NovelToon NovelToon

The Fated Heir (Love Or Trust)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“I lost, I lost, I accept my defeat”; said sir Carson catching his breath. Lying in the dirt in his armour and leather clothing fully drenched. Beads of sweat are visible on his neck and forehead.

“You didn’t give your best again”: I replied stepping back and I was right. He never gives his best when it comes to sparring with me. He still thinks of me as a child.

“Don’t accuse me of something like that. Like always I really did my best”; rising up from the ground he still insisted. But I can’t believe him, would any one belief if the captain of the Royal knights with years of training and battle experience lost to some teenager.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Why? Either you’re pretending to be too humble or you’re just not self-aware.” He said wiping mud from his beard. Why is he still not ready to budge.

“Urgh! Fine. You won. I can’t argue with you anymore.” Yeah! As always. I just can’t argue with him over something so trivial. It’s getting super boring to spar with sir Carson. I like swordsmanship so much that I have been doing it from the age of five but I don’t believe my few years of practice can rival his decades of expertise.

Oh no! Why am I even bothering with this right now? It’s almost time for breakfast; Uncle would be furious if he gets to know about this.

“I shall be taking my leave now sir Carson or I’ll be late. Please keep this sparring session between us only.” I bid sir Carson farewell and went for my chambers.

“Yes, my lady”, I heard from a distance.


‘Click-clack-click.’ The sound of my steps was loud enough to echo in the quiet corridor. I dashed right into my room as soon as I turned the corner. All the guards and servants were present but little did I care. Everybody knew this was my every day thing except Uncle, I guess Aunt disciplined them enough to not let this slip into Uncle’s ears.

“You are back my lady” Asked Marry in her hand maiden’s uniform with grey gown and white apron, her chestnut hair tied down back of her head in a messy bun, keeping her head and eyes bowed. She was fidgeting a little as being a newbie.

“Yes, I am. Did you prepare the bath? I am all sweaty from the training grounds.” I asked her.

“Yes my lady. I have prepared everything. You can take a bath till then I’ll sort out your dress.” She said and bowed.

“Alright.” I entered and asked all handmaidens to leave. Even while slipping down my corset, my mind was full of thoughts but as I entered the bath tub the warm water calmed them down. There was a sweet fragrance probably from the rose petals floating on the water. I closed my eyes and lied there for a while until it was all disturbed by Mary’s knocking on the door.

“My lady! Her royal highness, the Duchess, has sent her word for you to come down for breakfast.” She said from outside the door with a little panic in her voice.

Oh no! I didn’t realize how the time passed by so quickly in the bathtub. I scrubbed myself as fast as I could and stepped out.

Emily and Mary pounced onto me with the gown and accessories, till my brain could process anything I found myself standing with hands laid out and Mary fixing the lace of my dress while Emily adjusting my accessories. After they were done with that, both pushed me towards the mirror. I sat, while they both struggled with my hair panicking. I could see their faces clearly now that they weren’t bowing with only their forehead visible.

Emily had a mole near her lips with almond eyes pinned slightly to the side whereas Mary had freckles over her nose and cheeks accompanied by drowsy eyes. They both frowned a little as they struggled tying my hair in a side braid.

“My lady its done. Now you’re all ready to go down.” As they said this, I jolted out of my day dreaming and glanced in the mirror. How could they assemble a different attire with so much perfection every day. I really admire their everyday efforts.

I gave them a smile appreciating and went downstairs towards the dining hall.



I greeted everyone as soon as I entered. “Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess. Good morning Uncle, Aunt and Elis.”

“Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess”, they said altogether.

“Good morning sis. ˮ

“Good morning, Cynthia. Come and have breakfast. ˮ

“Yes Aunt.” I nodded and sat down while Aunt ordered the attendants to bring in the dishes as she sat in her lush green gown. Her brunette hair tied back in a bun. She wore her ‘I am good’ smile but her heavy eye bags and pale complexion slipped the truth.

