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Falling in Love with a Disabled CEO

Episode 1

“Are you going to spew your ignorance at me early in the morning, Mother?”

“Watch how you talk to me, Caique! It is inadmissible for you to still want to check something I have already done.” My mother looked at me with hatred.

“I went to check because you got involved. I am the president of that company and the final decision is mine. You know very well that if there is any conference of that importance, I like to check it personally and not ask third parties. Dad was like that.”

“Oh, now I am ‘third parties’? In case you don't remember, I'm a shareholder in the company, Mr. President, and your mother! And your father was a madman! Where have you ever seen anyone personally going to check on a construction site? That's not for us Montenegros.” A look of arrogance was plastered on her face.

“You always twist what I say. The construction of this mall is very important and I already told you that for such grandiose projects, I make the decisions directly, without going through anyone. Do I have a wonderful team? I do, including my best friend who works there. I have you in the company, despite you always being contrary to what I say, but I have you, but I like to decide everything, after all, I am the president. And you went to tell Gustavo Meirelles that I would authorize the use of inferior quality material in the construction. Never!!!! I already authorized the purchase of the best quality material on the market.”

“You're going to waste money. You love to splurge.”

“Splurge? I am thinking about the safety of the people who will frequent the place and at the same time, bring more income to the company. Let’s consolidate the name we already have in the market. Stop making decisions for me. If you want to help me, give me your opinion and we will discuss it together.”

“You are an idiot like your father. Matheus would be much better at the helm of the company.”

“Stop talking about Dad. He's not here anymore to defend himself from your ignorance. You are ambitious, you want to keep up appearances, but saving where there should be no savings and that is not how things work, not when we own the biggest construction company in the country. We have a name to uphold and you love to flaunt it around. And as for Matheus, you prefer him because my little brother is just like you, if not worse.”

“Spare me your litany, Caique. Your eternal drama irritates me more than convinces me.”

I watched that woman who held the title of my mother, but who seemed to hate me, climb the stairs of our house and leave me there, with yet another sample of her character.

Branca Montenegro was an ambitious, exhibitionist and prejudiced woman. This last one, she was with everything imaginable. She hated poor people, black people, gays… The list went on. And I also didn't know for sure how she became a mother, since she always wanted to keep her body perfect, because she cared a lot about appearances too.

It's just that over the years, I realized that it was only with me that she was contemptuous, because she pampered my sister Beatriz and Matheus, oh, she practically licked the ground he walked on.

My father, Augusto Montenegro, left us a year ago. He died from a severe brain tumor and I missed him immeasurably.

My old man built his empire fairly. He was an honorable and strong-willed man, who ran his company on the front lines, even having a team to help him. I never saw my father miss work and delegate tasks to others. To this day, honestly, I didn't know how he fell in love with my mother, but they were together for 25 years and that perplexed me given the difference between them.

Shortly before he died, my father gave me yet another token of his trust and love, telling me, in a hospital bed, that I was his greatest pride and that he loved me very much. That he would rest in peace knowing that I would continue with his business. That I would be perfect to run his company and that he would not leave my mother and my brothers wanting for anything.

This infuriated my mother at the time, because she wanted Matheus or Beatriz to take over the Presidency; that way she would command from behind the scenes. My sister, poor thing, wasn't a frivolous person like my mother, but she didn't care about the family business. Her business was fashion. Beatriz was born for this and was the star of major campaigns for very famous brands. Her name was strong in this environment. My mother loved it, because she got clothes that weren’t even in stores yet and then showed them off at very expensive dinners.

Beatriz was very independent and didn't follow the nonsense my mother said. She was more concerned with taking care of her growing career. Her fame was consolidating.

My little brother just wanted to enjoy the family money and occasionally showed up at the company. He had a law degree and “pretended” to work there. Poor me if I had him as a lawyer reference in the company, everything would be in ruins.

My team was very well assembled and still had people who started with my father. This gave me wonderful support. In it was also my best friend, Saulo. We met as teenagers and this friendship has continued to this day. We studied together at the same school, at the same college and he was an excellent lawyer.

A true example of a professional and he had my complete trust. The brother I didn’t see in Matheus, I saw in Saulo.

He has always been my shoulder to cry on. He always listened to me when I vented about the rejection I felt from my mother, who was so opposed to the affection and love my father gave me. About my fights with Matheus, who seemed to want to compete with me ever since he was born, even though I always treated him with affection, with the care of an older brother.

And finally, it was Saulo who supported me when I lost my father. To this day I haven't dealt with it very well and I cried several times, especially when I was in his chair, in the President's office of AGM Construtora.

I felt lost and alone, for the first time in my life, without my father by my side. And every day I try to be my best and honor his name, the company's and our family’s.

