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The sun shone hot on my face. Blood covered my armor and some had dried on my face. The vultures circled above, and my throat felt dry. The sound of hooves rang nearby. My vision was hazy, but I could still make out the figure of the person that stopped in front of me. He stared at me with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Any last words?" His voice was different. It sounded more malicious, more evil (if that made any sense)

"Go to hell" I managed to squeeze out, and the bastard smiled at me.

"See you there" he said. I felt something plunge into me, it was his sword, and the last thing I saw before darkness took over.


A pained scream left my mouth when I woke up. A girl dressed as a maid ran in.

"My lady, are you alright?" She asked and I nodded in response. A glass of water was handed to me, which u took gratefully and had a sip.

After sending her out I placed round the room. This shouldn't be possible. I'm supposed to be dead. Was I given another chance at life?

I walked towards the mirror to confirm my suspicions but the face that met mine was unfamiliar. The girl in the mirror had shiny black hair and icy blue eyes which looked capable of freezing oceans.

What was happening? This wasn't me. Was u reborn into another world? There was only one way to find out.

I got dressed and left the room. The halls were grand and everything screamed money and power. There were gold ornament which lined almost every table along the hall. I passed by a small room, its walls were lined with shelves which contained awards, plaques, accolades and the likes.

"Lady Amira" I turned at the sound of the voice. It was the maid from earlier. The name had struck a chord but I am still yet to identify it

"The Lord and Lady are waiting for you" she said with her head bowed "Breakfast has long been started"

I nodded in response since I didn't have anything to say, and she led me the breakfast room where "my parents" were waiting.

The breakfast room was even grander. The Lady sat at the right-hand side of the Lord. She had shiny gold hair and a light complexion, her eyes were s brilliant shade of green. The Lord on the other hand had dark brown hair and dark eyes which looked a bit sullen. Taking my eyes away from them, I noticed a boy who looked older than me sitting on the left side. he also hard dark brown hair but his eyes were the same shade of green as the Lady's.

All eyes turned on me the moment I stepped foot into the room. The Lady got up and walked towards me. Each step looked calculated and without a single fault.

"Amira, I thought you would spend forever upstairs" She said as she hugged me, but I did not feel any motherly warmth.

"Good morning mother" I found my self saying as I sat down beside the boy who u could only assume was my brother. As we ate breakfast, my mind was elsewhere, thinking of my next move so they wouldn't notice anything was wrong. If I had another chance at life then I wasn't going to slip up a second time


The ominous sound of dripping water sounded in the dark. The only source of light was from the moonlight that shone through the window. My head was down as I spat out more blood.

"Are you ready to talk" His voice rang out in the dark.

"When you choke to death" I gritted out despite my fractured jaw. The answer to my statement was a hard punch to the face.

"Is that how to treat a lady?" The momentum had caused my head to move to the side. I glared at him with as much hate I could muster, hoping to kill him with a look.

"Scum like you shouldn't be called a lady" He gritted out and I had a reply on the tip of my tongue but my jaw made it hard for me to continue.

"Hopefully, you'll die before tomorrow" he spat and left.


When I opened my eyes the sun was already high, and I could only assume it was noon. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, getting of the bed.

If I wanted to know more about what was going on then I'd have to visit the library.

Just as I was getting dressed a knock came at the door.

"Come in" I said

"Lady Amira, the Lord requests your presence" the maid bowed her head as she related the message "The young miss has returned"

"Thank you" I replied then called her back as she was about to leave.

"I want to know about our family's history, may I know where the library is?" I asked the maid and she had a very surprised look on her face.

"My Lady, all books related to the history of this family may be found in the great Hall" she said and excused herself.

I left my room and went towards the breakfast hall. The sound of harmonious laughter filled my ears. Curious, I took a peek and a harmonious scene greeted me. The Lord, Lady and boy from the other day were crowded around a young girl who looked about my age. She had shiny blonde hair and golden eyes. Everybody looked happy, even the sullen looking Lord had laugh lines.