She must be lacking sleep with her busy schedule and her poor health. Just how much she must be suffering from that illness that even her face lost its charm. But I couldn’t ask her because again she will try her best to not worry me and next time even put a thicker layer of makeup.

Elis also looks worried and tried to ask her but I shot her a sharp look to keep quiet.

She pouted. It’s so cute. Her big and round eyes looks so pure like a young maiden in her orange lace dress. At this I couldn’t stop myself and let out a giggle.


Just then someone barged right through the door.

“Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess. Good morning Mother, good morning Father, and both sisters!”

I turn towards knowing who it was, Elex. This little devil always hopping around like some cricket.

“Good morning Elex, may I ask why you are so late for breakfast? ˮ: asked Uncle after being quiet for so long. He is sitting at the end of the table in his blue and white mantle. Being a Grand Duke, he must be in hurry to go to his office to complete that load of work.

The little devil replies; “Um. I was walking tony, Father. He ran after a cat so I had a hard time catching that stupid dog.”

Again, he has that puppy eyes expression on his face to escape punishment.

“Just how many times must I tell you to stop with those childish games. You are a man! You ought to do swordsmanship, ride a horse, practice combat, master spells and elements, learn politics and tactics for the frontiers. And here you are chasing after a dog.” Said Uncle;

“When I was around your age, I was already acing all this…”

There he goes again, boasting about his achievements and himself. Until a few years ago he used to be such a sweet and supportive person. God knows what got into him or who dumped trash into his ears, now he’s turned into a completely different person.

It must be his new adviser in the court. But alas! I am just too lazy to dig anymore into it. I tried to at first but Uncle called me off many a times, rudely on top of that. Without even realising it we grew even more apart. Now it’s just small talk and arguments between us that’s left. I really do miss the old times when all of us would giggle and laugh heartily over meal.

“But Father! Eldest sis is much better at all that. Why don’t you praise her rather than being enraged at me. She could also teach me if you allow her.”

This brat. He unknowingly gave me away. I am doomed to get an earful now.

“What? Am I hearing this correct Cynthia? You are still fooling around, even when I forbid you to. I tolerated your little plays since you were young but now that you’ll be having your coming of age ceremony in a little more than a year, you should learn how to be a proper lady. You will be having your etiquette, flower arrangement, tea sessions, dance, and posture classes from tomorrow onwards.”

“But Father sis already knows all this then why__”

“Then she will take them again and you will be accompanying her on all this Elis, well I can see that you have learned to talk back to your elders! Now finish your breakfast and enjoy your today as you won’t have the time nor the energy to bicker around tomorrow.”

“Honey, please calm down. They are children, please don’t force them into something they don’t like. Calm your anger and have your breakfast with peace of mind”: Aunt tried to speak up for us even though she sounds exhausted.

“No, you don’t understand. If we don’t correct them now then they will turn out like those queens who tend to run a kingdom which isn’t appropriate.” He persisted.

I can’t take it anymore.

“Sigh— Clink!" I put down my silverware.

“I am done. I don’t have any more appetite so

I’ll be leaving then.”

I pushed back the chair and stood. Adjusted my skirt and left that room. It feels really stuffy in there, I can’t get any peace of mind at all.

Let’s go back to my room.



As I entered my room everything was in place as if nothing happened here. Until a while ago this same place looked as if someone turned it upside down. But now—

Emily and Mary must have done this after I left. Now in here its only me and loneliness but at least there’s no arguments.

“Hmm. Let’s see, it should be over here.” I walked over to my bed and bent down; reaching my hand out under the frame. I dragged my twin swords from beneath, they clanked together. I held the hilt, my grip firm.

The metal felt cold against my skin while the blade glistened into the light mirroring a pair of turquoise eyes, following, my lips turned to an involuntary smirk. I unsheathed it and began to swing in rage.

I felt devastated at Uncle’s words even though it wasn’t my first-time hearing those. No matter how much I try to hide it they always succeed to cut deep into my heart and sting.

