me that it's very important and to pay attention to what they are talking about, so I can know when I get older
They walked in, and It was the person my dad talked to this morning. My heart started to beat fast, and then I realized that someone else had come in (Clyde)
I looked at him, he was so tall, and had a lot of muscle, he looked so handsome, he looked like an Alpha or maybe even a dominant Alpha
I was staring so much that my dad whispered in my ear You're going to put a hole in his face
I blushed and looked away, he sat right next to me and he smelled very good and very strong, it smelt like fresh rain.
End of his POV
Clyde POV now
All I wanted to have a good day but no, Why did he even bring me here (aiden) He so annoying why can't I just have a good day🙄
I got changed and got ready to go have a very important meeting with my dad's friend, like why do I have to go
When I walked into the room I saw this little boy (Casper) Right then and there I wanted to leave, he was a OMEGA it made me so made and disgusted to even see him
He was just staring at me it made me so mad. I know he was trying to seduce me
I went to go sit down and my dad told me to sit next to him
End of Clyde POV
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END of this chapter
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