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System: Villains Fall For Me

Start the game, Master

Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*opened her eyes and sees that she is in a simulation
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Welcome, Master!
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
This is the first AI simulation game!
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
And I am your system guide, Kumo!
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
I will help you throughout this game!
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(what the hell am I doing here?)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(what game?)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Do you want to start, Master?
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL) there no way out of
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Unfortunately not
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
This simulation isn't fully developed, that is why there is no option to escape
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
However, if you complete this game, you will be able to get back to reality
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
But if you fail in the game, you have to start over
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(this is the last thing I want right now)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
So, do you want to start?
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
A tab appeared where it asks for the player's name
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Type in your name, Master!
She stood there silently...confusion and shock spreading her face
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo approached her and nudged her
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Master, please input your name
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I don't know my name
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I don't remember anything
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
What is that on your wrist, Master?
She quickly looked at her wrists and noticed that there was a QR Code on her left wrist
above the QR code, there was also a word there
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
That must be my name then
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
*nodded enthusiastically
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Great! Type in your name to start, Master!
Michelle tapped on the tab and the keyboard appeared
There, she typed "Michelle"
As she pressed "Enter", she was automatically transferred into her first game

Introduction to the round

Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*entered the 1st game
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*finds herself in a rather historical setting
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
welcome to the first round!
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
And our mission is to make the villain fall in love with you!
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I thought it was an action game
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Or sth like tic tac toe
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
No, Master
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
in each round, you have to make Villains fall in love with you
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
And with each round, it gets harder to win his favour
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I see...
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Do you want more information on our current round?
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Yes, please
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
*smiled with enthusiasm
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
You are the heiress to the throne!
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
You are one of the beloved daughters of the royal family
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
The royal family has 2 daughters, by the way and you are the eldest
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
You are 21 years old
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Starting good
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
And who is the villain?
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
He is the Grand Duke General of the royal army
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Everyone fears him
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
And he is planning to end your royal dynasty
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
How will he end the dynasty?
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
He is going to kill you all
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*planning her funeral
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(how the hell am I going to get myself out of death 👁️👄👁️)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
His name is Nicholas, by the way
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle frowned when Kumo said "Nicholas"
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Master, are you alright?
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Did you say he was Nicholas?
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Yes, Master
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I feel like I have heard his name before
Somewhere...outside of this AI simulation...
There was a woman sitting on a chair with cables and tubes attached to her body
More of them were attached to her head
And there was a man who was sitting by her side and pleading her to come back to reality
What have you done?
Was erasing your memory more important than me?
Michelle, I beg you...
Please come back

Heiress × Grand Duke General

When Michelle was talking with Kumo
She suddenly heard the whining of the horses and the clashing sound of their hooves
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Kumo, is there...a war going on right now?
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
No. Just a regular hunting season
Army Man
Army Man
Duke General, I see a figure there
the General didn't say anything and rode on his horse to see who it was in the middle of the forest
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
the villain is coming!
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(... let's see who he is)
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
*saw Michelle and stopped his horse right away
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Your Highness
Nicholas stepped down from his horse and bowed to her
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*not used to such title but tried to act like normal
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
you may stand up
Nicholas stood there, avoiding her eye contact
(no one was allowed to look at the royals in the eyes)
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Your Highness, I am sorry if I offend you in any way...
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
But I wanted to know what you are doing here...
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
All alone
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
In the middle of the forest
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I...I was just looking around
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Did you get lost, Your Highness?
Army Man
Army Man
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I think I did
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas nodded and turned to his men
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
The hunt is over for now
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
We will continue at a later date
His troop obeyed his order and they all rode off on the horse
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Your Highness, your father might be concerned if you don't get back home soon
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Let me escort you there, if you allow me
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(such formal tone)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
(is he really the villain? He is so polite)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
I am grateful for your help, General
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas helped her up the horse while he stayed on the ground, leading the horse by its bridle
Everything was silent between them as they passed the forest...
Not a single sound except the frogs and mosquitoes
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Master, you are so poor at this game
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
*getting scolded by a cat
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Start a conversation with him!
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
What about?
(note: no one sees Kumo and no one hears the conversation between Michelle and Kumo)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
what about the royal banquet that is going to be held next week?
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
your father invited all the VIPs
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
Talk about that!
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle nodded in understanding
Kumo (System)
Kumo (System)
*vanished instantly
She glanced at Nicholas who was staring straight ahead, not even paying attention to her
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
General, there is going to be a huge banquet at our palace next week
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Your Highness, I am fully informed of this event
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
That is great
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
So...will you be there?
It took a long time for Nicholas to respond as he gripped the horse's bridle tightly
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
No, I won't take part in the banquet, Your Highness
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
But why?
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
It is a very important banquet and it will be a pity if you don't come
Michelle (FL)
Michelle (FL)
Especially since my father invited you
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
*sighed as he closed his eyes
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
Your Highness, that is the problem
Nicholas (ML)
Nicholas (ML)
I wasn't invited to the banquet

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