I know that I am a very sensitive person and expect too much from others. But I don’t hate it, in fact I love my true self. ‘Myself.’ I try to lessen them, the expectations, but sometimes even the most basic ones are shattered.

I have learned to ignore them but sometimes they cross the limit. Although I can pretend to be strong in front of him but just how long do

I have to be pretentious.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the corridor.

In a panic I sheathed the blade and shoved it under the bed.


It was Elis and Elex, I welcomed them inside.

They were accompanied by two attendants who brought tea and snacks.

“Bring them in and place it here.”

“What’s all this Elis?” I asked surprised.

“I and Elex brought these to enjoy with you because you didn’t seem to eat much just now.”

I felt touched at their thoughts. They always do things which I cherish in my memories whenever I am in a bad mood. I just can’t love them enough for their sweetness.

“Thank you. Now come and sit here, let’s all enjoy this tea party.”

“My lady! My lady!”

Chapter 2

......Chapter 2...


“My lady! My lady!”

“Wake up my lady!”

“Today is a very important day. You can’t be late.”

A voice called for me over and over with someone’s hand gently patting my shoulder.

“Hmm… Who is it? Emily? What day is it? I spoke with weary eyes. I slept a really deep sleep.

“My lady you're joking right? How can you forget about your own coming of age ceremony ?

“Oh yes!” How can I forget about it. Aunt is holding a ball for me and tortured me to try gowns and jewellery a whole week beforehand. If I am late today, she just won’t let me be.

I sprang to my feet while Emily and Mary grabbed me and dragged me to the lavatory.

I sat at one place while they did there thing. I remembered the dream I had today. Again, I dreamt about my past self from two years ago. That dream was so fulfilling that for once I didn’t even want to wake up.

But nothing remains constant. Now everything is very different than how it used to be. Everything has changed, especially me.

Although I have to admit that change did bring some good as well.

A sudden thought of him popped into mind out of nowhere but I shook my head and went with my schedule.

It took me a lot of time to get ready. Breakfast and lunch were brought to my room on which I almost choked, due to eating within minutes as Emily and Mary were still working on my gown and hairstyle. I can’t even remember just what have I gone through since this morning.

I am already exhausted. God knows if I’ll make it from the ball room alive? But I can at least do this much before leaving. For Aunt…and uncle…and my family. It's my way of repaying. A pleasant memory. A goodbye. The ball. Now that I think about it the ball would start at night, of course, after all it is to congratulate me as soon as I step into my birthday. Although the ceremony was supposed to take place a year ago, mine was delayed becau_

“It’s done my lady.”


After all the things that I have suffered today, the result was worth it.

I got mesmerized by my own reflection as I stared in the mirror for so long until Emily called out for me. Is it really me? It seems I am no longer used to it anymore. My waist length raven hair let down with pearls clipping accompanied by a lavender gown circling an area of arm’s length; it swayed beautifully as I spun. Aunt’s gem necklace hanged from my neck.

After thanking Emily and Mary, I went down outside the ball room where my family was



Sounds familiar yet strange.

“Cynthia! You're here. You look gorgeous. Now here, let me put this on for you.”

Aunt put a tiara on me. It was an heirloom which mother wore on her coming of age ceremony, from what aunt told me. Now it’s my turn.

Though I don’t remember her. Her face? Her voice? Nothing. I feel nothing towards that word— ‘mother’. Hah…Ironic.

Isn’t it strange to talk about dead on such a

day? But somehow it feels strange when I hear aunt saying that word with such emotions.

Like a void in my stomach. Like someone stole a piece of me? Like I forgot something important that I wasn’t supposed to.

Aunt, Elex and Elis went inside first. Me and Uncle were to go next.

My fingers fidgeted with the hem of my skirt leaving obvious creases…

Do I have to do this?

Why am I even here?

Do I have to go through that door?

That pack of hyenas?


How very annoying.

This is my very first birthday celebrated amongst the aristocracy.

I wonder why aunt arranged it all of a sudden?

I don’t like banquets and balls. It’s not like I have a grudge against them. I just don’t prefer them.


