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Conquered By The Great Emperor

The Cards


Ha, how you like that?

You gon' like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that

How you like that? (Bada-bing, bada-boom-boom-boom)

How you like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that?


Let's kill this love

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum

Let's kill this love

Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum

Feelin' like a sinner

It's so fire with him I go boo, ooh

He said you look crazy

Thank you, baby

I owe it all to you

Got me all messed up

His love is my favorite

But you plus me

Sadly can be dangerous


*Dancing, Singing, Partying*

- end of blackpink concert -

"How tiring. I'm tired but I saw all of them. My Lisa, my jennie, jisoo, rose. I can now rest in peace. *crying in happiness*

I go straight to my bed to rest. Plank my face to my pillow and think of how ecstatic I am seeing my idols. *zzzzzz


There's a warmth that I feel in my face. I want to open my eyes thinking that it is already morning. I want to sleep more since I slept late because of the concert but the light wants me to open my eyes.

"Leoooooo!! *yawns

"Close the light I want to sleep more -___-

I can't hear Leo's response.

My youngest brother is Leo, he is in 6th grade. My younger brother, the next after me is Jared. He is in Senior High. I am Lily, I am in my senior year of College, 21 years old, a blackpink fan.



No one's answering. I opened my eyes. I'm in a different room, alone. A white room with a bed. No window but has one door and has a wall clock in the side of the bed.

"Sheeesh. haha

"I'm still dreaming? I thought I already woke up hahaha *talking to herself

I sunddenly hear a ticking clock. Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok.

I see the clock. But it's different. It has 4 fingers. One for seconds, the other one for minutes and it is pointing to 6, the other one for hours and pointing to 2 but there's another one pointing to 4.

I'm confused, this is truly a weird dream. It feels real but looks like not.


Jared and Leo is calling.

The door opened. They kneeled and hugged me, since I am sitting on the ground of the room.

"Eonni! Are you okay? We thought you are not here, we thought me and Jared are only here but we hear you laughing.

"Why are you laughing ? Leo

"Hahahaha, why are you worried? And why both of you are in my dream? Let me dream my blackpink! - Lily

"Huh ? Dream ?

"So are we dreaming too ? - Jared

"No Jared! This is my dream. Get out! Get out!

"Speaking of blackpink, I have my blackpink card here in my pocket. The one that eomma give. - Leo

"I have mine too here. - Jared

"Huh? - Lily

I checked my pockets and I also have my blackpink card that mom give to us.

"I have mine too. I left it in my bag why it is here in my pocket?

*Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok. Ding dong, ding dong ding dong.

The clock chimed thrice as the time is three o'clock.

"Ahhhh it's loud. Turn of the alarm! - Lily

"It can't be turned off. - Jared

"Why there's four fingers?

"I forgot to read clocks. I use digital. - Leo

"It's three o'clock. It chimed three times. - Jared

"Oh! I remember now! Thanks! Haha - Leo

"Stop, stop reading clocks! What is happening ? - Lily

"Aren't we dreaming? But why do we have these cards ?

- end of chapter 1 -


Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

Thank you very much in advance if you read my story. Please don't forget to like and subscribe -^_^-

Suggestions and comments on the story can be made by writing your thoughts in the comment section.

Your comments are highly appreciated for it is a way of how to improve myself, my story and my writing.

Thank you so so much everyone and I hope you that you will enjoy this new story 💖

- 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 ఌ︎

A Painful Memory

start of flashback -

"Eomma, please take the surgery. *sobbing

Lily beg her mother as she cries like a baby because her mother won't take the surgery on her brain to remove the tumor.

Her mother has a stage 4 brain cancer. The doctor told Lily that morning that if she take the surgery there's still a 50/50 chance she will not die but if not, she will only has a month to live.

"Eommaaaaaaaaaaa! *cries louder

"Baby, my beautiful baby, don't cry. I will not take the surgery anymore. If I take it, are you sure that I will not die? If I won't take it, we still have a month to be together and cherish every moment.

"Is it because of the money ?? I will find dad and seek help. He's rich he has money for your surgery. I will find him abroad! Please tell me what country is he working ?! Does he know your sick ?!

*talking fast and panicking

"Since you brought up your father it's about time you know the truth. Call your brothers after their class, I have something to give you.

