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I was getting ready for college, I was trying to wear something different today.

Because there's a high chance I would get to meet my mate. But ended up wearing my usual jeans and crop top with a jacket because I fucking didn't find any good outfit.


"What mom? Why are you screaming?"

"You are getting late, jhope's already here"

What the hell, he didn't even call me, he could have come to my room. Why didn't he  come here? Hmm OMFG...

"JHOEP"  I screamed at him and ran downstairs.

I knew it, I spotted my favourite chocolate in his hand.

"You messed up big time, Jhp"

He was staring at me with a blank face, I throw our leftover spaghetti at his face even before he could react and grabbed my chocolate smirking at him.

"MOM, where's the spaghetti, I couldn't find" It was my brother,I knew I'm gonna get a long lecture.

"Yoongi" I called him.

He was facing me, I pointed my finger at jhope.

Then he looked back, went to Jhope his look was priceless. He ran upstairs, probably going to my room for a shower.

"Jhope, LEMME TASTE THE SPAGHETTI"My brother yelled at him, I'm 100% sure his face is flushed now.

"What's going on here?"Mom asked us.

"Mom, I think your lovely prince throw spaghetti at Jhope"

I glared at him if look can kill I'm pretty sure he would be 16 foot under now.

"JIMIN" Mom yelled at me and the lecture begins...

Jhope is already downstairs wearing my clothes and smirked at me, he mouthed me 'how were you lecture', I glared at him.

"Mom, It was my favourite chocolate, "I told her with my puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, I'm not your dad who will be falling with your puppy dog eyes, you are acting like it was the last piece of chocolate."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Ain't you guys getting late, "Mom asked me.

I checked the time. Fuck we are gonna miss our first lecture.

We both rushed to my car and goes straight to college. We were in our locker area since we missed our first lecture.

"Jimin, are you excited? Jhope suddenly asked me.

"What? missing lecture? I stared at him.

"Idiot, I'm talking about your mate?"

"Oh right, What if I don't find him today?"

I asked him.

"Don't be nervous you will find him, I'm

also waiting for my mate"

I stared at him,  I bet he  goes to his la-la land. I laughed at him.

"Jhp, you are drooling, what if he's ugly?"

I asked him.

"Hmm, No matter what I will accept him. I don't care about his looks and title" he said.

Yes. That's why he's my best friend, he's bubbly, carefree and innocent. I thought Yoongi  might be his mate. I know he's upset because he wasn't his mate, he had a crush on him since childhood.

Then we heard the bell rang.

********TIME SKIPS**********

It was already lunchtime, we rushed to the cafeteria since we both skipped breakfast because of the chocolate incident. We ordered our usual and goes to the table.

"Oh jimin, did you find your mate?? Well I found mine it's Daylan"

Oh fuck.She's Stella aka pack slut.And I had a huge crush on Daylan, that's why the bitch is rubbing it on my face. He's our next beta, since Yoongi  going to be the next Alpha, so these both would most likely be around us.

I mentally punched at her smirking face.

"No, I didn't, he might not be in college"I give her my best fake smile.

"What if you don't have a mate? With your face I bet even you have a mate he would reject you" she scrawled at me.

"Stella, Watch your tongue. Don't forget his father is our Alpha"Jhope shouted at her.

"Aww, still daddy's little prince, grow up Jimin"Then she left with her minions.

We were on the way to my home, We didn't speak much to each other after Stella's tantrum. It was complete silence in the car. I know jhope was hurting because he couldn't get to meet his mate today. I was also pretty much upset after what Stella told me. What if my mate didn't want me, what if he rejects me.

'Hey, our mate won't reject us, he will cherish us" It was my wolf, the stupid wolf didn't talk to me the entire day.

'First I'm not stupid and second I was taking my beauty sleep"he told me.

"Don't you have anything to do other than your so-called beauty sleep?"I mentally glared at him

And here we started our usual bickering.

When we reached home, mom was already making juices.

"Jimin, jhope did you guys met your mate? "Mom asked us.

"No."We both said at the same time. Yoongi  was smiling at Jhope, OMFG that pig. huh

"Don't worry, they might be not from college, don't forget about the pack meeting, It's tomorrow at 7 pm, the whole pack would be there, also both of your mates. "Mom said.

"Jhope, I will drop you at your home, come, "Yoongi told jhope.

After hugging me and mom he left with Yoongi.

Ohh, pack meeting, he might be there, I'm already nervous.

The alpha


I was eating my breakfast when I feel my wolf is restless.

'What happened, Scar'

(Scar  is jimin's wolf name)

'I think something is going to happen?'

'Good or bad


We both went silent.

'Jimin lemme out. I need to get out'

I closed my eyes and let him out.

Scar pov(jimin's wolf)

I was running through the woods, I know something bad is going to happen it will break us. I know he is not ready to face the problem yet. I was returning to pack the house when mom mind linked me.

'Jimin, where are you? you already skipped lunch, come eat something before pack meeting starts'

'Yep, mom. COMING' I mind linked her.