Cause they are filled with fakes_ Fake people. Fake smiles. Fake flattery. Fake friends. All the people in there only have one goal—to get the best for them selves. Even if it means bootlicking or backstabbing, you think it, they’ll do it.

‘Huu…’ I took a deep breath.

Just for today.

It’s just for today.

I can make it.

My thoughts must be drawn all over my face or maybe he noticed the wrinkled skirt that he spoke_

“It’s ok, you’ll be fine. Just be yourself.” As soon as these words came out of Uncle’s mouth, I turned to him. He didn’t show any particular expression but the words are surprisingly soothing. I think all my efforts for the last two years weren’t in vain. A slight change is visible. A soft thank-you slipped my lips. He seemed surprised and smirked.

“Presenting Grand Duke Edward Sherriden and lady Cynthia Sherriden.”

Our entrance was announced.

We entered and I grabbed almost everyone’s attention rather quickly and unknowingly.

Many eyes are on me and many whispers echoed throughout the hall.

As Uncle escorted me towards the centre of the hall for a dance, I saw my aunt and siblings cheering. Aunt’s complexion seems much better than two years ago. She looks healthier and more beautiful in her amber gown.

Elis and Elex, both inherited their ginger hair colour from Uncle which shone like ruby threads in the hall’s dim light. Elis cheered for me from across the hall in her lush gown which complimented her hair colour while Uncle and Elex are in their linen mantles.

The music began. I placed my hand onto Uncle’s and my feet slide into rhythm. My feet tapped on the floor along the music. We twirled and swayed and waltzed down the hall. I took a spin and felt the panic subside slowly inside of me. My raven hair swirled along.

My legs moved along with the flow. I drifted with the music, then came one more swirl. I bowed as the music ended.

After the dance was finished; we parted, in a blink of an eye – prince of neighbouring kingdoms, nobles from different houses, ladies; surrounded me with invites for dance and social circles.

“Happy birthday lady Cynthia Sherriden —”

“Hello your ladyship—”

“May I invite you to a dance lady Cynthia Sherriden —”

“I am_”

“Please come with me lady Cynthia Sherriden—”

So many people! No, I need to get out of here, out somewhere to get some fresh air. It’s too much for me. I squeezed my way out and finally managed to slip out from that bursty place to behind a pillar. I called for Emily and handed her all the jewellery as well as the tiara as I was feeling stuffy.

“Phew… Now I can breathe. Emily, take these things back to my room and settle everything here for me.”

“Don’t worry my lady but may I ask when you’ll be back?”

“I’ll be back before the ball ends so, please look out for me. I am just going outside to get some fresh air and maybe enjoy the view.”

She nodded and went on her way. Emily had been by my side from when I was really young. She understands me very well. Huu.

Now that all the extra weight is off, I can move around a little more freely. I don’t wear these usually so it’s kind of uncomfortable. I walked to one corner and put on my enchanted ring to change my appearance as to not get dragged into another dance.

I came out on the balcony since it was peaceful. Soft music rang in my ears and the cool breeze along the night sky calmed me. Placing my chin on my palm I starred till lost.

The cotton candy clouds floated slowly, surrounding the moon as if confining it to keep it’s beauty for themselves. The sky like a dark and serene ocean, so deep while so mysterious, nurturing distant stars and at the same time welcoming even the tiniest bit of glow from all around.

The cool night breeze kissed my cheek and brushed my tresses while I admired the allure up ahead. The moon was exceptionally beautiful today.

“It’s beautiful. Isn’t it?”

A voice interrupted.

My head went blank and the smile on my lips disappeared in the moment. Wait, I know this voice; the one which I heard last two years ago. I can recognise it anywhere. No, it can’t be!

I turned to see who it was. At the sight of him my face went pale.

“You?” I blurted out so much as a whisper.

Why is he here? How? Why did he show up now? And not then? He vanished two years ago without a trace, like he was never there, never met me, never annoyed me, never surprised me, like he never existed. For a moment I even believed it was all a dream while here he stood right in front of me. A rope tied down to a railing in the balcony all the way down to the ground. He was followed by John, his knight more of a buddy.