"No, Eomma! *starts to cry again

"Tell me right now, why later?

"Lily. Just do as I said.

"Hmmmmmmp. *crying quietly as she hugs her arms.

"My baby. I love you. I love you all. Please understand and listen to my dying wishes.



*crowd crying at the same time

"My babies.

*hugged all of them.

"Eomma, are you okay? Will you take the surgery now? What do we need to do to persuade you ? - Jared

"Eomma? are you gonna die? - Leo

Lily turn around and starts to cry. She can't bear to see her youngest brother, Leo, crying. She pities him because he's in 2nd grade but has a dying mother.

"No Leo, my poor baby.

*mother starts to cry.

"Eomma's not dying, I'm just gonna be invisible but will always guard you until you become big. I will never leave you baby. I will always watch you from afar.

*tears pouring in her cheeks.

"Wow! you will have superpowers? But you're sick eomma. - Leo

"Okay, that's enough question and answer. Eomma, please tell us about our father.

*Eomma gets something in her bag.

"Ok, listen carefully my children. This is very important than any will in the world for this is my own will, my dying wish, my last request and most important of all, the truth.

"Please fulfill my last request at any cost.

*opens a pouch.

"You know that I like BLACKPINK right?

"Yes we know.

*shows 3 cards, blackpink photocards, Lisa, Jisoo and Rose. The children were confused.

"Take this cards and protect it any cost for this is the only treasure that I can give to you. Lily, yours is Lisa, Jared yours is R?ose, and Leo yours is Jisoo.

"Where's Jennie ??? - Lily

"Jennie, is in your father.

"He visited me last month. I told him that I am sick before everyone of you knew. I give him all the cards for him to cast spells in it. He came back with it last night. I told him not to go back here anymore for he might not be able to see me alive at that time. I told him not to go to my funeral, if he can't. So we said our goodbyes yesterday.

"So last month when father visit us you knew your sick back then?! Why didn't you tell us!! We can save you that time if you take the surgery last month! Mom! Why are you so selfish?! Why are you desperate to leave us?!

*Lily angrily said to her mother as she was shocked to know the truth.

"No Lily. I also just found out that time that I have stage 4 brain cancer. The doctor suggests surgery but not sure if I will survive because the cancer cells spread in my body. He gives me 1 month to live that time but you see I am still alive after a month.

*Leo, Jared and Lily sobbed.

"So you're saying that last month is the start of your one month to live? - Jared *crying

"Then are you saying that anytime soon you will die? -Lily *starts to bawl

*Leo is just listening and crying at the same time. He doesn't understand at that time what her mother is telling but will soon understand as he grows up.

"Yes, this may be my last night here and want to cherish our last moments together.

*Smiled at them but was very weak.

"Let's continue. Your father is not abroad. You can't find him here in this world. He's from the other world and that cards are your key to that world. But you don't know how to use it yet, so you will wait until your father calls you or appear in front if you. If that time comes, beg him to teach you how to use that.

"The other world ? Mom ? Are you okay ?

*Lily starts to cry again

"I will call the doctor, I think the tumor makes you crazy.

"Haha, I'm not crazy but you will know soon. Just don't forget to take care of that card. It's my wish, fulfill my wish. Oh, and one more, Lily my princess, take this.

*removes her necklace with a scale pendant

"Take this pendant, It's yours. You will need that soon. That's your destiny.

*raise her hand and put the necklace on Lily's neck.

"I always take care of this necklace and keep it until you are in your right age, so I can give it to you. It's just as important as the card. Keep it, take care of it, and always remember that I am always with you.

Lily hugged her mother tight, crying.

"I love you, Mom. I will always love you. I will miss you. If we just have enough time maybe you can still see your grandchild with me. Why do we experience this kind of life? In your next life and my next life let me be your daughter and you as my mother again.

*cries painfully in her mother's arm.

Her mother hugged back and the two boys hugged their mother.

"I love you all my babies. In my next life, I will be your mother again and I will live for a very long time, I promise. I will guard and watch you always.

It was a family hug promising to stay together in the presence of their mother. Their mother was very happy that evening because they are complete. They eat dinner together and sleep together. They didn't leave their mother that night. That was the last night of their mother. Their mother leave them with a happy smile on her face.