Then I realised I was running throughout the forest for hours, I know I'm going to get tired as hell. As I didn't undress before shifting to the wolf, my dress was ripped open.

I already got near Packhouse, there's dress behind a tree, I quickly picked up the dress and shifted to my human form. I was still in control. People who know us can easily recognize each other, as jimjn have hazel eyes and mine were ocean blue eyes.

I was entering the kitchen when mom called me from behind.

"Jimin, are you okay? you were gone for hours"

I turn around smiled at her and nodded.

"Scar" mom stared at me

Everyone knows I usually don't take over his human body, I only do when it is necessary.

She didn't ask me anything further as she already knows I'm not going to tell her. I'm not a bubbly person like jimin.

"Hey, my little prince" I smiled at him.

Dad was already sitting and waiting for us.

I ran to him and hugged him.

"Scar, is everything okay? "he asked me.

" I wish I knew dad" I hummed at him

"Scar, whatever happened or going to happen everything will be alright prince, you are strong, prince," Dad told me.

He knows me too well.

*****At the pack meeting******

Jimjn pov

Everyone was already there, I was searching for jhope throughout the crowd when I spotted him standing near yoongir. I walked to them, they smiled at me.

"Where were you? You didn't even pick up my calls. "

Jhope asked me with his pissed up face.

"Scar happened. He wanted to go out" I told him

"Is everything alright? "

"He didn't tell me anything"

Yoongi hugged me.

"You should let him out often, so he doesn't feel suffocated," Yoongi told me.

"As if he listens to anything I say" I rolled my eyes at him.

'When did I not listen to you.idiot?

'Exactly when did you listen. Now go take your beauty sleep'. I mentally snapped at him.

'Yeah, I'm going, I'm tired as hell'

'Who told you to run around for hours

He didn't reply, he just blocked me out. Huh.

Everyone looked at my dad as he started speaking.

"As everyone knows our boys returned from their training. I'm going to step down from my title, My son Yoongi is going to take over the alpha position. The ceremony will be held on next Sunday. I invited two alpha and their beta from other packs, they will be here on Sunday. Alpha and beta from Blood moon pack and Rosewood pack will be here. So everything should be in order. DO NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKES"He announced.

It was practically an order, Firstly, you can't deny alpha's order. Second, I know nobody gonna make mistakes because what I heard from that Alpha from Blood moon pack was dangerous, that's why his pack is one of the most powerful packs in the world. His punishment was either beat until death or burn alive. I don't know if it was just a rumour. From the look of my father's face, I know he is dangerous. I pity her whoever would be his mate, who want a cold-headed person as a mate. The rest of the pack meeting went in a blur as my thought went to my mate. He is not here means he's not from my pack.

I mind linked jhope'Did you find your mate'

'No.he's not here. you?'


I looked at Yoongi, who was smiling at jhope, I can't understand his affection towards jhope. Jhope isn't his mate, if he was, he would already marked as Yoongi  is possessive as hell. He has possessiveness towards him even if he wasn't his mate. I don't know what would happen if he finds his mate.

Unknown pov

"Are you sure he didn't find his mate?"

"Yes, I'm sure Boss, But we heard that he will be at the Alpha ceremony in moonlight pack next Sunday."

"Should we attack his pack, that day?" he asked me

I punched him.

"I won't attack from behind, I will burn his pack in front of his eyes just like he did to my father"I smirked at him.

Back to jimin's pov

I was upset as I didn't find my mate at our pack meeting. Mom told me he might be from another pack, that's why I didn't find him here. She told me to visit other packs with jhope after the ceremony as we both didn't find our mate, If either of the alpha and beta from Blood moon pack and Rosewood pack wasn't our mate.

I wish Alpha  Eun-woo from Rosewood pack is my mate. We both know each other since childhood. I didn't meet him after he takes over his father's position.

I thought to do something as I was bored as hell, I called jhope.

On the second ring, he picked up.

"Come to my room we could do movie night, "I told him

" How do you know I'm staying at yours. "

He asked me.

" As if Yoongi would allow you to go out at night "I smirked at him even he can't see my face.

"We ain't at home," he told me.

I was shocked as hell.

"Means you and Yoongi didn't tell me that you guys are going out."

"Shut up, you are sounding like we outta for date"

"Then why did you go out at this time," I asked him

" Yoongi  wanted me to come with him to buy some groceries "

"Mom knows? "

"Yes, she is the one to tell him to buy groceries at this hour. And this jerk bought me along with him. "

"You could have told him no, "I told him with a pissed up voice.

"I can't tell him no. You already know it and we will be there within 10 minutes, pick some good movies"

"Okay babe, bye"Then disconnected the call.

The rejection


"So we are going to the Alpha ceremony, after that attack rogues, what if he attacks when we ain't here?"My beta Namjoon asked me.

"No, he will not, I know him well enough that he wants me to feel pain in front of his eyes, he wants to see my weakness. But I don't have emotion to anyone" I said.

"The ceremony will be at 9 pm, I already took our luggage to your car"

"Good, let's go or else we will be late. "

After few hours.....

"We will reach there in 2 hours" I hummed at him.

