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Time Man


We finally succeeded..We finally managed to create a time machine.This is the greatest achievement in the human history,Some of the scientists are talking to each other.

A boy is laying on a bed inside a isolated room.He then suddenly opens his eyes.

what happened?I don't remember a damn thing,the boy said.

Then he looked at those scientists.After staring for a while something stroke him.

That's right.I remember now.I am a test subject.So did they succeeded in creating a humanoid Time machine or what?The boy said.

Oh,so you are already awake.Don't move. just stay there,One of the scientists said.

But he ignored them and started to head towards them.

The boy said with a sinister expression,I will kill you all .After all the pain you caused me I can simply ignore that fact. Get ready.

The scientists issued an emergency request.The guards came from outside to aid

 them.They aimed the guns at the boy. The boy Stopped the time.Then he slowly got outside of the room .Then he Pierced their hearts with knifes which was on the table.

The boy said,I guess,there is no reason to kill the guards.So I will let them.Now I have the power to manipulate time .This will be interesting.

He is going outside of the building.Everything is standing still.

I don't know how to use my Power it.Maybe ,I should look into my future self to learn how my power works ,The boy said.

Then he closed his eyes.Got a glimpse of his future self.Then he resumed the flow of time.

Suddenly a Big light hole appeared before him.Then he got inside of this hole.He arrived at a unknown place.

What era is this. I leaped time by 33 years in the past...Wait ,I know this place.It is grandpa's home town. I wonder where he could be .

Some people are running some where.

A thief! Some one caught a thief,they were saying.

The boy thought to himself , Should I go with them to watch how they punish the theif? Guess I will go.

He started to head the direction they gone to.

He caught up with them.The theif is binded with rope .

The people said,How could you .You are one of us.I didn't thought you of all people would actually be the theif.

The Binded boy said, Please listen to me.I didn't do it.You gotta believe me.

The boy thought to himself,Hmm..He looks so familiar...No please don't tell me he is my grandpa!

He turn around and said to himself, This thief can't possibly be my grandpa. I mean are you telling me my grandpa is a their! I might have mistaken him for someone else.I should go and look for my real grandpa.

To be continued


Maybe I should help the poor guy, the boy said. Good grief.

  'Fast speed of time'

Now I will just chill in here while the guy gets yell at. That not much of a help though.

Everything is over. It ended quickly because the boy fast speeded time. The thief has been beaten up quite badly. Those people beat the living shit out of him. His face has been turn red and black.

The boy approached him.

He Said, So,What did you steal?

The thief said, Dude, I didn't steal anything. Someone set me up.

The boy said, Who?

He said, I don't know. I woke up this morning and learned that people are calling me a freaking thief. By the way, Who are you?

The boy said,

The boy said, My name is Destro.

He said, Mine is Riun Askers.

Destro said, Askers! (So he is really my grandpa)

Ha ha ha ha. Look like people beat you up quite badly, A man said.

Behind him is another man .

Destro said, Who the heck are these idiots?

maybe the dudes who set my grandpa up.

Those man were standing like how Jojo bizarre adventure characters does.

Destro said, Is this a Jojo reference?

Well if you are gonna do Jojo stands then I'm gonna do .........what I'm gonna do? Do you got any idea. (he looked behind but became great shocked) What the hack are doing?

Riun literally pissed his pant seeing them.

Riun said to Destro, They are bad news. Let's get the hell out of here.

Destro said, Why?

Riun said, Didn't you hear me? They are dangerous and strong. Rumor is they survived a whole night at a Entertainment district.

Destro black turn into stone in a most funny way. He said, Whaaaaaat! I didn't know people like that actually existed. Wait, What does surviving at a Entertainment district have anything to do with it.

Riun said, Anyway, We should be going now.

Destro said, No wait. ...... Hey you suckers

Those guys Said, What you punk? Who the fuck are you?

Destro said, I'm Taro Sakamoto [Referring to Sakamoto days Manga's protagonist] I'm world's greatest assassin.

Those guys Said, Never heard of you?

Destro said, Come on. I am trying to cosplay one of my favorites here. Also I always wanted to say that.

'Time stop'

Flow of time stopped. Everybody is standing still. Destro is approaching them. He put their pants off also the underwear. Then put them in a most gayish way possible. He dragged them to a place crowded with peoples. Then he resumed the time.

Aaaaaaah, peoples are screaming seeing them like that .

wow look at that they are gay....How disgusting......

They are shocked. They are trying to process what just happened. Then they noticed they are hugging each other while naked.

Destro got out of there.

Destro said to Riun , Now we are good to go.

Riun said, What just happened? Where are they?

Destro Said, Just sweat the small stuff

(To be continued)

The girl who will be my Grandma in the future

A huge tall building. The building is being guarded by many guards. Inside a particular room 10 men are sitting on chairs before a table and discussing something.

One of them said, Some punk humiliated my two brothers, yesterday. I simply can overlook that. After all, I am there big brother. They will pay.

Another man Said, That they will.

Someone else said to that man, Father, Should we sent him to kill those bastards.

The Father said, Yes, Kabo. We will sent him .

A messy looking guy said, I just wanna read Dragon ball z manga.

Nobody is paying attention to him .

The Father said, Zethir, Go and kill those bastards. That an order.

Zethir from behind said, Yes, Master .


I guess there is no reason for me to go back to my timeline. It's not like I have anyone left there. My parents are dead. So , I don't see the point to go back there. Maybe, I should start living here ,Destro saying to himself.

Riun said, Hey, how long do you planning on staying at my house.

Destro said, Dunno.

Both of them are outside. They are walking.

Destro noticed a girl . She is truely beautiful.

Destro said, Wow, Who is this girl?

Riun said, Her name is Cleara Mawton. She is the beautiful girl in our village. Though, I don't interact with her much.

Destro Saying to himself, Cleara Mewton..... Wait, Is she the girl who will be my grandma in the future. Her name is Cleara. Mine grandma had the same name. So , that's must be her or I might be wrong. But One thing is for sure, She is truely beautiful. Infact, She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Oh man, What is this feeling? Don't tell me that I am crushing on my grandma (Said that with a shocked face) . No way, That can't be. I can't have a grandma complex (he is sweating like crazy). I will become the worst scum in the world, If I have that.

Excuse me , Are you new in this village? asked the Cleara.

Destro replied, Yes, Grandm...(No no no , I can't say that) . Yes, I'm new here. My name is Destro.

Cleara said, I see. My name is Cleara Mewton. Nice to meet you.

Destro said, Yeah, Same here. ( I wonder when will my grandpa and grandma start dating. From what I see, They are not that close yet. I wonder What will be the trigger that will make them fall in love with each other)

A man is coming towards them. It is Zethir.He looks badass. A sword is on his back. 5 men who were drinking alcohol on the street suddenly bumped into him.

Those men started to say, Look ,what you have done, You bastard. You spilled all of our alcohol.

Zethir didn't pay any attention to them. He again started walking.

   Hey wait you basta...

All 5 of them got slashed. As he walking their severed heads can be seen falling off from their bodies. He cut their head off so fast that I couldn't be seen.

Destro said, What the ... He just kill them. And he approaching us. I should....

Zethir suddenly disappeared.

Destro Said, He vanished!

Suddenly Destro's left hand got cut off. Then his got cut ,too . Though it was a little. Destro is shocked. Zethir is right beside him. Facing the other way.

       'Time reversal'

Time was reversed on his body. His right hand is fixed. Also his neck .

Destro kicked the man. Though, He blocked it with the sword.

         (To be continued)

    [Next chapter will be released on 6 May, Monday]

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