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Meeting You Again

The New start


What happened r u okk Parkel. Yeah, but guess what, I am going to my dream college. R u serious, or just joking, her dad

See my acceptance letter in Pune medical collage, I am so so so happy. I finally did it.

My dad's eyes filled with tears and hugged me tightly then he said, I proud of my daughter.

I called my elder brother Lukas, he is now a successful lawyer and also have a gf not single anymore. Always teases me and spoils me with gifts.

Hii bro, what’s up

Just standing in front of your door girl.

Oooo nice, wait what did u just said I coming wait.

I opened the door and saw him standing their with a suitcase, wearing a black court, pants, white shirt, black tie and black leather shoes. He works in Bangalore.

Have your employees kicked u out of the office or u just decided to give up your busy bro, I said with a smirk on my face.

Why do u think that I will do such kind of thing, stupid I have came here to celebrate with u for u achievements.

U don’t even know the results then how can u be so sure about it.

I just know my sister very well isn’t that enough to know your results by just seeing your face.

Ok than if u already have found then where is my treat brother. I hope u have came here with something.

Ok ok here your large size chocolate cake.

U have totally spoiled her, after eating this cake she will definitely become a fatty girl aren’t u r supposed to protect her, said my annoyed dad.

Then I went back to my room and massaged Souray to tell him the great news. He is my bf we have been in relation since my 8th standard he is my senior. One years before he was selected in NDA and training hard for this. And now I am also going their, my college is just 49 Km away from his training center. Our relation is now getting 5 years and 8 months. It’s interesting I know.

But at this time he is busy cause he is in his classes. I know his all schedules. Next month I am going to attend my college, I can’t wait to see him after in all of these years.

Parkel come here lunch is prepared, called dad.

Dad next month I have to go college I want u to give me a perfect photo frame of our family, so that I can miss u nicely.

Ok ok but first eat and don’t talk while eating.

After eating when she checked her phone to see if his reply has came or not.. but luckily fate doesn’t wanted to disappoint her. And finally 5 massage came from him in excitement she opened her phone and saw his massage. Wow congrats panda, finally we will be together again after so many years. Call me when u will came here, I will receive u from the railway station. She smiled and a very strong desire came to her to hug him but now she had to wait for it for 1 months only. Then they talked online for hours and then also did video call to see each other. Her eyes was filled with tears by seeing her dreams coming true, she was just constantly thanking the God and herself for helping her to achieving her dreams. He also couldn’t able control his tears and cried his happy tears on the call. He was thanking and imaging their meet after all these years. He was dying to see her and hug her tightly, he was so eager to met her that he was constantly rubbing his bracelet on his left hand that she gave him many years ago. Both were very nervous, happy, satisfied, full of hopes and dreams of future, there were no one who can stop them to meet again.


What happened r u okk Parkel. Yeah, but guess what, I am going to my dream college. R u serious, or just joking, her dad

See my acceptance letter in Pune medical collage, I am so so so happy. I finally did it.

My dad's eyes filled with tears and hugged me tightly then he said, I proud of my daughter.

I called my elder brother Lukas, he is now a successful lawyer and also have a gf not single anymore. Always teases me and spoils me with gifts.

Hii bro, what’s up

Just standing in front of your door girl.

Oooo nice, wait what did u just said I coming wait.

I opened the door and saw him standing their with a suitcase, wearing a black court, pants, white shirt, black tie and black leather shoes. He works in Bangalore.

Have your employees kicked u out of the office or u just decided to give up your busy bro, I said with a smirk on my face.

Why do u think that I will do such kind of thing, stupid I have came here to celebrate with u for u achievements.

U don’t even know the results then how can u be so sure about it.

I just know my sister very well isn’t that enough to know your results by just seeing your face.

Ok than if u already have found then where is my treat brother. I hope u have came here with something.

Ok ok here your large size chocolate cake.

U have totally spoiled her, after eating this cake she will definitely become a fatty girl aren’t u r supposed to protect her, said my annoyed dad.

