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Twisted Marriage

No choice

Regulus walked down the cold corridors of his mansion as the cold breeze kissed his fair skin and dried off his tears as they rolled down his cheeks....He walked aimlessly and cried as he heard the maids gossiping about him as he passed through them....Well, of course it was a huge thing to gossip about for the house maids have never seen their sweet and calm young master cry as if he had heard his death sentence....The maids knew their young master to be someone who was very careful of his public image and never let anyone spill a bad word about him....but Regulus did not care about such things anymore...."Why do those things matter anymore???I will not stay here to hear their gossips anyway"-he thought to himself and continued crying through his beautiful green jewel-like eyes......

Well, anybody would have cried if they heard their own father tell them to marry their enemy for their brother .....That's right, almost half an hour ago Regulus' alpha father, Iason Valentine, had requested him to marry the eldest son of the Anderson family, Kallinikos Anderson as the Aulandonians have captured their brother and kept him as a hostage since the last war between Corvalon and Aulando two days ago and have refused to release him under any circumstances unless the Valentine family marries off their youngest son to their crown prince, Kallinikos Anderson....Although his omega father, Remiel, objected to such a harsh request and had told his alpha father that Regulus should never accept such a cruel request, with a cold tone his alpha father replied-"It's not a request, it's an order! I have already sent the letter and the marriage is after three days so both of would better prepare yourselves instead of crying!".......

"Why can't you just send some more armies to fight them????Why does it has to be Regulus facing the consequences of this War??? Do you want to loose both of your sons now???"----said Remeil angrily

"I have no choice!!!They have already captured a lot of our's no doubt that if I send some more it will make no difference"---said Iason

Remeil replied-" How do you know that it will make no difference if.."

interrupting Remeil, Regulus said----"I will do the marriage!"

Regulus entered his room and lied down on his bed and looked outside the window into the cloudy skies, leafless trees and the birds which were shivering in cold....everything was as lifeless as he was......."It's hot in Aulando"- he thought to himself...."I guess I will not get to wear the sweaters mother knitted for me anymore....."

"Oh you have arrived young master !" - Regulus' manservant, Asher....."Gosh!!! This room has been filled with all your pheromones.....Even a beta like me can sense it.......Why are you crying young master??? Did something bad happen???"

"Yes"-replied Regulus

"Is it even worse than your heat???"- asked Asher

"No"---replied Regulus with a little smile on his face

"OH! Then you can take your time and tell me the whole story....I am all ears" ----said Asher anxiously.....


"Mr. Kallinikos Anderson, do you take, Mr. Regulus Valentine as your wife, to have

and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?"---said the priest

"I do."---replied Kallinikos with a very rude tone

"Mr. Regulus Valentine, do you take, Mr. Regulus Valentine as your husband, to have

and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?"---said the priest

But there was no reply from Regulus ….he couldn't believe himself that he was getting

married to the man he had seen in his dream which was not not a sweet one but

rather a deadly one…..

Regulus had dreamt last night that a white-haired man with red eyes was holding a sword in front of him and was ready to cut off his throat while he was on knees bowing his

head ready to die as if he knew there was no escape………….Since childhood Regulus

could predict the future…everyone knew of it …..he could even say the gender of

the baby that was to be born and there was not a single time when he was wrong…..but his dreams were limited to others only….he could never dream about his future or about himself….Perhaps that was the reason for this unpredicted marriage….It was the first time in his life that he had seen himself in his


And now that he had never seen Kallinikos Anderson with his own eyes, seeing Kallinikos for the

first time, he remembered his deadly dream again and was sure Kallinikos was

the one with the sword ready to kill him in his dream…..

"Uff!!! What in the world is this guy thinking??? Does he want to kill us all???"---said Kinsley, Regulus' elder brother sitting in the hall

"Mr. Regulus?..........Mr. Regulus?.....Mr. Regulus?"----said the priest

"Ah! Yes?"----replied Regulus finally

"Do you take, Mr. Kallinikos Anderson as your husband, to have and to hold from this

day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you apart?"---said the priest again

"Yes,....I... I do!"---replied Regulus reluctantly.

"You two may exchange the rings now!"----said the priest

"Of course! I have been waiting very patiently for this moment!"----said Kallinikos and fitted the ring into Regulus' thin and tender finger……

Regulus also did the same….

"Now you two may kiss each other!"----said the priest

Kallinikos smirked and said "Do I look like I am dying to kiss this frail omega over here? I, as an Aulandonian would never kiss a Corvalonian!....Evan, get ready to set off to Aulando….I don't want to stay here anymore!!!"and walked down the aisle leaving behind Regulus….

"What an audacity!!!"---said Remiel angrily

Everyone in the hall started chattering with a sigh of relief as if a great storm had passed thorough them…

"Sir, His Highness had asked me to pack all your belongings into the car… it will be great if you could say where your packages are…"----said Evans,

Kallinikos' butler, nervously….

