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After Rebirth I Divorced My Husband

chapter 1

Daisy had been unrequitedly in love with Adam for twelve years. Less than two years after their marriage, she passed away due to brain cancer.

And her cold and aloof husband, Adam, didn't even see her for the last time before her death.

Once she woke up from the dream, Daisy realized that she was just a supporting character in a novel.

The protagonists of the story are none other than her legal husband, Adam, and a woman named Ariana.

She doesn't want to be cannon fodder again.

Daisy decided to let Adam leave and live a good life in the remaining days of her life.

"Let's get a divorce."

Daisy looked at the cold and handsome husband in front of her and suggested without any hesitation.

The next second, Adam's hand that was turning the wedding ring paused slightly, and a wave of emotions finally appeared in his eyes that had always been calm.

"…What did you say?"

chapter 2

"Daisy, we have contacted Adam. He is on the way here and will be here soon. Don't worry."

Daisy liked Lu's mother very much, so it was even more impossible for her to vent her dissatisfaction and grievances towards Adam.

Daisy was too tired to talk, so she just put her hand under her pillow with difficulty, took out an envelope, and handed it to Lu's mother.

"Mom, help me give it to him. I may not have this chance."

Lu's mother looked at the envelope in her hand. The envelope was just an ordinary envelope with the word "twelve" written on it, which was Daisy's handwriting.

Lu's mother pinched the envelope uncomfortably. At this moment, she couldn't help complaining about her son.

The two mothers sat beside Daisy's hospital bed respectively, and Daisy's mother brushed Daisy's cheek with her slightly warm hand.

However, this action was a bit too strenuous for her. Her hands began to tremble uncontrollably, and a sharp stabbing pain came from her mind.

The instrument that had been maintaining Daisy's life gave off a piercing warning sound, and doctors and nurses who had been waiting outside rushed in.

They separated her relatives and then began to perform final resuscitation efforts on her.

The shaking wails, the roar of instruments, and the calm orders of doctors and nurses all rang in Daisy's ears.

She is so tired, she wants to take a nap...

But at this moment, as if she was hallucinating, she caught the sound of running footsteps coming from the corridor outside the ward.

That voice was very familiar, it was the voice she had heard for twelve years.

Daisy wanted to open her eyes and take one last look at Adam, but God seemed to hate her and wouldn't even grant her such a small wish.

She really couldn't wait for Adam...

There was a rapid "beep" sound, and the electrocardiogram representing the heartbeat changed into a straight line without fluctuations.

The doctor's calm and indifferent voice sounded in the noisy ward: "The patient Daisy had terminal brain cancer and died after ineffective rescue. The time of death was nine forty-seven on May 4th."

As soon as Adam stepped into the ward, he heard these words and saw a pale and lifeless person lying on the bed.

He didn't see her one the last time.

Daisy left him forever.


Darkness quickly enveloped Daisy, and she didn't know how long it lasted. Her consciousness gradually returned. In the black space, a blue light suddenly appeared, and then she uncontrollably moved towards the direction of the light.

Daisy was soon surrounded by the blue light, and the dazzling light made it difficult for her to open her eyes here.

She didn't even know why she suddenly appeared here. She was sure that she was dead.

Is this heaven or hell?

Daisy tentatively opened her eyes, and the blue light weakened. What appeared in front of her was a light blue space, and a not-so-thick book was floating not far in front of her.

Daisy stretched out her hands and looked at them. They were red and white, unlike her hands when she was sick.


Daisy reached out and twisted up a strand of hair hanging on her chest. It was moist and smooth. It seemed that she hadn't seen herself with hair in a long time.

Daisy collected her emotions and then walked in the direction of the book.

She tentatively reached out and touched the book. The light around the book dimmed, and then the name on the cover appeared in front of Daisy's eyes.

"Adam's Past"

This "Adam"...

Daisy had some bad premonitions in her heart, and then she opened the book with anxiety.

"Adam and Ariana met in the fourth year after Adam was widowed..."

Then, Daisy looked down page after page as if reading a novel.

It turns out that Daisy is just a character in a novel, a supporting character who dies as soon as she appears.

The protagonist Adam in the article is her husband Adam.

As for the other protagonist Ariana, Daisy didn't know him.

Daisy closed the book with a complicated mood. Before she could think clearly, a sharp pain came through her mind, which was more painful than when she was sick.

It seems that she is really going to die this time.

When Daisy woke up again, she only felt that she was lying on the hard floor, and there was a faint tingling sensation in her temples.

She struggled to open her eyes, and what she saw were familiar lamps and room furnishings.

This is their room.

After Daisy and Adam got married, they moved out and bought a property not far from the Lu Group's building as their new house to make it easier for Adam to go to work in the company.

