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pitiful state

In a heavy thunderstorm
where rain pours heavily
lighting strike takes place constantly
Thunderstorm sounds pound the eardrum
People are gathered in a valley, where a woman corpus lying with body full of scratches, wounds, blood .
I know she is a freaking slut. See how she ended up.
what a shame she is. *TSK* I never know even somebody can be like this.
* hump * let's get out of here. Some media people are here.
reporter 1
reporter 1
here. We can see that, somebody brutally murdered this woman. Police are still investigating The crime scene. the whereabouts of the woman is still unknown.
so much rumours
so much gossip
not new. people are always interested in these things.
some feel pity
some feel sorry
some feel pathetic
some feel that they got a topic to gossip for a period of time.
a small figure pushes everyone in her way and rushes towards the lying Corpus.
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
Mama!!!!!! *screaming *

sad thing

Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
Mama!!!!*screaming *
the little girl rushes towards the lying Corpus and hugs it
a police officer drags her from the corpus and yells at her
Police officer
Police officer
BAH! Go away !!
Police officer
Police officer
don't let anyone go near the corpus * orders
there was so much rush
she still run towards the lying Corpus
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
It's my .. *HIC* .please 😭😭😭
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
a well former military general figure in his old age speaks
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
she is my grand daughter
Police officer
Police officer
*bows* // looks at the corpus and him //
Police officer
Police officer
so... she is your-
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
yes . she is my daughter and her mother *looks at meena*
reporter 1
reporter 1
here we come to know that the unkown dead body is the former member of military general's daughter whose name is lara.
I already know that only she can be like this after f***ing up with men .
hah! how shameless !! even though she married a rich man like Max she still so gross like this ew.... *disgusted *
reporter 2
reporter 2
//moves to Micheal // sir. Is it true that your daughter is indulged in affairs like the people say? Do you know anything about this?
reporter 3
reporter 3
It is said that miss Lara once had a affair in a hotel and got caught by her husband, so her husband dumped her ? Is it true sir ?
is it true that she cheated on her husband to sleep with other men ?
On hear this kind of things people say about her mother, "no" a low voice escaped from the little girl's mouth.
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
no. my mom isn't someone like that. She is….she is.. An angel. 😢😢
Police officer
Police officer
COPS! ! Clear this place. As per order no one else is allowed to enter here. Roger that .
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
*signed *😧. I. DAU. .daughter . Why…why? You… I'm sorry. . Your dad ain't capable of protecting you from him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Very....sorry . 😢 * holding back tears *
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
ma….ma.. Wake up … MA! ! *shakes her body * please don't leave me… Like this … I want you ma... 😢😢
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
Grandpa. … Ma…mama…. is no ..more... *HIC*
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
She suddenly hugs her grandpa.
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
WHA...AHA!.. !! 😭😭😭😭


it's not easy to clear the rumours which spreads like wild fire within seconds.
Nasty things like rumours aren't easy to clear.
Even if it was cleared, The people will add fuel to the burning fire to warm themselves up to enjoy in the miserable state of a person.
And they pretend to worry . just a wolf in sheep's cloth.
while the commotion continues.
The little figure refuses to let go of her mother's dead corpus .
Meena Emerson~fl~
Meena Emerson~fl~
No.. I DON'T WANT TO GO! !!! MOM! !MOM! !! 😭😭😭
Police officer
Police officer
sir. *Looks at Michael * we need to cover up the scene here so, could you please move away from the body.
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
he carries the little Meena with him and moves out of the scene
The crime scene was cleared
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
Report *orders*
Police officer
Police officer
sir. The victim was ruthlessly murdered. Her body was sound with whips lashes and wounds. It seems like she has been tortured for many days.
He trembles and panicks,On hearing this kind of things that her daughter has gone through those days. Eyes getting moist but still holds back.
He blames himself for not being able to protect his princess, his precious daughter.
He hates himself.
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
What...what...about the... medical report? *sniff* //trembles but still stands firm//
Seems like they used drug on her to stop escaping. The victim has been starved to death and there is dehydration.
The mental state of the victim is worsened
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
* The body seems with a lot of sweat and water content. How could dehydration occur like this ? *
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
are you sure it is dehydration? Or are you hiding something ? *😐😐
No sir, no. I….I.. Did hide anything from you. 😓😓 I… Just …said what's in the ...examine report.
There is nothing to hide. 😓😓* trembles *
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
You two may go.
Police officer
Police officer
I will take my leave Sir. * bows *
//bows// * Finally escaped *
Micheal noticed the something strange with the doctor but decided to deal it with later. cause he can't accept that the fact that her beloved daughter is gone forever.
Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson
*My princess... come...all this... happened ? * // breaks into tears // 😢😢😭😭😭

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