Then I went back to my room and massaged Souray to tell him the great news. He is my bf we have been in relation since my 8th standard he is my senior. One years before he was selected in NDA and training hard for this. And now I am also going their, my college is just 49 Km away from his training center. Our relation is now getting 5 years and 8 months. It’s interesting I know.

But at this time he is busy cause he is in his classes. I know his all schedules. Next month I am going to attend my college, I can’t wait to see him after in all of these years.

Parkel come here lunch is prepared, called dad.

Dad next month I have to go college I want u to give me a perfect photo frame of our family, so that I can miss u nicely.

Ok ok but first eat and don’t talk while eating.

After eating when she checked her phone to see if his reply has came or not.. but luckily fate doesn’t wanted to disappoint her. And finally 5 massage came from him in excitement she opened her phone and saw his massage. Wow congrats panda, finally we will be together again after so many years. Call me when u will came here, I will receive u from the railway station. She smiled and a very strong desire came to her to hug him but now she had to wait for it for 1 months only. Then they talked online for hours and then also did video call to see each other. Her eyes was filled with tears by seeing her dreams coming true, she was just constantly thanking the God and herself for helping her to achieving her dreams. He also couldn’t able control his tears and cried his happy tears on the call. He was thanking and imaging their meet after all these years. He was dying to see her and hug her tightly, he was so eager to met her that he was constantly rubbing his bracelet on his left hand that she gave him many years ago. Both were very nervous, happy, satisfied, full of hopes and dreams of future, there were no one who can stop them to meet again.

First Day at College

All these months before going college she enjoyed with her families and imaging the beautiful future of her meeting with him after so many years. Soon the day of going to college came, her dad and she packed her bags for college. Her dad was dropping her to college and check the environment of college. She said good bye to her brother and mom and also cried a little by thinking of life with without her mom’s meal. But soon her tears turned into smile but thinking that they we meet soon. But unluckily he can’t pick her from station because her dad was going with her, but still she was happy because now she was filled with so many hopes and dreams of future together. In the whole journey she listened romantic songs and drew so many sketches of the view of landscape that was visible from the window, she also made a comic page in which she drew her all imagination of their first meeting. She was over the moon and smiled from her face wasn’t fading for a second, she kept smiling and looking out of window. Her dad thought that it’s the excitement of the first day in college. When she reached to the station its was buzzing with people and from their they ordered a cab because her college was far from the station. In cab she was reading her a interesting novel. When she reached college her eyes went large by watching her seniors in white court and the huge building. She couldn’t take her eyes off from the beautiful view with she used to imagine from her childhood. Her dad then dropped her to girl’s hostel and he went to look around. She went to hostel and asked warden for her room no then took her things to her room. She soon collapsed on her bed and watched to blank sealing. Then took a bath and settled her things I room and went to her dad. Due to so much security outsider and family members of students were not allowed so her dad was going back to their home in night by train. They walked around together for a while and then her dad left for his train. After her dad left she phone called Souray, and they talked for hours and decided to meet on next Sunday. They were still talking on video call but suddenly Parkel heard a knock on her door so she hung up and opened the door. She saw a girl standing with her 2 suitcases and girl she was beautiful perfect lips, eyes, nose, jawline, hair, skin and long legs. She was in very fashionable clothes and seemed that she had a very good dressing sense.

Hii! I am Iris 1st year student and your roommate, she said.

Ooo hi I am Parkel, I am also 1st year student.

Where r u from Parkel?

Bihar and what about u, Parkel said.

I am from Bengal.

After introduction she threw her suitcases around and bag on bed then she threw herself on the bed. Parkel looked at her in disgust and went on her bed and started chatting with Souray but Iris was not going to give her privacy so she picked into her phone and shouted, who is Mr. Sloth. R u serious u have saved your bf’s no by this name, r u trying to be romantic or giving him a heart attack.

