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Destined Hearts


In Spain
The morning sun was filtering through the curtains
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(sitting in his room)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(scrolling through his e-mails)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(eyes widen)
His heart raced when he spotted a message from the company of his dreams – he'd been accepted
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(smiles excitedly)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
I can achieve my dream
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
After working here, I'll gain enough experience to start my own business
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(excited) I need to tell Papa about this
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(rushes downstairs)
But as he reached the bottom step, his smile faltered.
His whole family was gathered in the living room: his mom, Jonathan, his dad, Alaric, and even his uncles Benjamin and Liam.
But something was off.
His mom was engaged in a heated argument with his grandpa, Michael.
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
No Dad
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
I won't let you do this
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
I'm not letting my son go through what I did
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
(voice trembles)
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
He's not getting married
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(eyes widen)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
Michael watched Jonathan with pleading eyes, his voice gentle yet persuasive.
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
Jonathan, please consider this carefully.
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
It's a good alliance, not just for Everett but for both our companies.
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
It could benefit us all in the long run.
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
(clenches his jaw tightly)
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
I won't sacrifice my son's happiness for the sake of business, Dad
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
Not again
Meanwhile, Alaric shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his silence speaking volumes.
Though he shared the same sentiments, the weight of the decision hung heavily on his shoulders.
He glanced at Michael, his expression unreadable, before turning his gaze back to Jonathan.
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Jonathan is right
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
This isn't the right path for Everett.
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
We need to prioritize his well-being above all else
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
(shoulders sagged in defeat, his disappointment evident)
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
But it's for his well-being too
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
he'll be safe there
As Grandpa Michael continued his plea, Jonathan's patience wore thin
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
No! My son won't marry that Mafia guy!
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
He's not good for my son
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(eyes widen)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
*M...Mafia ?*


Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
Everett's heart raced at the revelation, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of his mother's words
Mafia? Marriage? It was all too much to process.
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(Feeling numb with shock)
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(stumbled downstairs, each step heavier than the last)
As he entered the room, the conversations ceased abruptly, every eye turning to him
The weight of their collective gaze bore down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.
Everett felt a lump form in his throat as he searched for words, his mind spinning with a whirlwind of emotions.
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
What's going on ?
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(voice barely a whisper)
But even as the question hung in the air, Everett feared he already knew the answer.
As the tension in the room thickened, Grandpa Michael took a deep breath, his gaze locking with Everett's.
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
Everett, there's something you need to know
Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
The Whitlocks, the Mafia family from Russia has asked for your hand in marriage.
Everett Riordan
Everett Riordan
(eyes widened in disbelief)
His mind struggling to process the magnitude of what he had just heard.
The Mafia? Marriage? It felt like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from.


Before anyone could respond, Alaric's voice thundered through the room, his anger palpable.
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
I ain't going to sell my son for business
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
(clenches his fist)
Just then, the door swung open
Alaric's parents, Adrianna and Victor, entered the room.
Sensing the tension, they exchanged concerned glances before Adrianna spoke up
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
what's going on here ??
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Actually .....
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
(tells her everything)
After a moment's consideration, Adrianna looked at Alaric, her expression serious.
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
Alaric, I know it's a difficult decision
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
But perhaps we should consider accepting the offer
Jonathan Riordan
Jonathan Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Alaric Rhys Riordan
Mom .. What are you saying ?
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
I'm not forcing you
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
And of course, at the end of the day, it will be Everett's decision
Adrianna Callen
Adrianna Callen
But this alliance could do great things for the company, especially in these hard times
The room fell silent as everyone processed Adrianna's words, the weight of her suggestion hanging heavily in the air.
Shocked expressions filled the faces of those gathered, each grappling with the impossible choice before them.

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