NovelToon NovelToon


chapter 1..

A blond guy is running here n there from the moment he woke up, the thing is they are going shift to a new house/apartment,"wht are u doing plss it's very important to me don't Break it" next moment he see the worker is carelessly carrying the thing even after the soft plead, but now the double Bunny mode active, when blond guy notice the carelessness he shout,"Mr it's my fvt dinner set I'll skin u alive if u break any piece",the workers got scared n immediately call someone to help him so that he don't break anything.

Mrs Jeon went towards his son put her hand on his shoulder give him glass of water n ask," why so hyper baby, see we all are here to help, nothing gonna happen drink this n cool down, take some rest too, u r running from the morning n workers are here they will do it themselves u don't have to worry about anything, come with me",she make him sit on the couch put his head on her lap n started caressing his hair softly.

Suddenly they hear loud thud, blond guy's heart come into his mouth when he hear it, he immediately rush towards the voice n see the truck is moving only, he sigh in releif he thought they break something. He again stand there to see if everyone is working normal or they r doing carelessly. They were indeed not serious but when they notice the blond guy they immediately start working like there's no tomorrow.

When everything got load inside the truck blond move inside the house n see his appa n husband talking about something he went towards them n sit beside his eomma.

"Jungkook n mingyu, see we know your marriage was kinda early but still now that u guys are married so make sure to always understand each other."jk n mingyu nod their head, jk's appa move towards jk's side n continue,"Jungkook, i know you are smart enough to handle any problem but now u have your husband in your life so make sure to share everything with him, and mingyu, we don't know you properly but as you both are married i don't want to hear any complaints in future...take him with you...good luck for ur new life", with that Mr Jeon left from there without meeting his son who's crying while watching his father talking coldly as if he is a stranger...

Mrs Jeon move towards mingyu...."mingyu I know this marriage was rush but please take care of my son...I know he is bit childish sometimes...but please"...."no no Mrs Jeon you don't have to he is my responsibility"....mingyu said bowing his head...

Mrs Jeon now stand infront of her crying son....she cup his face with her hands and said..."jungkook you are a husband now... don't act childish...take care of your husband...I don't want hear any complaint"...

jungkook is crying hard but no-one is minding him..."mom I I didn't do anything.. please tell was misunderstanding"...

"it's ok what's done is done jungkook you can't change have to accept already disappoint your appa i don't want you to disappoint him more... for my sake or for our reputation you have to give this marriage a chance...give your husband what a husband need or deserve I don't want to hear anything more about go with him"....Mrs Jeon sternly said...

when jungkook heard the word "disappointment " his mind froze...he don't believe his appa thinks he is a disappointment...on top of that he is hearing it from his own can they think like that....didn't they loved him unconditionally and always call him his their what happened...he came out of his thoughts when he felt his eomma nudge him to move....

They parted their way, Mr Jeon, who was standing in the balcony watching everything with blank face...order their driver to drive the new couple to their new apartment. Mrs Jeon hug jungkook once more time... kiss on his forehead n they sit inside the car and drove off.

Well jungkook n mingyu got married, it's been 3 months to their marriage n they r in jungkook's parents house but they r moving from here.

On the other hand there's lots of Chaos inside the college building everyone is watching the scene with scared face, a tall looking man is beating the shit out of a Buffy guy who is known as bully, everyone is murmuring to eo, "who even woke the sleeping devil now, no one can stop him". It's very rare to see him fighting with someone,cus he is very calm person who don't like to even talk to anyone so it's very rare to see the devil inside him awake but whenever it happens it's looks so scary and traumatized.

The bell rings n everyone started running from the scene to their respective class. The Devil aka 'Kim Taehyung' with last punch leave the guy on floor, take out the lollipop from his pocket n left from there. There's no one who has guts to stop him or ask him the reason about fighting. Cus he is name as devil for a reason duh.

Let's start with some basic information about the main characters.

Jeon/Kim jungkook : 25 y/o(online dance teacher,likes cooking it's his hobby, wants to do something related to cooking) married to Kim Mingyu from 3 months. Who is 26y/o(college professor).

Kim Taehyung : 20 y/o (college student known as devil aka badboy, everyone afraid of him, cus of his deadly eyes)

Their personalities:

Jk is a mature, bold, sassy, straight forward, and loyal person, thinks too much.