Don’t exhilarate so much, it’s just a number not a really Sloth. And there is nothing wrong to save your bf’s no. by animal’s name.

Oooo ok girl, but can I know your prince’s name.

No it’s not that important.

Don’t worry I won’t steal him from u. Is he also a medical student or professor?

None of these and I am not afraid that u will steal him because it’s impossible, Parkel said with a huge smirk on her face.

Ooo ok so u don’t want to tell me about your mysterious bf. But I will soon find out cause things can’t be kept hidden for so long, it will soon come out one day, Iris said with so much confidence in her voice.

Hmm ok then keep waiting for that day.

Next day they woke up and went to the college together first class was boring but before next class a boy sat next to her started talking with Iris. He was in white t shirt and brown pant, with deep black hair which was covering his eyebrows, perfect skin and light blue eyes which looked like ocean. Anyone can drool over him and it became very strange when some girls started taking pic of him secretly and some were blushing and staring at him. Parkel looked at Iris’s face in confusion then she spoke.

Weird introduction

Oo sorry forgot to introduce u two to each other. Parkel he is Peter my younger brother just 1 hour younger. And Peter she is Parkel my roommate.

Ooo hello Parkel, said Peter and took out his hand for a formal handshake.

Hello, Parkel felt little bit uncomfortable and shook hand with him with a fake smile.

Iris u can sat next to your brother and I will sit in your place.

She nodded and they exchanged their sits. They both got into chat and Parke left alone it was nothing new thing for her, when she was in Kerala she completed her 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. And in these four years she didn’t made any friends in class, she always sat alone in the cover and read novels, draw thing, revise what teacher taught them or make note. She used to be the topper of her class, she used to talk very less and wasn’t took any interest in having fun. She just talked to her old friends in Assam once in a month. And chat with Souray everyday. She totally pressured herself for NEET examination. But now she decided to come over her pressure and chill out with friends. Suddenly Peter saw that she left alone so he took her into the conversation too. Soon their professor came and everyone went silent. After their classes they hang out in café and talked for hours, she was happy to have friends.

Guys let’s go in a fair on this Sunday and we will have fun together, insisted Iris.

Sorry guys but I have some important work on this Sunday can we go on next one, said Parkel.

No no, I know there is nothing that important more than having fun.

I think we should listen to her and go to the fair on next Sunday. May be there is really some important work of her, said Peter.

Why r u taking her side huhhh! Want to die very soon, Iris threatened him.

Suddenly Parkel’s phone started buzzing and it was Souray, she excused herself and went far from them to pick the call.

Hii Parkel what r u doing?

Nothing just hanging out with friends in café and what about u?

I am in my room. Listen there is something important to tell u.

Hmm ok keep going.

Sorry but I will not able to meet u on Sunday because my friends want me to go in a fair with them. If I will not go with them then they will told my mom about u.

Oo ok don’ worry we will meet each other on next Sunday.

Ok thanks for understanding.

Ok then bye, my friends r waiting for me. We will talk later.

She again went to her table they started plan how will and when they will go for fairly. Iris was expected and happy, Peter had no specific feelings about fair and as for Parke, she was sad that she can’t be able to see him this Sunday so to cheer up she soon agreed.

Soon next Sunday came and then went for fair but before that they had to sign and entered their phone numbers on a resistor which was in gourds hand due to security. Then they went to fair, it was crowded and buzzing with so many people, Iris’s face was showing the expression full of disgust.

Let’s buy some cotton candy, suggested Parkel.

Then they all bought a cotton candy and when Parkel turned back while eating it, her jaw dropped to the floor. She was suddenly freeze and can’t able to take even one step, her eyes got filled with tears and she was about to cry but Peter put a hand on her and asked what happened. But didn’t responded she had been staring Continuously on a boy who was standing by turning his back in front of her. But suddenly she was a girl who started taking pic with him by standing very closely by seeing this she turned to her friends direction there she finally saw him, to conform she again turned back and found that she mistook that boy with him.

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