"I will show you the way…come with me…."said Asher

"Dear, don't worry too much… can come here as soon as they mistreat you or you don't like it there anymore!"---said Remeil approaching Regulus with a warm smile on his face but there was no reply from Regulus…..he thought---"How can I come back myself when I am dead?"

Oh look that's your brother! Come on lets go and greet him before you leave!"---said Remeil

"I am really sorry brother for you have to sacrifice so much just because of me….Don't worry, I will try to take you back from them! You know I always worry for you"----said Kinsley, Regulus' elder brother

"I know…"---said Regulus knowing his cruel and heartless brother did not mean a single thing….

After about half an hour Regulus left his homeland with the person soon to be his murderer……"I think it is my fate…"----Regulus thought to himself as he looked out of the carriage window into the blue sky sitting beside his husband......

In the Aulando Empire

As soon as their carriage crossed the borders of Aulando, Regulus noticed that there were lines of soldiers ready to welcome their King Kallinikos and as they moved further there were shouts of people saying-"LONG LIVE THE GREAT SUN OF OUR EMPIRE!".....The people included everyone from the children to the old ones....They all smiled and praised their King as the carriage passed through them.....Regulus peeked at Kallinikos to see his expression but to his disappointment, he had the same cold and serious face as he had at the start of their journey or since the time Regulus had first seen him......Kallinikos was looking out of the window at his countrymen with his expressionless face.....

The carriage finally reached the castle....the new home of Regulus.......As Regulus stepped out of the carriage, he saw loads of servants and soldiers standing to greet them or rather their King since they all seemed to ignore Regulus and gave him a cold stare instead of any greeting......."There you are Kalli!"---said a voice from among the crowd and a handsome young man, a little dark skinned and almost six feet tall came running towards them......"I am sorry for I couldn't greet you as soon as you arrived Kalli!!! I was busy preparing the interiors and other stuffs you know..."---he said to Kallinikos while panting......"It's okay Udell!!! I understand...."----said Kallinikos and headed inside the castle.....Regulus stood there amazed and clueless.....

Udell looked at Regulus and said---"So you are the great young master of the Valentine family who can predict the future????"

Regulus, got a little embarrssed and flustered and said---"It's not like that.... I can only predict small future events..."

Without paying any heed to Regulus' words Udell kept on examining Regulus and said----"So it's true that all Corvalonians are fair skinned ....Gosh!!! Even your eyecolour is so unique....It's my first time seeing green coloured eyes!!!"

Regulus had nothing to say to these statements....and they were nothing new to him as had been hearing them since he was a child.....The only thing that concerned him was how much longer would he have to stand outside in that extremely hot and scorching weather to which his body was very unfamiliar...... he had never been to such a hot country......

"Oh!!! I almost forgot to introduce myself....I am Udell Adam....I am the assistant as well as a friend of Kalli!!!"----said Udell

"Oh! Nice to meet you....I am Regulus Valentine, the second son of the Valentine family!"----said Regulus and bowed to Udell

"Pfft!"---Udell chuckled a little and said----"I don't think that should be your description anymore!"

Regulus got a little confused....upon realizing his mistake in a moment, he said----"Oh! I am very sorry!....It's my first time getting married so...."

"Haha!!!! It seems you are really nervous.....You don't need to worry about it long as you don't say that to anyone else!....Come, let me introduce you to everyone in this house...."----said Udell and headed inside the castle

Regulus was finally relieved now that he could enter the castle and would not have to stand in the sun anymore....

"Look! This is Sarah...She is the head maid in this house....If you ever need anything you need to tell her......This is Lylia.............."-----One by one Udell introduced everyone in the house and Regulus listened to Udell with all his ears.....

After about fifteen minutes all the introductions were finally over when Udell said---"Oh! Look at the time...It's almost one o' clock.....Regulus! I have to leave now else Kalli will be very angry....I guess you are very hungry by now so just and don't wait for Kalli!....I have to go now!....I guess we will meet again at the banquet this evening  .....Bye!"...and rushed outside as if some wild dog was chasing him....

Regulus looked at Udell as he ran outside and continued staring outside until the head maid, Sarah scoffed a little and said---"Come with me I will show you to your room..."

Regulus followed Sarah as she went up the tall stairs and walked though the long corridors and upon finally reaching the end of the corridor, he saw they stood in front of a door whose colour couldn't be determined among those thick spider webs.....He thought it must be some sort of store room or that the maid must have taken him the wrong way mistakenly for she looked like she was in her sixties with her grey hair and wrinkles and forgetting things in that age was very common.....Regulus was thinking these things when the maid suddenly spoke up in a cold tone----"From now on this is your room....."

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