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Forever In A Heartbeat


The Author.
The Author.
Hi peaches 🧡🧡
The Author.
The Author.
() means translation. 🌷🌷
The Author.
The Author.
Now shall we begin the story? 😋😋
Name - Nitika Parents - Emris and Misha Sibling - Vardan She is the daughter of the saradara of the Zuphiya Tribe. She is the most powerful elf in the region. Let’s see in the story how she unfolds the mystery of her powers.
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Hghghghg! *pain* hhhhgggggg!!!!! *labour pain*
Maid - teictu dloopbim Zonja (push harder Madam)
The elves talk in the language of kipuna. It is the oldest language of this world.
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
o can’t (I can’t) ahhhhhh hnnnnnngggg *clenches the bed sheet.
Maid - uyen daevi we. qaequy oc gevosd enw. teictu dloopbim!! (You have to. Baby is coming out. Push harder!!!!)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Ahhhhhhh *blood crawling cry*
Baby was delivered. The Nanny was looking at the gender.
The baby is crying so loudly.
Maid - ctuoh pnabfn pofoh matra Gaia. *smiles* (she looks like mother Gaia)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
ctuoh *smiles* *hufff* *panting* (she)
Nanny showed her the baby to Misha
Baby Nitika
Baby Nitika
Auwaaa waaaa aahaaa *crying*
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
vuy qaequy *kisses her* (my baby)
As soon as Misha kissed her she stop crying
Nanny then showed Nitika to her father.
Emris (FL’ Father)
Emris (FL’ Father)
*looks at her*
Emris (FL’ Father)
Emris (FL’ Father)
*smiles* o jopr raevoh dim Nitika. (I will name her Nitika)
Emris (FL’ Father)
Emris (FL’ Father)
*kisses her*
Baby Nitika
Baby Nitika
Uwaa aawaa *smiles*
13 years later….
Two girls were running and giggling in the forest.
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
Sitara heir laerfim nis joh jopr qoh paein *panting* (Sitara run faster or we will be late)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Nitika o can’t heir laerf *huff* *huff* (Nitika I can’t run fast)
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
heir laerf joh kol rmag nocaew tpaesi *panting* (run fast we are the near that place)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
eftu *runs fast* (okay)
After few minutes they reached the place.
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Wow *dazed*
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
Isn’t it beautiful? *panting*
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
I have never seen something like this before.
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*hugs Sitara*
Due to higher level of education elves can speak and different languages since every young age including mortal languages.
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
We should go now it is going to be night soon.
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Yeah .
In the entrance of the village.
Both of their mothers were looking for them and they both were angry.
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Misha (FL’s Mother)
Nitika *angry* stnaed jaed uyen ? ilij vaeruy tevohn bnyxn o daevi we inpr uyen rew hwayv aew rohkw. *twist her ears* (Nitika where were you ? How many times I have to tell you not to roam around at night)
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
necouy ma. *looks down* (sorry mother)
Feyre (FL’s aunt)
Feyre (FL’s aunt)
Sitara *looks angry* stnuy jaed uyen hwayvosd loopenrb aew rohkw? ow oc baerrahenn enwosboh stnuy don’t uyen porfohr we voh. (Sitara why were you roaming around at night?It is dangerous outside why don’t you listen to me.)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
necouy ma (sorry mother)
Feyre (FL’s aunt)
Feyre (FL’s aunt)
ow oc baerrahenn enwosboh stnuy don’t uyen porfohr we voh *angry* (let’s go home then I will tell you)
The Author.
The Author.
How did you all like the first episode? 💜💜
The Author.
The Author.
Stay tuned for more ❤️❤️
The Author.
The Author.
And don’t forget to subscribe, like and comment. 💐💐