With that, I ended up neglecting myself. It was a lot to absorb and command after my father left us. Today, at 26, it's not easy being who I am, with so many responsibilities on my back. Being the face of my family and the company, no scandal could have my name involved, especially since it would be one more thing for my mother to hold against me.

I lean back on the sofa, still working up the courage to go to work. These early morning arguments with my mother wore me down and left me in a terrible mood. I look at my watch and see that Saulo is about to arrive. My friend was going with me today, since his car was being serviced and we lived in the same gated community.

“Good morning, Mr. Caique.” I look at Magnolia, our dear housekeeper and smile at the white-haired woman. She is the sweetheart of our house and her affection for me moves me.

“Mag, without the ‘Mister’. Good morning,” I reply and get up, going to hug her.

“I'm afraid Dona Branca will hear and won't like it. She's already yelled at me several times for this,” she replies, hugging me.

“She went to her room, at least to touch up that makeup that can never be undone, even if it's so early.”

“Are you going to the company already?”

“I am, I'm just waiting for Saulo.” The doorbell rang at that moment.

“I’ll get it, it must be him,” Mag replied.

My friend came in with his usual good humor and gave Mag a loud kiss on the cheek, making her blush, and came up to me.

“Good morning, boss.”

“Look at that mockery.” Saulo laughed.

Episode 2


"Let's work?"

"Let's go. Today I have two very important things to do." Saulo analyzed me and knew he was wondering what it was.

"I know about the inspection at the construction site. What else would that be?" A raised eyebrow was directed at me.

"I'll tell you in the car, let's go!"

The weather was terrible. Cloudy, windy, and raining heavily, it didn't even seem like Rio de Janeiro. Fabio, my driver and security guard, opened the door for us and when Saulo and I were seated, he took us to the company.

During the journey, I raised the partition of the car and soon, Saulo and I had privacy.

"What are you up to, Caique?"

"And am I the kind of guy who would be up to something?"

"Yes, really, you're too uptight, even for my taste."

"Don't talk like that, you know more than anyone about my responsibilities."

"But you don't need to nullify yourself for them. You don't even live, Caique. And you know exactly what I'm talking about." I stared into my friend's eyes.

"I know, but then, that's what the other thing I'm going to do today is about. I'm going to meet Natanael again."

"Just him?"

"Why do you have such a problem with the guy?"

"He doesn't seem trustworthy to me, that's all. Damn, you met in the bathroom at an event and you were immediately taken with him. I remember your smiles that night."

"We've been dating for two months and I'm loving it. Of course, I can't always see him, but Nate didn't give up, and that shows me that he also feels something for me." Saulo sighed. "And how we met doesn't matter much, I met him and liked him. Am I going to judge the guy because I met him in the bathroom? Seriously?"

"Okay, I just don't want you to get hurt, okay? You, despite being a successful businessman and already being 26 years old, don't have much experience with men. And that's why I say you have to live, allow yourself to meet people. Even if it's not intentional, you live in a bubble, Caique. Apart from this Natanael, you've only been out with two more guys and it didn't work out."

"My mother can't suspect I'm gay, not now. Not until I finish this shopping mall project and make it a success. It's the first major project I've taken on since my father's death and I know she's just watching me, waiting for a slip-up to pounce. Then she'll see the businessman I am. Then I'll take charge and come out, whether she likes it or not."

"You know that I wish you had done it already, but you cling too much to what she and others will think."

"It's not that, it's just that, since she's a shareholder, I'm afraid she'll do something to remove me from the presidency."

"She wouldn't do that."

"There's that possibility, Saulo. The other shareholders like her a lot too. If she starts a mutiny against me, I'll fall. My mother is very prejudiced, and I'm also afraid of the media exposure and how much it could affect us. I've witnessed very prejudiced clients in our field and you know how much that scares me. Deep down, it's not my mother that worries me, but not being able to fulfill the promise I made to my father, to take care of the family business. I would feel terrible disappointing him in any way."

"I swear I understand that part, but I didn't want you to nullify yourself for that." I sighed and looked out the window, hardly seeing anything because of the rain.

"I missed you! This time you took too long to find some time for me." Natanael was out of breath, as I was already kissing his neck, squeezing his delicious ass, and he was untying my tie.

"Sorry, my beautiful. With this new shopping project, I've been swamped with work."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Man, you're on fire!" I laughed at the handsome guy's comment next to me, who was making me fall in love.

We had just had sex, and I really missed him. I was eager to have him inside me, and today I didn't give him any peace.

"Promise you understand that I need to go?"

"Of course! This construction is important for your company. And what a dirty trick your mother pulled, huh?"

"Yeah, that's why I need to personally go see how everything is going and put an end to this story of low-quality materials. There won't be any of that in my company."