Once again, as soon as I walked in their eyes turned on me. I cleared my throat and greeted them.

"Cousin, how long it's been" The golden haired girl rushed up to me, taking my hand in hers.

"Yes, it's been a while, how was your trip?" I found myself asking.

"It was such fun, I'll tell you all about it later" she said clasping her hands together. Everything about this girl seemed to be warm and sunny but I felt a chill run down my spine. If being a knight had thought me one thing, it was to always keep my guard up and never let anyone through. Those were the codes I lived by and just because I was reborn into an easy life doesn't mean that it doesn't have its cracks. This family may seem perfect but the chills I get do not lie. My instincts are always spot on.

I looked back at the golden haired girl with a smile but her eyes seemed cold despite the wide smile on her face


The darkness consumed me, it was suffocating. I was choking on water with no way out. The last thing I saw was gold before I gave up.


Once again I had another dream, but it wasn't mine. I could only assume that it was from the original owner of this body.

By the time I was done with my bath, a dress was laid out on the bed. The material felt smooth to the touch. All the while I had been reborn there was never any maid to attend on me neither was there any dress waiting for me, so I could only assume that something else is going on. Disregarding the dress, I got changed into something else. Walking downstairs I felt her before I saw her.

"Cousin, why didn't you wear the dress I got you?" I looked down at the girl holding my hands and the dream flashed in my head.

"I'm sorry cousin, I didn't know you were the one who kept it there" I smiled back at her then walked away.

I took my usual seat and just as I was about to eat, I heard someone clear their throat. Looking up it was Lord Calyx (I finally went to the library)

"As you know the school year will begin shortly" He started and I had an ominous feeling about his next words "Amira, your performance was less than satisfactory and we have come to a decision"

Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. I already have a vague feeling of what the original owner went through.

"It has been decided that you will be held back while Katherine continues" He said "You should try to be more like your cousin"

"Uncle, it's not my cousins fault, she was just distracted. I'm sure she will do better" Katherine spoke up and I could see a triumphant glint in her eyes.

"Do you call chasing after the duke's son a slight distraction" my "father" boomed "She is a disgrace to the Calyx name"

"I understand, but please give her another chance, I'm sure she'll do better" Katherine said looking more pitiful than me

"Alright, Amira you will be given a test. If you pass then you can continue but if you fail, I have no daughter like you" He said pointing a finger at me then storming off in anger.

While leaving the breakfast room I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching me. Turning around I saw the boy , who I've come to know as Edward, glaring at me before he scoffed and walked away. I cared more about knowing the host's past here than his glare. Suddenly, my head started to hurt as I walked. The pain was so unbearable that I held my head while trying to calm down. All at once multiple images began to flash through my head. I could hear voices and I could see things I could only assume was the original owners memories. Everything seemed so jumbled, I couldn't concentrate on a single thing. I lost myself to darkness afterwards.

When I woke up I could remember everything the original owner had gone through. Her life here was pitiful and she was naive, always getting hurt by her cousin in multiple occasions. The sound of the door opening bright me out of my reverie.

Katherine walked in looking sad, but from what I had seen I knew it was just an act.

"Cousin, I heard you fainted from uncle's words" she took my hand in hers acting like she was conforting me.

"I just had a slight headache" I replied, evading her previous statement.

"Don't worry, uncle won't let you suffer, even if you get held back, I'm sure you'll do fine" she continued and I smirked inwardly. This girl was trying to tell me that I've failed before even trying.

"I'm fine don't worry" I said "But I just need to rest"

"Okay" she smiled "Don't forget he entrance exams are next week"

Once she left my room I called for a maid. The same one I had met when I woke up came.

"What's your name?" I asked her, she looked surprised.

"Madeline" her voice was timid.

"Madeline, get me some books from the library" I listed all the books I needed then she left.

The original owner had suffered in their hands and the only thing I can do now is to make sure she gets the credit she deserves. As soon as the books arrived, I requested for food then locked myself in the room to study.

Let the games begin.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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