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Welcome To Another World

The last Vampire

Intro :-

His name is Noah he's "The Last Vampire "left in the world he is 221 years old but look like (21)(Vampires can live for years and still look young)......well he is straight .... But someone special can change him ...😊


It was a dark night, a beautiful night with full moon . He was trying to hide from werewolfs ,

When he suddenly got trapped, he was covered in silver chains , then he start feeling dizzy ....and he fell asleep.. ... When he woke up he looked around he was in unknown place , a big modern mansion ...... suddenly he looks up and he see ..... someone who was constantly looking at him .....

( She was actually the princess of the most powerful wolf pack, She's name is Stacy ....but She could not turn into a wolf and not able to use her wolf power, so she was 20....and still she have no mate ... and for this reason she was shunned by the other Wolf's community even her own family don't like her)

she was pretty amazed to see a Vampire because this was the first time in her life that she had seen a Vampire so closely....

The story begins:-

Stacy:- hii

Noah :- W-who are you?!!!!!! Why am I here?

Stacy :- t-the owner of this mansion, and i-you were...trapped in my backyard.

Noah :-He tried to free himself from the chains Wh-why did you capture me?! And….I was…..I was chased…by a werewolf…I was…I was trying to…..hide…..

Stacy :- You were caught because of a werewolf?

Noah :- Yeah…..I was trying to hide…..from a werewolf….but then...... I got caught….I was trying to save my life….

Stacy :- is it the full moon?

Noah :- Yeah….it's the full moon…..

Stacy :- I understand in werewolves there is a spiritual on the day after full moon where if they sacrifice a powerful entity which is full of powers then there pack power will increase in four times and no one able to defeat them ...

Noah :- his face gets pale W-what….so…they are going to kill me…..?

Stacy:- ammhmm I think I don't think about another reason....I said while thinking 🤔

Noah :- B-but I'm not a werewolf!! I'm a vampire!!

Stacy:- yes that's why they kill you because only then they will get two benefits

Because of your powers their powers will increase and

Because you are the last Vampire... There biggest enemy will be wiped out.

I didn't think you'd be that much stupid....I asked while shrugging....

Noah :- he looks at Stacy with a surprised look and then a mad look D-don't you….fear me?? I'm a vampire!!!!!! I'm very dangerous and powerful!! I can kill you in just a few minutes!!!!!! he tries to stand up, but he couldn't because of the chains

Stacy :- hmmm.... you are right but what will u get after killing me .... neither I caught you nor I have anything to do with you... even I don't care about these werewolves.....

Noah :- he gets even madder I'm not going to kill you!! But they will!! And they will do so in a horrific way!! They will suck your blood and you will die!! he tries to stand up again, and fails ....

then suddenly he realised something and said You… don't care about werewolves......? he looks at you very surprised And….you don't care about me?......

Stacy :- is it important??? little annoyed then said while whispering listen carefully I also wants to escape from here so I have a plan if u help me

Noah :- Huh? You want to escape here too?......

Stacy :- yes 👍🏽 listen to me carefully ....... look I am also a werewolf, then after thinking a little, i said , but perhaps I cannot say this ..... and I am from this this pack .....and you r vampire prince right.....

Noah:- looking towards me in a confused way .... I know you are a werewolf and I am a vampire so what??? I can't understand your single word.....

Stacy:- I sigh .. in disbelief and said look dumb ...... because I am from this wolf pack so I know each and every corner of this place very well , I know there way of working and processes,... and you r a vampire, so you too must have some powers right ??

Noah :- Yeah…..I have some powers….I have super speed, super strength, the ability to shapeshift into a bat and a bat form, hypnosis, control over the night, I can see in the dark, I can walk on walls and ceilings, I can also turn into a human at will and have a very strong sense of smell, I also have the ability to fly in my bat form…..but I don't understand why I can't use one of this .....

Stacy:- because they give you a herb whose effect will last for a while longer...

To be continued.........

The last Vampire part 2

Stacy:- but why don't you want to use your powers ??

Noah :- Because......I don't want to kill you…..I just want to escape….

Stacy :- okay listen to me carefully..... my brothers and his group will come to see you in half an hour . I will tell them that you have not regained consciousness yet .....after they leave, call your coven with your echo voice ...I open the windows for there entrance..... then one of them will take your form and sit here in your place... okay...then you will be free... then won't even know the truth

Noah :- he looks at you with surprise W-wait…..are you….are you really going to help me?

Stacy :- you have no other option but to trust me


Noah :- Okay…..okay….I trust you…. he stays quiet

Stacy :- but you have to make a promise to me that you will also leave me from this place ... I don't want to stay here ..... after escape from here you can go on your own way

Noah :- Okay…I promise….I will leave you from this place after escaping…..

Stacy :- after half an hour you heard the footsteps of my brothers and u act like you are still in conscious..... my brothers asked me is she didn't wake up till now I said no ..... they told me to tell them as soon as he regains consciousness....... then they walked away while kicking you and laughed ....

Noah :- he stayed quiet, he tried to ignore the kicks, he was acting like he was unconscious

Stacy :- I tried to control myself to hit them but I stay silent

Noah :+ they walked away, Noah stayed quiet….he tried to ignore the pain from the kicks, he tried to stay silent and still…. He looked at you…. He was looking at you to see what would you do

Stacy :+ i quickly come towards you give you a pain relief herb and said eat this belief me

Noah :- he takes the herb, and he eats it, he felt much better, and he stopped feeling the pain, he looked at you with a surprised look…

Stacy :- then I told you stay quiet I slowly opened the chains that held you ..... then suddenly someone came towards us , I push u back and went back and stood up

Noah :- he stayed quiet, he stayed still, he was listening to what was happening…. He looked at you with a worried look on his face

Stacy :+ that was my elder brother Jacob who caught you .... he came and hit you again then laugh and said now we are going to be stronger... isn't it Stacy...... ohh sorry.... but u will get no benefit because neither you r proper human nor a proper wolf u r just a joke then he laughed..... then he pressed my face and pushed me backwards against wall and said in a cold voice but this doesn't mean that you should think about escape and to help this shit otherwise you know what can I do with u ....

Noah :- he watched the scene, he was looking at Jacob with a very angry look, he was boiling with anger, but he stayed quiet, he was still silent…

Stacy :- I replied silently yes I know brother how capable u r..... you never make me forget anything I said with smirk and shake my hade .... then he slap me on my face and said useless bitch..... and went out from the room

Noah :- he watched the scene, he was looking at Jacob with a very hateful look, he was getting angrier and angrier with every slap, with every word Jacob says to you…. He was watching silently…. He was seething with anger…. He was thinking about what he was going to do….

Stacy :- after he left I slowly opened the window and came towards you and said we don't have much time, you will have to call your squad quickly.. use your echo voice.... while I just trying to control myself from previous event

Noah :+ he nodded his head slowly, he was ready to use his echo voice, he was very silent, he was thinking about the right words to say...... He took a deep breath, he looked at you with a very serious look, he was ready...... He took another deep breath and then he used his echo voice to call his squad

Stacy :- tell them to come here silently ASAP

Noah :- he used his echo voice to send the message to his squad, he sent the message and he waited for a response…. After a few minutes, he got a response from his squad, they said they would be here in a few minutes…..

To be continued.............

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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