Looks like the security needs to be tighten.

“Missed me?” he asked following his candid tone.

“Only an idiot would.”

His lips turned to a smirk; “Are you one?”

How dare he! but I need to keep my composure. “No way.” I replied.

“Terrible liar, you know. Then if I may, who’s the unlucky one keeping you busy with their thoughts even though–” he cocked his head towards the door. “There’s a ball going on inside?” he asked raising his brows.

“You needn’t know”, asking like you don’t know me enough. I am here to get some fresh air.

“I’m kind of hurt and here I thought you were thinking about me. What about lady Cynthia Sherriden? Are you done here?” he continues.

“She is enjoying; well of course it’s her coming of age ceremony . What? You want an audience?” I tried to tease him.

“No. I am here for you but it seems like you missed me enough to still be furious with me for ghosting you for whole two years.”

I let out a snort. As if!

“I knew it. You’re bored. Let’s go somewhere peaceful and quiet to talk it out.”

“Aren’t you curious?” he asked reaching out his hand.

” I don’t_” before I could finish, his hand went to my waist and the other for the rope. We slid down the high walls of the mansion.

I let him, as a part of me wanted to. I don’t know why? Maybe because I was seeking some thrill. Or may be because it’s him?

We ran outside the mansion hiding and barely escaping the guards. I felt alive doing all of this once again. After running for a while, I saw two horses waiting for their owners.

While John climbed onto the black one, he pushed me upon the brown horse and then mounted behind me.

As we rode through the estate, I thought about our first encounter.

Had uncle not banned me from practicing sword, had I obeyed instead of sneaking out through the secret pathway, had I not gone to admire the waterfall afterwards, would he have been dead by now?

Both of them were struggling miserably for their lives. John was badly hurt whereas

Lucas was…

My gaze shifted to the ring on my hand.

“What thoughts are you lost in?” a voice jerked me out my thoughts from behind. It was Lucas.

Huh? I was so lost in the past that I didn’t even realise. Urgh how embarrassing! It’s good that he can’t see my face right now.

“Nothing much. Just recalling when I saved two fools from the brink of death even though it meant putting myself in danger.” I said, my voice coming out surprisingly firm.

He scoffed while john cleared his throat.

“Ahem!” We both turned to him.

“So, you haven’t gone mute? And here I thought that you lost your voice due to shouting after this idiot for these whole last two years.”

“Yes_ I mean N-No!” answered John rather embarrassingly after realising he got trapped in my word game. I could imagine Lucas’s typical expression even from my back.

“It’s ok John. I understand just how hard it must be for you to serve this young master.” I said teasingly. I was enjoying myself to the fullest.

“No-No! Its ok. I am used to it.”

“Pfft...” Looks like he really gave up on him.

“Alright-Alright. I get it. Now look ahead, we’ve reached.” Lucas tried to divert my attention and undoubtedly, he was successful.

How in the world can I ignore this astonishing view?

We got off the horse and walked towards the shore line while John walked to a stash of wood piled near a bush and opened his bag. In it were some snacks and hare meat which I guess they must have bought from the market. They prepared everything. He lit the bonfire and started roasting the hare.

I admired the glamour in front. The silver orb floated atop while the blinking stars accompanied, like sailors sailing through the vast stillness of the darkness. Trees billowed and danced whilst soft gales sang distant folklores, unheard, and undeciphered. The milky waterfall disrupted the lake’s tranquillity, brimming with otherworldly sheen.

I gazed upward towards the top of the fall where I and Ami would frequent to enjoy the view of down here.


It’s been so long since I last saw her; She kept her promise, so should I . She must have realised my presence here in this forest. I wonder where she is ?

Something in the lake caught my eye. Auburn hair down the waist and eyes the shade of coal, accompanied by a finger long faint scar down the chin. It’s been so long since I wore this disguise. Once in that hellish place, no one was around to recognise me so what use was this ring?