Mingyu is lil selfish, loyal, obsessed over jk's beauty, always scold him to wear baggy clothes. He has a habit to own things n that's wht he thinks about jk that he owns him cus jk's his husband.

Taehyung is silent, calm, bt very agressive guy. He don't likes someone bothering him or next second u will see hell. He don't like relationships n all, always stays alone cus he thinks love is waste of time but has habit 'if I want it I get it'......

Let's see how the badboy meet the married couple n how the story begins into obsession, let's find out who is obsessed with whom.......

To be continued........


Pics credit goes to the real owner.

Sorry for any mistakes...


Mingyu and jk reached to their new apartment. Jk get out from the car while mingyu went to get out their luggage from the car trunk. After some mins the loaded truck also reached there n workers started unloading the furniture.

         (Jk mingyu new apartment/house)

Jk was observing the house it looks very small but cosy.

"Kook", mingyu call jk who was watching the workers unloading the furniture,"yes", "I'm going to inform the secretary about our arrival ok, don't go anywhere not even inside hm, I'll be back in 5mins", jk nod his head n sit beside the car on a chair....

The neighbours notice someone's moving in the neighborhood. They got curious about who is the new couple. Some of them try to befriending him to which jk politely greet them, but didn't said anything else n they went away dissepointed. He isn't being rude or something he is just introvert who don't like to talk to new faces. He glance at his surroundings to see people are gawking at him. He just shake his head,it's like everyday thing to him,the hawk eyes. Cus he knows he is pretty n he proud of himself.

Meanwhile tae came back from the college n already his mood was sour from the incident now the loud voices of truck unloading is making it worse. He notice someone is shifting beside his apartment but he didn't give much attention just glare at the blond guy who's back facing him. N just went away from there. He isn't in the mood to another fight.

                 (Tae's house/apartment)

Mingyu came back after 5-10 mins n he n jk started help the workers too. It's evening time now, so jk thought they should send the workers back. they are working from the morning n there's not much left only small things so they thought they will move these things tomorrow. Workers said goodbye to them n went away.

Just like that jk n mingyu is also very tired from the morning they thought they should rest now. And jk don't even have energy to cook. He order the food online n went to sit on the couch beside his husband who is also looking very tired. They rest for a while n then bell rings mingyu get up, open the door n receive the food. They put food on the table n started eating from the boxes. After finishing their dinner they went to sleep jk went inside the room while mingyu slept on the couch.

The thing is jk isn't ready for anything yet. Cus they just got married n they don't know anything about each other but still he do all the things which his husband demands or needs but not related to physical or sexual. Mingyu too understand his husband's condition so he agreed with him. That's the reason they don't sleep in the same room.

Meanwhile :

Tae enter his apartment n throw himself on the sofa. He don't have anything to do just him, music n his lonely apartment. He decide to washup n order food like usual but sometimes he crave for the home cooked food. He basically lives alone but sometimes his hyungs come there to party or something he isn't a party person but he let them cus he is only close to them. Only they understand him only not even his family. He isn't close to anyone only his three hyungs.

He get up n went towards his bedroom, he notice the light is coming from balcony he don't like to poke his nose in someone's business but he just couldn't control himself to see who's shifting there, are they good people or not. but when he reached near the window the lights went off. He shake his head n went inside the bathroom to take a long relaxing bath..

After coming from the bathroom he didn't bother to cover himself, he is just alone so what's the need, he just dry his hair took his phone n order his food. Until his food comes he started scrolling through his phone, he don't know who put him in the college gossip gc but if he is already there then why not timepass he see he is all over the gc everyone is posting about him, he knows they don't have guts to say or open their mouth infront him. Anyways, After sometime he got the notification of his food n took it infront his door. Cus he don't like anyone to enter his home....

His eyes again went towards the door of his neighbours. Now he also wants to know who is shifting here beside him n they dare to keep the things infront of his door, don't they know about him. He tried to see if he can see who's there bt he can't see anyone. He scoff n went inside, close the door, sit on the sofa n started chew his food while watching some random videos on YouTube. just like that he went towards his room n sleep.

To be continued.........