Let's swap them

The Author.
The Author.
Hi peaches🌸🌸
The Author.
The Author.
Let’s begin the story. 💕💕
Name - Misha. Spouse - Emris Children- Vardan She was the childhood lover of Emris. They both grew up together. When Emris became the Sardara she became his wife.
Next day
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
*standing in-front of the house of Nitika* Nitika come outside we have to go for the practice!!!
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*running* coming!!
They both came to a training ground.
Teenage Zagreus
Teenage Zagreus
*aiming for the bullseye*
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*whispers* lets distract him.
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Okayy *whisper*
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
I will hide behind a tree and you go tell him that I was surrounded by pack of Orthrus (two headed wolves) *whisper*
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
eftu *giggles*
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*hides behind a tree*
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Zagreus *huff* Niti-Nitika jaen neicoenrbar quy taegf el orthrus. *panting* (Nitika was surrounded by pack of Orthrus)
Teenage Zagreus
Teenage Zagreus
*smug face* you both are again making a fool out of me.
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
No I am not. Ctuoh oc or baerrah. joh daevi we naevi dim. *fake concern* (she is in danger. We have to save her)
Teenage Zagreus
Teenage Zagreus
*closes his eyes* *chants the spell*
Due to air magic Nitika was blown to place where both Zagreus and Sitara were.
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*coming with the wind* stnuy edb uyen eicos uyneb vaexog? *disappointed* (why did you use your magic?)
Teenage Zagreus
Teenage Zagreus
uyen qenoc caen’t vaefoh voh a lnabp aexzanr. *laughs* (you both can’t make me a fool)
Teenage Nitika
Teenage Nitika
*stomps her foot* you are a fool.
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
Teenage Sitara (Fl’s Best Friend)
We are smarter than you. *makes pouty face* (we are smarter than you)
Teenage Zagreus
Teenage Zagreus
You both are fools * start laughing*
Like this the trio grew up….
Six years later.
Both of the girls were sitting on the bank of a river.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*looking at her reflection in the river*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
I don’t why I have to wear such extravagant clothes. *clothes*
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Because your family leads the village *making Nitika’s braid*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
This is the braid she maid.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*pouts* come her look at you.
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
o jaerw we jmag nevohnocosd nococ lhsha. *looking at Sitara’s dress* (I want to wear something this free)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
*laughs* Nitika o joctu we jmag uyneb gpenocohn( (I wish to wear your clothes)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*idea struck her* let’s swap them.
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Re *denying* (No)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Tpynottcos Sitara *pleading* (Please Sitara)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Joh jopr rew raw or whenqpoh hohkw ? *biting her lips* (we will not get in trouble right?)
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Re let’s be ow, ow jopr qoh leir *excited* (No let’s do it, it will be fun)
They swapped your clothes.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Jzanw lnis voh daed. O jaerw we cosoh ilij ow lshapn jmagosd nocohcos gpenocohn. *walks away* (wait for me here. I want to see how it feels wearing these clothes)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
Sitara (FL’s best friend)
But- *stress*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Don’t worry I am not going too far. *shouts*
The Author.
The Author.
Hello peaches ones again. 😍😍
The Author.
The Author.
Stay tuned for more. 💖💖
The Author.
The Author.
And don’t forget to subscribe, like and comment 🌷🌷

I am lost

The Author.
The Author.
Hi peaches🌹🌹
The Author.
The Author.
Let’s begin the story.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*sighs* I think I should sit here.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*feet in water* both Zagreus and Sitara know about their elements.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
Sitara has healing elements and Zagreus has air eliment. I wonder what element I have * rests her head on her knees*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*humming a song*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
gmarcos o'm or ae lroypb el baerbohpoernjoctuosd er ohvihuy eroh nocaew uyen'd qoh voroh, vorynottrb o cosoh lgavih or uyneb tusohos lshap eftu stnohr i cosoh you nvopoh, nvopoh ( 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine And I see forever in your eyes I feel okay when I see you smile, smile)
Suddenly she hears some rustling sound in the bushes.
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
who’s nocsvi? (Who’s there?)
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
*comes out of the bush*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
‘Judging by his clothes I guess he is a prince of mortals’
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
‘I guess she can help me’
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
Can you speak English?
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
I am lost
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
‘ So he hasn’t discovered who I am. Thank you Sitara for lending me your dress’
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*pretend not to know English* ohvir ol o sttin ohsdpoctu o wouldn’t daevi wepb uyen
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
‘Even if I knew English I wouldn’t have told you. *internal smirking*’
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
I am looking for Zuphiya people. *clueless*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
‘Oh so pitra(father) invited him for my bhrata (brother) wedding’
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
*acting clueless * o jopr rew inpr uyen
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
*frustrated* it’s of no use I can’t understand your language. I should go .
Arwan (ML)
Arwan (ML)
*looking at her* ‘she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen’ * blushes and leave*
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
‘Why did he look at me like that’
Nitika (FL)
Nitika (FL)
I think I should go now Sitara must be waiting for me.
The Author.
The Author.
Hey peaches 💞💞
The Author.
The Author.
Did you like their first encounter? 😂
The Author.
The Author.
Though stay tuned for more 💚💚
The Author.
The Author.
And don’t forget to subscribe, like and comment 💓💓

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