"Get ready, my CEO." We both laughed. I took a quick shower while Nate stayed in bed, playing with his phone. I walked out naked, received a nice look from him, and started to put on my suit for my appointment. When I turned to him, my little cat had a beautiful smile on his face, and before leaving, I gave him a very sweet kiss.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, and he widened his eyes.


"Yes, I really like you, Natanael."

His reaction was not what I expected. Natanael was embarrassed, surprised, scared, all of that, but not excited.

"Look, you don't have to answer now. It can be on our next date, okay?"

"Okay. Don't be upset with me, you caught me off guard."

"Of course I'm not. I already miss you," I said, and he smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I already miss you too. Go on, or you'll be late, hunk."

After another kiss, I left the motel where we were, and in the garage, Fabio was already waiting for me discreetly. I always called him to pick me up; I couldn't risk someone seeing me leave here. And whenever I went out with Natanael, I was in a different car.

In addition to having AGM Construtora, which has won several awards for being considered the largest construction company in Brazil, my parents have always been part of Rio de Janeiro's high society. Both my father and mother were born and raised in this environment, and my siblings and I were born into wealth. Our family has always been very famous: magazine covers and grand events. And because my parents' partners were also powerful men, I was very well received when I took over the presidency and felt the weight of representing Augusto Montenegro.

That's why I avoided scandals and hadn't come out yet, but with Nate agreeing to date me, I would face everything for him; I just needed to finish this important project first.

"I'm sorry for making you come here, Fabio."

"No problem, Mr. Caique. It's my job, I'll pick you up wherever you are."

"But a motel is a bit ridiculous, don't you think?"

"I understand your position, sir. You're famous, and we know how journalists are always lurking."

"Exactly. Let's go to Sao Conrado now."

"Yes, sir."

Episode 3

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"All good, you were perfect. You got what no one else ever could. A scoop on “Mr. Perfect”." My teeth clenched upon hearing that nickname they’d given Caique at the newsroom.

"Don’t call him that, Jorge."

"You didn’t fall in love, did you, Joao Miguel?"

"Of course not. I did what I had to do for my job. It was either this or be out on the street."

"Wasn’t much of a sacrifice, was it? You're gay, and he's smoking hot. Killed two birds with one stone."

"Yeah, I guess you could see it that way... But I was just thinking about my job, Jorge. I hadn’t gotten any leads yet, and Sidney was breathing down my neck. Thank God he gave me these two months to come up with something good. I need to help with the bills at home; I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth like Caique. Well, it’s done. I’m gonna take a bath in this fancy tub here and get out."

"That’s right, milk it for all it’s worth and get the hell outta there. Any minute now, every website will be blowing up with photos of the hunk in the buff, along with your audio and all the other stuff you gathered during your encounters. Man, you got enough dirt to blackmail your mother-in-law! Tell me, where did you hide your phone while it was recording?"

"Under the pillow so they wouldn't recognize my voice." Jorge’s laughter on the other end wasn’t contagious. I felt strange.

"Smart boy!"

I hung up to go take a bath and get out of there. Later, I just had to stop by the boss's office and get my money.

Caique never suspected that he was seeing a journalist in disguise, and during our two months together, we had nine encounters. I confess it wasn’t bad at all being with him. Caique was an excellent lover, and he was very affectionate. Anyone could have fallen in love with him, but I needed my money and my job; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to stay at home. My mother would kick me out if I didn’t contribute, and I knew my stepfather had something to do with it. He already thought it was frivolous of me to go to journalism school; like always, he didn't support me in anything. Not having a scoop to secure my job could cause me to lose it, since I was still very green in the newsroom. That would be all the reason he needed to say he was right all along and that I should be out there laying bricks like him. Excuse me, but I wasn’t born for that.

All of this led me to the life of Caique, the millionaire owner of the largest construction company in the country, who was never seen with anyone. The newspapers called him “Mr. Perfect,” and Caique was hounded by gossip sites like Prince Harry over in England.

I met him at an event that I was able to sneak into with the help of a contact, and I struck up a conversation when we bumped into each other in the bathroom.

First, I needed to test the waters, so I made a joke that would tell me if he was gay or not. A look also came into play, and it was love at first sight. I hit on him right then and there, and at the end of that event, we exchanged hidden kisses in the bathroom again, which we practically closed off for ourselves. From there, it was easy, from the first date to this last one. Caique always struck me as just a young man who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of his age but had a lot of responsibilities on his shoulders.

Maybe I would miss him, but our worlds were too different, and now he said he was in love. I was young and didn’t want to tie myself down to anyone. I know what I did wasn't right, but it was done, and that's how life was; everyone did what they had to do to survive. Caique would just be another one out of the closet and would get over it soon enough. It was my stepfather who couldn't doubt my sexual orientation; if he did, then, yes, I’d be screwed.

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