Pics credit goes to the real owner ✌️

Ik it's kinda boring, but from next chapter it will be interesting 😁 just bare with me 😅


It's 7am in the morning when jk wake up from his sleep due to door bell ringing. He get up from the bed, didn't even wash his face he move towards the main door to see who's there early in the morning, cus he remember they don't even have friends, nor their parents will come at this hour then who's the intruder. He open the door with half closed eyes n asked the person,"yes",the guy infront him bow n said,"sir I got to know you shift here yesterday n I'm here to deliver the milk, if u want i can deliver it here too just like other houses". Jk didn't knew about this thing it's new to him so he just nod his head to the approval for daily milk delivery.

Jk went inside to bring the pot for milk. Until then the delivery guy went towards tae's apartment n ring the bell multiple times. Soon after tae came with his regular milk pot n stand outside the door. But he notice the guy isn't there anymore he glance at his left n right to see the guy is delevering in the new neighbour house, he was going to shout at him but his breath hitch, eyes become wide like soccer.

(imagine jk in blonde hair)

He can't believe on his eyes, the blond guy infront of is the definition of beauty. The most beautiful man he has ever seen in his life,his doe like eyes, button nose,his body is like hour glass,he can see his thick thighs through the shorts,his milky skin,the tattoo peeking through his sweatshirt. Tae is staring at him, literally drooling over the blond guy.

Jk feel someone's eyes on him, he glance at the person,his doe eyes met with the sharp tiger like eyes of the guy,who wet his lips n he felt his heart beat fast after watching the half naked guy who is staring at him like he is the last person on earth. He immediately close the door with loud thud n went inside. His cheeks, neck, ears turn pink due to sudden heat coming into his body after watching the hot guy, he just shake his head n went towards the fridge.

Meanwhile tae is still standing there like a statue, he can't believe wht he just saw, he is desperate to see the beauty more but he knows nothing about him, when the delivery guy came infront of him, he narrow his eyes, n asked in his cold ice voice,"who's he",the delivery guy got startled, when he heard the cold voice,it's first time he is hearing him talking, with shaky voice he answered,"they shift here yesterday, idk anything about them just this only,"tae nod his head but,"they, what do u mean they, isn't he alone","ah no no sir he shifted here with his husband i guess". The guy bow to him n run away.

Tae felt anger in his veins, his jaw tighten,he went inside,n mumble to himself, "how can that be possible... How can a beauty like him be someone else's, no this ain't true, first time something caught my eyes... I want him,I want him at any cost,IDC who's his husband is,that beauty only belongs to me,only me,I'll make sure about that".

he started behaving like a psycho, it's his habit if he keep his eyes on something he get it by hook or crook,n he happen to see the blond guy whom he wants under him at any cost. It's very rare to see his this side, that's the reason he lives alone cus he has Obsession problem.if his eyes caught something beautiful he get obsessed with that, now when he see the beauty he wants him at any cost n no-one can stop him.

On the other side, mingyu is getting ready for his first day at college as a professor. He put his coat on n went towards the dinning table where jk is already placing his breakfast he wish him good morning n sit on his place to eat. Mingyu done n said, "I'm going now, do u have any online class today", "no i don't have any classes today" jk replied coldly, "then can u go n buy grocery by yourself mybe I'll come late, u know it's my first day" , "ok don't worry I'll" , mingyu wash his hand and make his way towards the bus stop...

(currently they don't have a car)...

Meanwhile tae is standing on his balcony watching the couple, when he see the other guy and his blondy talking about something which make his blood boil at the sight on top of that his pretty is smiling at the guy. He immediately run outside his apartment to see who's his pretty's husband. But he couldn't find him. He glance at his phone n remember it's his college time but he don't want to go anywhere, he just want to see the pretty guy from closer. He glance at blond guy's door last time n went inside his apartment.

He is sitting there, thinking about a plan how to approach them... Without looking sus... How to get closer to the blond guy, he wants to see him, touch him, kiss him, feel him n want to do everything with him. But he don't know anything about him. First he have to know the couple better n should try to befriending them but the problem is he don't know how to approach anyone, how to talk to someone normally without scaring them. He was sitting on his bed while eyes fixed on the blondy's room window which is open to his luck....

He went towards his balcony window n sit there n hide himself behind the curtain, while watching the blond guy taking selfies on his mobile phone with a pout. He so want to eat n chew those thin lips till they get swollen. But for that he has to make a plan.

it's first time he is behaving like this... He never felt this way ever.... So you can imagine his desire to get his pretty blondy..

To be continued.........

Pics credit to the real owner ✌️.

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