Y/n was a normal girl who lived in a city in Tokyo, her age is around 9-10, she doesn't have friends for she was a shy girl and was afraid ongoing outside, she is also homeschooled ever since she started school.
One day, Y/n's mom insisted that Y/n can help her mother on groceries she agreed for she only come out their house if she wants vitamin D from the sun and events in school.
Y/n was following her mother, then the crowds got even bigger because of the announcement in the city(you know what I'm talking about right? ). She got lost and went to a road that doesn't have that many number of people. Then there she realized she is lost.
Chifuyu POV
I was usually walking on the city when I saw a pretty girl sitting looking devastated.
I asked her what she was doing, but she kept silent. I recognize her face it was the girl next door my house. Her room was just across mine so i always see her. She Don't usually come out her room so i was surprised.
I ask and ask and ask until she talk."oh.... " said the little chifuyu
"I can show you the way home, where neighbors after all!!" i said proudly
So as i sat down the road a boy around my age appear he repeatedly
Ask what i was doing i answered after he asked me for the 10th time. I answered "shut up, I'm Lost I don't know where my mom is i was following her through the crowd and luckily got lost!!" then he told ha can show me my way home i agreed for he was my neighbor.
He walked me home and met my mom in the way. I thank the boy for helping me out.
I went back inside the house and run to my room. Cursing my self why did i forgot to ask his name. After sometime I opened my window and saw him he wave a hi then smiled, i wave back.
I was startled as he shouted to ask my name, i shout back and tell him "my name is l/n Y/n!!" he shouted back his name "Chifuyu!!". After sometime me ang Chifuyu got closer we became best of friends. He even encouraged me to join School in middle school. My mom agreed to Chifuyu's opinion so i agreed to.
For the 1st time in my life i never felt this nice. On the 1st day me and Chifuyu we're walking to school, after sometime we saw our name in the same class so we happily jump in excitement.
But for some time he joined some Delinquent gang because his other friends are there. But our friendship never change we still have time for each other and we hang out when have time and my fear in social is fading thanks to chifuyu.
Y/n is walikng down the street goind home she was in deep thoughts as she keeps thinking what do her best friend think about her.
"It's been 2 years since me and Chifuyu are best of friends, what does he think about me now" Y/n said to her self. I have been falling for him since he genuinely care for me.
I wanted to walk with him home, but he said he had something to do. I feel sad, because we usually walk home together.
Chifuyu POV
After School Y/n came up to me and ask me to walk home together, how we usually do after school. I was about to say yes when my phone start ringing, i excuse my self and answered it.
It was Rika the girl who my partner in the upcoming project. Not to mention i like her...
She is beautiful, kind, and smart too she is also a part of the arts club!
As I answered the phone Y/n was waiting for me.
"hey Chifuyu, are you free let's start our project. Meet me at the gate"She said with a cheerful voice.
"sure why not" i answer her. I was so happy because my crush had invited me
After the phone call I went to where Y/n was waiting, "Y/n I'm sorry but i have a project meeting with Rika" i said "oum i think-" i was about to say something but Y/n interrupt "Rika? The girl you like in your class?" she ask. I nodded and apologize before running towards the gate, that was embarrassing.
I recalled what happened and feel sad, i had felling for him but he loves someone else.
I walked till I reach home.
"I'm home!" i shouted, i was my mom cooking. I went upstairs and take a bath, after changing i went downstairs to eat as my mother called me.
We were eating silently, but then mom talked——"Y/n we're moving" i stopped eating and ask mom why? She told me she got a promoted, but it will be at Miyagi, far from Tokyo——far from Chifuyu.
I ask when are we leaving. My mom said we're leaving next week.
After i finished my plate i went back upstairs, i was sad but happy the Sametime because my mother got promoted and I'm leaving my best friend.
The Next Day
I was walking till i heard a familiar voice, It was chifuyu. "good morning!!" he said with a smile. "oh good morning" said back. I haven't told him that we were moving so i decided to keep It.
As we reach school and does our school day routine
We didn't talk that much but he often give me smile if we pass by each other i was also busy because i was a part of the student council and we were arranging somethings
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