- end of flashback -

The Instruction

*Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok

There's a silence in the room that only the sound of the clock is all you can hear.

"Children, I called you here to teach you how to use your cards.

There's a voice that suddenly filled up the room but there's no one talking. It's just a voice.

"Father? Is that you ?? Where are you ?? - Lily

"Yes, it is me, but I am not there with you. I need you to listen to me to be able to use your key to this world.

"Let me explain first the clock that you are facing. The clock has four fingers. The fastest finger is the seconds. The finger that points to 1 is the minutes and the finger that points to 3 is the hours. That is the time here in this world, it is 3:05pm here. The fourth finger that points to 4 is the time in your world, it is 4am there in the morning.

"The time here is different in your time there in your world. A week here is one day in your world. That explains why I look older everytime I go to your world. To be able to see you monthly, I need to bear 6 months here in this world. But sometimes, it takes me years to see you. But I can't live with you there. To be able to finance your life in your world, I need to make a living here. Your mother knows it, and it is also her idea, that is why we can't be together. She doesn't want to live here because a danger lies here. She decided to live there in her world with you by her side but sickness gets into her and I am very guilty that I can't even help her to vanish her sickness. I spent 6 months to cast spells in that cards and didn't have the time to learn to put away her sickness plus it is her dying wish to die normally. It is my fault, I didn't even see her in her grave, for it is also her wish, to remember her alive all the days of my life.

*Father started crying as he remembers her wife's death.

"Okay, let's continue. To be able to use your cards, chant the words in the back of the card. You will see it by blowing to it first.

*The three blows at the back of the card. They saw words lighting but the words are not in english.

"The words are not in english nor korean but it has english letters so I believe that you can try to read them. After you read them, close your eyes and count up to 10 in a relax state of mind. You need to be relaxed and focus. You need to feel sleepy and feel like sleeping to be able to be teleported in your world and vice versa. Now try it.

Lily take a deep breath and began to blow in her card. The two also followed her lead. She began to chant the words that glowed and closed her eyes.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

She fell asleep. She fell to the ground as she falls asleep. She banged her head as she fell to the ground. She woke up like she had a dream of falling.

*ring, ring, ring, ring

The alarm clock is ringing and is 7:05 in the morning.

"Ouch! my head hurts. What a weird dream. Why am I sleeping on the floor?! Did I fall?

"AHA! hahaha I knew it! It's just a dream.

"Eonni !! It worked! It worked! We came back! - Leo

"It worked what ? - Lily

"The card! The card works ! woohoooo ! It's so amazing ! Hahaha ! This is amazing ! Let's go back to Dad ! Come on ! - Leo

Leo started to sit and started to blow on the back of the card.


"So are you telling me that it is not a dream ?!

"Do you think it's a dream ? Can't you see ? It's glowing.

"Then wait! Don't do it again! What if we end up in another world or in the sea or anywhere ?! Do not do it!!

"Such a scaredy cat. It really worked earlier. Don't jinx!

"Then don't do it yet. Let's find Jared first. NO TELEPORTING UNTIL I SAY SO!

"Jared is in his room, looking deeply at the card when I heard you laughing again like a maniac.

"Stay put okay?! Don't do anything rush! I'll check Jared first.


"Jared? Are you okay?


"Jared ? WHERE ARE YOU ????

"I'm here. Don't shout.

Jared popped up from Lily's back coming from the bathroom.

"Are you okay ?? are you hurt ??

"I'm fine eonni. Don't overreact.

"No more teleporting! - Lily

"Then how are we supposed to contact Dad ? I have a lot of questions - Jared

"Ya! Eonni! Don't be so dramatic! I want to teleport! Whahaha! I have powers!! - Leo

"Then how about your studies ??? It's friday today! Go get ready to go to school! You're gonna be late - Lily

"Awww! Such a party pooper! I don't like! - Leo

"Okay, okay. Let's have a deal. Since it's friday, let us all go to school, then later after we had our dinner we can try it again to see if it works and stay there for 2 days worth of time here. Is that okay ? - Lily

"Yeeeaaaaah! - Leo

"Okay, fine with me. I'll get ready. - Jared

"Leo! Do not tell anyone about this or you will have a trademark of being crazy. This is out of this world and a family matter okay ? - Leo

"Okay! Fine! Sheeesh.

-end of chapter 3-

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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