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Conflicted Of You

Losing someone dear

"Dad, I'm alone at school again."
Came upon a high toned voice of a child's, yet sincere and calm.
"By that, you mean everyone is avoiding you again?"
Answered the adult man, his voice husky and deep but showed no sign of threat towards his treasures.
In respond, his son nod.
"Then tell me, does it bother you?"
"Not really, I have mom and dad anyway."
His son answered without hesitation, his words righteous and true.
"Then I guess your mother and I will have nothing to worry about."
The dad answered and added;
"Heinz. I've been meaning to ask of you that... do you hate me as your father..?"
"Yeah, I do."
The father immediately felt heartbroken, surprise however with his son's straightforward response.
"I hate having your genes cuz' everyone sees me like a cursed child due to my red hair color that looks like blood and my eyes that makes them think I'm a vampire..."
The father slightly shock, seemingly annoyed as he tried to retort back calmly before his son beat him to it-
"However, the way I look a lot like you doesn't change the fact that I love you as my father. I come to a realization that people's opinion about me doesn't matter because I'm happy that I look like you since it reminds me that we have something in common."
The father froze, before having to look away and tried to clear his thoughts for a while.
"Son, you know this is one thing I hate about you."
He said, slightly proud even if he force himself to look annoyed look.
He then burst out laughing and wrapped his arm around his son onto a tight hug. Heinz as well look stone faced but returns the hug anyway.
*Ambulance noise*
At the center of attention, amidst a cloudy rainy day.
The crowds circling a lifeless man before them; blood splattered all over the road.
A child can only watch the scene hopelessly, letting this memory engraved in their mind and heart.
(8 years passed)

Breakfast scene

*Chirping noises*
6: 40 am
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
mhmn... so good~ (dreaming)
Some pretty young girl was asleep, in the middle of an exquisite dream.
After a few seconds of mumbling in her sleep, the door in her room swung open before her elder brother came onto view.
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Gisselle, wake up.
He said softly with a cold tone while leaning against the door frame.
But since already knowing she won't wake up anyway. Heinz walk towards her bed, grabbing the vase that sat on her desk and take out the flower.
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(Pours the remaining water inside the vase on Gisselle)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
What th- (startled awake)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(Puts down the vase on her desk) Wake up.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Oh god brother! That thing is cold and dirty! (angry)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
So, you didn't replace the flower with a new one when I told you so? (Glare)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
ah... (looks away)
[Dinning room]
The siblings were quietly taking breakfast together while sitting across each other, but-
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
(Chatting on her phone)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(sips his hot drink)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(Still staring)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
(Busy on her phone)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
I'm warning you.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
(Not listening)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(Grabs her phone away)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Hey! (Surprise and angry)
The moment Heinz grabs his sister's phone, his expression silent but a hint of a dangerous fury.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
EAT. (demanded coldly)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Oh gosh brother! Your such a fun pooper!
Without further hesitation, Heinz slams his bare hand on the table, startling his sister to keep her mouth shut.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
(Nervously started eating)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Even though this may leave their relationship to scar, Heinz showed no regret and did his duty as the eldest.
He then put his sister's phone down at the side of his plate on the table, realizing it was still open and took sight of what was in the screen.
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Gisselle, who's this guy name 'Villiasos'?

Finding out

After hearing her brother's question, she dropped her spoon on the table and snatch her phone away.
Seeing her reaction, Heinz immediately knew there was something fishy but he didn't dare push the topic since Gisselle won't tell him anyway.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Oh that~? It's a friend of mine! (Sat back down)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Brother, it's a girl. (smile)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Really? Cause it sounded more like a male's.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Then why ask that question if you knew?! (annoyed)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
To prove whether you'd lie to me or not. And I have that answer. (Serious)
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle looks away before looking back to face her brother, still nervous though.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
So what? your gonna stop me? (arrogant)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
hmm... (calm)
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
And what if?
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
It's none of your business! (yell)
Tension arising at the dinning room, Gisselle clench her first, ready to defend herself at all cost. But what truly annoys her was- how can her brother be so calm?
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
S- say something...
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Like what?
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
Anything! Grab my phone or something and tell me to stop!
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
And I thought you didn't like that.
Gisselle Ravissier
Gisselle Ravissier
When Gisselle could no longer handle it, she storm off the dinning room, setting off to school despite her anger.
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
(Takes out phone)
*Phone ringing*
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Jeremy, please excuse but I have something to ask you.
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Oh god! Seriously?! You called me first, you rarely do that!
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
(clears throat) Ahem, my bad.. but what is it?
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Do you know anyone name 'Villiasos' in your school?
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Ah! I remember him! He once came to our school to fetch someone.
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Fetch? Your saying he isn't a student in your school?
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Or more like he's already an adult, I barely remember his face but he looks young and probably around your age?
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
How do you know all of this?
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
huh? oh! He cause a lot of commotion when he came and now all the girls are eager to know him! hahaha!
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Forget it.
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Geez, at least understand the fleeting experience when you fall in love! This is why your still single, at least put your handsome face to good use!
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
You alone? That way, noone will know where your body disappeared to. (serious)
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
I take it back! spare me!
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Back to topic;
Heinz Ravissier
Heinz Ravissier
Who did he fetch?
Jeremy Allaris
Jeremy Allaris
Um... Gisselle? You didn't knew? They already started dating just a few weeks ago.

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