edith wake up you’re gonna be late
yea yea im up
(at school)
hey edith
oh hey Lily hows your boyfriend
my boyfriend is fine now,he even text me last night that he can finally go to school.
(Prince going towards Lily)
hey lili im going to class see you
bye Edith
and bye Prince
ugh what do you want jack
(jacks friends looking)
hey edith
what do you want jack
you reported me to the principle the other day now im suspended because of you
its your fault you slaped me
(jack slaps edith)
hey what are you doing to edith
im telling you to the teacher
(glares at edith)
ugh whatever
ummm episode 1is kinda short a little bit of information im not a high school student in the story im a high school student im kinda still in elementary so yeah that the information and please tell me if you like the episode 1 im kinda tired of writing but i can only make episode 1first so please tell me if you do not like the story just tell
but first lets play a game find. the emoji and gusse the emoji.
tell your answer in the comments if there is a comment hehe
first emoji
second emoji
third emoji
time to see if you have a bright eye
say in the comments if you saw it idn’ see it
did you see it lets continue
i have something to say to you guys i need help like how how ok
👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👚👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕👕this one is so easy but gatta keep talking
hwbehhejnridbrkxjdkefbejkxndhdjcrnkfdnejisbsjqksbrjexjrbucfktjcnfkcnfjdkvhehsiejfjvjrjxdjhjdichrnkcjfjrjdbehxjdisheixkwnwxifnajcifhditrjkdcjxnjrjcjsnejfjekk ok im only saying random words so jsbshdbesnjdenxjdkwjxejfjswfij spiler alert she said im not her type😭 ok im gonna sing
she likes a boy she likes a boy and im not and im not a boy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭she like s a boy she likes a boy and im not a boy but time to say random words again thanks if you are reading this but ofc if you do not want to comment then dont comment its fane im just here to say my secrets because duhh im gay plus im a girl a little information but thank you for reading my comic but im gay i hate it the fact that im a girl i cant i felt tears in my eyes that time when she she said the words i hate it its true that i have bully tho she said the words to her likr it was nothing i hate it but i cant hate my friend she supported me she helped me she stand up for me
Lily your late
sorry maam
its fine Lily just go sit down
everyone go to page 167-170 in English and its silent reading
hey edith.
what is it Lily?
do you have any crush at all
why are you asking that question Lily
just tell me do you have any crush at all
ofc i do
im lesbian
tell me her name then
her name is Agatha
wait you mean my friend
well i didn’t know she was you’re friend Lily
well its fine edith when are you gonna tell her
i dont know
edith,Lily no talking its silent reading
yes maam
(1hour later)
ok bye class your math teacher is here already
(everyone says bye)
hi students lets play a little game if you do not know the answer pass the question to someone else are you guy ready.
(every one says yes)
i forgot to tell you guys boys and girls have their own team 4 teams only which is 10 groups ok lets start with group 1 how abot you rea what is 71893+183749 this are easy questions these are only plus not division or muliplication or subtraction
its 255,642
ok good job how about you sophie what is 56373+45368
pass it to someone how about cass
ok cass what is it
its umm 101,741
how about you ziah what is 2738273+9274493
its 284839
incorrect but its fine lets got to the boys now
you group 2 how about you michael
what is 23749+83648
its 257,288
how about you jack
what is 73924+25723
its 9,647
how about you mac what is 17384+18484
ok how about kyle
what is 15375+27537
its 42,912
ok time for group 3 how about suzane
what is 56373+45368
its 101,741
good job how about Lily what is 6789+6382
its 13,171
how about you edith what is 1849+7489
its 9,338
correct how about
(bell rings)
ok students its time for me to go,you guys have a great time bye
(all say’s bye)
hey Lily whats your lunch i have hotdogs and rice and egg how about you
i have omulet and rice ok lets eat
(see’s Prince)
ohh hey prince are you looking for your girlfriend
yes sophie
your girlfriend is right over there
(waves at Lily)
Lily Prince is here go talk to your bf
ok fine
(talking to Prince)
(me talking to myself)
is it fine if im lesbian what if my family does not like me being lesbian no its fine just eat
umm edith
what is it Lily?
i kinda have something to do can you come with me please
ok sure
(follows Lily)
what are we doing in the restroom
i kinda have it again
oh you mean the puberty stage
ok il wait outside don’t worry
ok i belive you edith just wait for me ok
hi im so sorry if this is so short but its is only what i can only do and tell me what oyur zodiac sign is if you wanna tell me its fine if you do not want to tell i do not force you to comment everytime im really happy i can tell what happened
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