“Miss Rose. May I?” Lucas turned to raise his hand towards me with an inexplicable grin.

“No way! I don’t know how to dance.” Yeah, he called me Rose. That’s what I introduced myself as when I met him for the very first time.

“How about I teach you?”

“N-NO Thanks. May be next time and by the way I am really tired from the ball,” what’s up with him?

I saw something dark flash in his eyes but it was gone the other moment.

“Ayee.” He returned to his usual sarcastic and carefree self. “I was going to blame you for stepping over my feet”, he stepped close and leaned over his face close to mine.

“And make you do my bidding for at least a few weeks”, I felt his breath on my face, his eyes having that mischievous grin.

Hah! May be I was mistaken.

I flew a punch towards his gut but he dodged.

Just then john called out to us_

“Rose! Lucas! It’s ready. Come eat.”

“Okay! Let’s go.”

We both walked towards him and I sat down on the big stone while Lucas settled on the grass next to John.

The meal was quite simple unlike those delicacies at the palace but who cares? I just like it here.

The smell of smoke and burned skin still lingered while the glow from the bonfire felt nostalgic. It brought back memories–some good, some bad. The meat was tender inside and crispy outside. I ate my fill as I was starving. I hadn’t been able to eat much before the ball just now. We ate and chatted silly, time passed by pretty nicely though Lucas was still annoying at turns. The sky was much darker now, may be its almost around midnight.

‘Happy birth day to me.’

The ball will probably continue for the whole night. I guess Emily covered for me.

“Hmm? This feeling? Is it….”

Just as I was listening to the jokes and munching on my snacks, I felt something strange, some one’s presence. I dashed my eyes around in hopes to see a familiar figure and landed them on the waterfall’s top where a shadow peered at us.

Chapter 3

......Chapter 3......


You finally showed up.

Lucas and john stared at me in complete confusion. They looked in the direction of my gaze but till then the she was gone. Now I know why I felt some familiar presence. The two couldn’t sense it because they didn’t bond with her. Only magic users who bond with those species can sense the presence of one another. She’s here!

“Rose? What are you looking at so intently? There’s nothing over there,” asked Lucas looking confused.

I retreated my hand from near my mouth and kept the snack back into the wrapper. I rose from the stone and gently patted my skirt hurriedly. Both of them looked up toward me confused and John asked_

“What happened?”

“Nothing. It’s just that I should leave.”

“Why? You’re leaving in the midst of eating and telling us it’s nothing? If it’s the mansion then wait for me, just a moment,” insisted Lucas trying to get up.

“NO! I mean no need. You don’t need to go through the trouble. I have something to tend to, so after I am done with it, I’ll return on my own,” I said pushing him back to his place. I can’t bring them along, or I won’t be able to meet her.

“What is it? Something related to the princess? May be you’ll need help or who knows how badly you’ll mess up.”

“No-No. it’s nothing of the sort. It’s something personal so you don’t need to accompany me, Lucas. Now-now, enjoy you time here and I’ll be leaving.” As soon as I said this I hurried into the woods. Lucas looked suspicious but John seemed normal, looks like he understood my need for privacy. I left deep, and deeper into the woods that now even the sparks from the bonfire were also not visible.

After making sure no one was around I dashed myself up the way using magic- ‘Celeritosa’, the enchantment for speed.

After a while I heard the sound of water again and reached the river which fell down as that waterfall, the one I was praising not too long ago. The current was very fast, as I looked down the cliff of the river shore both of them were still talking and eating. I wondered about what, but shoved the thoughts away. Where is she? I am sure I didn’t mistake her. She should be here. I definitely saw the shadow here. I turned back and walked away from the cliff so not to be seen by them, just then while my eyes were searching for her, I felt someone behind me. I know this presence. At last, after whole two years, I get to meet her again.

“I MISSED YOU_” I said while turning around.

“AMI!” I pounced on her neck clutching and hugging her tightly and she also wriggled her neck and stoked my cheeks with hers. She is the my very first unipeg friend.