Every decoration in the house was made by Daisy at that time. At that time, she thought that she and Adam would always live here.

Unexpectedly, she had lived in this house for less than two years.

She looked around and was sure again that this was her and Adam's room, so why was she back now?

Isn't she dead?

Daisy straightened up from the floor, then lay down on the bed as though exhausted.

She has experienced too many things this day.

First, she died, then she read a strange novel for no apparent reason, and then she returned home for no apparent reason.

Daisy lay on her back on the bed and calmed down, then sat up to see if there was anything useful.

She naturally glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table. She picked up the mobile phone, the lock screen lit up, and what appeared in front of her was the current time.

It was 12:50 in the morning on July 4th, the day after their first wedding anniversary.

Why did she suddenly go back to a year ago?

Daisy's mind was in a mess, and the memories that had been buried by her were slowly waking up at this moment.

She remembered that this was the first time she and Adam had a quarrel on their first wedding anniversary.

Chapter 3

She remembered that she had been preparing since the morning, including clothes, makeup, accessories, and even their dinner. There was no one that Daisy had not carefully prepared.

But what she was waiting for was a bouquet of roses that she didn't like and Adam's indifferent question.

Daisy held her phone to calm down. She thought she had forgotten this experience long ago, but she didn't expect that she just sealed it in the deepest part of her memory.

If she remembered correctly, after this quarrel, the two of them fell into a cold war. Adam went on a business trip for a month, during which he had no contact with her.

In her memory, Adam did not come to her and say a word to her that night, nor did he coax her. Because the other party was preparing for an early flight at six o'clock tomorrow, Adam slept in the guest room.

Daisy looked at the time and prepared to see if her guess was true. She wanted to know if she had really gone back to the past.

Adam has already gone to bed at this time, and she has the room key to the guest room.

So a few minutes later, Daisy's figure appeared in front of the guest room door on the first floor. She also held a bunch of keys in her hand, one of which was for the guest room.

Daisy lowered her head and looked at her toes. In fact, she didn't need to look at them.

The scene in the Dining not far away can already explain it all.

The rose petals scattered on the ground and the completely cold food on the table all showed what had just happened here.

She really went back to a year ago.

The lights on the first floor had long been extinguished, and it was pitch black, but Daisy's movements were not restricted at all in the darkness.

This is a home she arranged with her own hands. She is familiar with everything here, and she can move freely here even without a light.

Daisy looked at the guest room key lying quietly in her hand. She was stunned for a long time but still did not open the door of the guest room without authorization.

She lowered her eyes, took back the key, and then walked towards the Dining.

Daisy stopped in front of the dining table and looked at the mess in this place with the cold moonlight shining from the window.

She stepped forward and picked up the bouquet of roses scattered on the ground. Many of the petals fell off, and some of them were even broken by the two of them.

In fact, she doesn't like roses. It's just because this bouquet of roses was given by Adam that it becomes different from other roses.

Daisy simply cleaned it and put it back into the glass vase on the dining table, but no matter how she put it, she felt that the bouquet of flowers didn't look good.

Daisy stared blankly at the somewhat broken bouquet, but what she was thinking about was her relationship with Adam.

They met when they were fourteen years old, and from that time on, Daisy fell in love with Adam.

She felt that it was time for this unrequited love that had lasted for twelve years to end.

She should have understood a long time ago that if her heart was still lukewarm after covering it for twelve years, it might not really belong to her.

She had stolen two years of time that did not belong to her. She should be satisfied, and it was time for Adam to return it to others.

Daisy looked at the untouched food on the table and finally dumped it all into the trash can, while she put the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen sink.

Looking at the restored Dining, Daisy showed a wry smile on her face. Their relationship will be like this in the future, clean and never intersecting again.

Early the next morning, Daisy was woken up by the noise coming from downstairs. She looked at the time and saw it was five o'clock in the morning.

She remembered that from that day on, she and Adam started a cold war that lasted for several months, during which neither one lowered his head and contacted the other first.

Although she had already experienced this once, she still felt very uncomfortable if she experienced it again.

But she knew it was best for them not to meet now.

She didn't know if she would die of a terminal illness like she did in her last life if she had it to do over again. If there was no chance of reversing this matter, then she still had too much to do.

She won't waste all her time on Adam this time, and she doesn't want to regret it again.

As written in that novel, Adam was the protagonist and she was the cannon fodder. They were never suitable.

But it is impossible to say that she really has no feelings for Adam. A relationship of twelve years is not so easily let go.

Daisy lay on her back on the bed, hearing the rustling sounds coming from downstairs, and seeing the familiar ceiling in front of her eyes.

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