"What if you see your mate there? "Rm  suddenly asked.

"I will reject him"My wolf growled at me.


'we already talked about this Adrian'

He wasn't happy about the decision, but it is best for us.

Rm looked at me,



Jimin POV

Jhope and I were busy playing games when mom Mindlinked me.

'Jimin Alpha Jackson and his beta is already here, and Alpha jeongguk and his beta will be here in 5 minutes, So get both of your ass down here.

Jeongguk that's his name, I tested his name how it's rolling from my mouth, a shiver runs down my body. Why the hell I'm getting excited to meet him.Stupid wolf.

'Don't call me stupid, I'm not the ONE GETTING EXCITED FOR HIM'

Scar shouted at me.

'Don't forget you are my wolf and I'm your human,' we both are the same wolfie. '

I can already see he's showing his  middle finger at me at the back of my mind.

"Jimin, stop bickering with your wolf, come, let's go downstairs" jhope scolded me

"How do you know I was talking to my wolf," I asked him.

"Don't forget I'm also a werewolf, and you have that evil smirk in your face"

I rolled my eyes at him.

We both rushed downstairs. I can feel myself getting excited again, what's wrong with my body. What's this smell, it's fucking intoxicating chocolate mixed with mint and forest smell. I looked at Jackson he was already looking at me and smiled at me.

One thing I'm sure that it's not coming from him. I heard footstep coming towards the living room. Oh shit, Alpha jeongguk or his beta is my mate. Oh god, why would I end up with a monster? Two men entered our living room. The smell hit my nostrils, I'm getting goosebumps because of the smell.

'MATE' Scar shouted at me.

I look at both of them one had blues eyes and blond hair, he looks like a Beta as his aura isn't strong compared to the other one. That's when I realised the man beside him is looking like he is searching for my soul. I feel myself get weak under his stare. He is fucking handsome, he's looking like a Greek god. He had forest green eyes who is looking straight at me.

'MATE' He whispered. I smiled at him. I can see his muscular chest through his tight shirt. His biceps looks like omfg. I want to run my hand through his dark hair.

"STOP EYE RAPING ME"He yelled at me.

I'm Embarrassed, he caught me staring at him for so long, I can feel myself getting hot under his eyes. I know my face would look like a tomato right now.

Then I realised it's only me and him here, everyone already left. Why the hell I'm getting both excited and nervous at the same time.

'Scar we got a handsome hunk as mate'.

He didn't reply to me. Strangely, he was always excited to meet our mate. Now he's dead silent. Something is wrong.

He comes closer to me.

"What's your name"

He asked me looking at my eyes. I smiled at him. My breath hitched when he grabbed my hand pulled me closer to him. Butterfly flooded in my stomach because of our closeness.

"Jimin, park jimin"

His eyes scanned me head to toe then he looked directly at my eyes.


I looked at him thinking he was joking. His eyes didn't hold any emotion. From the look on his eyes, I understood that he wasn't joking. Then he left without any explanation. I felt something wet on my face, I was already crying for him. It's hurting more because he didn't have any guilt or regret in his eyes. So everything was right about him. He is a monster, he doesn't care about anyone even his mate. I ran to my room and locked it. I was crying, how can he reject his mate, I was his other half.

Someone knocked at my door.

"Jimin, the ceremony is going to start. Yoongi is waiting for you."

"I'm coming, mom"

I was going to wash my face when I looked at my face, my makeup was ruined, tears were all around the face. The boy looking back at me is not me. He is looking like a weak fragile boy, I was strong, Hmm was right?Now I'm broken. That monster broke me. I wish I had a mate who loves me and care about my feelings. This is my fate and I have to accept that. It's not easy but I will try. I won't allow him to hurt me anymore.

When I reached, the ceremony was already started. Everyone was looking at me with pity even his beta. I don't want anyone's pity. Jhope came to me and hugged me tightly I needed that.

"Everything is going to be alright"jhope comforted me.

I know it's just a piece of comfort nothing is going to be okay either I could be a broken boy or cold-hearted I chose the second I don't want to feel anything toward the person who hurt me. He doesn't deserve my feelings.

"Prince, come here" Dad called me. He hugged me.

Yoongi stared at me, he is not a person who comfort others. I know that he wants to beat the shit out of jeongguk.

My focus wasn't on the ceremony I was looking at the person who rejected me. He didn't even spare me a single glance. It's like he doesn't even care about my existence. A single tear escaped my eyes. How can a person be this heartless? Yes, I'm the boy who rejected by his  mate at their first encounter. He didn't give me any explanation, he thinks I'm not worth enough for his explanation. That cold headed bastard I'm gonna show him no one mess with my feeling I will give something to him before he gets back to his pack tomorrow. The plan started to form in my head.

'Jimin, don't do anything stupid' Scar growled at me.

'Oh, now you wanna talk to me'

He gave me another silent treatment.

'You already knew he would reject us, that's why you weren't excited to meet him. right scar?'

He didn't give me any reply his silence gave me the answer. I didn't press anything further as for wolf it's hurt more.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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