“Neigh!” We both hugged for a while and then went towards the end of the cliff together. Standing side by side I glanced at her from the side. Her horn shone like a marble in the moonlight and her white hair fluttered in the air like silver threads. We sat together for a bit and adored the view.

Its already so late at night may be around midnight, the ball should have ended long ago and everyone must be looking for me. Poor Emily must be getting agitated. Looks like it’s time to return.

“it’s late now, Ami. I should head back or else trouble awaits me,” I chuckled.

 I mounted Ami and we set off deeper into the woods.

After riding for a while an ancient Oak came into sight still green as ever. Moonlight seeped through the awning leaves turning white mildew silver and had small crevices along the girth.

 There was a deep slit in its trunk enough for almost two persons to fit in together. I unmounted Ami, stoked her face for a goodbye and entered the hollow bark. There was a teleportation array engraved below to where I stood. Ordinary people won’t even be able to see it nor use it but for me it was a treasure because just by transferring a bit of mana into it, this will act as a teleportation scroll although unlike a scroll this could be used over and over. I transferred some mana into the array. My whole body could feel the flow of energy towards my feet, a distinguished feeling unable to express. The array glowed brightly and my body felt as light as steam. The ground felt different and the surroundings started to change into a bright light.

In a blink of an eye the feel of my body returned; I was standing in a pitch-dark small space and tried to listen to any noise outside but it was complete silence so I gave a gentle push to the wall in front of me and stepped into the light of my room. I closed the pillar from where I stepped out just now and it sealed on its own with magic in front of my eyes. As I approached my closet to get clothes for a change someone barged into my room.

“Miss! So here you are! Why didn’t you return early? I was so worried about you. When his grace and her royal highness asked me about you, I told them that you were tired and went to sleep but when you didn’t return even after so long, I was worried that his lordship and ladyship will come to see you. And also, how on earth did I not notice you enter the room?” She wailed.

“Uh. Calm down Emily.”

Good thing I removed the ring before hand.

“I went out to get some fresh air, that’s all. I am sorry to make you worry about me. Now-now, I can’t promise you there won’t be a next time but I’ll make sure to return early. Ok? Alright now can you bring me my night gown really quick or I am afraid I’ll nod off in this pretty silk,” I said.

“Yes miss!”


I changed into my night gown and laid down on the bed sorting my thoughts and memories of today. It was fun. I met Ami after such a long time. And Lucas…

Wait! Why did I think meeting him after so long was a good thing? Argh! Just forget it. Even so, I enjoyed revisiting my favorite spot after so long. Hah! Whole two years! I missed my family and my home but now it seems that I am no longer accustomed to this luxury. I closed my eyes and memories of the past flashed in front of me. Just a couple years back all of these people used to call me a witch and a bad omen but tonight they all gathered around me to chat and ask for a dance. Good thing I dealt with that assistant adviser of my uncle or who knows what new story he’d spew.

I tossed and turned unable to sleep. Damn this insomnia.

I got up from my bed and headed towards the balcony. The cool breeze brushed my cheeks and my ruffled hair flew freely along the air.

My body has adapted to less sleep when I was in the Enchanted woods. Of course, because danger was always lurking around and I’ve long since lost the habit of these luxuries.

‘Enchanted Woods.’

I have been to the outer part countless times while meeting with Lucas but I don’t know why people are so scared to even go near it? And the inner part, I don’t even know how I left that place alive? It wasn’t so scary… I guess? I have no idea why they call it__


As I was thinking this, I suddenly heard some noise. Just as I turned my gaze towards its direction my head went blank and my eyes widened at the sight. My heart almost popped out of my chest and my very first reaction was to duck and hide behind the hand rails. I peeked from between my hands which were holding onto the marble to confirm my suspicion.

No! My eyes didn’t deceive me. It really was him. But when? How? No, most importantly Why? Why did he come here again? I already said goodbye in the woods so why did he come here again? For What?

He can’t be here. If someone discovers him then it’ll be troublesome. And if he sees me here like this then I’ll be in trouble too. Even though he was standing too far away for him to see me but I can recognize him from here at a glance. Down there he stood near the fountain with his back towards me in the middle of the rose garden and looking around. Although his face wasn’t clearly visible but no way in hell could I not recognize that silhouette. What on earth was he looking for?

As I was crashing my mind on this he suddenly turned to look behind. ACK!!

I stumbled backward and landed on my butt. Did he caught me staring? No! No! that’s impossible! I won’t be visible due to the different angles of sight. I crawled backward and got up on my feet a few meters away from the deck. I grabbed my shawl and my dagger and ran out of the room as fast as I could but of course after whispering the words of power.

The words for invisibility- “Indespectuona”



‘Huff! Huff!’ I ran catching my breath.

Open verandah with peeping glow of silver. All quiet except for the chatter of patrol groups emerging occasionally. It seems like the security has been disciplined since I left…

He should be there... right?

Why did he come here? Is it because I left all of a sudden? …..for me?

No! No! don’t be so full of yourself!

What if he needs some help? Yes! He must need some help! But with what could he need my help with to suddenly come here at the hour of dawn?

Speaking of which he really tends to do the most unexpected and shock everyone.

URGH!! How bother some.

Forget it.

Now that I’m almost there, I’ll know it myself. I turned around the corner of the corridor and saw the tower from the gallery. It was still the same.

The old tower where no one used to go. Cracked stone walls dusted with crept up mildew while liana and ivy were hanging from above. The upper part was open with some pillars and a tome of the sort. My heart skipped a beat as I saw it from inside the mansion.

“Huff! Huff! Pant! Pant!”

My mana is getting used up slowly but I think holding out for a little more should not be much of a problem. There are still 4 guards guarding this corridor. I ran towards the door leading to the entrance of the tower but stopped a few meters away. Oh no. How do I open this door? I’ll need to distract these guards.


With a long breath I released a trickle of mana inside me; I could feel it flowing inside me like a thread. As I directed it towards my arm then my palm and finally the tip of my index finger. The mana collecting on tip could be felt like a strange tingling and power. Just when I felt it was enough, I raised my hand in front of me pointing on the other end of the corridor and released the power.



All the guards alerted and turned towards its direction. It struck the vase causing it to fall and crash with a loud sound.

“Who is it? Is someone there? Come out and show yourself!”, shouted one of them.

Two of them ran to check what was happening while others stood in their places peeking. This was the moment I was waiting for. I turned around and reached out for the door entering the stairway.


“Huff-Huff-Hu”, my back was placed along the door while I undone the enchantment. It wore off like a sheet of air. Voices could be heard from outside.

“Hey. What was that?”


“I think I just heard the door shut.”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t hear anything. Guess you’re fatigued or something?”


“That’s enough you two. Now come back to your positions. It must be just a gust of wind”


Looks like I got away.

Although there are transportation circles engraved in every room connected together but the main access is in the main hall. If I had went there then Uncle would have gotten notified and I would be busted. Unlike the mansion’s teleportation circles the one in my room connecting to the oak tree is different as it was made from ancient magic. The runes engraved were very powerful and hence tracing it isn’t easy.

 I looked up to see a staircase in front of me leading to the top of the tower. I placed my hand on the banister along the stairs while the ring on my finger made a ‘Clink’ sound. I made my way up step by step and reached the top.

“Creak”, I opened the door and stepped on the rough platform.

The silence was engulfing

“Click”, the door behind me shut with a little push from my elbow.

“Swish!” the wind bustle. I stepped forward to examine the surroundings.


“Who’s there?”, I uttered while turning towards the sound only to find no one there.

“You’re late”

I flinched. The voice came from behind me. I turned again only to find a familiar figure standing right in front of me. It was leaning against the pillar and because of the dark it's expression weren't visible but from the posture anyone could tell it was looking towards me. The voice was familiar.

“Why are you here…” I asked outright.


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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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